Problemes With CubeShape.


08-06-2008 17:49:55


In first hand, Excuse me, because i speak and write a very bad English, i'm not English ....

Today, i try to use NxOgre.
I have download NxOgre v1.0'21, and PhysX SDK 2.8.0.
My project is now in debug mod. I have compiled NxOgre in debug.

I have create my Ogre Project (Application, FrameListenner and OISFrameListenner), compile and test.

When i compile with these lines (Take in tutorial) :

NxOgre::World* mWorld = new NxOgre::World("FrameListener: Yes, log: none");
NxOgre::Scene* mScene = mWorld->createScene("Paris", this->_manager, "gravity: yes, floor: yes");
Ogre::Entity* entity = this->_manager->createEntity("Hello", "OgreHead.mesh");
mScene->createBody("Nom", new NxOgre::CubeShape(0.5f,0.5f,0.5f), Ogre::Vector3(0,0,0), "model: Hello, model-type: reference", "mass: 50");
delete mWorld;

I have an error who said : "'CubeShape' : is not a member of 'NxOgre'".

Please can you help me.
Can you send me an valide VCproject (Visual 2005) ?
With the flags, the Dll, the .Lib and good configuration ?
And an exemple ???

Thank you a lot.


08-06-2008 17:58:26

It's Cube.

Some of that code is out of date and will not work properly with NxOgre 1.0 - Follow and read this tutorial (as much as you can read my English)


08-06-2008 18:04:07


Thank's for your fast response.
I have a question, NxOgre 1.0 work good with Ogre v1.4.6 ?
Or i have to update it ?

Thanks !


08-06-2008 18:41:07

I have a question, NxOgre 1.0 work good with Ogre v1.4.6 ?
Or i have to update it ?

It should work fine.