RayCasting with NxOgre


11-03-2009 14:36:24

For the Ray that's casted from the position,is it actually casted from that exact position?

ex:If the position of an Actor is actually on the ground and u cast a ray from that position will the rays be on the ground or should i elevate the Origin of the Rays?

P.S:Is there a better version of Flour to use with NxOgre 1.022?


11-03-2009 16:29:39

By "on the ground" if you mean you would get the "ground" as a first intersection result, then I am not sure, you should try it.
If so, then you can always elevate ;)


Check your Flour version against this one.


29-03-2009 18:28:00

thx,it's solved!