NxOgre 0.4 RC2 Library and 29 Tutorials Released!


30-10-2006 18:22:20

NxOgre 0.4 RC2

Compatible with:
- PhysX 2.4.4, 2.5.1 and 2.6.0
- Dagon and Eihort(CVS)

Changes and notes
  1. So many new changes.[/*:m]
  2. Works with Debug and Release.[/*:m]
  3. NxBetajaen is NOT with this release. You will have to modify the NXOGRE_DIR environmental variable by hand. It should point to the directory with the NxOgre.VC8.sln file inside.[/*:m]
  4. I've only had less than a day to test it with 2.6.0, if there any strange things appearing like ghosts or monsters. Give us a screenshot.[/*:m]
  5. There will be leaks; specifically with triggers, joints, controllables and raycasters, but the core stuff; world,scene,body and shapes are fine.[/*:m]
  6. There has been a confirmed report and confirmed by myself, that cooking convex shapes in debug mode do not work. It just crashes. If you are using convex shapes in debug mode. Don't. This applys to tutorials 104, 114, 120x[/*:m][/list:u]


30-10-2006 19:41:02

Now I just need a title that says "Betajeneral" or something =D


30-10-2006 19:59:40

ok, i try to compile in vs 7.1. i'll see it :D xD


30-10-2006 21:58:52

Great, great news. Tnx man


01-11-2006 21:54:13

Nice betajaen! Thanks for your work.
Btw: Why is the CVS version older than this release? This could led to some confusion imho.

Well, but I have my RC2 - so lets physic!


01-11-2006 21:56:30

It will, I'll need to invent a new acronym for "CVS"


13-11-2006 02:39:23

I started integrated your NxOgre into my project, I notice you don't use doxygen to comment in your source code. But, it is well worth it to use doxygen as the same time you comment your code. (like, hitting two birds with one stone.)


13-11-2006 07:58:10

I'm pretty sure I "doxygenised" the comments in World and Scene already, the rest are coming in later versions.

However the SDK is well labeled and easy enough to follow without documentation ;)