08-01-2009 00:35:06
i develop car racing game, and now try to select physical engine. What do i need to try car physics on NxOgre?
08-01-2009 13:16:22
Just want to know, which release i should take for that task. 1.0.22Tx or 1.5.2 ?
thats my miniclip on ogre+newton,
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X4bzxygw ... re=channel
Is nxogre better than newton?
08-01-2009 16:30:12
Use Bleeding/1.0.22T5, It has the Wheel class and Luis's accumulator code for vehicles.
10-01-2009 23:52:50
Isn't it a kind of shot-in-a-head? You propose using 1.0.22T5 although that version is abadoned (not developed in the future) and Blody Mess follows a different type of approach. So, if anyone has any problem with 1.0.22T5 there is no support on that. Do I see it right?
10-01-2009 23:54:42
betajaen said he will still support the older versions and help as much as he can, but he woun't develop it any further, as BloodyMess will replace the older one as soon as it's ready.