show data in frameWork


24-01-2007 19:45:57

Hi (first)

what do I do for data show in frameWork of NXOgre?. As in debug mode
(FPS,Triangles,Frame...). I was looking in “TutorialAplicationDagon.h”, but I did not discover like doing it.
I want to use this to work with “Raycast Report”, to see the distances in real time.

work in my english :P


24-01-2007 20:45:22

If you want to learn how to raycast then look at Tutorial 305.

If you want to know how many bodies, shapes, fluids,etc. there are then world::getStats() is what you want.


24-01-2007 21:24:16

mmm, sorry does not explain well.

In tutorial 305 you show the hit of the ray with “targetEntity”

Entity* mTargetEntity = mSceneMgr->createEntity("targetEntity","nx.crosshair.mesh");

I want the same thing, but I want to show the distance between the origin of the ray and the hit body. I want to see it in realtime through the work window, resemblance to like the data are shown in debug mode "F2."

I hope this intent is better



24-01-2007 21:50:04

Its the same thing, except the result is different.

If you literally want a ray; say a laser beam. Then you'd probably have to create some manual mesh, based on the distance of the caster and the hit body.


25-01-2007 02:18:40

Hi betajaen, thank you for your help. I am new in this. Not knew as explaining what wanted to make. It was confused and I also confused you. Sorry, what wanted to know is about DebugOverlay... now I know it. And it is not as complicated as my form of explaining to it...


thank you for your help, don't get angry :roll:

[delete] pls