I am confused


17-11-2006 08:20:45

I had NxOgre up and running some time ago, but got away from it (exceptr for looking at the eye candy) and now that I am trying to get set up again I am confused. There seems to be 0.4, 0.5 and CVS, of which (oddly) 0.4 is the most up-to-date. There also has been a lot of discussion about YAML, and threads and removing the World class and starting sort of implicitly... :? Where do I start again?


17-11-2006 09:42:17

The version system is confusing I know.

I was aiming for 0.5 to be a complete NxOgre with all the lessons rewritten as tutorials, and all of the features wrapped up. But that would of taken me a year. So I scaled back a bit, and did 0.4:

So the latest is "0.4RC2" get that, and the tutorials from this place.


17-11-2006 14:00:11

Awesome thank you. I had to copy over the NxCharacter.dll and the NxCooking.dll but, for some reason, I can only run the tutorials in Debug mode! When ever I try to run them in release I get the following exception:

and the ogre.grapgics.log looks like this:08:51:59: Creating resource group General
08:51:59: Creating resource group Internal
08:51:59: Creating resource group Autodetect
08:51:59: Registering ResourceManager for type Material
08:51:59: Registering ResourceManager for type Mesh
08:51:59: Registering ResourceManager for type Skeleton
08:51:59: MovableObjectFactory for type 'ParticleSystem' registered.
08:51:59: Loading library OgrePlatform.dll
08:51:59: OverlayElementFactory for type Panel registered.
08:51:59: OverlayElementFactory for type BorderPanel registered.
08:51:59: OverlayElementFactory for type TextArea registered.
08:51:59: Registering ResourceManager for type Font
08:51:59: ArchiveFactory for archive type FileSystem registered.
08:51:59: ArchiveFactory for archive type Zip registered.
08:51:59: DevIL version: Developer's Image Library (DevIL) 1.6.7 Nov 9 2005
08:51:59: DevIL image formats: bmp dib cut dcx dds gif hdr ico cur jpg jpe jpeg lif mdl mng jng pcx pic pix png pbm pgm pnm ppm psd pdd psp pxr sgi bw rgb rgba tga vda icb vst tif tiff wal xpm raw
08:51:59: Registering ResourceManager for type HighLevelGpuProgram
08:51:59: Registering ResourceManager for type Compositor
08:51:59: MovableObjectFactory for type 'Entity' registered.
08:51:59: MovableObjectFactory for type 'Light' registered.
08:51:59: MovableObjectFactory for type 'BillboardSet' registered.
08:51:59: MovableObjectFactory for type 'ManualObject' registered.
08:51:59: MovableObjectFactory for type 'BillboardChain' registered.
08:51:59: MovableObjectFactory for type 'RibbonTrail' registered.
08:51:59: *-*-* OGRE Initialising
08:51:59: *-*-* Version 1.2.3 (Dagon)
08:51:59: Loading library RenderSystem_Direct3D9
Andy idea why that may be?


17-11-2006 14:09:25

Weird, also all of the PhysX dll's need to be copied over.

What is your physics.nxogre.org look like?


17-11-2006 15:20:27

Ok, I'll copy the rest over. The NxOgre Log doesn't get created when I try to run in release. All I get is that much of the Ogre Log.


17-11-2006 15:28:01

That may be it.

If in doubt, check the [url=http://www.nxogre.org/Installinginstall page.