Runtime Error Creating World


06-02-2012 02:49:21

Hey all,

First off, thanks so much for making this. I think it's huge that I've got a stack of boxes all falling and reacting accordingly. That being said, I've got a problem with running NxOgre, as I get a runtime error on:

void PhysicsService::Setup()

// Create the world.
m_world = NxOgre::World::createWorld();

While I can continue running after the exception on debug, I can't on release. There is nothing in the Ogre log that seems to talk about this. If I check it in release, m_world comes back as some bogus address like 0xcccccc or something, whereas on debug I at least get a proper address back for m_world and it continues to run if I hit play.

I'm using:

-PhysX SDK 2.8.4

I did some searching for others with the same problem but am not sure what's going on. I've compiled both NxOgre (buggyswires) and Critter in both debug and release/final. Am I missing some DLLs? Here are the ones I see in my executable directory that I feel might pertain to PhysX stuffs:


I'm not entirely sure where these even came from to be perfectly honest. Do I need different ones? Help would be greatly appreciated :)


10-02-2012 08:34:42

they come from

C:\Program Files (x86)\NVIDIA Corporation\NVIDIA PhysX SDK\v2.8.4_win\Bin\win32

check if they are the same files (ones in release folder might be corrupted), also you might need NxCharacter.dll too.


11-02-2012 16:26:24

Hmm, I copied the files from that folder just to be safe and still get the same exception and problem when world is created. I'm not sure what's going on here. I thought it could be my version of PhysX SDK but it seems ok. Any other ideas where it could be coming from?


12-02-2012 23:21:40

Well I've narrowed it down to a particular, fairly concerning problem - it's related to the PhysX System Software. If I use the old version, 9.10.0224, you don't get the assert and problems associated. If you use the latest, 9.11.1111, you do.

Any ideas?