Assertion with debug mode?!?!


16-04-2007 14:25:45


I have very very strange problem... When I try to enable debug mode by calling world::debug(true), it gives me an assertion: Here is what assertion says: File: ..\src\OgrePagingLandScapeOctree.cpp
Line: 252

Expression: octantMax.x >= ncenter.x && octantMax.y >= ncenter.y && octantMax.z >= ncenter.z && octantMin.x <= ncenter.x && octantMin.y <= ncenter.y && octantMin.z <= ncenter.z

Holy shit! What that means???!! :shock: The most confusing this is that debug mode worked a little time ago. A have made only a little changes and it doesn´t work anymore. Unfortunately I don´t remember, what the heck I have done... :(

Here is how I set the physX (this code is in front of the createScene-method): mPhysXworld = new nxOgre::world();
mPhysXscene = mPhysXworld->createScene( "__STTH_PhysXscene__", mSceneMgr );

System::getSingleton().PhysXworld = mPhysXworld;
System::getSingleton().PhysXscene = mPhysXscene;

#ifdef __STTH_Debug__ // this is defined
mPhysXworld->showDebugOverlay( Camera::getSingleton().getOgreCamera(), mWindow );

#ifdef __DEV_ENABLE_FLOOR_PLANE__ // this is defined

Ogre::Plane p( Vector3::UNIT_Y, 0 );
Ogre::MeshManager::getSingleton().createPlane( "__PhysXfloor__", __DEV_RESOURCE_GROUP__,
p, 1500, 1500, 20, 20, true, 1, 5, 5, Vector3::UNIT_Z);
Entity* floor = mSceneMgr->createEntity( "__PhysXfloorEntity__", "__PhysXfloor__" );
mSceneMgr->getRootSceneNode()->createChildSceneNode()->attachObject( floor );

I´m using event based input system and when I press F3-button, it calls this method: bool FrameListenerBase::showPhysXdebug()
nxOgre::world* w = System::getSingletonPtr()->PhysXworld;
w->debug( w->isDebugRendering() ^ 1 );
return true;

I have also created one body after setting the physics with this code (this function is at the end of createScene-method):
void _developerSetup()
#ifdef __DEV_ENABLE_SETUP_FUNCTION__ // this is defined

System* system = System::getSingletonPtr();

// CHARACTER TESTING 1 /////////

#if __DEV_CHARACTER_TESTING__ == 1 // this is defined

nxOgre::body* b = system->PhysXscene->createBody( "__PhysX_test_body__", "cube.1m.mesh", new nxOgre::cubeShape(5),
1.0f, nxOgre::pose( Vector3(0,15,30), Quaternion( Degree(43),Vector3::UNIT_Z) ) );


#endif // __DEV_CHARACTER_TESTING__ == 1


I hope I gave you enough information about problem and I cross my fingers that someone could help me with this. :roll:

Thank you beforehand!


17-04-2007 21:11:36

Turn Shadows on.


18-04-2007 14:45:30

Turn Shadows on.
Ahh.. Thank you.
Which shadows do you mean? Entity shadows (Entity::setCastShadows) or scene shadows (SceneManager::setShadowTechnique)? Or something else?


18-04-2007 23:03:13

just set the Shadow technique.


19-04-2007 17:07:11

just set the Shadow technique.
Unfortunately that doesn´t work... :(


21-04-2007 15:29:17

Then it must be another reason.

But I don´t know.