08-11-2006 15:54:46
The GUI using in NxOgre is wonderful..!!!
Can we use it and where can it be downloaded?
08-11-2006 15:58:01
NxOgre seems better than newton!
If i want to use NxOgre, first I need to download the driver of PhyX from "http://www.ageia.com/drivers/drivers.html" ?
08-11-2006 17:12:32
Yep, the driver is needed. Then just download NxOgre 0.4 RC2. The instructions on the NxOgre Wiki tell you want to do and install. Just make sure you have the environmental variables setup correctly and your good to go.
By GUI do you mean the look of the tutorials or
09-11-2006 02:33:00
Yes , BetaGUI!!! Thanks!
Do PhysX and NxOgre is free for commercial usage? or only for personal?
PS: will you release a version of .Net 2003 for NxOgre (NxOgre.0.4RC2.zip)
I should go back and enjoy this great works.
09-11-2006 03:37:14
THere are four errors rising when i'm trying to complie it.
( The tutorial is not suitable for PhysX SDK 2.6.2 with NxOGRE 4RC2)
\Documents and Settings\sdmic\Desktop\NxOgre\src\nxOgre_util_stream.cpp(35) : error C3861: 'fopen_s': identifier not found, even with argument-dependent lookup
09-11-2006 06:48:50
You can use NxOgre and PhysX to create commercial games for free.
All you have to do is to register yourself at AGEIA's website and
download a version that is => 2.6.0
(NxOgre is under LGPL, same as Ogre itself)
::Edited a stupid mistake::
10-11-2006 22:41:55
You can use NxOgre and PhysX to create commercial games for free.
All you have to do is to register yourself at AGEIA's website and
download a version that is =< 2.6.0
(NxOgre is under LGPL, same as Ogre itself)
You would mean he needs to download a version that is => 2.6.0?? Since the license changed with that version as far I know.
10-11-2006 23:09:06
ohh.. that's how it turns out when you write code
at night
thanks for the correction!
11-11-2006 06:36:54
I read the directions on Ageia. It told me to install this first "PhysX_6.11.01_SystemSoftware.exe" and then the SDK "PhysX_2.6.2_SDK_Core.exe" Is this true?
Another question, when I do a release to the public, what do they need to run the game (compiled with NxOgre)?
I would like to make it simple as possible.
11-11-2006 07:27:30
Yep. Install it that way.
Basically in a nutshell, just the DLL's. NxOgre, Ogre, PhysX and any other libraries you use. I believe with VS8.0 you have to include some other libraries and possibly a directX library as well, but you have to expect the user to install the System Software. Perhaps bundling it with your installer and installing it silently (just make sure they know your installing it.)
Don't quote me on that, I'm sure there is plenty of documentation and talk on this subject on the main forum.