OGRE  1.9
Object-Oriented Graphics Rendering Engine
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Ogre::Pass Class Reference

Class defining a single pass of a Technique (of a Material), i.e. More...

#include <OgrePass.h>

+ Inheritance diagram for Ogre::Pass:
+ Collaboration diagram for Ogre::Pass:


struct  HashFunc
 Definition of a functor for calculating the hashcode of a Pass. More...

Public Types

 There are some default hash functions used to order passes so that render state changes are minimised, this enumerates them. More...
typedef ConstVectorIterator
< TextureUnitStates
typedef set< Pass * >::type PassSet
typedef VectorIterator
< TextureUnitStates

Public Member Functions

 Pass (Technique *parent, unsigned short index)
 Default constructor. More...
 Pass (Technique *parent, unsigned short index, const Pass &oth)
 Copy constructor. More...
virtual ~Pass ()
void _dirtyHash (void)
 Mark the hash as dirty. More...
unsigned short _getTextureUnitWithContentTypeIndex (TextureUnitState::ContentType contentType, unsigned short index) const
 Gets the 'nth' texture which references the given content type. More...
void _load (void)
 Internal method for loading this pass. More...
void _notifyIndex (unsigned short index)
 Internal method to adjust pass index. More...
void _notifyNeedsRecompile (void)
 Tells the pass that it needs recompilation. More...
void _prepare (void)
 Internal method for preparing to load this pass. More...
void _recalculateHash (void)
 Internal method for recalculating the hash. More...
Pass_split (unsigned short numUnits)
 Splits this Pass to one which can be handled in the number of texture units specified. More...
void _unload (void)
 Internal method for unloading this pass. More...
void _unprepare (void)
 Internal method for undoing the load preparartion for this pass. More...
void _updateAutoParams (const AutoParamDataSource *source, uint16 variabilityMask) const
 Update automatic parameters. More...
void addTextureUnitState (TextureUnitState *state)
 Adds the passed in TextureUnitState, to the existing Pass. More...
bool applyTextureAliases (const AliasTextureNamePairList &aliasList, const bool apply=true) const
 Applies texture names to Texture Unit State with matching texture name aliases. More...
size_t calculateSize (void) const
TextureUnitStatecreateTextureUnitState (void)
 Inserts a new TextureUnitState object into the Pass. More...
TextureUnitStatecreateTextureUnitState (const String &textureName, unsigned short texCoordSet=0)
 Inserts a new TextureUnitState object into the Pass. More...
CompareFunction getAlphaRejectFunction (void) const
 Gets the alpha reject function. More...
unsigned char getAlphaRejectValue (void) const
 Gets the alpha reject value. More...
const ColourValuegetAmbient (void) const
 Gets the ambient colour reflectance of the pass. More...
bool getColourWriteEnabled (void) const
 Determines if colour buffer writing is enabled for this pass. More...
const GpuProgramPtrgetComputeProgram (void) const
 Gets the Tesselation EHull program used by this pass, only available after _load(). More...
const StringgetComputeProgramName (void) const
 Gets the name of the Tesselation Hull program used by this pass. More...
GpuProgramParametersSharedPtr getComputeProgramParameters (void) const
 Gets the Tesselation Hull program parameters used by this pass. More...
CullingMode getCullingMode (void) const
 Returns the culling mode for geometry rendered with this pass. More...
float getDepthBiasConstant (void) const
 Retrieves the const depth bias value as set by setDepthBias. More...
float getDepthBiasSlopeScale (void) const
 Retrieves the slope-scale depth bias value as set by setDepthBias. More...
bool getDepthCheckEnabled (void) const
 Returns whether or not this pass renders with depth-buffer checking on or not. More...
CompareFunction getDepthFunction (void) const
 Returns the function used to compare depth values when depth checking is on. More...
bool getDepthWriteEnabled (void) const
 Returns whether or not this pass renders with depth-buffer writing on or not. More...
SceneBlendFactor getDestBlendFactor () const
 Retrieves the destination blending factor for the material (as set using Materiall::setSceneBlending). More...
SceneBlendFactor getDestBlendFactorAlpha () const
 Retrieves the alpha destination blending factor for the material (as set using Materiall::setSeparateSceneBlending). More...
const ColourValuegetDiffuse (void) const
 Gets the diffuse colour reflectance of the pass. More...
const ColourValuegetEmissive (void) const
 Gets the self illumination colour of the pass. More...
const ColourValuegetFogColour (void) const
 Returns the fog colour for the scene. More...
Real getFogDensity (void) const
 Returns the fog density for this pass. More...
Real getFogEnd (void) const
 Returns the fog end distance for this pass. More...
FogMode getFogMode (void) const
 Returns the fog mode for this pass. More...
bool getFogOverride (void) const
 Returns true if this pass is to override the scene fog settings. More...
Real getFogStart (void) const
 Returns the fog start distance for this pass. More...
const GpuProgramPtrgetFragmentProgram (void) const
 Gets the fragment program used by this pass, only available after _load(). More...
const StringgetFragmentProgramName (void) const
 Gets the name of the fragment program used by this pass. More...
GpuProgramParametersSharedPtr getFragmentProgramParameters (void) const
 Gets the fragment program parameters used by this pass. More...
const GpuProgramPtrgetGeometryProgram (void) const
 Gets the geometry program used by this pass, only available after _load(). More...
const StringgetGeometryProgramName (void) const
 Gets the name of the geometry program used by this pass. More...
GpuProgramParametersSharedPtr getGeometryProgramParameters (void) const
 Gets the geometry program parameters used by this pass. More...
uint32 getHash (void) const
 Gets the 'hash' of this pass, ie a precomputed number to use for sorting. More...
IlluminationStage getIlluminationStage () const
 Get the manually assigned illumination stage, if any. More...
unsigned short getIndex (void) const
 Gets the index of this Pass in the parent Technique. More...
bool getIteratePerLight (void) const
 Does this pass run once for every light in range? More...
float getIterationDepthBias () const
 Gets a factor which derives an additional depth bias from the number of times a pass is iterated. More...
bool getLightClipPlanesEnabled () const
 Gets whether or not this pass will be clipped by user clips planes bounding the area covered by the light. More...
unsigned short getLightCountPerIteration (void) const
 If light iteration is enabled, determine the number of lights per iteration. More...
bool getLightingEnabled (void) const
 Returns whether or not dynamic lighting is enabled. More...
uint32 getLightMask () const
 Gets the light mask controlling which lights are used for this pass. More...
bool getLightScissoringEnabled () const
 Gets whether or not this pass will be clipped by a scissor rectangle encompassing the lights that are being used in it. More...
ManualCullingMode getManualCullingMode (void) const
 Retrieves the manual culling mode for this pass. More...
unsigned short getMaxSimultaneousLights (void) const
 Gets the maximum number of lights to be used by this pass. More...
const StringgetName (void) const
 Get the name of the pass. More...
bool getNormaliseNormals (void) const
 Returns true if this pass has auto-normalisation of normals set. More...
unsigned short getNumTextureUnitStates (void) const
 Returns the number of texture unit settings. More...
Light::LightTypes getOnlyLightType () const
 Gets the single light type this pass runs for if getIteratePerLight and getRunOnlyForOneLightType are both true. More...
TechniquegetParent (void) const
 Gets the parent Technique. More...
size_t getPassIterationCount (void) const
 Gets the pass iteration count value. More...
Real getPointAttenuationConstant (void) const
 Returns the constant coefficient of point attenuation. More...
Real getPointAttenuationLinear (void) const
 Returns the linear coefficient of point attenuation. More...
Real getPointAttenuationQuadratic (void) const
 Returns the quadratic coefficient of point attenuation. More...
Real getPointMaxSize (void) const
 Get the maximum point size, when point attenuation is in use. More...
Real getPointMinSize (void) const
 Get the minimum point size, when point attenuation is in use. More...
Real getPointSize (void) const
 Gets the point size of the pass. More...
bool getPointSpritesEnabled (void) const
 Returns whether point sprites are enabled when rendering a point list. More...
PolygonMode getPolygonMode (void) const
 Returns the type of light shading to be used. More...
virtual bool getPolygonModeOverrideable (void) const
 Gets whether this renderable's chosen detail level can be overridden (downgraded) by the camera setting. More...
const StringgetResourceGroup (void) const
 Gets the resource group of the ultimate parent Material. More...
bool getRunOnlyForOneLightType (void) const
 Does this pass run only for a single light type (if getIteratePerLight is true). More...
SceneBlendOperation getSceneBlendingOperation () const
 Returns the current blending operation. More...
SceneBlendOperation getSceneBlendingOperationAlpha () const
 Returns the current alpha blending operation. More...
const ColourValuegetSelfIllumination (void) const
 Gets the self illumination colour of the pass. More...
ShadeOptions getShadingMode (void) const
 Returns the type of light shading to be used. More...
const GpuProgramPtrgetShadowCasterFragmentProgram (void) const
 Gets the fragment program used by this pass when rendering shadow casters, only available after _load(). More...
const StringgetShadowCasterFragmentProgramName (void) const
 Gets the name of the fragment program used by this pass when rendering shadow casters. More...
GpuProgramParametersSharedPtr getShadowCasterFragmentProgramParameters (void) const
 Gets the fragment program parameters used by this pass when rendering shadow casters. More...
const GpuProgramPtrgetShadowCasterVertexProgram (void) const
 Gets the vertex program used by this pass when rendering shadow casters, only available after _load(). More...
const StringgetShadowCasterVertexProgramName (void) const
 Gets the name of the vertex program used by this pass when rendering shadow casters. More...
GpuProgramParametersSharedPtr getShadowCasterVertexProgramParameters (void) const
 Gets the vertex program parameters used by this pass when rendering shadow casters. More...
const GpuProgramPtrgetShadowReceiverFragmentProgram (void) const
 Gets the fragment program used by this pass when rendering shadow receivers, only available after _load(). More...
const StringgetShadowReceiverFragmentProgramName (void) const
 Gets the name of the fragment program used by this pass when rendering shadow receivers. More...
GpuProgramParametersSharedPtr getShadowReceiverFragmentProgramParameters (void) const
 Gets the fragment program parameters used by this pass when rendering shadow receivers. More...
const GpuProgramPtrgetShadowReceiverVertexProgram (void) const
 Gets the vertex program used by this pass when rendering shadow receivers, only available after _load(). More...
const StringgetShadowReceiverVertexProgramName (void) const
 Gets the name of the vertex program used by this pass when rendering shadow receivers. More...
GpuProgramParametersSharedPtr getShadowReceiverVertexProgramParameters (void) const
 Gets the vertex program parameters used by this pass when rendering shadow receivers. More...
Real getShininess (void) const
 Gets the 'shininess' property of the pass (affects specular highlights). More...
SceneBlendFactor getSourceBlendFactor () const
 Retrieves the source blending factor for the material (as set using Materiall::setSceneBlending). More...
SceneBlendFactor getSourceBlendFactorAlpha () const
 Retrieves the alpha source blending factor for the material (as set using Materiall::setSeparateSceneBlending). More...
const ColourValuegetSpecular (void) const
 Gets the specular colour reflectance of the pass. More...
unsigned short getStartLight (void) const
 Gets the light index that this pass will start at in the light list. More...
const GpuProgramPtrgetTesselationDomainProgram (void) const
 Gets the Tesselation Domain program used by this pass, only available after _load(). More...
const StringgetTesselationDomainProgramName (void) const
 Gets the name of the Domain Evaluation program used by this pass. More...
GpuProgramParametersSharedPtr getTesselationDomainProgramParameters (void) const
 Gets the Tesselation Domain program parameters used by this pass. More...
const GpuProgramPtrgetTesselationHullProgram (void) const
 Gets the Tesselation Hull program used by this pass, only available after _load(). More...
const StringgetTesselationHullProgramName (void) const
 Gets the name of the Tesselation Hull program used by this pass. More...
GpuProgramParametersSharedPtr getTesselationHullProgramParameters (void) const
 Gets the Tesselation Hull program parameters used by this pass. More...
TextureUnitStategetTextureUnitState (unsigned short index)
 Retrieves a pointer to a texture unit state so it may be modified. More...
TextureUnitStategetTextureUnitState (const String &name)
 Retrieves the Texture Unit State matching name. More...
const TextureUnitStategetTextureUnitState (unsigned short index) const
 Retrieves a const pointer to a texture unit state. More...
const TextureUnitStategetTextureUnitState (const String &name) const
 Retrieves the Texture Unit State matching name. More...
unsigned short getTextureUnitStateIndex (const TextureUnitState *state) const
 Retrieve the index of the Texture Unit State in the pass. More...
TextureUnitStateIterator getTextureUnitStateIterator (void)
 Get an iterator over the TextureUnitStates contained in this Pass. More...
ConstTextureUnitStateIterator getTextureUnitStateIterator (void) const
 Get an iterator over the TextureUnitStates contained in this Pass. More...
bool getTransparentSortingEnabled (void) const
 Returns whether or not transparent sorting is enabled. More...
bool getTransparentSortingForced (void) const
 Returns whether or not transparent sorting is forced. More...
UserObjectBindingsgetUserObjectBindings ()
 Return an instance of user objects binding associated with this class. More...
const UserObjectBindingsgetUserObjectBindings () const
 Return an instance of user objects binding associated with this class. More...
TrackVertexColourType getVertexColourTracking (void) const
 Gets which material properties follow the vertex colour. More...
const GpuProgramPtrgetVertexProgram (void) const
 Gets the vertex program used by this pass, only available after _load(). More...
const StringgetVertexProgramName (void) const
 Gets the name of the vertex program used by this pass. More...
GpuProgramParametersSharedPtr getVertexProgramParameters (void) const
 Gets the vertex program parameters used by this pass. More...
bool hasComputeProgram (void) const
 Returns true if this pass uses a programmable compute pipeline. More...
bool hasFragmentProgram (void) const
 Returns true if this pass uses a programmable fragment pipeline. More...
bool hasGeometryProgram (void) const
 Returns true if this pass uses a programmable geometry pipeline. More...
bool hasSeparateSceneBlending () const
 Return true if this pass uses separate scene blending. More...
bool hasSeparateSceneBlendingOperations () const
 Returns true if this pass uses separate scene blending operations. More...
bool hasShadowCasterFragmentProgram (void) const
 Returns true if this pass uses a shadow caster fragment program. More...
bool hasShadowCasterVertexProgram (void) const
 Returns true if this pass uses a shadow caster vertex program. More...
bool hasShadowReceiverFragmentProgram (void) const
 Returns true if this pass uses a shadow receiver fragment program. More...
bool hasShadowReceiverVertexProgram (void) const
 Returns true if this pass uses a shadow receiver vertex program. More...
bool hasTesselationDomainProgram (void) const
 Returns true if this pass uses a programmable tesselation control pipeline. More...
bool hasTesselationHullProgram (void) const
 Returns true if this pass uses a programmable tesselation control pipeline. More...
bool hasVertexProgram (void) const
 Returns true if this pass uses a programmable vertex pipeline. More...
bool isAlphaToCoverageEnabled () const
 Gets whether to use alpha to coverage (A2C) when blending alpha rejected values. More...
bool isAmbientOnly (void) const
 Returns whether this pass is ambient only. More...
bool isLoaded (void) const
 Is this loaded? More...
bool isPointAttenuationEnabled (void) const
 Returns whether points are attenuated with distance. More...
bool isProgrammable (void) const
 Returns true if this pass is programmable i.e. includes either a vertex or fragment program. More...
bool isTransparent (void) const
 Returns true if this pass has some element of transparency. More...
 OGRE_MUTEX (mTexUnitChangeMutex)
 OGRE_MUTEX (mGpuProgramChangeMutex)
 OGRE_STATIC_MUTEX (msDirtyHashListMutex)
 OGRE_STATIC_MUTEX (msPassGraveyardMutex)
void operator delete (void *ptr)
void operator delete (void *ptr, void *)
void operator delete (void *ptr, const char *, int, const char *)
void operator delete[] (void *ptr)
void operator delete[] (void *ptr, const char *, int, const char *)
void * operator new (size_t sz, const char *file, int line, const char *func)
 operator new, with debug line info More...
void * operator new (size_t sz)
void * operator new (size_t sz, void *ptr)
 placement operator new More...
void * operator new[] (size_t sz, const char *file, int line, const char *func)
 array operator new, with debug line info More...
void * operator new[] (size_t sz)
Passoperator= (const Pass &oth)
 Operator = overload. More...
void queueForDeletion (void)
 Queue this pass for deletion when appropriate. More...
void removeAllTextureUnitStates (void)
 Removes all texture unit settings. More...
void removeTextureUnitState (unsigned short index)
 Removes the indexed texture unit state from this pass. More...
void setAlphaRejectFunction (CompareFunction func)
 Sets the alpha reject function. More...
void setAlphaRejectSettings (CompareFunction func, unsigned char value, bool alphaToCoverageEnabled=false)
 Sets the way the pass will have use alpha to totally reject pixels from the pipeline. More...
void setAlphaRejectValue (unsigned char val)
 Gets the alpha reject value. More...
void setAlphaToCoverageEnabled (bool enabled)
 Sets whether to use alpha to coverage (A2C) when blending alpha rejected values. More...
void setAmbient (Real red, Real green, Real blue)
 Sets the ambient colour reflectance properties of this pass. More...
void setAmbient (const ColourValue &ambient)
 Sets the ambient colour reflectance properties of this pass. More...
void setColourWriteEnabled (bool enabled)
 Sets whether or not colour buffer writing is enabled for this Pass. More...
void setComputeProgram (const String &name, bool resetParams=true)
 Sets the details of the compute program to use. More...
void setComputeProgramParameters (GpuProgramParametersSharedPtr params)
 Sets the Tesselation Evaluation program parameters. More...
void setCullingMode (CullingMode mode)
 Sets the culling mode for this pass based on the 'vertex winding'. More...
void setDepthBias (float constantBias, float slopeScaleBias=0.0f)
 Sets the depth bias to be used for this material. More...
void setDepthCheckEnabled (bool enabled)
 Sets whether or not this pass renders with depth-buffer checking on or not. More...
void setDepthFunction (CompareFunction func)
 Sets the function used to compare depth values when depth checking is on. More...
void setDepthWriteEnabled (bool enabled)
 Sets whether or not this pass renders with depth-buffer writing on or not. More...
void setDiffuse (Real red, Real green, Real blue, Real alpha)
 Sets the diffuse colour reflectance properties of this pass. More...
void setDiffuse (const ColourValue &diffuse)
 Sets the diffuse colour reflectance properties of this pass. More...
void setEmissive (Real red, Real green, Real blue)
 Sets the amount of self-illumination an object has. More...
void setEmissive (const ColourValue &emissive)
 Sets the amount of self-illumination an object has. More...
void setFog (bool overrideScene, FogMode mode=FOG_NONE, const ColourValue &colour=ColourValue::White, Real expDensity=0.001, Real linearStart=0.0, Real linearEnd=1.0)
 Sets the fogging mode applied to this pass. More...
void setFragmentProgram (const String &name, bool resetParams=true)
 Sets the details of the fragment program to use. More...
void setFragmentProgramParameters (GpuProgramParametersSharedPtr params)
 Sets the fragment program parameters. More...
void setGeometryProgram (const String &name, bool resetParams=true)
 Sets the details of the geometry program to use. More...
void setGeometryProgramParameters (GpuProgramParametersSharedPtr params)
 Sets the geometry program parameters. More...
void setIlluminationStage (IlluminationStage is)
 Manually set which illumination stage this pass is a member of. More...
void setIteratePerLight (bool enabled, bool onlyForOneLightType=true, Light::LightTypes lightType=Light::LT_POINT)
 Sets whether or not this pass should iterate per light or number of lights which can affect the object being rendered. More...
void setIterationDepthBias (float biasPerIteration)
 Sets a factor which derives an additional depth bias from the number of times a pass is iterated. More...
void setLightClipPlanesEnabled (bool enabled)
 Gets whether or not this pass will be clipped by user clips planes bounding the area covered by the light. More...
void setLightCountPerIteration (unsigned short c)
 If light iteration is enabled, determine the number of lights per iteration. More...
void setLightingEnabled (bool enabled)
 Sets whether or not dynamic lighting is enabled. More...
void setLightMask (uint32 mask)
 Sets the light mask which can be matched to specific light flags to be handled by this pass. More...
void setLightScissoringEnabled (bool enabled)
 Sets whether or not this pass will be clipped by a scissor rectangle encompassing the lights that are being used in it. More...
void setManualCullingMode (ManualCullingMode mode)
 Sets the manual culling mode, performed by CPU rather than hardware. More...
void setMaxSimultaneousLights (unsigned short maxLights)
 Sets the maximum number of lights to be used by this pass. More...
void setName (const String &name)
void setNormaliseNormals (bool normalise)
 If set to true, this forces normals to be normalised dynamically by the hardware for this pass. More...
void setPassIterationCount (const size_t count)
 set the number of iterations that this pass should perform when doing fast multi pass operation. More...
void setPointAttenuation (bool enabled, Real constant=0.0f, Real linear=1.0f, Real quadratic=0.0f)
 Sets how points are attenuated with distance. More...
void setPointMaxSize (Real max)
 Set the maximum point size, when point attenuation is in use. More...
void setPointMinSize (Real min)
 Set the minimum point size, when point attenuation is in use. More...
void setPointSize (Real ps)
 Sets the point size of this pass. More...
void setPointSpritesEnabled (bool enabled)
 Sets whether or not rendering points using OT_POINT_LIST will render point sprites (textured quads) or plain points (dots). More...
void setPolygonMode (PolygonMode mode)
 Sets the type of polygon rendering required. More...
virtual void setPolygonModeOverrideable (bool override)
 Sets whether this pass's chosen detail level can be overridden (downgraded) by the camera setting. More...
void setSceneBlending (const SceneBlendType sbt)
 Sets the kind of blending this pass has with the existing contents of the scene. More...
void setSceneBlending (const SceneBlendFactor sourceFactor, const SceneBlendFactor destFactor)
 Allows very fine control of blending this Pass with the existing contents of the scene. More...
void setSceneBlendingOperation (SceneBlendOperation op)
 Sets the specific operation used to blend source and destination pixels together. More...
void setSelfIllumination (Real red, Real green, Real blue)
 Sets the amount of self-illumination an object has. More...
void setSelfIllumination (const ColourValue &selfIllum)
 Sets the amount of self-illumination an object has. More...
void setSeparateSceneBlending (const SceneBlendType sbt, const SceneBlendType sbta)
 Sets the kind of blending this pass has with the existing contents of the scene, separately for color and alpha channels. More...
void setSeparateSceneBlending (const SceneBlendFactor sourceFactor, const SceneBlendFactor destFactor, const SceneBlendFactor sourceFactorAlpha, const SceneBlendFactor destFactorAlpha)
 Allows very fine control of blending this Pass with the existing contents of the scene. More...
void setSeparateSceneBlendingOperation (SceneBlendOperation op, SceneBlendOperation alphaOp)
 Sets the specific operation used to blend source and destination pixels together. More...
void setShadingMode (ShadeOptions mode)
 Sets the type of light shading required. More...
void setShadowCasterFragmentProgram (const String &name)
 Sets the details of the fragment program to use when rendering as a shadow caster. More...
void setShadowCasterFragmentProgramParameters (GpuProgramParametersSharedPtr params)
 Sets the fragment program parameters for rendering as a shadow caster. More...
void setShadowCasterVertexProgram (const String &name)
 Sets the details of the vertex program to use when rendering as a shadow caster. More...
void setShadowCasterVertexProgramParameters (GpuProgramParametersSharedPtr params)
 Sets the vertex program parameters for rendering as a shadow caster. More...
void setShadowReceiverFragmentProgram (const String &name)
 This method allows you to specify a fragment program for use when rendering a texture shadow receiver. More...
void setShadowReceiverFragmentProgramParameters (GpuProgramParametersSharedPtr params)
 Sets the fragment program parameters for rendering as a shadow receiver. More...
void setShadowReceiverVertexProgram (const String &name)
 Sets the details of the vertex program to use when rendering as a shadow receiver. More...
void setShadowReceiverVertexProgramParameters (GpuProgramParametersSharedPtr params)
 Sets the vertex program parameters for rendering as a shadow receiver. More...
void setShininess (Real val)
 Sets the shininess of the pass, affecting the size of specular highlights. More...
void setSpecular (Real red, Real green, Real blue, Real alpha)
 Sets the specular colour reflectance properties of this pass. More...
void setSpecular (const ColourValue &specular)
 Sets the specular colour reflectance properties of this pass. More...
void setStartLight (unsigned short startLight)
 Sets the light index that this pass will start at in the light list. More...
void setTesselationDomainProgram (const String &name, bool resetParams=true)
 Sets the details of the tesselation domain program to use. More...
void setTesselationDomainProgramParameters (GpuProgramParametersSharedPtr params)
 Sets the Tesselation Domain program parameters. More...
void setTesselationHullProgram (const String &name, bool resetParams=true)
 Support for shader model 5.0, hull and domain shaders. More...
void setTesselationHullProgramParameters (GpuProgramParametersSharedPtr params)
 Sets the Tesselation Hull program parameters. More...
void setTextureAnisotropy (unsigned int maxAniso)
 Sets the anisotropy level to be used for all textures. More...
void setTextureFiltering (TextureFilterOptions filterType)
 Set texture filtering for every texture unit. More...
void setTransparentSortingEnabled (bool enabled)
 Sets whether or not transparent sorting is enabled. More...
void setTransparentSortingForced (bool enabled)
 Sets whether or not transparent sorting is forced. More...
void setVertexColourTracking (TrackVertexColourType tracking)
 Sets which material properties follow the vertex colour. More...
void setVertexProgram (const String &name, bool resetParams=true)
 Sets the details of the vertex program to use. More...
void setVertexProgramParameters (GpuProgramParametersSharedPtr params)
 Sets the vertex program parameters. More...

Static Public Member Functions

static void clearDirtyHashList (void)
 Static method to reset the list of passes which need their hash values recalculated. More...
static HashFuncgetBuiltinHashFunction (BuiltinHashFunction builtin)
 Get the builtin hash function. More...
static const PassSetgetDirtyHashList (void)
 Static method to retrieve all the Passes which need their hash values recalculated. More...
static HashFuncgetHashFunction (void)
 Get the hash function used for all passes. More...
static const PassSetgetPassGraveyard (void)
 Static method to retrieve all the Passes which are pending deletion. More...
static void processPendingPassUpdates (void)
 Process all dirty and pending deletion passes. More...
static void setHashFunction (BuiltinHashFunction builtin)
 Sets one of the default hash functions to be used. More...
static void setHashFunction (HashFunc *hashFunc)
 Set the hash function used for all passes. More...

Protected Types

typedef vector< unsigned short >
typedef vector
< TextureUnitState * >::type 
 Storage of texture unit states. More...

Protected Member Functions

void _getBlendFlags (SceneBlendType type, SceneBlendFactor &source, SceneBlendFactor &dest)
 Used to get scene blending flags from a blending type. More...

Protected Attributes

SceneBlendOperation mAlphaBlendOperation
CompareFunction mAlphaRejectFunc
unsigned char mAlphaRejectVal
bool mAlphaToCoverageEnabled
ColourValue mAmbient
 Needs to be dirtied when next loaded. More...
SceneBlendOperation mBlendOperation
bool mColourWrite
 Colour buffer settings. More...
 Compute program details. More...
bool mContentTypeLookupBuilt
CullingMode mCullMode
float mDepthBiasConstant
float mDepthBiasPerIteration
float mDepthBiasSlopeScale
bool mDepthCheck
CompareFunction mDepthFunc
bool mDepthWrite
SceneBlendFactor mDestBlendFactor
SceneBlendFactor mDestBlendFactorAlpha
ColourValue mDiffuse
ColourValue mEmissive
ColourValue mFogColour
Real mFogDensity
Real mFogEnd
FogMode mFogMode
bool mFogOverride
Real mFogStart
 Fragment program details. More...
 Geometry program details. More...
uint32 mHash
 Optional name for the pass. More...
bool mHashDirtyQueued
 Pass hash. More...
IlluminationStage mIlluminationStage
 Illumination stage? More...
unsigned short mIndex
bool mIteratePerLight
 Run this pass once per light? More...
bool mLightClipPlanes
 User clip planes for light? More...
bool mLightingEnabled
 Lighting enabled? More...
uint32 mLightMask
 With a specific light mask? More...
bool mLightScissoring
 Scissoring for the light? More...
unsigned short mLightsPerIteration
 Iterate per how many lights? More...
ManualCullingMode mManualCullMode
unsigned short mMaxSimultaneousLights
 Max simultaneous lights. More...
String mName
 Pass index. More...
bool mNormaliseNormals
 Normalisation. More...
Light::LightTypes mOnlyLightType
size_t mPassIterationCount
 Number of pass iterations to perform. More...
Real mPointAttenuationCoeffs [3]
 Constant, linear, quadratic coeffs. More...
bool mPointAttenuationEnabled
Real mPointMaxSize
Real mPointMinSize
Real mPointSize
 Point size, applies when not using per-vertex point size. More...
bool mPointSpritesEnabled
PolygonMode mPolygonMode
 Polygon mode. More...
bool mPolygonModeOverrideable
bool mQueuedForDeletion
 Is this pass queued for deletion? More...
bool mRunOnlyForOneLightType
 Should it only be run for a certain light type? More...
bool mSeparateBlend
bool mSeparateBlendOperation
 Determines if we should use separate blending operations for color and alpha channels. More...
ShadeOptions mShadeOptions
 Shading options. More...
 Fragment program details. More...
 Vertex program details. More...
ContentTypeLookup mShadowContentTypeLookup
 Fragment program details. More...
 Vertex program details. More...
Real mShininess
SceneBlendFactor mSourceBlendFactor
SceneBlendFactor mSourceBlendFactorAlpha
ColourValue mSpecular
unsigned short mStartLight
 Starting light index. More...
 Tesselation domain program details. More...
 Tesselation hull program details. More...
TextureUnitStates mTextureUnitStates
TrackVertexColourType mTracking
bool mTransparentSorting
 Transparent depth sorting. More...
bool mTransparentSortingForced
 Transparent depth sorting forced. More...
UserObjectBindings mUserObjectBindings
 User objects binding. More...
 Vertex program details. More...

Static Protected Attributes

static PassSet msDirtyHashList
 List of Passes whose hashes need recalculating. More...
static HashFuncmsHashFunc
 The Pass hash functor. More...
static PassSet msPassGraveyard
 The place where passes go to die. More...

Detailed Description

Class defining a single pass of a Technique (of a Material), i.e.

a single rendering call.

Rendering can be repeated with many passes for more complex effects. Each pass is either a fixed-function pass (meaning it does not use a vertex or fragment program) or a programmable pass (meaning it does use either a vertex and fragment program, or both).
Programmable passes are complex to define, because they require custom programs and you have to set all constant inputs to the programs (like the position of lights, any base material colours you wish to use etc), but they do give you much total flexibility over the algorithms used to render your pass, and you can create some effects which are impossible with a fixed-function pass. On the other hand, you can define a fixed-function pass in very little time, and you can use a range of fixed-function effects like environment mapping very easily, plus your pass will be more likely to be compatible with older hardware. There are pros and cons to both, just remember that if you use a programmable pass to create some great effects, allow more time for definition and testing.

Definition at line 80 of file OgrePass.h.

Member Typedef Documentation

typedef vector<unsigned short>::type Ogre::Pass::ContentTypeLookup

Definition at line 234 of file OgrePass.h.

typedef set<Pass*>::type Ogre::Pass::PassSet

Definition at line 251 of file OgrePass.h.

Storage of texture unit states.

Definition at line 198 of file OgrePass.h.

Member Enumeration Documentation

There are some default hash functions used to order passes so that render state changes are minimised, this enumerates them.


Try to minimise the number of texture changes.


Try to minimise the number of GPU program changes.

Only really useful if you use GPU programs for all of your materials.

Definition at line 1704 of file OgrePass.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

Ogre::Pass::Pass ( Technique parent,
unsigned short  index 

Default constructor.

Ogre::Pass::Pass ( Technique parent,
unsigned short  index,
const Pass oth 

Copy constructor.

virtual Ogre::Pass::~Pass ( )

Member Function Documentation

void Ogre::Pass::_dirtyHash ( void  )

Mark the hash as dirty.

void Ogre::Pass::_getBlendFlags ( SceneBlendType  type,
SceneBlendFactor source,
SceneBlendFactor dest 

Used to get scene blending flags from a blending type.

unsigned short Ogre::Pass::_getTextureUnitWithContentTypeIndex ( TextureUnitState::ContentType  contentType,
unsigned short  index 
) const

Gets the 'nth' texture which references the given content type.

If the 'nth' texture unit which references the content type doesn't exist, then this method returns an arbitrary high-value outside the valid range to index texture units.
void Ogre::Pass::_load ( void  )

Internal method for loading this pass.

void Ogre::Pass::_notifyIndex ( unsigned short  index)

Internal method to adjust pass index.

void Ogre::Pass::_notifyNeedsRecompile ( void  )

Tells the pass that it needs recompilation.

void Ogre::Pass::_prepare ( void  )

Internal method for preparing to load this pass.

void Ogre::Pass::_recalculateHash ( void  )

Internal method for recalculating the hash.

Do not call this unless you are sure the old hash is not still being used by anything. If in doubt, call _dirtyHash if you want to force recalculation of the has next time.
Pass* Ogre::Pass::_split ( unsigned short  numUnits)

Splits this Pass to one which can be handled in the number of texture units specified.

Only works on non-programmable passes, programmable passes cannot be split, it's up to the author to ensure that there is a fallback Technique for less capable cards.
numUnitsThe target number of texture units
A new Pass which contains the remaining units, and a scene_blend setting appropriate to approximate the multitexture. This Pass will be attached to the parent Technique of this Pass.
void Ogre::Pass::_unload ( void  )

Internal method for unloading this pass.

void Ogre::Pass::_unprepare ( void  )

Internal method for undoing the load preparartion for this pass.

void Ogre::Pass::_updateAutoParams ( const AutoParamDataSource source,
uint16  variabilityMask 
) const

Update automatic parameters.

sourceThe source of the parameters
variabilityMaskA mask of GpuParamVariability which identifies which autos will need updating
void Ogre::Pass::addTextureUnitState ( TextureUnitState state)

Adds the passed in TextureUnitState, to the existing Pass.

stateThe Texture Unit State to be attached to this pass. It must not be attached to another pass.
Throws an exception if the TextureUnitState is attached to another Pass.
bool Ogre::Pass::applyTextureAliases ( const AliasTextureNamePairList aliasList,
const bool  apply = true 
) const

Applies texture names to Texture Unit State with matching texture name aliases.

All Texture Unit States within the pass are checked. If matching texture aliases are found then true is returned.

aliasListis a map container of texture alias, texture name pairs
applyset true to apply the texture aliases else just test to see if texture alias matches are found.
True if matching texture aliases were found in the pass.
size_t Ogre::Pass::calculateSize ( void  ) const
static void Ogre::Pass::clearDirtyHashList ( void  )

Static method to reset the list of passes which need their hash values recalculated.

For performance, the dirty list is not updated progressively as the hashes are recalculated, instead we expect the processor of the dirty hash list to clear the list when they are done.
TextureUnitState* Ogre::Pass::createTextureUnitState ( void  )

Inserts a new TextureUnitState object into the Pass.

This unit is is added on top of all previous units.
TextureUnitState* Ogre::Pass::createTextureUnitState ( const String textureName,
unsigned short  texCoordSet = 0 

Inserts a new TextureUnitState object into the Pass.

This unit is is added on top of all previous units.
textureNameThe basic name of the texture e.g. brickwall.jpg, stonefloor.png
texCoordSetThe index of the texture coordinate set to use.
Applies to both fixed-function and programmable passes.
CompareFunction Ogre::Pass::getAlphaRejectFunction ( void  ) const

Gets the alpha reject function.

See setAlphaRejectSettings for more information.

Definition at line 1082 of file OgrePass.h.

unsigned char Ogre::Pass::getAlphaRejectValue ( void  ) const

Gets the alpha reject value.

See setAlphaRejectSettings for more information.

Definition at line 1086 of file OgrePass.h.

const ColourValue& Ogre::Pass::getAmbient ( void  ) const

Gets the ambient colour reflectance of the pass.

static HashFunc* Ogre::Pass::getBuiltinHashFunction ( BuiltinHashFunction  builtin)

Get the builtin hash function.

bool Ogre::Pass::getColourWriteEnabled ( void  ) const

Determines if colour buffer writing is enabled for this pass.

const GpuProgramPtr& Ogre::Pass::getComputeProgram ( void  ) const

Gets the Tesselation EHull program used by this pass, only available after _load().

const String& Ogre::Pass::getComputeProgramName ( void  ) const

Gets the name of the Tesselation Hull program used by this pass.

GpuProgramParametersSharedPtr Ogre::Pass::getComputeProgramParameters ( void  ) const

Gets the Tesselation Hull program parameters used by this pass.

CullingMode Ogre::Pass::getCullingMode ( void  ) const

Returns the culling mode for geometry rendered with this pass.

See setCullingMode for more information.

float Ogre::Pass::getDepthBiasConstant ( void  ) const

Retrieves the const depth bias value as set by setDepthBias.

float Ogre::Pass::getDepthBiasSlopeScale ( void  ) const

Retrieves the slope-scale depth bias value as set by setDepthBias.

bool Ogre::Pass::getDepthCheckEnabled ( void  ) const

Returns whether or not this pass renders with depth-buffer checking on or not.

See also
CompareFunction Ogre::Pass::getDepthFunction ( void  ) const

Returns the function used to compare depth values when depth checking is on.

See also
bool Ogre::Pass::getDepthWriteEnabled ( void  ) const

Returns whether or not this pass renders with depth-buffer writing on or not.

See also
SceneBlendFactor Ogre::Pass::getDestBlendFactor ( ) const

Retrieves the destination blending factor for the material (as set using Materiall::setSceneBlending).

SceneBlendFactor Ogre::Pass::getDestBlendFactorAlpha ( ) const

Retrieves the alpha destination blending factor for the material (as set using Materiall::setSeparateSceneBlending).

const ColourValue& Ogre::Pass::getDiffuse ( void  ) const

Gets the diffuse colour reflectance of the pass.

static const PassSet& Ogre::Pass::getDirtyHashList ( void  )

Static method to retrieve all the Passes which need their hash values recalculated.

Definition at line 1565 of file OgrePass.h.

const ColourValue& Ogre::Pass::getEmissive ( void  ) const

Gets the self illumination colour of the pass.

See also

Definition at line 539 of file OgrePass.h.

const ColourValue& Ogre::Pass::getFogColour ( void  ) const

Returns the fog colour for the scene.

Real Ogre::Pass::getFogDensity ( void  ) const

Returns the fog density for this pass.

Only valid if getFogOverride is true.
Real Ogre::Pass::getFogEnd ( void  ) const

Returns the fog end distance for this pass.

Only valid if getFogOverride is true.
FogMode Ogre::Pass::getFogMode ( void  ) const

Returns the fog mode for this pass.

Only valid if getFogOverride is true.
bool Ogre::Pass::getFogOverride ( void  ) const

Returns true if this pass is to override the scene fog settings.

Real Ogre::Pass::getFogStart ( void  ) const

Returns the fog start distance for this pass.

Only valid if getFogOverride is true.
const GpuProgramPtr& Ogre::Pass::getFragmentProgram ( void  ) const

Gets the fragment program used by this pass, only available after _load().

const String& Ogre::Pass::getFragmentProgramName ( void  ) const

Gets the name of the fragment program used by this pass.

GpuProgramParametersSharedPtr Ogre::Pass::getFragmentProgramParameters ( void  ) const

Gets the fragment program parameters used by this pass.

const GpuProgramPtr& Ogre::Pass::getGeometryProgram ( void  ) const

Gets the geometry program used by this pass, only available after _load().

const String& Ogre::Pass::getGeometryProgramName ( void  ) const

Gets the name of the geometry program used by this pass.

GpuProgramParametersSharedPtr Ogre::Pass::getGeometryProgramParameters ( void  ) const

Gets the geometry program parameters used by this pass.

uint32 Ogre::Pass::getHash ( void  ) const

Gets the 'hash' of this pass, ie a precomputed number to use for sorting.

This hash is used to sort passes, and for this reason the pass is hashed using firstly its index (so that all passes are rendered in order), then by the textures which it's TextureUnitState instances are using.

Definition at line 1500 of file OgrePass.h.

Referenced by Ogre::QueuedRenderableCollection::PassGroupLess::operator()(), Ogre::QueuedRenderableCollection::DepthSortDescendingLess::operator()(), and Ogre::QueuedRenderableCollection::RadixSortFunctorPass::operator()().

static HashFunc* Ogre::Pass::getHashFunction ( void  )

Get the hash function used for all passes.

Definition at line 1743 of file OgrePass.h.

IlluminationStage Ogre::Pass::getIlluminationStage ( ) const

Get the manually assigned illumination stage, if any.

Definition at line 1700 of file OgrePass.h.

unsigned short Ogre::Pass::getIndex ( void  ) const

Gets the index of this Pass in the parent Technique.

Definition at line 300 of file OgrePass.h.

bool Ogre::Pass::getIteratePerLight ( void  ) const

Does this pass run once for every light in range?

Definition at line 1180 of file OgrePass.h.

float Ogre::Pass::getIterationDepthBias ( ) const

Gets a factor which derives an additional depth bias from the number of times a pass is iterated.

bool Ogre::Pass::getLightClipPlanesEnabled ( ) const

Gets whether or not this pass will be clipped by user clips planes bounding the area covered by the light.

Definition at line 1675 of file OgrePass.h.

unsigned short Ogre::Pass::getLightCountPerIteration ( void  ) const

If light iteration is enabled, determine the number of lights per iteration.

bool Ogre::Pass::getLightingEnabled ( void  ) const

Returns whether or not dynamic lighting is enabled.

uint32 Ogre::Pass::getLightMask ( ) const

Gets the light mask controlling which lights are used for this pass.

bool Ogre::Pass::getLightScissoringEnabled ( ) const

Gets whether or not this pass will be clipped by a scissor rectangle encompassing the lights that are being used in it.

Definition at line 1646 of file OgrePass.h.

ManualCullingMode Ogre::Pass::getManualCullingMode ( void  ) const

Retrieves the manual culling mode for this pass.

See also
unsigned short Ogre::Pass::getMaxSimultaneousLights ( void  ) const

Gets the maximum number of lights to be used by this pass.

const String& Ogre::Pass::getName ( void  ) const

Get the name of the pass.

Definition at line 308 of file OgrePass.h.

bool Ogre::Pass::getNormaliseNormals ( void  ) const

Returns true if this pass has auto-normalisation of normals set.

Definition at line 1560 of file OgrePass.h.

unsigned short Ogre::Pass::getNumTextureUnitStates ( void  ) const

Returns the number of texture unit settings.

Definition at line 617 of file OgrePass.h.

Light::LightTypes Ogre::Pass::getOnlyLightType ( ) const

Gets the single light type this pass runs for if getIteratePerLight and getRunOnlyForOneLightType are both true.

Definition at line 1185 of file OgrePass.h.

Technique* Ogre::Pass::getParent ( void  ) const

Gets the parent Technique.

Definition at line 1203 of file OgrePass.h.

static const PassSet& Ogre::Pass::getPassGraveyard ( void  )

Static method to retrieve all the Passes which are pending deletion.

Definition at line 1569 of file OgrePass.h.

size_t Ogre::Pass::getPassIterationCount ( void  ) const

Gets the pass iteration count value.

Definition at line 1607 of file OgrePass.h.

Real Ogre::Pass::getPointAttenuationConstant ( void  ) const

Returns the constant coefficient of point attenuation.

Real Ogre::Pass::getPointAttenuationLinear ( void  ) const

Returns the linear coefficient of point attenuation.

Real Ogre::Pass::getPointAttenuationQuadratic ( void  ) const

Returns the quadratic coefficient of point attenuation.

Real Ogre::Pass::getPointMaxSize ( void  ) const

Get the maximum point size, when point attenuation is in use.

0 indicates the max size supported by the card.
Real Ogre::Pass::getPointMinSize ( void  ) const

Get the minimum point size, when point attenuation is in use.

Real Ogre::Pass::getPointSize ( void  ) const

Gets the point size of the pass.

This property determines what point size is used to render a point list.
bool Ogre::Pass::getPointSpritesEnabled ( void  ) const

Returns whether point sprites are enabled when rendering a point list.

PolygonMode Ogre::Pass::getPolygonMode ( void  ) const

Returns the type of light shading to be used.

virtual bool Ogre::Pass::getPolygonModeOverrideable ( void  ) const

Gets whether this renderable's chosen detail level can be overridden (downgraded) by the camera setting.

Definition at line 953 of file OgrePass.h.

const String& Ogre::Pass::getResourceGroup ( void  ) const

Gets the resource group of the ultimate parent Material.

bool Ogre::Pass::getRunOnlyForOneLightType ( void  ) const

Does this pass run only for a single light type (if getIteratePerLight is true).

Definition at line 1182 of file OgrePass.h.

SceneBlendOperation Ogre::Pass::getSceneBlendingOperation ( ) const

Returns the current blending operation.

SceneBlendOperation Ogre::Pass::getSceneBlendingOperationAlpha ( ) const

Returns the current alpha blending operation.

const ColourValue& Ogre::Pass::getSelfIllumination ( void  ) const

Gets the self illumination colour of the pass.

ShadeOptions Ogre::Pass::getShadingMode ( void  ) const

Returns the type of light shading to be used.

const GpuProgramPtr& Ogre::Pass::getShadowCasterFragmentProgram ( void  ) const

Gets the fragment program used by this pass when rendering shadow casters, only available after _load().

const String& Ogre::Pass::getShadowCasterFragmentProgramName ( void  ) const

Gets the name of the fragment program used by this pass when rendering shadow casters.

GpuProgramParametersSharedPtr Ogre::Pass::getShadowCasterFragmentProgramParameters ( void  ) const

Gets the fragment program parameters used by this pass when rendering shadow casters.

const GpuProgramPtr& Ogre::Pass::getShadowCasterVertexProgram ( void  ) const

Gets the vertex program used by this pass when rendering shadow casters, only available after _load().

const String& Ogre::Pass::getShadowCasterVertexProgramName ( void  ) const

Gets the name of the vertex program used by this pass when rendering shadow casters.

GpuProgramParametersSharedPtr Ogre::Pass::getShadowCasterVertexProgramParameters ( void  ) const

Gets the vertex program parameters used by this pass when rendering shadow casters.

const GpuProgramPtr& Ogre::Pass::getShadowReceiverFragmentProgram ( void  ) const

Gets the fragment program used by this pass when rendering shadow receivers, only available after _load().

const String& Ogre::Pass::getShadowReceiverFragmentProgramName ( void  ) const

Gets the name of the fragment program used by this pass when rendering shadow receivers.

GpuProgramParametersSharedPtr Ogre::Pass::getShadowReceiverFragmentProgramParameters ( void  ) const

Gets the fragment program parameters used by this pass when rendering shadow receivers.

const GpuProgramPtr& Ogre::Pass::getShadowReceiverVertexProgram ( void  ) const

Gets the vertex program used by this pass when rendering shadow receivers, only available after _load().

const String& Ogre::Pass::getShadowReceiverVertexProgramName ( void  ) const

Gets the name of the vertex program used by this pass when rendering shadow receivers.

GpuProgramParametersSharedPtr Ogre::Pass::getShadowReceiverVertexProgramParameters ( void  ) const

Gets the vertex program parameters used by this pass when rendering shadow receivers.

Real Ogre::Pass::getShininess ( void  ) const

Gets the 'shininess' property of the pass (affects specular highlights).

SceneBlendFactor Ogre::Pass::getSourceBlendFactor ( ) const

Retrieves the source blending factor for the material (as set using Materiall::setSceneBlending).

SceneBlendFactor Ogre::Pass::getSourceBlendFactorAlpha ( ) const

Retrieves the alpha source blending factor for the material (as set using Materiall::setSeparateSceneBlending).

const ColourValue& Ogre::Pass::getSpecular ( void  ) const

Gets the specular colour reflectance of the pass.

unsigned short Ogre::Pass::getStartLight ( void  ) const

Gets the light index that this pass will start at in the light list.

const GpuProgramPtr& Ogre::Pass::getTesselationDomainProgram ( void  ) const

Gets the Tesselation Domain program used by this pass, only available after _load().

const String& Ogre::Pass::getTesselationDomainProgramName ( void  ) const

Gets the name of the Domain Evaluation program used by this pass.

GpuProgramParametersSharedPtr Ogre::Pass::getTesselationDomainProgramParameters ( void  ) const

Gets the Tesselation Domain program parameters used by this pass.

const GpuProgramPtr& Ogre::Pass::getTesselationHullProgram ( void  ) const

Gets the Tesselation Hull program used by this pass, only available after _load().

const String& Ogre::Pass::getTesselationHullProgramName ( void  ) const

Gets the name of the Tesselation Hull program used by this pass.

GpuProgramParametersSharedPtr Ogre::Pass::getTesselationHullProgramParameters ( void  ) const

Gets the Tesselation Hull program parameters used by this pass.

TextureUnitState* Ogre::Pass::getTextureUnitState ( unsigned short  index)

Retrieves a pointer to a texture unit state so it may be modified.

TextureUnitState* Ogre::Pass::getTextureUnitState ( const String name)

Retrieves the Texture Unit State matching name.

Returns 0 if name match is not found.

const TextureUnitState* Ogre::Pass::getTextureUnitState ( unsigned short  index) const

Retrieves a const pointer to a texture unit state.

const TextureUnitState* Ogre::Pass::getTextureUnitState ( const String name) const

Retrieves the Texture Unit State matching name.

Returns 0 if name match is not found.

unsigned short Ogre::Pass::getTextureUnitStateIndex ( const TextureUnitState state) const

Retrieve the index of the Texture Unit State in the pass.

stateThe Texture Unit State this is attached to this pass.
Throws an exception if the state is not attached to the pass.
TextureUnitStateIterator Ogre::Pass::getTextureUnitStateIterator ( void  )

Get an iterator over the TextureUnitStates contained in this Pass.

ConstTextureUnitStateIterator Ogre::Pass::getTextureUnitStateIterator ( void  ) const

Get an iterator over the TextureUnitStates contained in this Pass.

bool Ogre::Pass::getTransparentSortingEnabled ( void  ) const

Returns whether or not transparent sorting is enabled.

bool Ogre::Pass::getTransparentSortingForced ( void  ) const

Returns whether or not transparent sorting is forced.

UserObjectBindings& Ogre::Pass::getUserObjectBindings ( )

Return an instance of user objects binding associated with this class.

You can use it to associate one or more custom objects with this class instance.

See also

Definition at line 1753 of file OgrePass.h.

const UserObjectBindings& Ogre::Pass::getUserObjectBindings ( ) const

Return an instance of user objects binding associated with this class.

You can use it to associate one or more custom objects with this class instance.

See also

Definition at line 1759 of file OgrePass.h.

TrackVertexColourType Ogre::Pass::getVertexColourTracking ( void  ) const

Gets which material properties follow the vertex colour.

const GpuProgramPtr& Ogre::Pass::getVertexProgram ( void  ) const

Gets the vertex program used by this pass, only available after _load().

const String& Ogre::Pass::getVertexProgramName ( void  ) const

Gets the name of the vertex program used by this pass.

GpuProgramParametersSharedPtr Ogre::Pass::getVertexProgramParameters ( void  ) const

Gets the vertex program parameters used by this pass.

bool Ogre::Pass::hasComputeProgram ( void  ) const

Returns true if this pass uses a programmable compute pipeline.

Definition at line 287 of file OgrePass.h.

bool Ogre::Pass::hasFragmentProgram ( void  ) const

Returns true if this pass uses a programmable fragment pipeline.

Definition at line 279 of file OgrePass.h.

bool Ogre::Pass::hasGeometryProgram ( void  ) const

Returns true if this pass uses a programmable geometry pipeline.

Definition at line 281 of file OgrePass.h.

bool Ogre::Pass::hasSeparateSceneBlending ( ) const

Return true if this pass uses separate scene blending.

bool Ogre::Pass::hasSeparateSceneBlendingOperations ( ) const

Returns true if this pass uses separate scene blending operations.

bool Ogre::Pass::hasShadowCasterFragmentProgram ( void  ) const

Returns true if this pass uses a shadow caster fragment program.

Definition at line 291 of file OgrePass.h.

bool Ogre::Pass::hasShadowCasterVertexProgram ( void  ) const

Returns true if this pass uses a shadow caster vertex program.

Definition at line 289 of file OgrePass.h.

bool Ogre::Pass::hasShadowReceiverFragmentProgram ( void  ) const

Returns true if this pass uses a shadow receiver fragment program.

Definition at line 295 of file OgrePass.h.

bool Ogre::Pass::hasShadowReceiverVertexProgram ( void  ) const

Returns true if this pass uses a shadow receiver vertex program.

Definition at line 293 of file OgrePass.h.

bool Ogre::Pass::hasTesselationDomainProgram ( void  ) const

Returns true if this pass uses a programmable tesselation control pipeline.

Definition at line 285 of file OgrePass.h.

bool Ogre::Pass::hasTesselationHullProgram ( void  ) const

Returns true if this pass uses a programmable tesselation control pipeline.

Definition at line 283 of file OgrePass.h.

bool Ogre::Pass::hasVertexProgram ( void  ) const

Returns true if this pass uses a programmable vertex pipeline.

Definition at line 277 of file OgrePass.h.

bool Ogre::Pass::isAlphaToCoverageEnabled ( ) const

Gets whether to use alpha to coverage (A2C) when blending alpha rejected values.

Definition at line 1099 of file OgrePass.h.

bool Ogre::Pass::isAmbientOnly ( void  ) const

Returns whether this pass is ambient only.

bool Ogre::Pass::isLoaded ( void  ) const

Is this loaded?

bool Ogre::Pass::isPointAttenuationEnabled ( void  ) const

Returns whether points are attenuated with distance.

bool Ogre::Pass::isProgrammable ( void  ) const

Returns true if this pass is programmable i.e. includes either a vertex or fragment program.

Definition at line 273 of file OgrePass.h.

bool Ogre::Pass::isTransparent ( void  ) const

Returns true if this pass has some element of transparency.

Ogre::Pass::OGRE_MUTEX ( mTexUnitChangeMutex  )
Ogre::Pass::OGRE_MUTEX ( mGpuProgramChangeMutex  )
Ogre::Pass::OGRE_STATIC_MUTEX ( msDirtyHashListMutex  )
Ogre::Pass::OGRE_STATIC_MUTEX ( msPassGraveyardMutex  )
template<class Alloc >
void Ogre::AllocatedObject< Alloc >::operator delete ( void *  ptr)

Definition at line 96 of file OgreMemoryAllocatedObject.h.

template<class Alloc >
void Ogre::AllocatedObject< Alloc >::operator delete ( void *  ptr,
void *   

Definition at line 102 of file OgreMemoryAllocatedObject.h.

template<class Alloc >
void Ogre::AllocatedObject< Alloc >::operator delete ( void *  ptr,
const char *  ,
int  ,
const char *   

Definition at line 108 of file OgreMemoryAllocatedObject.h.

template<class Alloc >
void Ogre::AllocatedObject< Alloc >::operator delete[] ( void *  ptr)

Definition at line 113 of file OgreMemoryAllocatedObject.h.

template<class Alloc >
void Ogre::AllocatedObject< Alloc >::operator delete[] ( void *  ptr,
const char *  ,
int  ,
const char *   

Definition at line 119 of file OgreMemoryAllocatedObject.h.

template<class Alloc >
void* Ogre::AllocatedObject< Alloc >::operator new ( size_t  sz,
const char *  file,
int  line,
const char *  func 

operator new, with debug line info

Definition at line 68 of file OgreMemoryAllocatedObject.h.

template<class Alloc >
void* Ogre::AllocatedObject< Alloc >::operator new ( size_t  sz)

Definition at line 73 of file OgreMemoryAllocatedObject.h.

template<class Alloc >
void* Ogre::AllocatedObject< Alloc >::operator new ( size_t  sz,
void *  ptr 

placement operator new

Definition at line 79 of file OgreMemoryAllocatedObject.h.

template<class Alloc >
void* Ogre::AllocatedObject< Alloc >::operator new[] ( size_t  sz,
const char *  file,
int  line,
const char *  func 

array operator new, with debug line info

Definition at line 86 of file OgreMemoryAllocatedObject.h.

template<class Alloc >
void* Ogre::AllocatedObject< Alloc >::operator new[] ( size_t  sz)

Definition at line 91 of file OgreMemoryAllocatedObject.h.

Pass& Ogre::Pass::operator= ( const Pass oth)

Operator = overload.

static void Ogre::Pass::processPendingPassUpdates ( void  )

Process all dirty and pending deletion passes.

void Ogre::Pass::queueForDeletion ( void  )

Queue this pass for deletion when appropriate.

void Ogre::Pass::removeAllTextureUnitStates ( void  )

Removes all texture unit settings.

void Ogre::Pass::removeTextureUnitState ( unsigned short  index)

Removes the indexed texture unit state from this pass.

Note that removing a texture which is not the topmost will have a larger performance impact.
void Ogre::Pass::setAlphaRejectFunction ( CompareFunction  func)

Sets the alpha reject function.

See setAlphaRejectSettings for more information.

void Ogre::Pass::setAlphaRejectSettings ( CompareFunction  func,
unsigned char  value,
bool  alphaToCoverageEnabled = false 

Sets the way the pass will have use alpha to totally reject pixels from the pipeline.

The default is CMPF_ALWAYS_PASS i.e. alpha is not used to reject pixels.
funcThe comparison which must pass for the pixel to be written.
value1 byte value against which alpha values will be tested(0-255)
alphaToCoverageEnabledWhether to enable alpha to coverage support
This option applies in both the fixed function and the programmable pipeline.
void Ogre::Pass::setAlphaRejectValue ( unsigned char  val)

Gets the alpha reject value.

See setAlphaRejectSettings for more information.

void Ogre::Pass::setAlphaToCoverageEnabled ( bool  enabled)

Sets whether to use alpha to coverage (A2C) when blending alpha rejected values.

Alpha to coverage performs multisampling on the edges of alpha-rejected textures to produce a smoother result. It is only supported when multisampling is already enabled on the render target, and when the hardware supports alpha to coverage (see RenderSystemCapabilities).
void Ogre::Pass::setAmbient ( Real  red,
Real  green,
Real  blue 

Sets the ambient colour reflectance properties of this pass.

The base colour of a pass is determined by how much red, green and blue light is reflects (provided texture layer #0 has a blend mode other than LBO_REPLACE). This property determines how much ambient light (directionless global light) is reflected. The default is full white, meaning objects are completely globally illuminated. Reduce this if you want to see diffuse or specular light effects, or change the blend of colours to make the object have a base colour other than white.
This setting has no effect if dynamic lighting is disabled (see Pass::setLightingEnabled), or if this is a programmable pass.
void Ogre::Pass::setAmbient ( const ColourValue ambient)

Sets the ambient colour reflectance properties of this pass.

The base colour of a pass is determined by how much red, green and blue light is reflects (provided texture layer #0 has a blend mode other than LBO_REPLACE). This property determines how much ambient light (directionless global light) is reflected. The default is full white, meaning objects are completely globally illuminated. Reduce this if you want to see diffuse or specular light effects, or change the blend of colours to make the object have a base colour other than white.
This setting has no effect if dynamic lighting is disabled (see Pass::setLightingEnabled), or if this is a programmable pass.
void Ogre::Pass::setColourWriteEnabled ( bool  enabled)

Sets whether or not colour buffer writing is enabled for this Pass.

For some effects, you might wish to turn off the colour write operation when rendering geometry; this means that only the depth buffer will be updated (provided you have depth buffer writing enabled, which you probably will do, although you may wish to only update the stencil buffer for example - stencil buffer state is managed at the RenderSystem level only, not the Material since you are likely to want to manage it at a higher level).
void Ogre::Pass::setComputeProgram ( const String name,
bool  resetParams = true 

Sets the details of the compute program to use.

Only applicable to programmable passes, this sets the details of the compute program to use in this pass. The program will not be loaded until the parent Material is loaded.
nameThe name of the program - this must have been created using GpuProgramManager by the time that this Pass is loaded. If this parameter is blank, any compute program in this pass is disabled.
resetParamsIf true, this will create a fresh set of parameters from the new program being linked, so if you had previously set parameters you will have to set them again. If you set this to false, you must be absolutely sure that the parameters match perfectly, and in the case of named parameters refers to the indexes underlying them, not just the names.
void Ogre::Pass::setComputeProgramParameters ( GpuProgramParametersSharedPtr  params)

Sets the Tesselation Evaluation program parameters.

Only applicable to programmable passes.
void Ogre::Pass::setCullingMode ( CullingMode  mode)

Sets the culling mode for this pass based on the 'vertex winding'.

A typical way for the rendering engine to cull triangles is based on the 'vertex winding' of triangles. Vertex winding refers to the direction in which the vertices are passed or indexed to in the rendering operation as viewed from the camera, and will wither be clockwise or anticlockwise (that's 'counterclockwise' for you Americans out there ;) The default is CULL_CLOCKWISE i.e. that only triangles whose vertices are passed/indexed in anticlockwise order are rendered - this is a common approach and is used in 3D studio models for example. You can alter this culling mode if you wish but it is not advised unless you know what you are doing.
You may wish to use the CULL_NONE option for mesh data that you cull yourself where the vertex winding is uncertain.
void Ogre::Pass::setDepthBias ( float  constantBias,
float  slopeScaleBias = 0.0f 

Sets the depth bias to be used for this material.

When polygons are coplanar, you can get problems with 'depth fighting' where the pixels from the two polys compete for the same screen pixel. This is particularly a problem for decals (polys attached to another surface to represent details such as bulletholes etc.).
A way to combat this problem is to use a depth bias to adjust the depth buffer value used for the decal such that it is slightly higher than the true value, ensuring that the decal appears on top. There are two aspects to the biasing, a constant bias value and a slope-relative biasing value, which varies according to the maximum depth slope relative to the camera, ie:
finalBias = maxSlope * slopeScaleBias + constantBias
Note that slope scale bias, whilst more accurate, may be ignored by old hardware.
constantBiasThe constant bias value, expressed as a factor of the minimum observable depth
slopeScaleBiasThe slope-relative bias value, expressed as a factor of the depth slope
void Ogre::Pass::setDepthCheckEnabled ( bool  enabled)

Sets whether or not this pass renders with depth-buffer checking on or not.

If depth-buffer checking is on, whenever a pixel is about to be written to the frame buffer the depth buffer is checked to see if the pixel is in front of all other pixels written at that point. If not, the pixel is not written.
If depth checking is off, pixels are written no matter what has been rendered before. Also see setDepthFunction for more advanced depth check configuration.
See also
void Ogre::Pass::setDepthFunction ( CompareFunction  func)

Sets the function used to compare depth values when depth checking is on.

If depth checking is enabled (see setDepthCheckEnabled) a comparison occurs between the depth value of the pixel to be written and the current contents of the buffer. This comparison is normally CMPF_LESS_EQUAL, i.e. the pixel is written if it is closer (or at the same distance) than the current contents. If you wish you can change this comparison using this method.
void Ogre::Pass::setDepthWriteEnabled ( bool  enabled)

Sets whether or not this pass renders with depth-buffer writing on or not.

If depth-buffer writing is on, whenever a pixel is written to the frame buffer the depth buffer is updated with the depth value of that new pixel, thus affecting future rendering operations if future pixels are behind this one.
If depth writing is off, pixels are written without updating the depth buffer Depth writing should normally be on but can be turned off when rendering static backgrounds or when rendering a collection of transparent objects at the end of a scene so that they overlap each other correctly.
void Ogre::Pass::setDiffuse ( Real  red,
Real  green,
Real  blue,
Real  alpha 

Sets the diffuse colour reflectance properties of this pass.

The base colour of a pass is determined by how much red, green and blue light is reflects (provided texture layer #0 has a blend mode other than LBO_REPLACE). This property determines how much diffuse light (light from instances of the Light class in the scene) is reflected. The default is full white, meaning objects reflect the maximum white light they can from Light objects.
This setting has no effect if dynamic lighting is disabled (see Pass::setLightingEnabled), or if this is a programmable pass.
void Ogre::Pass::setDiffuse ( const ColourValue diffuse)

Sets the diffuse colour reflectance properties of this pass.

The base colour of a pass is determined by how much red, green and blue light is reflects (provided texture layer #0 has a blend mode other than LBO_REPLACE). This property determines how much diffuse light (light from instances of the Light class in the scene) is reflected. The default is full white, meaning objects reflect the maximum white light they can from Light objects.
This setting has no effect if dynamic lighting is disabled (see Pass::setLightingEnabled), or if this is a programmable pass.
void Ogre::Pass::setEmissive ( Real  red,
Real  green,
Real  blue 

Sets the amount of self-illumination an object has.

See also

Definition at line 411 of file OgrePass.h.

void Ogre::Pass::setEmissive ( const ColourValue emissive)

Sets the amount of self-illumination an object has.

See also

Definition at line 431 of file OgrePass.h.

void Ogre::Pass::setFog ( bool  overrideScene,
FogMode  mode = FOG_NONE,
const ColourValue colour = ColourValue::White,
Real  expDensity = 0.001,
Real  linearStart = 0.0,
Real  linearEnd = 1.0 

Sets the fogging mode applied to this pass.

Fogging is an effect that is applied as polys are rendered. Sometimes, you want fog to be applied to an entire scene. Other times, you want it to be applied to a few polygons only. This pass-level specification of fog parameters lets you easily manage both.
The SceneManager class also has a setFog method which applies scene-level fog. This method lets you change the fog behaviour for this pass compared to the standard scene-level fog.
overrideSceneIf true, you authorise this pass to override the scene's fog params with it's own settings. If you specify false, so other parameters are necessary, and this is the default behaviour for passes.
modeOnly applicable if overrideScene is true. You can disable fog which is turned on for the rest of the scene by specifying FOG_NONE. Otherwise, set a pass-specific fog mode as defined in the enum FogMode.
colourThe colour of the fog. Either set this to the same as your viewport background colour, or to blend in with a skydome or skybox.
expDensityThe density of the fog in FOG_EXP or FOG_EXP2 mode, as a value between 0 and 1. The default is 0.001.
linearStartDistance in world units at which linear fog starts to encroach. Only applicable if mode is FOG_LINEAR.
linearEndDistance in world units at which linear fog becomes completely opaque. Only applicable if mode is FOG_LINEAR.
void Ogre::Pass::setFragmentProgram ( const String name,
bool  resetParams = true 

Sets the details of the fragment program to use.

Only applicable to programmable passes, this sets the details of the fragment program to use in this pass. The program will not be loaded until the parent Material is loaded.
nameThe name of the program - this must have been created using GpuProgramManager by the time that this Pass is loaded. If this parameter is blank, any fragment program in this pass is disabled.
resetParamsIf true, this will create a fresh set of parameters from the new program being linked, so if you had previously set parameters you will have to set them again. If you set this to false, you must be absolutely sure that the parameters match perfectly, and in the case of named parameters refers to the indexes underlying them, not just the names.
void Ogre::Pass::setFragmentProgramParameters ( GpuProgramParametersSharedPtr  params)

Sets the fragment program parameters.

Only applicable to programmable passes.
void Ogre::Pass::setGeometryProgram ( const String name,
bool  resetParams = true 

Sets the details of the geometry program to use.

Only applicable to programmable passes, this sets the details of the geometry program to use in this pass. The program will not be loaded until the parent Material is loaded.
nameThe name of the program - this must have been created using GpuProgramManager by the time that this Pass is loaded. If this parameter is blank, any geometry program in this pass is disabled.
resetParamsIf true, this will create a fresh set of parameters from the new program being linked, so if you had previously set parameters you will have to set them again. If you set this to false, you must be absolutely sure that the parameters match perfectly, and in the case of named parameters refers to the indexes underlying them, not just the names.
void Ogre::Pass::setGeometryProgramParameters ( GpuProgramParametersSharedPtr  params)

Sets the geometry program parameters.

Only applicable to programmable passes.
static void Ogre::Pass::setHashFunction ( BuiltinHashFunction  builtin)

Sets one of the default hash functions to be used.

You absolutely must not change the hash function whilst any Pass instances exist in the render queue. The only time you can do this is either before you render anything, or directly after you manuall call RenderQueue::clear(true) to completely destroy the queue structures. The default is MIN_TEXTURE_CHANGE.
You can also implement your own hash function, see the alternate version of this method.
See also
static void Ogre::Pass::setHashFunction ( HashFunc hashFunc)

Set the hash function used for all passes.

You absolutely must not change the hash function whilst any Pass instances exist in the render queue. The only time you can do this is either before you render anything, or directly after you manuall call RenderQueue::clear(true) to completely destroy the queue structures.
You can also use one of the built-in hash functions, see the alternate version of this method. The default is MIN_TEXTURE_CHANGE.
See also

Definition at line 1739 of file OgrePass.h.

void Ogre::Pass::setIlluminationStage ( IlluminationStage  is)

Manually set which illumination stage this pass is a member of.

When using an additive lighting mode (SHADOWTYPE_STENCIL_ADDITIVE or SHADOWTYPE_TEXTURE_ADDITIVE), the scene is rendered in 3 discrete stages, ambient (or pre-lighting), per-light (once per light, with shadowing) and decal (or post-lighting). Usually OGRE figures out how to categorise your passes automatically, but there are some effects you cannot achieve without manually controlling the illumination. For example specular effects are muted by the typical sequence because all textures are saved until the IS_DECAL stage which mutes the specular effect. Instead, you could do texturing within the per-light stage if it's possible for your material and thus add the specular on after the decal texturing, and have no post-light rendering.
If you assign an illumination stage to a pass you have to assign it to all passes in the technique otherwise it will be ignored. Also note that whilst you can have more than one pass in each group, they cannot alternate, ie all ambient passes will be before all per-light passes, which will also be before all decal passes. Within their categories the passes will retain their ordering though.

Definition at line 1698 of file OgrePass.h.

void Ogre::Pass::setIteratePerLight ( bool  enabled,
bool  onlyForOneLightType = true,
Light::LightTypes  lightType = Light::LT_POINT 

Sets whether or not this pass should iterate per light or number of lights which can affect the object being rendered.

The default behaviour for a pass (when this option is 'false'), is for a pass to be rendered only once (or the number of times set in setPassIterationCount), with all the lights which could affect this object set at the same time (up to the maximum lights allowed in the render system, which is typically 8).
Setting this option to 'true' changes this behaviour, such that instead of trying to issue render this pass once per object, it is run per light, or for a group of 'n' lights each time which can affect this object, the number of times set in setPassIterationCount (default is once). In this case, only light index 0 is ever used, and is a different light every time the pass is issued, up to the total number of lights which is affecting this object. This has 2 advantages:
  • There is no limit on the number of lights which can be supported
  • It's easier to write vertex / fragment programs for this because a single program can be used for any number of lights
However, this technique is more expensive, and typically you will want an additional ambient pass, because if no lights are affecting the object it will not be rendered at all, which will look odd even if ambient light is zero (imagine if there are lit objects behind it - the objects silhouette would not show up). Therefore, use this option with care, and you would be well advised to provide a less expensive fallback technique for use in the distance.
The number of times this pass runs is still limited by the maximum number of lights allowed as set in setMaxSimultaneousLights, so you will never get more passes than this. Also, the iteration is started from the 'start light' as set in Pass::setStartLight, and the number of passes is the number of lights to iterate over divided by the number of lights per iteration (default 1, set by setLightCountPerIteration).
enabledWhether this feature is enabled
onlyForOneLightTypeIf true, the pass will only be run for a single type of light, other light types will be ignored.
lightTypeThe single light type which will be considered for this pass
void Ogre::Pass::setIterationDepthBias ( float  biasPerIteration)

Sets a factor which derives an additional depth bias from the number of times a pass is iterated.

The Final depth bias will be the constant depth bias as set through setDepthBias, plus this value times the iteration number.
void Ogre::Pass::setLightClipPlanesEnabled ( bool  enabled)

Gets whether or not this pass will be clipped by user clips planes bounding the area covered by the light.

In order to cut down on the geometry set up to render this pass when you have a single fixed-range light being rendered through it, you can enable this option to request that during triangle setup, clip planes are defined to bound the range of the light. In the case of a point light these planes form a cube, and in the case of a spotlight they form a pyramid. Directional lights are never clipped.
This option is only likely to be useful for multipass additive lighting algorithms, where the scene has already been 'seeded' with an ambient pass and this pass is just adding light in affected areas. In addition, it will only be honoured if there is exactly one non-directional light being used in this pass. Also, these clip planes override any user clip planes set on Camera.
When using SHADOWTYPE_STENCIL_ADDITIVE or SHADOWTYPE_TEXTURE_ADDITIVE, this option is automatically used for all per-light passes if you enable SceneManager::setShadowUseLightClipPlanes and does not need to be specified. It is disabled by default since clip planes have a cost of their own which may not always exceed the benefits they give you.

Definition at line 1671 of file OgrePass.h.

void Ogre::Pass::setLightCountPerIteration ( unsigned short  c)

If light iteration is enabled, determine the number of lights per iteration.

The default for this setting is 1, so if you enable light iteration (Pass::setIteratePerLight), the pass is rendered once per light. If you set this value higher, the passes will occur once per 'n' lights. The start of the iteration is set by Pass::setStartLight and the end by Pass::setMaxSimultaneousLights.
void Ogre::Pass::setLightingEnabled ( bool  enabled)

Sets whether or not dynamic lighting is enabled.

enabledIf true, dynamic lighting is performed on geometry with normals supplied, geometry without normals will not be displayed.
If false, no lighting is applied and all geometry will be full brightness.
void Ogre::Pass::setLightMask ( uint32  mask)

Sets the light mask which can be matched to specific light flags to be handled by this pass.

void Ogre::Pass::setLightScissoringEnabled ( bool  enabled)

Sets whether or not this pass will be clipped by a scissor rectangle encompassing the lights that are being used in it.

In order to cut down on fillrate when you have a number of fixed-range lights in the scene, you can enable this option to request that during rendering, only the region of the screen which is covered by the lights is rendered. This region is the screen-space rectangle covering the union of the spheres making up the light ranges. Directional lights are ignored for this.
This is only likely to be useful for multipass additive lighting algorithms, where the scene has already been 'seeded' with an ambient pass and this pass is just adding light in affected areas.
When using SHADOWTYPE_STENCIL_ADDITIVE or SHADOWTYPE_TEXTURE_ADDITIVE, this option is implicitly used for all per-light passes and does not need to be specified. If you are not using shadows or are using a modulative or an integrated shadow technique then this could be useful.

Definition at line 1642 of file OgrePass.h.

void Ogre::Pass::setManualCullingMode ( ManualCullingMode  mode)

Sets the manual culling mode, performed by CPU rather than hardware.

In some situations you want to use manual culling of triangles rather than sending the triangles to the hardware and letting it cull them. This setting only takes effect on SceneManager's that use it (since it is best used on large groups of planar world geometry rather than on movable geometry since this would be expensive), but if used can cull geometry before it is sent to the hardware.
The default for this setting is MANUAL_CULL_BACK.
modeThe mode to use - see enum ManualCullingMode for details
void Ogre::Pass::setMaxSimultaneousLights ( unsigned short  maxLights)

Sets the maximum number of lights to be used by this pass.

During rendering, if lighting is enabled (or if the pass uses an automatic program parameter based on a light) the engine will request the nearest lights to the object being rendered in order to work out which ones to use. This parameter sets the limit on the number of lights which should apply to objects rendered with this pass.
void Ogre::Pass::setName ( const String name)
void Ogre::Pass::setNormaliseNormals ( bool  normalise)

If set to true, this forces normals to be normalised dynamically by the hardware for this pass.

This option can be used to prevent lighting variations when scaling an object - normally because this scaling is hardware based, the normals get scaled too which causes lighting to become inconsistent. By default the SceneManager detects scaled objects and does this for you, but this has an overhead so you might want to turn that off through SceneManager::setNormaliseNormalsOnScale(false) and only do it per-Pass when you need to.

Definition at line 1557 of file OgrePass.h.

void Ogre::Pass::setPassIterationCount ( const size_t  count)

set the number of iterations that this pass should perform when doing fast multi pass operation.

Only applicable for programmable passes.
countnumber of iterations to perform fast multi pass operations. A value greater than 1 will cause the pass to be executed count number of times without changing the render state. This is very useful for passes that use programmable shaders that have to iterate more than once but don't need a render state change. Using multi pass can dramatically speed up rendering for materials that do things like fur, blur. A value of 1 turns off multi pass operation and the pass does the normal pass operation.

Definition at line 1603 of file OgrePass.h.

void Ogre::Pass::setPointAttenuation ( bool  enabled,
Real  constant = 0.0f,
Real  linear = 1.0f,
Real  quadratic = 0.0f 

Sets how points are attenuated with distance.

When performing point rendering or point sprite rendering, point size can be attenuated with distance. The equation for doing this is attenuation = 1 / (constant + linear * dist + quadratic * d^2).
For example, to disable distance attenuation (constant screensize) you would set constant to 1, and linear and quadratic to 0. A standard perspective attenuation would be 0, 1, 0 respectively.
The resulting size is clamped to the minimum and maximum point size.
enabledWhether point attenuation is enabled
constantParameters to the attenuation function defined above
linearParameters to the attenuation function defined above
quadraticParameters to the attenuation function defined above
void Ogre::Pass::setPointMaxSize ( Real  max)

Set the maximum point size, when point attenuation is in use.

Setting this to 0 indicates the max size supported by the card.
void Ogre::Pass::setPointMinSize ( Real  min)

Set the minimum point size, when point attenuation is in use.

void Ogre::Pass::setPointSize ( Real  ps)

Sets the point size of this pass.

This setting allows you to change the size of points when rendering a point list, or a list of point sprites. The interpretation of this command depends on the Pass::setPointSizeAttenuation option - if it is off (the default), the point size is in screen pixels, if it is on, it expressed as normalised screen coordinates (1.0 is the height of the screen) when the point is at the origin.
Some drivers have an upper limit on the size of points they support
  • this can even vary between APIs on the same card! Don't rely on point sizes that cause the point sprites to get very large on screen, since they may get clamped on some cards. Upper sizes can range from 64 to 256 pixels.
void Ogre::Pass::setPointSpritesEnabled ( bool  enabled)

Sets whether or not rendering points using OT_POINT_LIST will render point sprites (textured quads) or plain points (dots).

enabledTrue enables point sprites, false returns to normal point rendering.
void Ogre::Pass::setPolygonMode ( PolygonMode  mode)

Sets the type of polygon rendering required.

The default shading method is Solid
virtual void Ogre::Pass::setPolygonModeOverrideable ( bool  override)

Sets whether this pass's chosen detail level can be overridden (downgraded) by the camera setting.

overridetrue means that a lower camera detail will override this pass's detail level, false means it won't (default true).

Definition at line 945 of file OgrePass.h.

void Ogre::Pass::setSceneBlending ( const SceneBlendType  sbt)

Sets the kind of blending this pass has with the existing contents of the scene.

Whereas the texture blending operations seen in the TextureUnitState class are concerned with blending between texture layers, this blending is about combining the output of the Pass as a whole with the existing contents of the rendering target. This blending therefore allows object transparency and other special effects. If all passes in a technique have a scene blend, then the whole technique is considered to be transparent.
This method allows you to select one of a number of predefined blending types. If you require more control than this, use the alternative version of this method which allows you to specify source and destination blend factors.
This method is applicable for both the fixed-function and programmable pipelines.
sbtOne of the predefined SceneBlendType blending types
void Ogre::Pass::setSceneBlending ( const SceneBlendFactor  sourceFactor,
const SceneBlendFactor  destFactor 

Allows very fine control of blending this Pass with the existing contents of the scene.

Whereas the texture blending operations seen in the TextureUnitState class are concerned with blending between texture layers, this blending is about combining the output of the material as a whole with the existing contents of the rendering target. This blending therefore allows object transparency and other special effects.
This version of the method allows complete control over the blending operation, by specifying the source and destination blending factors. The result of the blending operation is: final = (texture * sourceFactor) + (pixel * destFactor)
Each of the factors is specified as one of a number of options, as specified in the SceneBlendFactor enumerated type.
sourceFactorThe source factor in the above calculation, i.e. multiplied by the texture colour components.
destFactorThe destination factor in the above calculation, i.e. multiplied by the pixel colour components.
This method is applicable for both the fixed-function and programmable pipelines.
void Ogre::Pass::setSceneBlendingOperation ( SceneBlendOperation  op)

Sets the specific operation used to blend source and destination pixels together.

By default this operation is +, which creates this equation final = (texture * sourceFactor) + (pixel * destFactor) By setting this to something other than SBO_ADD you can change the operation to achieve a different effect.
opThe blending operation mode to use for this pass
void Ogre::Pass::setSelfIllumination ( Real  red,
Real  green,
Real  blue 

Sets the amount of self-illumination an object has.

If an object is self-illuminating, it does not need external sources to light it, ambient or otherwise. It's like the object has it's own personal ambient light. This property is rarely useful since you can already specify per-pass ambient light, but is here for completeness.
This setting has no effect if dynamic lighting is disabled (see Pass::setLightingEnabled), or if this is a programmable pass.
void Ogre::Pass::setSelfIllumination ( const ColourValue selfIllum)

Sets the amount of self-illumination an object has.

If an object is self-illuminating, it does not need external sources to light it, ambient or otherwise. It's like the object has it's own personal ambient light. This property is rarely useful since you can already specify per-pass ambient light, but is here for completeness.
This setting has no effect if dynamic lighting is disabled (see Pass::setLightingEnabled), or if this is a programmable pass.
void Ogre::Pass::setSeparateSceneBlending ( const SceneBlendType  sbt,
const SceneBlendType  sbta 

Sets the kind of blending this pass has with the existing contents of the scene, separately for color and alpha channels.

Whereas the texture blending operations seen in the TextureUnitState class are concerned with blending between texture layers, this blending is about combining the output of the Pass as a whole with the existing contents of the rendering target. This blending therefore allows object transparency and other special effects. If all passes in a technique have a scene blend, then the whole technique is considered to be transparent.
This method allows you to select one of a number of predefined blending types. If you require more control than this, use the alternative version of this method which allows you to specify source and destination blend factors.
This method is applicable for both the fixed-function and programmable pipelines.
sbtOne of the predefined SceneBlendType blending types for the color channel
sbtaOne of the predefined SceneBlendType blending types for the alpha channel
void Ogre::Pass::setSeparateSceneBlending ( const SceneBlendFactor  sourceFactor,
const SceneBlendFactor  destFactor,
const SceneBlendFactor  sourceFactorAlpha,
const SceneBlendFactor  destFactorAlpha 

Allows very fine control of blending this Pass with the existing contents of the scene.

Whereas the texture blending operations seen in the TextureUnitState class are concerned with blending between texture layers, this blending is about combining the output of the material as a whole with the existing contents of the rendering target. This blending therefore allows object transparency and other special effects.
This version of the method allows complete control over the blending operation, by specifying the source and destination blending factors. The result of the blending operation is: final = (texture * sourceFactor) + (pixel * destFactor)
Each of the factors is specified as one of a number of options, as specified in the SceneBlendFactor enumerated type.
sourceFactorThe source factor in the above calculation, i.e. multiplied by the texture colour components.
destFactorThe destination factor in the above calculation, i.e. multiplied by the pixel colour components.
sourceFactorAlphaThe alpha source factor in the above calculation, i.e. multiplied by the texture alpha component.
destFactorAlphaThe alpha destination factor in the above calculation, i.e. multiplied by the pixel alpha component.
This method is applicable for both the fixed-function and programmable pipelines.
void Ogre::Pass::setSeparateSceneBlendingOperation ( SceneBlendOperation  op,
SceneBlendOperation  alphaOp 

Sets the specific operation used to blend source and destination pixels together.

By default this operation is +, which creates this equation final = (texture * sourceFactor) + (pixel * destFactor) By setting this to something other than SBO_ADD you can change the operation to achieve a different effect. This function allows more control over blending since it allows you to select different blending modes for the color and alpha channels
opThe blending operation mode to use for color channels in this pass
alphaOpThe blending operation mode to use for alpha channels in this pass
void Ogre::Pass::setShadingMode ( ShadeOptions  mode)

Sets the type of light shading required.

The default shading method is Gouraud shading.
void Ogre::Pass::setShadowCasterFragmentProgram ( const String name)

Sets the details of the fragment program to use when rendering as a shadow caster.

Texture-based shadows require that the caster is rendered to a texture in a solid colour (the shadow colour in the case of modulative texture shadows). Whilst Ogre can arrange this for the fixed function pipeline, passes which use vertex programs might need the vertex programs still to run in order to preserve any deformation etc that it does. However, lighting calculations must be a lot simpler, with only the ambient colour being used (which the engine will ensure is bound to the shadow colour).
Therefore, it is up to implementors of vertex programs to provide an alternative vertex program which can be used to render the object to a shadow texture. Do all the same vertex transforms, but set the colour of the vertex to the ambient colour, as bound using the standard auto parameter binding mechanism.
Some vertex programs will work without doing this, because Ogre ensures that all lights except for ambient are set black. However, the chances are that your vertex program is doing a lot of unnecessary work in this case, since the other lights are having no effect, and it is good practice to supply an alternative.
This is only applicable to programmable passes.
The default behaviour is for Ogre to switch to fixed-function rendering if an explicit fragment program alternative is not set.
void Ogre::Pass::setShadowCasterFragmentProgramParameters ( GpuProgramParametersSharedPtr  params)

Sets the fragment program parameters for rendering as a shadow caster.

Only applicable to programmable passes, and this particular call is designed for low-level programs; use the named parameter methods for setting high-level program parameters.
void Ogre::Pass::setShadowCasterVertexProgram ( const String name)

Sets the details of the vertex program to use when rendering as a shadow caster.

Texture-based shadows require that the caster is rendered to a texture in a solid colour (the shadow colour in the case of modulative texture shadows). Whilst Ogre can arrange this for the fixed function pipeline, passes which use vertex programs might need the vertex programs still to run in order to preserve any deformation etc that it does. However, lighting calculations must be a lot simpler, with only the ambient colour being used (which the engine will ensure is bound to the shadow colour).
Therefore, it is up to implementors of vertex programs to provide an alternative vertex program which can be used to render the object to a shadow texture. Do all the same vertex transforms, but set the colour of the vertex to the ambient colour, as bound using the standard auto parameter binding mechanism.
Some vertex programs will work without doing this, because Ogre ensures that all lights except for ambient are set black. However, the chances are that your vertex program is doing a lot of unnecessary work in this case, since the other lights are having no effect, and it is good practice to supply an alternative.
This is only applicable to programmable passes.
The default behaviour is for Ogre to switch to fixed-function rendering if an explicit vertex program alternative is not set.
void Ogre::Pass::setShadowCasterVertexProgramParameters ( GpuProgramParametersSharedPtr  params)

Sets the vertex program parameters for rendering as a shadow caster.

Only applicable to programmable passes, and this particular call is designed for low-level programs; use the named parameter methods for setting high-level program parameters.
void Ogre::Pass::setShadowReceiverFragmentProgram ( const String name)

This method allows you to specify a fragment program for use when rendering a texture shadow receiver.

Texture shadows are applied by rendering the receiver. Modulative texture shadows are performed as a post-render darkening pass, and as such fragment programs are generally not required per-object. Additive texture shadows, however, are applied by accumulating light masked out using a texture shadow (black & white by default, unless you customise this using SceneManager::setCustomShadowCasterMaterial). OGRE can do this for you for most materials, but if you use a custom lighting program (e.g. per pixel lighting) then you'll need to provide a custom version for receiving shadows. You don't need to provide this for shadow casters if you don't use self-shadowing since they will never be shadow receivers too.
The shadow texture is always bound to texture unit 0 when rendering texture shadow passes. Therefore your custom shadow receiver program may well just need to shift it's texture unit usage up by one unit, and take the shadow texture into account in its calculations.
void Ogre::Pass::setShadowReceiverFragmentProgramParameters ( GpuProgramParametersSharedPtr  params)

Sets the fragment program parameters for rendering as a shadow receiver.

Only applicable to programmable passes, and this particular call is designed for low-level programs; use the named parameter methods for setting high-level program parameters.
void Ogre::Pass::setShadowReceiverVertexProgram ( const String name)

Sets the details of the vertex program to use when rendering as a shadow receiver.

Texture-based shadows require that the shadow receiver is rendered using a projective texture. Whilst Ogre can arrange this for the fixed function pipeline, passes which use vertex programs might need the vertex programs still to run in order to preserve any deformation etc that it does. So in this case, we need a vertex program which does the appropriate vertex transformation, but generates projective texture coordinates.
Therefore, it is up to implementors of vertex programs to provide an alternative vertex program which can be used to render the object as a shadow receiver. Do all the same vertex transforms, but generate 2 sets of texture coordinates using the auto parameter ACT_TEXTURE_VIEWPROJ_MATRIX, which Ogre will bind to the parameter name / index you supply as the second parameter to this method. 2 texture sets are needed because Ogre needs to use 2 texture units for some shadow effects.
This is only applicable to programmable passes.
The default behaviour is for Ogre to switch to fixed-function rendering if an explict vertex program alternative is not set.
void Ogre::Pass::setShadowReceiverVertexProgramParameters ( GpuProgramParametersSharedPtr  params)

Sets the vertex program parameters for rendering as a shadow receiver.

Only applicable to programmable passes, and this particular call is designed for low-level programs; use the named parameter methods for setting high-level program parameters.
void Ogre::Pass::setShininess ( Real  val)

Sets the shininess of the pass, affecting the size of specular highlights.

This setting has no effect if dynamic lighting is disabled (see Pass::setLightingEnabled), or if this is a programmable pass.
void Ogre::Pass::setSpecular ( Real  red,
Real  green,
Real  blue,
Real  alpha 

Sets the specular colour reflectance properties of this pass.

The base colour of a pass is determined by how much red, green and blue light is reflects (provided texture layer #0 has a blend mode other than LBO_REPLACE). This property determines how much specular light (highlights from instances of the Light class in the scene) is reflected. The default is to reflect no specular light.
The size of the specular highlights is determined by the separate 'shininess' property.
This setting has no effect if dynamic lighting is disabled (see Pass::setLightingEnabled), or if this is a programmable pass.
void Ogre::Pass::setSpecular ( const ColourValue specular)

Sets the specular colour reflectance properties of this pass.

The base colour of a pass is determined by how much red, green and blue light is reflects (provided texture layer #0 has a blend mode other than LBO_REPLACE). This property determines how much specular light (highlights from instances of the Light class in the scene) is reflected. The default is to reflect no specular light.
The size of the specular highlights is determined by the separate 'shininess' property.
This setting has no effect if dynamic lighting is disabled (see Pass::setLightingEnabled), or if this is a programmable pass.
void Ogre::Pass::setStartLight ( unsigned short  startLight)

Sets the light index that this pass will start at in the light list.

Normally the lights passed to a pass will start from the beginning of the light list for this object. This option allows you to make this pass start from a higher light index, for example if one of your earlier passes could deal with lights 0-3, and this pass dealt with lights 4+. This option also has an interaction with pass iteration, in that if you choose to iterate this pass per light too, the iteration will only begin from light 4.
void Ogre::Pass::setTesselationDomainProgram ( const String name,
bool  resetParams = true 

Sets the details of the tesselation domain program to use.

Only applicable to programmable passes, this sets the details of the Tesselation domain program to use in this pass. The program will not be loaded until the parent Material is loaded.
nameThe name of the program - this must have been created using GpuProgramManager by the time that this Pass is loaded. If this parameter is blank, any Tesselation domain program in this pass is disabled.
resetParamsIf true, this will create a fresh set of parameters from the new program being linked, so if you had previously set parameters you will have to set them again. If you set this to false, you must be absolutely sure that the parameters match perfectly, and in the case of named parameters refers to the indexes underlying them, not just the names.
void Ogre::Pass::setTesselationDomainProgramParameters ( GpuProgramParametersSharedPtr  params)

Sets the Tesselation Domain program parameters.

Only applicable to programmable passes.
void Ogre::Pass::setTesselationHullProgram ( const String name,
bool  resetParams = true 

Support for shader model 5.0, hull and domain shaders.

Sets the details of the tesselation control program to use.

Only applicable to programmable passes, this sets the details of the Tesselation Hull program to use in this pass. The program will not be loaded until the parent Material is loaded.
nameThe name of the program - this must have been created using GpuProgramManager by the time that this Pass is loaded. If this parameter is blank, any Tesselation Hull program in this pass is disabled.
resetParamsIf true, this will create a fresh set of parameters from the new program being linked, so if you had previously set parameters you will have to set them again. If you set this to false, you must be absolutely sure that the parameters match perfectly, and in the case of named parameters refers to the indexes underlying them, not just the names.
void Ogre::Pass::setTesselationHullProgramParameters ( GpuProgramParametersSharedPtr  params)

Sets the Tesselation Hull program parameters.

Only applicable to programmable passes.
void Ogre::Pass::setTextureAnisotropy ( unsigned int  maxAniso)

Sets the anisotropy level to be used for all textures.

This property has been moved to the TextureUnitState class, which is accessible via the Technique and Pass. For simplicity, this method allows you to set these properties for every current TeextureUnitState, If you need more precision, retrieve the Technique, Pass and TextureUnitState instances and set the property there.
See also
void Ogre::Pass::setTextureFiltering ( TextureFilterOptions  filterType)

Set texture filtering for every texture unit.

This property actually exists on the TextureUnitState class For simplicity, this method allows you to set these properties for every current TeextureUnitState, If you need more precision, retrieve the TextureUnitState instance and set the property there.
See also
void Ogre::Pass::setTransparentSortingEnabled ( bool  enabled)

Sets whether or not transparent sorting is enabled.

enabledIf false depth sorting of this material will be disabled.
By default all transparent materials are sorted such that renderables furthest away from the camera are rendered first. This is usually the desired behaviour but in certain cases this depth sorting may be unnecessary and undesirable. If for example it is necessary to ensure the rendering order does not change from one frame to the next.
This will have no effect on non-transparent materials.
void Ogre::Pass::setTransparentSortingForced ( bool  enabled)

Sets whether or not transparent sorting is forced.

enabledIf true depth sorting of this material will be depend only on the value of getTransparentSortingEnabled().
By default even if transparent sorting is enabled, depth sorting will only be performed when the material is transparent and depth write/check are disabled. This function disables these extra conditions.
void Ogre::Pass::setVertexColourTracking ( TrackVertexColourType  tracking)

Sets which material properties follow the vertex colour.

void Ogre::Pass::setVertexProgram ( const String name,
bool  resetParams = true 

Sets the details of the vertex program to use.

Only applicable to programmable passes, this sets the details of the vertex program to use in this pass. The program will not be loaded until the parent Material is loaded.
nameThe name of the program - this must have been created using GpuProgramManager by the time that this Pass is loaded. If this parameter is blank, any vertex program in this pass is disabled.
resetParamsIf true, this will create a fresh set of parameters from the new program being linked, so if you had previously set parameters you will have to set them again. If you set this to false, you must be absolutely sure that the parameters match perfectly, and in the case of named parameters refers to the indexes underlying them, not just the names.
void Ogre::Pass::setVertexProgramParameters ( GpuProgramParametersSharedPtr  params)

Sets the vertex program parameters.

Only applicable to programmable passes, and this particular call is designed for low-level programs; use the named parameter methods for setting high-level program parameters.

Member Data Documentation

SceneBlendOperation Ogre::Pass::mAlphaBlendOperation

Definition at line 128 of file OgrePass.h.

CompareFunction Ogre::Pass::mAlphaRejectFunc

Definition at line 148 of file OgrePass.h.

unsigned char Ogre::Pass::mAlphaRejectVal

Definition at line 149 of file OgrePass.h.

bool Ogre::Pass::mAlphaToCoverageEnabled

Definition at line 150 of file OgrePass.h.

ColourValue Ogre::Pass::mAmbient

Needs to be dirtied when next loaded.

Definition at line 107 of file OgrePass.h.

SceneBlendOperation Ogre::Pass::mBlendOperation

Definition at line 127 of file OgrePass.h.

bool Ogre::Pass::mColourWrite

Colour buffer settings.

Definition at line 145 of file OgrePass.h.

GpuProgramUsage* Ogre::Pass::mComputeProgramUsage

Compute program details.

Definition at line 220 of file OgrePass.h.

bool Ogre::Pass::mContentTypeLookupBuilt

Definition at line 236 of file OgrePass.h.

CullingMode Ogre::Pass::mCullMode

Definition at line 160 of file OgrePass.h.

float Ogre::Pass::mDepthBiasConstant

Definition at line 140 of file OgrePass.h.

float Ogre::Pass::mDepthBiasPerIteration

Definition at line 142 of file OgrePass.h.

float Ogre::Pass::mDepthBiasSlopeScale

Definition at line 141 of file OgrePass.h.

bool Ogre::Pass::mDepthCheck

Definition at line 137 of file OgrePass.h.

CompareFunction Ogre::Pass::mDepthFunc

Definition at line 139 of file OgrePass.h.

bool Ogre::Pass::mDepthWrite

Definition at line 138 of file OgrePass.h.

SceneBlendFactor Ogre::Pass::mDestBlendFactor

Definition at line 118 of file OgrePass.h.

SceneBlendFactor Ogre::Pass::mDestBlendFactorAlpha

Definition at line 120 of file OgrePass.h.

ColourValue Ogre::Pass::mDiffuse

Definition at line 108 of file OgrePass.h.

ColourValue Ogre::Pass::mEmissive

Definition at line 110 of file OgrePass.h.

ColourValue Ogre::Pass::mFogColour

Definition at line 191 of file OgrePass.h.

Real Ogre::Pass::mFogDensity

Definition at line 194 of file OgrePass.h.

Real Ogre::Pass::mFogEnd

Definition at line 193 of file OgrePass.h.

FogMode Ogre::Pass::mFogMode

Definition at line 190 of file OgrePass.h.

bool Ogre::Pass::mFogOverride

Definition at line 189 of file OgrePass.h.

Real Ogre::Pass::mFogStart

Definition at line 192 of file OgrePass.h.

GpuProgramUsage* Ogre::Pass::mFragmentProgramUsage

Fragment program details.

Definition at line 210 of file OgrePass.h.

GpuProgramUsage* Ogre::Pass::mGeometryProgramUsage

Geometry program details.

Definition at line 214 of file OgrePass.h.

uint32 Ogre::Pass::mHash

Optional name for the pass.

Definition at line 103 of file OgrePass.h.

bool Ogre::Pass::mHashDirtyQueued

Pass hash.

Definition at line 104 of file OgrePass.h.

IlluminationStage Ogre::Pass::mIlluminationStage

Illumination stage?

Definition at line 242 of file OgrePass.h.

unsigned short Ogre::Pass::mIndex

Definition at line 101 of file OgrePass.h.

bool Ogre::Pass::mIteratePerLight

Run this pass once per light?

Definition at line 171 of file OgrePass.h.

bool Ogre::Pass::mLightClipPlanes

User clip planes for light?

Definition at line 240 of file OgrePass.h.

bool Ogre::Pass::mLightingEnabled

Lighting enabled?

Definition at line 165 of file OgrePass.h.

uint32 Ogre::Pass::mLightMask

With a specific light mask?

Definition at line 178 of file OgrePass.h.

bool Ogre::Pass::mLightScissoring

Scissoring for the light?

Definition at line 238 of file OgrePass.h.

unsigned short Ogre::Pass::mLightsPerIteration

Iterate per how many lights?

Definition at line 173 of file OgrePass.h.

ManualCullingMode Ogre::Pass::mManualCullMode

Definition at line 161 of file OgrePass.h.

unsigned short Ogre::Pass::mMaxSimultaneousLights

Max simultaneous lights.

Definition at line 167 of file OgrePass.h.

String Ogre::Pass::mName

Pass index.

Definition at line 102 of file OgrePass.h.

bool Ogre::Pass::mNormaliseNormals


Definition at line 185 of file OgrePass.h.

Light::LightTypes Ogre::Pass::mOnlyLightType

Definition at line 176 of file OgrePass.h.

Technique* Ogre::Pass::mParent

Definition at line 100 of file OgrePass.h.

size_t Ogre::Pass::mPassIterationCount

Number of pass iterations to perform.

Definition at line 224 of file OgrePass.h.

Real Ogre::Pass::mPointAttenuationCoeffs[3]

Constant, linear, quadratic coeffs.

Definition at line 232 of file OgrePass.h.

bool Ogre::Pass::mPointAttenuationEnabled

Definition at line 230 of file OgrePass.h.

Real Ogre::Pass::mPointMaxSize

Definition at line 228 of file OgrePass.h.

Real Ogre::Pass::mPointMinSize

Definition at line 227 of file OgrePass.h.

Real Ogre::Pass::mPointSize

Point size, applies when not using per-vertex point size.

Definition at line 226 of file OgrePass.h.

bool Ogre::Pass::mPointSpritesEnabled

Definition at line 229 of file OgrePass.h.

PolygonMode Ogre::Pass::mPolygonMode

Polygon mode.

Definition at line 183 of file OgrePass.h.

bool Ogre::Pass::mPolygonModeOverrideable

Definition at line 186 of file OgrePass.h.

bool Ogre::Pass::mQueuedForDeletion

Is this pass queued for deletion?

Definition at line 222 of file OgrePass.h.

bool Ogre::Pass::mRunOnlyForOneLightType

Should it only be run for a certain light type?

Definition at line 175 of file OgrePass.h.

PassSet Ogre::Pass::msDirtyHashList

List of Passes whose hashes need recalculating.

Definition at line 254 of file OgrePass.h.

bool Ogre::Pass::mSeparateBlend

Definition at line 123 of file OgrePass.h.

bool Ogre::Pass::mSeparateBlendOperation

Determines if we should use separate blending operations for color and alpha channels.

Definition at line 131 of file OgrePass.h.

ShadeOptions Ogre::Pass::mShadeOptions

Shading options.

Definition at line 181 of file OgrePass.h.

GpuProgramUsage* Ogre::Pass::mShadowCasterFragmentProgramUsage

Fragment program details.

Definition at line 206 of file OgrePass.h.

GpuProgramUsage* Ogre::Pass::mShadowCasterVertexProgramUsage

Vertex program details.

Definition at line 204 of file OgrePass.h.

ContentTypeLookup Ogre::Pass::mShadowContentTypeLookup

Definition at line 235 of file OgrePass.h.

GpuProgramUsage* Ogre::Pass::mShadowReceiverFragmentProgramUsage

Fragment program details.

Definition at line 212 of file OgrePass.h.

GpuProgramUsage* Ogre::Pass::mShadowReceiverVertexProgramUsage

Vertex program details.

Definition at line 208 of file OgrePass.h.

HashFunc* Ogre::Pass::msHashFunc

The Pass hash functor.

Definition at line 258 of file OgrePass.h.

Real Ogre::Pass::mShininess

Definition at line 111 of file OgrePass.h.

SceneBlendFactor Ogre::Pass::mSourceBlendFactor

Definition at line 117 of file OgrePass.h.

SceneBlendFactor Ogre::Pass::mSourceBlendFactorAlpha

Definition at line 119 of file OgrePass.h.

PassSet Ogre::Pass::msPassGraveyard

The place where passes go to die.

Definition at line 256 of file OgrePass.h.

ColourValue Ogre::Pass::mSpecular

Definition at line 109 of file OgrePass.h.

unsigned short Ogre::Pass::mStartLight

Starting light index.

Definition at line 169 of file OgrePass.h.

GpuProgramUsage* Ogre::Pass::mTesselationDomainProgramUsage

Tesselation domain program details.

Definition at line 218 of file OgrePass.h.

GpuProgramUsage* Ogre::Pass::mTesselationHullProgramUsage

Tesselation hull program details.

Definition at line 216 of file OgrePass.h.

TextureUnitStates Ogre::Pass::mTextureUnitStates

Definition at line 199 of file OgrePass.h.

TrackVertexColourType Ogre::Pass::mTracking

Definition at line 112 of file OgrePass.h.

bool Ogre::Pass::mTransparentSorting

Transparent depth sorting.

Definition at line 153 of file OgrePass.h.

bool Ogre::Pass::mTransparentSortingForced

Transparent depth sorting forced.

Definition at line 155 of file OgrePass.h.

UserObjectBindings Ogre::Pass::mUserObjectBindings

User objects binding.

Definition at line 244 of file OgrePass.h.

GpuProgramUsage* Ogre::Pass::mVertexProgramUsage

Vertex program details.

Definition at line 202 of file OgrePass.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: