Visual Remote Debugger, no render


23-11-2007 04:06:07

I'm not seeing the scene inside the visual remote debugger. The Scene Browser shows the physics objects, but the window only shows some flat circles (representing the floor?). There is no box or the sphere object. Am I missing something?

mWorld = new NxOgre::World ();

// set debugging
mWorld->getPhysXDriver ()->getSDK ()->getFoundationSDK ().getRemoteDebugger ()->connect("");

// add gravity in scene, we are in cm/s so x100
mScene = mWorld->createScene ("myScene", mSceneMgr
,"gravity: 0 -980 0, floor: yes, time_step_method: fixed");

// add a box in the game
mCube = mScene->createBody ("box.mesh"
,new NxOgre::CubeShape (100.0f)
,Vector3 (300,400,300)
,"density: 0.00785");

// add a sphere
mSphere = mScene->createBody ("sphere.mesh"
,new NxOgre::SphereShape (50.0f)
,Vector3 (400,400,400)
,"density: 0.0001");

I think it's better to add back the lines overlay, especially we can see the lines in release mode.


23-11-2007 04:15:57

Ok, my mistake. The objects are bigger, so I need to zoom far out to see it.

Still this visual remote debugger slows the system down quite a lot (even in release mode), and having the lines in game is much more helpful.