14-07-2008 13:55:23
I'm trying to load a static collision geometry, from Ogre mesh file, but I have an assertion failed while trying to read the file (from fseek call).
Here is the code:
There is another thing to set for NxOgre ressources System?
Thanks for reply.
I'm trying to load a static collision geometry, from Ogre mesh file, but I have an assertion failed while trying to read the file (from fseek call).
Here is the code:
void createCollisionGeometry(void)
// Adding mesh to NxOgre ressources.
NxOgre::Resources::ResourceSystem::getSingleton()->addMeshAs("file://mesh1-geometry.mesh", "sablonCollisionMesh");
// Getting the Mesh.
NxOgre::Resources::Mesh* collisionMesh =
// Link the mesh with static actor.
NxOgre::Actor* collisionActor =
"Collision Mesh",
new NxOgre::TriangleMesh(collisionMesh),
Vector3(0, 0, 0),
"static: yes"
There is another thing to set for NxOgre ressources System?
Thanks for reply.