[Bleeding] Character System ETA?


08-12-2008 02:43:32

Any idea when it will be finished? I'm just wondering so I know whether it's worth it to wait and work on other stuff, or if I should go to v0.9.


08-12-2008 10:31:28

If you aren't meaning Bloody Mess (1.5), then it won't. Betajaen stopped all development on Bleeding and went on to Bloody Mess instead.


08-12-2008 14:22:30

Well, now I'm really confused. OK, ETA in Bloody Mess then?


08-12-2008 19:03:08

Short, accurate-enough history of NxOgre:
Betajaen created NxOgre.
After v.0.9 he dropped a few features (like the character system) and started with 1.x, with 1.21 being latest somewhat stable.
Then came the Bleeding versions, which are fairly stable and features some new features (still missing the character system). Latest is 1.22T5 (I think).
Then Betajaen snapped and decided to skip all bleeding, all stable and make a complete rewrite of NxOgre, entitled Bloody Mess. (v.1.5-to-be)
All development of other versions (0.9, 1.21 and Bleeding) has stopped. And Bloody Mess isn't that developed yet. Look around in the forums.


08-12-2008 19:55:57

Snapped is an understatement. More like screaming bloody murder at the monitor for the crazy unappreciative forum zombies at my precious NxOgre.

Thing is; I have written the KinematicController (NxCharacterController.dll) in BloodyMess. It just needs testing, tweaking and a wrapping class. So if you want to try out the KinematicController please do, you just can't do much with it yet.


08-12-2008 23:08:19

An obvious problem is that NxOgre isn't anywhere near a stable project, as such it is going to cause major headache to anyone trying to use it if they don't realize that it isn't a mature-enough project to be used by relatively inexperienced programmers or by people who are new to this genre of programming.

It should be clearly advertized here and at the NxOgre website that it is not stable and it is not complete.

It is not beginner-friendly at all as I see it and that should be much more clearly said everywhere where you can download it.

I think if it would be more clearly said, it would reduce the pain and frustration betajaen has to go through to explain people the different versions and why this and that doesn't work or doesn't exist. It would also reduce the frustration people would experience when trying to use NxOgre and when they find out that it is not what they thought it is.


08-12-2008 23:19:12

It's unstable because I keep changing things.

That said; Once Bloody Mess is done. I'm going to stop and actually use NxOgre for something.


09-12-2008 11:17:48

It's unstable because I keep changing things.

That said; Once Bloody Mess is done. I'm going to stop and actually use NxOgre for something.

That sounds good. A stable, fully feautred and mature version of NxOgre. What a lovely sound for my ears...

I'm really looking forward to play around with NxOgre again (in two weeks when my exams are finished)!


09-12-2008 11:39:39

I'm really looking forward to play around with NxOgre again (in two weeks when my exams are finished)!

I´m afraid you have to wait a bit longer for a stable version:

Flour most likely won't be upgraded to BloodyMess, there is no need. Cake is just an example and not that important. I don't know, a few months.

My schedule has gotten a little weird recently so things have to be shifted around.

I am trying to keep up with it, just things may get a little slow for a while.

This post is five days old.


09-12-2008 12:26:58

Sadly yes. My schedule has changed drastically during this month and possibly the next. So any work on NxOgre is during the weekends or during the evenings.

It will come though.