25-11-2007 03:36:53
My linker hates me...
I'm trying to compile an Ogre program, and I've noticed that I need to include some PhysX libraries that I don't seem to have.
I've got paths to
But I've noticed that none of these directories exist... so here's my stupid question: Do I need to compile the PhysX SDK in such a way that creates these libraries, or should I try and find these libraries elsewhere? I know you don't generally compile SDKs, but there's always an exception, so I'm asking
Any comments would be helpful.
EDIT: I only seem to have a measley four libraries in my $(PHYSX_DIR)\SDKs\lib\win32 directory: NXCharacter.lib, NXCooking.lib, NXExtensions.lib, and PhysXLoader.lib. If I should have more, please tell me so I can go find them. (Directions are always appreciated )
I'm trying to compile an Ogre program, and I've noticed that I need to include some PhysX libraries that I don't seem to have.
PhysicsTest.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol "__declspec(dllimport) public: __thiscall NxOgre::PhysXDriverParams::~PhysXDriverParams(void)" (__imp_??1PhysXDriverParams@NxOgre@@QAE@XZ)
PhysicsTest.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol "__declspec(dllimport) public: __thiscall NxOgre::PhysXDriverParams::PhysXDriverParams(void)" (__imp_??0PhysXDriverParams@NxOgre@@QAE@XZ)
PhysicsTest.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol "__declspec(dllimport) public: __thiscall NxOgre::World::World(class NxOgre::PhysXDriverParams)" (__imp_??0World@NxOgre@@QAE@VPhysXDriverParams@1@@Z)
I've got paths to
But I've noticed that none of these directories exist... so here's my stupid question: Do I need to compile the PhysX SDK in such a way that creates these libraries, or should I try and find these libraries elsewhere? I know you don't generally compile SDKs, but there's always an exception, so I'm asking
Any comments would be helpful.
EDIT: I only seem to have a measley four libraries in my $(PHYSX_DIR)\SDKs\lib\win32 directory: NXCharacter.lib, NXCooking.lib, NXExtensions.lib, and PhysXLoader.lib. If I should have more, please tell me so I can go find them. (Directions are always appreciated )