crash when i call createBody


31-08-2008 18:46:20

ive just downloaded the latest NxOgre, and this is my first time of using it.

i have used flour (just downloaded the one from the web site) to convert box.mesh (the 2k one that comes with Ogre) into box.nxs, and now all i want to do is call createBody on it. heres my code:

NxOgre::Resources::ResourceSystem::getSingleton()->addMeshAs("file://D:\\GAME_STUFF\\FYP\\theGame\\media\\models\\box.nxs", "mybox");

NxOgre::Convex* convex = new NxOgre::Convex(NxOgre::Resources::ResourceSystem::getSingleton()->getMesh("mybox"));

NxOgre::CompoundShape* shape = new NxOgre::CompoundShape();

NxOgre::Body* myboxbody= mNxScene->createBody("my_box_body", shape, Ogre::Vector3(360, 50, 360), "model: box.mesh", "mass: 10");

the app crashes at createBody with an access violation.

the debugger shows that after i new the Convex with getMesh("mybox"):

- convex is a valid pointer
- convex->mMesh is also a valid pointer, but every member of mMesh (mTriangleMesh, mConvexMesh) is uninitialised (0xcdcdcdcd).
- convex->mShapeDescription.type is NX_SHAPE_CONVEX, but
- convex->mShapeDescription.meshData is NULL

is any of the above the reason for the crash, and if so what am i doing wrong ?


31-08-2008 18:56:35

I believe there was a bugging specific to convex meshes. It's in one of the sticky threads.

haha~~ Guess What? I've found the root cause of this annoying bug!
Now here is my fix.
At the bottom of the method in NxOgreMesh.cpp :

void Mesh::MeshData::zero() {
mTriangleMesh = 0;
mConvexMesh = 0;
mSkeletonMesh = 0;
mClothMesh = 0;
mSoftBodyMesh = 0;
mType = MT_Unknown;
mNbReferences = 0;

Append this line:

mMaterialAlias = 0;

Because isZero() method checks the variable mMaterialAlias whether it's initialized.

bool Mesh::MeshData::isZero() const {
return (mTriangleMesh == 0 && mConvexMesh == 0 && mSkeletonMesh == 0 && mClothMesh == 0 && mSoftBodyMesh == 0 && mMaterialAlias == 0);

Besides, it's necessary to add before loading in the constructor:

Mesh::Mesh(const ResourceIdentifier& ri) {;


Mesh::Mesh(Resource* rs) {;

So that I can use converted files from Flour now. Cheers!

Do that then rebuild. Might fix it.

Sidenote though - why are you using CompoundShape there? No need for it unless you're actually going to use a CompundShape. You've just got a convex, so use Convex.

Otherwise things look good. You might check ogre.log for any exceptions thrown there. It might be having trouble finding the mesh on that path for some reason.


31-08-2008 19:03:58

yes you are right, that has done the job!

although im surprised this fix hasn't been made permanent if its a well known bug.

anyway good man, all good now, thank you.


31-08-2008 19:24:34

It's in the NxOgre source and will be released within the week - when I finish IceCream and implement it into Cake.


01-09-2008 04:11:54

Ice cream and cake...woot!