[1.0.22T5] - creating Cloth


12-02-2009 14:11:41


I have problem with createCloth function. In source I see that method createCloth is exists.
There is also condition, if SDK version is >=270 then method should be avilabe.
I've PhysX SDK 2.8.1 (build 13) and I can't use createCloth, there is also nothing for ClothParams:

ClothParams cp;
cp. <- nothing shows

Maybe I have to change some settings ? Please help.


12-02-2009 17:12:25

i dont know if the Cloth is finished in the Bleeding version
also, take a look:

class NxPublicClass ClothParams : public Params

then go to the Params class, seens like imcomplete, at least for a cloth params

what you need to do:

use directly physx to create those params
and use nxogre to send them

the World class gives you entire access to the physx functions
and any other getNx* also gets the physx version of the class

edit: looking at the constructor classes, witch uses this params, its not used in the source (only defined at the function params)
try creating one cloth without it


12-02-2009 17:26:46

Pretty sure it doesn't work in 1.0.22T5, it did in the older versions though.