sphere is cheapest, so...


18-03-2007 02:02:41

which is cheaper, capsule or box shape?


18-03-2007 08:13:58

Box as there is less to calculate.


18-03-2007 10:22:23

I'd say capsule, it's just simple radius checking, where as box is checking for all 6 vertices.


18-03-2007 11:01:47

If that is the case, it means a capsule isn't very accurate if you specify say 6 sides?


18-03-2007 11:02:35

But doesn't a radius check involve a square root? I can understand why a sphere shapes single calculation would be faster than a box shape, but for three radius checks? Plus however they include the length in that.

Honestly I would have guessed a box to be faster than a capsule


18-03-2007 11:44:29

No. From what I remember capsule is the fastest, but isn't most of the "common" square roots in a table somewhere?


18-03-2007 11:46:07

ah good point. Well, thanks for the tip!