31-07-2008 09:36:09
is NxOgre compatable with physics 2.6.2 & ogre 1.4.9
Iam getting problrm in cloth header file.
plz tell me how to resolve my problem.
31-07-2008 10:19:33
Ogre is fine.
But for PhysX it used to be, but there was to much trouble to separate out which features existed in each version. So I stopped and assumed everyone was using the latest version.
May, I ask why are you using such an old version?
31-07-2008 11:07:13
Could u plz tell how to plug NxOger wit ogre i changed physics2.6 to 2.8
my problem is iam creating dll with NxOgre but it creating problem in dllexporting.
could u olz tell me how to proceed.
31-07-2008 11:17:50
You just download NxOgre Bleeding and PhysX 2.8.1; build and link them together as explained on and you link them both into your application. See Cake for an example.
01-08-2008 05:03:42
where can i download NxOgre .It's only through svn or any other site.
If there is any site other than svn plz send to me.
01-08-2008 08:55:30
It's only available via subversion.