OGRE  1.9
Object-Oriented Graphics Rendering Engine
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Ogre::MovablePlane Class Reference

Definition of a Plane that may be attached to a node, and the derived details of it retrieved simply. More...

#include <OgreMovablePlane.h>

+ Inheritance diagram for Ogre::MovablePlane:
+ Collaboration diagram for Ogre::MovablePlane:

Public Types

typedef vector
< ShadowRenderable * >::type 
typedef VectorIterator
< ShadowRenderableList
 The "positive side" of the plane is the half space to which the plane normal points. More...

Public Member Functions

 MovablePlane (const String &name)
 MovablePlane (const Plane &rhs)
 MovablePlane (const Vector3 &rkNormal, Real fConstant)
 Construct a plane through a normal, and a distance to move the plane along the normal. More...
 MovablePlane (const Vector3 &rkNormal, const Vector3 &rkPoint)
 MovablePlane (const Vector3 &rkPoint0, const Vector3 &rkPoint1, const Vector3 &rkPoint2)
 ~MovablePlane ()
virtual MovableObjectFactory_getCreator (void) const
 Get the creator of this object, if any (internal use only) More...
const Plane_getDerivedPlane (void) const
 Get the derived plane as transformed by its parent node. More...
virtual LightList_getLightList ()
 Returns a pointer to the current list of lights for this object. More...
virtual SceneManager_getManager (void) const
 Get the manager of this object, if any (internal use only) More...
virtual const Matrix4_getParentNodeFullTransform (void) const
 return the full transformation of the parent sceneNode or the attachingPoint node More...
virtual void _notifyAttached (Node *parent, bool isTagPoint=false)
 Internal method called to notify the object that it has been attached to a node. More...
virtual void _notifyCreator (MovableObjectFactory *fact)
 Notify the object of it's creator (internal use only) More...
void _notifyCurrentCamera (Camera *)
 Overridden from MovableObject. More...
virtual void _notifyManager (SceneManager *man)
 Notify the object of it's manager (internal use only) More...
virtual void _notifyMoved (void)
 Internal method called to notify the object that it has been moved. More...
void _updateRenderQueue (RenderQueue *)
 Overridden from MovableObject. More...
virtual void addQueryFlags (uint32 flags)
 As setQueryFlags, except the flags passed as parameters are appended to the existing flags on this object. More...
virtual void addVisibilityFlags (uint32 flags)
 As setVisibilityFlags, except the flags passed as parameters are appended to the existing flags on this object. More...
virtual AnimableValuePtr createAnimableValue (const String &valueName)
 Create a reference-counted AnimableValuePtr for the named value. More...
virtual void detachFromParent (void)
 Detaches an object from a parent SceneNode or TagPoint, if attached. More...
const StringVectorgetAnimableValueNames (void) const
 Gets a list of animable value names for this object. More...
const AxisAlignedBoxgetBoundingBox (void) const
 Overridden from MovableObject. More...
Real getBoundingRadius (void) const
 Overridden from MovableObject. More...
bool getCastShadows (void) const
 Returns whether shadow casting is enabled for this object. More...
const AxisAlignedBoxgetDarkCapBounds (const Light &light, Real dirLightExtrusionDist) const
 Overridden member from ShadowCaster. More...
Real getDistance (const Vector3 &rkPoint) const
 This is a pseudodistance. More...
EdgeDatagetEdgeList (void)
 Define a default implementation of method from ShadowCaster which implements no shadows. More...
const AxisAlignedBoxgetLightCapBounds (void) const
 Overridden member from ShadowCaster. More...
virtual uint32 getLightMask () const
 Get a bitwise mask which will filter the lights affecting this object. More...
virtual ListenergetListener (void) const
 Gets the current listener for this object. More...
const StringgetMovableType (void) const
 Overridden from MovableObject. More...
virtual const StringgetName (void) const
 Returns the name of this object. More...
virtual NodegetParentNode (void) const
 Returns the node to which this object is attached. More...
virtual SceneNodegetParentSceneNode (void) const
 Returns the scene node to which this object is attached. More...
Real getPointExtrusionDistance (const Light *l) const
 Get the distance to extrude for a point/spot light. More...
virtual uint32 getQueryFlags (void) const
 Returns the query flags relevant for this object. More...
bool getReceivesShadows ()
 Returns whether the Material of any Renderable that this MovableObject will add to the render queue will receive shadows. More...
virtual Real getRenderingDistance (void) const
 Gets the distance at which batches are no longer rendered. More...
virtual Real getRenderingMinPixelSize () const
 Returns the minimum pixel size an object needs to be in both screen axes in order to be rendered. More...
virtual uint8 getRenderQueueGroup (void) const
 Gets the queue group for this entity, see setRenderQueueGroup for full details. More...
ShadowRenderableListIterator getShadowVolumeRenderableIterator (ShadowTechnique shadowTechnique, const Light *light, HardwareIndexBufferSharedPtr *indexBuffer, size_t *indexBufferUsedSize, bool extrudeVertices, Real extrusionDist, unsigned long flags=0)
 Define a default implementation of method from ShadowCaster which implements no shadows. More...
Side getSide (const Vector3 &rkPoint) const
Side getSide (const AxisAlignedBox &rkBox) const
 Returns the side where the alignedBox is. More...
Side getSide (const Vector3 &centre, const Vector3 &halfSize) const
 Returns which side of the plane that the given box lies on. More...
virtual uint32 getTypeFlags (void) const
 Get the 'type flags' for this MovableObject. More...
virtual OGRE_DEPRECATED const AnygetUserAny (void) const
UserObjectBindingsgetUserObjectBindings ()
 Return an instance of user objects binding associated with this class. More...
const UserObjectBindingsgetUserObjectBindings () const
 Return an instance of user objects binding associated with this class. More...
virtual uint32 getVisibilityFlags (void) const
 Returns the visibility flags relevant for this object. More...
virtual bool getVisible (void) const
 Gets this object whether to be visible or not, if it has a renderable component. More...
virtual const AxisAlignedBoxgetWorldBoundingBox (bool derive=false) const
 Retrieves the axis-aligned bounding box for this object in world coordinates. More...
virtual const SpheregetWorldBoundingSphere (bool derive=false) const
 Retrieves the worldspace bounding sphere for this object. More...
bool hasEdgeList (void)
 Define a default implementation of method from ShadowCaster which implements no shadows. More...
virtual bool isAttached (void) const
 Returns true if this object is attached to a SceneNode or TagPoint. More...
virtual bool isDebugDisplayEnabled (void) const
 Gets whether debug display of this object is enabled. More...
virtual bool isInScene (void) const
 Returns true if this object is attached to a SceneNode or TagPoint, and this SceneNode / TagPoint is currently in an active part of the scene graph. More...
virtual bool isParentTagPoint () const
 Gets whether the parent node is a TagPoint (or a SceneNode) More...
virtual bool isVisible (void) const
 Returns whether or not this object is supposed to be visible or not. More...
Real normalise (void)
 Normalises the plane. More...
void operator delete (void *ptr)
void operator delete (void *ptr, void *)
void operator delete (void *ptr, const char *, int, const char *)
void operator delete[] (void *ptr)
void operator delete[] (void *ptr, const char *, int, const char *)
void * operator new (size_t sz, const char *file, int line, const char *func)
 operator new, with debug line info More...
void * operator new (size_t sz)
void * operator new (size_t sz, void *ptr)
 placement operator new More...
void * operator new[] (size_t sz, const char *file, int line, const char *func)
 array operator new, with debug line info More...
void * operator new[] (size_t sz)
bool operator!= (const Plane &rhs) const
bool operator== (const Plane &rhs) const
 Comparison operator. More...
Vector3 projectVector (const Vector3 &v) const
 Project a vector onto the plane. More...
virtual const LightListqueryLights (void) const
 Gets a list of lights, ordered relative to how close they are to this movable object. More...
void redefine (const Vector3 &rkPoint0, const Vector3 &rkPoint1, const Vector3 &rkPoint2)
 Redefine this plane based on 3 points. More...
void redefine (const Vector3 &rkNormal, const Vector3 &rkPoint)
 Redefine this plane based on a normal and a point. More...
virtual void removeQueryFlags (uint32 flags)
 As setQueryFlags, except the flags passed as parameters are removed from the existing flags on this object. More...
virtual void removeVisibilityFlags (uint32 flags)
 As setVisibilityFlags, except the flags passed as parameters are removed from the existing flags on this object. More...
void setCastShadows (bool enabled)
 Sets whether or not this object will cast shadows. More...
virtual void setDebugDisplayEnabled (bool enabled)
 Sets whether or not the debug display of this object is enabled. More...
virtual void setLightMask (uint32 lightMask)
 Set a bitwise mask which will filter the lights affecting this object. More...
virtual void setListener (Listener *listener)
 Sets a listener for this object. More...
virtual void setQueryFlags (uint32 flags)
 Sets the query flags for this object. More...
virtual void setRenderingDistance (Real dist)
 Sets the distance at which the object is no longer rendered. More...
virtual void setRenderingMinPixelSize (Real pixelSize)
 Sets the minimum pixel size an object needs to be in both screen axes in order to be rendered. More...
virtual void setRenderQueueGroup (uint8 queueID)
 Sets the render queue group this entity will be rendered through. More...
virtual void setRenderQueueGroupAndPriority (uint8 queueID, ushort priority)
 Sets the render queue group and group priority this entity will be rendered through. More...
virtual OGRE_DEPRECATED void setUserAny (const Any &anything)
virtual void setVisibilityFlags (uint32 flags)
 Sets the visibility flags for this object. More...
virtual void setVisible (bool visible)
 Tells this object whether to be visible or not, if it has a renderable component. More...
void visitRenderables (Renderable::Visitor *visitor, bool debugRenderables=false)
 Method to allow a caller to abstractly iterate over the Renderable instances that this MovableObject will add to the render queue when asked, if any. More...

Static Public Member Functions

static void extrudeVertices (const HardwareVertexBufferSharedPtr &vertexBuffer, size_t originalVertexCount, const Vector4 &lightPos, Real extrudeDist)
 Utility method for extruding vertices based on a light. More...
static uint32 getDefaultQueryFlags ()
 Get the default query flags for all future MovableObject instances. More...
static uint32 getDefaultVisibilityFlags ()
 Get the default visibility flags for all future MovableObject instances. More...
static void setDefaultQueryFlags (uint32 flags)
 Set the default query flags for all future MovableObject instances. More...
static void setDefaultVisibilityFlags (uint32 flags)
 Set the default visibility flags for all future MovableObject instances. More...

Public Attributes

Real d
Vector3 normal

Protected Types

typedef map< String,
StringVector >::type 

Protected Member Functions

StringVector_getAnimableValueNames (void)
 Get an updateable reference to animable value list. More...
void createAnimableDictionary (void) const
 Internal method for creating a dictionary of animable value names for the class, if it does not already exist. More...
virtual void extrudeBounds (AxisAlignedBox &box, const Vector4 &lightPos, Real extrudeDist) const
 Utility method for extruding a bounding box. More...
virtual void generateShadowVolume (EdgeData *edgeData, const HardwareIndexBufferSharedPtr &indexBuffer, size_t &indexBufferUsedSize, const Light *light, ShadowRenderableList &shadowRenderables, unsigned long flags)
 Generates the indexes required to render a shadow volume into the index buffer which is passed in, and updates shadow renderables to use it. More...
virtual const StringgetAnimableDictionaryName (void) const
 Get the name of the animable dictionary for this class. More...
Real getExtrusionDistance (const Vector3 &objectPos, const Light *light) const
 Helper method for calculating extrusion distance. More...
virtual void initialiseAnimableDictionary (StringVector &) const
 Internal method for initialising dictionary; should be implemented by subclasses wanting to expose animable parameters. More...
virtual void updateEdgeListLightFacing (EdgeData *edgeData, const Vector4 &lightPos)
 Tells the caster to perform the tasks necessary to update the edge data's light listing. More...

Protected Attributes

bool mBeyondFarDistance
 Hidden because of distance? More...
bool mCastShadows
 Does this object cast shadows? More...
 Creator of this object (if created by a factory) More...
bool mDebugDisplay
 Is debug display enabled? More...
Plane mDerivedPlane
bool mDirty
Quaternion mLastRotate
Vector3 mLastTranslate
LightList mLightList
 List of lights for this object. More...
ulong mLightListUpdated
 The last frame that this light list was updated in. More...
uint32 mLightMask
 the light mask defined for this movable. This will be taken into consideration when deciding which light should affect this movable More...
 MovableObject listener - only one allowed (no list) for size & performance reasons. */. More...
 SceneManager holding this object (if applicable) More...
Real mMinPixelSize
String mName
 Name of this object. More...
AxisAlignedBox mNullBB
bool mParentIsTagPoint
 node to which this object is attached More...
uint32 mQueryFlags
 Flags determining whether this object is included / excluded from scene queries. More...
bool mRenderingDisabled
 Does rendering this object disabled by listener? More...
uint8 mRenderQueueID
 The render queue to use when rendering this object. More...
bool mRenderQueueIDSet
 Flags whether the RenderQueue's default should be used. More...
ushort mRenderQueuePriority
 The render queue group to use when rendering this object. More...
bool mRenderQueuePrioritySet
 Flags whether the RenderQueue's default should be used. More...
Real mSquaredUpperDistance
Real mUpperDistance
 Upper distance to still render. More...
UserObjectBindings mUserObjectBindings
 User objects binding. More...
uint32 mVisibilityFlags
 Flags determining whether this object is visible (compared to SceneManager mask) More...
bool mVisible
 Is this object visible? More...
AxisAlignedBox mWorldAABB
 Cached world AABB of this object. More...
Sphere mWorldBoundingSphere
AxisAlignedBox mWorldDarkCapBounds
 World space AABB of this object's dark cap. More...

Static Protected Attributes

static AnimableDictionaryMap msAnimableDictionary
 Static map of class name to list of animable value names. More...
static uint32 msDefaultQueryFlags
 Default query flags. More...
static uint32 msDefaultVisibilityFlags
 Default visibility flags. More...
static String msMovableType

Detailed Description

Definition of a Plane that may be attached to a node, and the derived details of it retrieved simply.

This plane is not here for rendering purposes, it's to allow you to attach planes to the scene in order to have them move and follow nodes on their own, which is useful if you're using the plane for some kind of calculation, e.g. reflection.

Definition at line 54 of file OgreMovablePlane.h.

Member Typedef Documentation

Definition at line 241 of file OgreAnimable.h.

Definition at line 136 of file OgreShadowCaster.h.

Member Enumeration Documentation

enum Ogre::Plane::Side

The "positive side" of the plane is the half space to which the plane normal points.

The "negative side" is the other half space. The flag "no side" indicates the plane itself.


Definition at line 80 of file OgrePlane.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

Ogre::MovablePlane::MovablePlane ( const String name)
Ogre::MovablePlane::MovablePlane ( const Plane rhs)
Ogre::MovablePlane::MovablePlane ( const Vector3 rkNormal,
Real  fConstant 

Construct a plane through a normal, and a distance to move the plane along the normal.

Ogre::MovablePlane::MovablePlane ( const Vector3 rkNormal,
const Vector3 rkPoint 
Ogre::MovablePlane::MovablePlane ( const Vector3 rkPoint0,
const Vector3 rkPoint1,
const Vector3 rkPoint2 
Ogre::MovablePlane::~MovablePlane ( )

Definition at line 72 of file OgreMovablePlane.h.

Member Function Documentation

StringVector& Ogre::AnimableObject::_getAnimableValueNames ( void  )

Get an updateable reference to animable value list.

Definition at line 267 of file OgreAnimable.h.

References Ogre::Exception::ERR_ITEM_NOT_FOUND, and OGRE_EXCEPT.

virtual MovableObjectFactory* Ogre::MovableObject::_getCreator ( void  ) const

Get the creator of this object, if any (internal use only)

Definition at line 186 of file OgreMovableObject.h.

const Plane& Ogre::MovablePlane::_getDerivedPlane ( void  ) const

Get the derived plane as transformed by its parent node.

virtual LightList* Ogre::MovableObject::_getLightList ( )

Returns a pointer to the current list of lights for this object.

You should not modify this list outside of MovableObject::Listener::objectQueryLights (say if you want to use it to implement this method, and use the pointer as a return value) and for reading it's only accurate as at the last frame.

Definition at line 491 of file OgreMovableObject.h.

virtual SceneManager* Ogre::MovableObject::_getManager ( void  ) const

Get the manager of this object, if any (internal use only)

Definition at line 190 of file OgreMovableObject.h.

virtual const Matrix4& Ogre::MovableObject::_getParentNodeFullTransform ( void  ) const

return the full transformation of the parent sceneNode or the attachingPoint node

Reimplemented in Ogre::InstancedEntity.

virtual void Ogre::MovableObject::_notifyAttached ( Node parent,
bool  isTagPoint = false 

Internal method called to notify the object that it has been attached to a node.

Reimplemented in Ogre::Entity, Ogre::ParticleSystem, Ogre::Light, Ogre::PortalBase, and Ogre::InstancedEntity.

Referenced by Ogre::PortalBase::_notifyAttached().

virtual void Ogre::MovableObject::_notifyCreator ( MovableObjectFactory fact)

Notify the object of it's creator (internal use only)

Definition at line 184 of file OgreMovableObject.h.

void Ogre::MovablePlane::_notifyCurrentCamera ( Camera )

Overridden from MovableObject.

Reimplemented from Ogre::MovableObject.

Definition at line 74 of file OgreMovablePlane.h.

virtual void Ogre::MovableObject::_notifyManager ( SceneManager man)

Notify the object of it's manager (internal use only)

Definition at line 188 of file OgreMovableObject.h.

virtual void Ogre::MovableObject::_notifyMoved ( void  )

Internal method called to notify the object that it has been moved.

Reimplemented in Ogre::Light, Ogre::PortalBase, Ogre::InstancedEntity, and Ogre::PCZLight.

void Ogre::MovablePlane::_updateRenderQueue ( RenderQueue )

Overridden from MovableObject.

Implements Ogre::MovableObject.

Definition at line 80 of file OgreMovablePlane.h.

virtual void Ogre::MovableObject::addQueryFlags ( uint32  flags)

As setQueryFlags, except the flags passed as parameters are appended to the existing flags on this object.

Definition at line 396 of file OgreMovableObject.h.

virtual void Ogre::MovableObject::addVisibilityFlags ( uint32  flags)

As setVisibilityFlags, except the flags passed as parameters are appended to the existing flags on this object.

Definition at line 424 of file OgreMovableObject.h.

void Ogre::AnimableObject::createAnimableDictionary ( void  ) const

Internal method for creating a dictionary of animable value names for the class, if it does not already exist.

Definition at line 254 of file OgreAnimable.h.

virtual AnimableValuePtr Ogre::AnimableObject::createAnimableValue ( const String valueName)

Create a reference-counted AnimableValuePtr for the named value.

You can use the returned object to animate a value on this object, using AnimationTrack. Subclasses must override this if they wish to support animation of their values.

Reimplemented in Ogre::Light.

Definition at line 320 of file OgreAnimable.h.

References Ogre::Exception::ERR_ITEM_NOT_FOUND, and OGRE_EXCEPT.

virtual void Ogre::MovableObject::detachFromParent ( void  )

Detaches an object from a parent SceneNode or TagPoint, if attached.

virtual void Ogre::ShadowCaster::extrudeBounds ( AxisAlignedBox box,
const Vector4 lightPos,
Real  extrudeDist 
) const

Utility method for extruding a bounding box.

boxOriginal bounding box, will be updated in-place.
lightPos4D light position in object space, when w=0.0f this represents a directional light.
extrudeDistThe distance to extrude.
static void Ogre::ShadowCaster::extrudeVertices ( const HardwareVertexBufferSharedPtr vertexBuffer,
size_t  originalVertexCount,
const Vector4 lightPos,
Real  extrudeDist 

Utility method for extruding vertices based on a light.

Unfortunately, because D3D cannot handle homogeneous (4D) position coordinates in the fixed-function pipeline (GL can, but we have to be cross-API), when we extrude in software we cannot extrude to infinity the way we do in the vertex program (by setting w to 0.0f). Therefore we extrude by a fixed distance, which may cause some problems with larger scenes. Luckily better hardware (ie vertex programs) can fix this.
vertexBufferThe vertex buffer containing ONLY xyz position values, which must be originalVertexCount * 2 * 3 floats long.
originalVertexCountThe count of the original number of vertices, i.e. the number in the mesh, not counting the doubling which has already been done (by VertexData::prepareForShadowVolume) to provide the extruded area of the buffer.
lightPos4D light position in object space, when w=0.0f this represents a directional light.
extrudeDistThe distance to extrude.
virtual void Ogre::ShadowCaster::generateShadowVolume ( EdgeData edgeData,
const HardwareIndexBufferSharedPtr indexBuffer,
size_t &  indexBufferUsedSize,
const Light light,
ShadowRenderableList shadowRenderables,
unsigned long  flags 

Generates the indexes required to render a shadow volume into the index buffer which is passed in, and updates shadow renderables to use it.

edgeDataThe edge information to use.
indexBufferThe buffer into which to write data into; current contents are assumed to be discardable.
indexBufferUsedSizeIf the rest of buffer is enough than it would be locked with HBL_NO_OVERWRITE semantic and indexBufferUsedSize would be increased, otherwise HBL_DISCARD would be used and indexBufferUsedSize would be reset.
lightThe light, mainly for type info as silhouette calculations should already have been done in updateEdgeListLightFacing
shadowRenderablesA list of shadow renderables which has already been constructed but will need populating with details of the index ranges to be used.
flagsAdditional controller flags, see ShadowRenderableFlags.
virtual const String& Ogre::AnimableObject::getAnimableDictionaryName ( void  ) const

Get the name of the animable dictionary for this class.

Subclasses must override this if they want to support animation of their values.

Reimplemented in Ogre::Light.

Definition at line 249 of file OgreAnimable.h.

References Ogre::StringUtil::BLANK.

const StringVector& Ogre::AnimableObject::getAnimableValueNames ( void  ) const

Gets a list of animable value names for this object.

Definition at line 295 of file OgreAnimable.h.

References Ogre::Exception::ERR_ITEM_NOT_FOUND, and OGRE_EXCEPT.

const AxisAlignedBox& Ogre::MovablePlane::getBoundingBox ( void  ) const

Overridden from MovableObject.

Implements Ogre::MovableObject.

Definition at line 76 of file OgreMovablePlane.h.

Real Ogre::MovablePlane::getBoundingRadius ( void  ) const

Overridden from MovableObject.

Implements Ogre::MovableObject.

Definition at line 78 of file OgreMovablePlane.h.

bool Ogre::MovableObject::getCastShadows ( void  ) const

Returns whether shadow casting is enabled for this object.

Implements Ogre::ShadowCaster.

Reimplemented in Ogre::TerrainQuadTreeNode::Movable.

Definition at line 521 of file OgreMovableObject.h.

const AxisAlignedBox& Ogre::MovableObject::getDarkCapBounds ( const Light light,
Real  dirLightExtrusionDist 
) const

Overridden member from ShadowCaster.

Implements Ogre::ShadowCaster.

static uint32 Ogre::MovableObject::getDefaultQueryFlags ( )

Get the default query flags for all future MovableObject instances.

Definition at line 411 of file OgreMovableObject.h.

static uint32 Ogre::MovableObject::getDefaultVisibilityFlags ( )

Get the default visibility flags for all future MovableObject instances.

Definition at line 439 of file OgreMovableObject.h.

Real Ogre::Plane::getDistance ( const Vector3 rkPoint) const

This is a pseudodistance.

The sign of the return value is positive if the point is on the positive side of the plane, negative if the point is on the negative side, and zero if the point is on the plane.

The absolute value of the return value is the true distance only when the plane normal is a unit length vector.

Referenced by Ogre::PlaneBoundedVolume::intersects().

EdgeData* Ogre::MovableObject::getEdgeList ( void  )

Define a default implementation of method from ShadowCaster which implements no shadows.

Implements Ogre::ShadowCaster.

Reimplemented in Ogre::StaticGeometry::Region.

Definition at line 494 of file OgreMovableObject.h.

Real Ogre::ShadowCaster::getExtrusionDistance ( const Vector3 objectPos,
const Light light 
) const

Helper method for calculating extrusion distance.

const AxisAlignedBox& Ogre::MovableObject::getLightCapBounds ( void  ) const

Overridden member from ShadowCaster.

Implements Ogre::ShadowCaster.

virtual uint32 Ogre::MovableObject::getLightMask ( ) const

Get a bitwise mask which will filter the lights affecting this object.

By default, this mask is fully set meaning all lights will affect this object

Definition at line 476 of file OgreMovableObject.h.

virtual Listener* Ogre::MovableObject::getListener ( void  ) const

Gets the current listener for this object.

Definition at line 450 of file OgreMovableObject.h.

const String& Ogre::MovablePlane::getMovableType ( void  ) const

Overridden from MovableObject.

Implements Ogre::MovableObject.

virtual const String& Ogre::MovableObject::getName ( void  ) const

Returns the name of this object.

Definition at line 193 of file OgreMovableObject.h.

virtual Node* Ogre::MovableObject::getParentNode ( void  ) const

Returns the node to which this object is attached.

A MovableObject may be attached to either a SceneNode or to a TagPoint, the latter case if it's attached to a bone on an animated entity. Both are Node subclasses so this method will return either.
virtual SceneNode* Ogre::MovableObject::getParentSceneNode ( void  ) const

Returns the scene node to which this object is attached.

A MovableObject may be attached to either a SceneNode or to a TagPoint, the latter case if it's attached to a bone on an animated entity. This method will return the scene node of the parent entity if the latter is true.
Real Ogre::MovableObject::getPointExtrusionDistance ( const Light l) const

Get the distance to extrude for a point/spot light.

Implements Ogre::ShadowCaster.

virtual uint32 Ogre::MovableObject::getQueryFlags ( void  ) const

Returns the query flags relevant for this object.

Reimplemented in Ogre::TerrainQuadTreeNode::Movable.

Definition at line 403 of file OgreMovableObject.h.

bool Ogre::MovableObject::getReceivesShadows ( )

Returns whether the Material of any Renderable that this MovableObject will add to the render queue will receive shadows.

virtual Real Ogre::MovableObject::getRenderingDistance ( void  ) const

Gets the distance at which batches are no longer rendered.

Definition at line 305 of file OgreMovableObject.h.

virtual Real Ogre::MovableObject::getRenderingMinPixelSize ( ) const

Returns the minimum pixel size an object needs to be in both screen axes in order to be rendered.

Definition at line 318 of file OgreMovableObject.h.

virtual uint8 Ogre::MovableObject::getRenderQueueGroup ( void  ) const

Gets the queue group for this entity, see setRenderQueueGroup for full details.

ShadowRenderableListIterator Ogre::MovableObject::getShadowVolumeRenderableIterator ( ShadowTechnique  shadowTechnique,
const Light light,
HardwareIndexBufferSharedPtr indexBuffer,
size_t *  indexBufferUsedSize,
bool  extrudeVertices,
Real  extrusionDist,
unsigned long  flags = 0 

Define a default implementation of method from ShadowCaster which implements no shadows.

Implements Ogre::ShadowCaster.

Reimplemented in Ogre::StaticGeometry::Region.

Side Ogre::Plane::getSide ( const Vector3 rkPoint) const
Side Ogre::Plane::getSide ( const AxisAlignedBox rkBox) const

Returns the side where the alignedBox is.

The flag BOTH_SIDE indicates an intersecting box. One corner ON the plane is sufficient to consider the box and the plane intersecting.

Side Ogre::Plane::getSide ( const Vector3 centre,
const Vector3 halfSize 
) const

Returns which side of the plane that the given box lies on.

The box is defined as centre/half-size pairs for effectively.

centreThe centre of the box.
halfSizeThe half-size of the box.
POSITIVE_SIDE if the box complete lies on the "positive side" of the plane, NEGATIVE_SIDE if the box complete lies on the "negative side" of the plane, and BOTH_SIDE if the box intersects the plane.
virtual uint32 Ogre::MovableObject::getTypeFlags ( void  ) const

Get the 'type flags' for this MovableObject.

A type flag identifies the type of the MovableObject as a bitpattern. This is used for categorical inclusion / exclusion in SceneQuery objects. By default, this method returns all ones for objects not created by a MovableObjectFactory (hence always including them); otherwise it returns the value assigned to the MovableObjectFactory. Custom objects which don't use MovableObjectFactory will need to override this if they want to be included in queries.

Reimplemented in Ogre::BillboardSet, Ogre::Entity, Ogre::ParticleSystem, Ogre::Frustum, Ogre::StaticGeometry::Region, and Ogre::Light.

virtual OGRE_DEPRECATED const Any& Ogre::MovableObject::getUserAny ( void  ) const
use UserObjectBindings::getUserAny via getUserObjectBindings() instead. Retrieves the custom user value associated with this object.

Definition at line 334 of file OgreMovableObject.h.

UserObjectBindings& Ogre::MovableObject::getUserObjectBindings ( )

Return an instance of user objects binding associated with this class.

You can use it to associate one or more custom objects with this class instance.

See also

Definition at line 340 of file OgreMovableObject.h.

const UserObjectBindings& Ogre::MovableObject::getUserObjectBindings ( ) const

Return an instance of user objects binding associated with this class.

You can use it to associate one or more custom objects with this class instance.

See also

Definition at line 346 of file OgreMovableObject.h.

virtual uint32 Ogre::MovableObject::getVisibilityFlags ( void  ) const

Returns the visibility flags relevant for this object.

Reimplemented in Ogre::TerrainQuadTreeNode::Movable.

Definition at line 431 of file OgreMovableObject.h.

virtual bool Ogre::MovableObject::getVisible ( void  ) const

Gets this object whether to be visible or not, if it has a renderable component.

Returns the value set by MovableObject::setVisible only.
virtual const AxisAlignedBox& Ogre::MovableObject::getWorldBoundingBox ( bool  derive = false) const

Retrieves the axis-aligned bounding box for this object in world coordinates.

Implements Ogre::ShadowCaster.

Reimplemented in Ogre::Entity, and Ogre::PortalBase.

virtual const Sphere& Ogre::MovableObject::getWorldBoundingSphere ( bool  derive = false) const

Retrieves the worldspace bounding sphere for this object.

Reimplemented in Ogre::Entity, and Ogre::PortalBase.

bool Ogre::MovableObject::hasEdgeList ( void  )

Define a default implementation of method from ShadowCaster which implements no shadows.

Implements Ogre::ShadowCaster.

Reimplemented in Ogre::StaticGeometry::Region.

Definition at line 496 of file OgreMovableObject.h.

virtual void Ogre::AnimableObject::initialiseAnimableDictionary ( StringVector ) const

Internal method for initialising dictionary; should be implemented by subclasses wanting to expose animable parameters.

Reimplemented in Ogre::Light.

Definition at line 287 of file OgreAnimable.h.

virtual bool Ogre::MovableObject::isAttached ( void  ) const

Returns true if this object is attached to a SceneNode or TagPoint.

virtual bool Ogre::MovableObject::isDebugDisplayEnabled ( void  ) const

Gets whether debug display of this object is enabled.

Definition at line 565 of file OgreMovableObject.h.

virtual bool Ogre::MovableObject::isInScene ( void  ) const

Returns true if this object is attached to a SceneNode or TagPoint, and this SceneNode / TagPoint is currently in an active part of the scene graph.

Reimplemented in Ogre::InstancedEntity.

virtual bool Ogre::MovableObject::isParentTagPoint ( ) const

Gets whether the parent node is a TagPoint (or a SceneNode)

Definition at line 216 of file OgreMovableObject.h.

virtual bool Ogre::MovableObject::isVisible ( void  ) const

Returns whether or not this object is supposed to be visible or not.

Takes into account both upper rendering distance and visible flag.

Reimplemented in Ogre::InstancedGeometry::BatchInstance, Ogre::StaticGeometry::Region, and Ogre::TerrainQuadTreeNode::Movable.

Real Ogre::Plane::normalise ( void  )

Normalises the plane.

This method normalises the plane's normal and the length scale of d is as well.
This function will not crash for zero-sized vectors, but there will be no changes made to their components.
The previous length of the plane's normal.
template<class Alloc >
void Ogre::AllocatedObject< Alloc >::operator delete ( void *  ptr)

Definition at line 96 of file OgreMemoryAllocatedObject.h.

template<class Alloc >
void Ogre::AllocatedObject< Alloc >::operator delete ( void *  ptr,
void *   

Definition at line 102 of file OgreMemoryAllocatedObject.h.

template<class Alloc >
void Ogre::AllocatedObject< Alloc >::operator delete ( void *  ptr,
const char *  ,
int  ,
const char *   

Definition at line 108 of file OgreMemoryAllocatedObject.h.

template<class Alloc >
void Ogre::AllocatedObject< Alloc >::operator delete[] ( void *  ptr)

Definition at line 113 of file OgreMemoryAllocatedObject.h.

template<class Alloc >
void Ogre::AllocatedObject< Alloc >::operator delete[] ( void *  ptr,
const char *  ,
int  ,
const char *   

Definition at line 119 of file OgreMemoryAllocatedObject.h.

template<class Alloc >
void* Ogre::AllocatedObject< Alloc >::operator new ( size_t  sz,
const char *  file,
int  line,
const char *  func 

operator new, with debug line info

Definition at line 68 of file OgreMemoryAllocatedObject.h.

template<class Alloc >
void* Ogre::AllocatedObject< Alloc >::operator new ( size_t  sz)

Definition at line 73 of file OgreMemoryAllocatedObject.h.

template<class Alloc >
void* Ogre::AllocatedObject< Alloc >::operator new ( size_t  sz,
void *  ptr 

placement operator new

Definition at line 79 of file OgreMemoryAllocatedObject.h.

template<class Alloc >
void* Ogre::AllocatedObject< Alloc >::operator new[] ( size_t  sz,
const char *  file,
int  line,
const char *  func 

array operator new, with debug line info

Definition at line 86 of file OgreMemoryAllocatedObject.h.

template<class Alloc >
void* Ogre::AllocatedObject< Alloc >::operator new[] ( size_t  sz)

Definition at line 91 of file OgreMemoryAllocatedObject.h.

bool Ogre::Plane::operator!= ( const Plane rhs) const

Definition at line 152 of file OgrePlane.h.

References Ogre::Plane::d, and Ogre::Plane::normal.

bool Ogre::Plane::operator== ( const Plane rhs) const

Comparison operator.

Definition at line 148 of file OgrePlane.h.

References Ogre::Plane::d, and Ogre::Plane::normal.

Vector3 Ogre::Plane::projectVector ( const Vector3 v) const

Project a vector onto the plane.

This gives you the element of the input vector that is perpendicular to the normal of the plane. You can get the element which is parallel to the normal of the plane by subtracting the result of this method from the original vector, since parallel + perpendicular = original.
vThe input vector
virtual const LightList& Ogre::MovableObject::queryLights ( void  ) const

Gets a list of lights, ordered relative to how close they are to this movable object.

By default, this method gives the listener a chance to populate light list first, if there is no listener or Listener::objectQueryLights returns NULL, it'll query the light list from parent entity if it is present, or returns SceneNode::findLights if it has parent scene node, otherwise it just returns an empty list.
The object internally caches the light list, so it will recalculate it only when object is moved, or lights that affect the frustum have been changed (
See also
SceneManager::_getLightsDirtyCounter), but if listener exists, it will be called each time, so the listener should implement their own cache mechanism to optimise performance.
This method can be useful when implementing Renderable::getLights in case the renderable is a part of the movable.
The list of lights use to lighting this object.
void Ogre::Plane::redefine ( const Vector3 rkPoint0,
const Vector3 rkPoint1,
const Vector3 rkPoint2 

Redefine this plane based on 3 points.

void Ogre::Plane::redefine ( const Vector3 rkNormal,
const Vector3 rkPoint 

Redefine this plane based on a normal and a point.

virtual void Ogre::MovableObject::removeQueryFlags ( uint32  flags)

As setQueryFlags, except the flags passed as parameters are removed from the existing flags on this object.

Definition at line 400 of file OgreMovableObject.h.

virtual void Ogre::MovableObject::removeVisibilityFlags ( uint32  flags)

As setVisibilityFlags, except the flags passed as parameters are removed from the existing flags on this object.

Definition at line 428 of file OgreMovableObject.h.

void Ogre::MovableObject::setCastShadows ( bool  enabled)

Sets whether or not this object will cast shadows.

This setting simply allows you to turn on/off shadows for a given object. An object will not cast shadows unless the scene supports it in any case (see SceneManager::setShadowTechnique), and also the material which is in use must also have shadow casting enabled. By default all entities cast shadows. If, however, for some reason you wish to disable this for a single object then you can do so using this method.
This method normally refers to objects which block the light, but since Light is also a subclass of MovableObject, in that context it means whether the light causes shadows itself.

Definition at line 519 of file OgreMovableObject.h.

virtual void Ogre::MovableObject::setDebugDisplayEnabled ( bool  enabled)

Sets whether or not the debug display of this object is enabled.

Some objects aren't visible themselves but it can be useful to display a debug representation of them. Or, objects may have an additional debug display on top of their regular display. This option enables / disables that debug display. Objects that are not visible never display debug geometry regardless of this setting.

Definition at line 563 of file OgreMovableObject.h.

static void Ogre::MovableObject::setDefaultQueryFlags ( uint32  flags)

Set the default query flags for all future MovableObject instances.

Definition at line 407 of file OgreMovableObject.h.

static void Ogre::MovableObject::setDefaultVisibilityFlags ( uint32  flags)

Set the default visibility flags for all future MovableObject instances.

Definition at line 435 of file OgreMovableObject.h.

virtual void Ogre::MovableObject::setLightMask ( uint32  lightMask)

Set a bitwise mask which will filter the lights affecting this object.

This mask will be compared against the mask held against Light to determine if a light should affect a given object. By default, this mask is fully set meaning all lights will affect this object
virtual void Ogre::MovableObject::setListener ( Listener listener)

Sets a listener for this object.

Note for size and performance reasons only one listener per object is allowed.

Definition at line 446 of file OgreMovableObject.h.

virtual void Ogre::MovableObject::setQueryFlags ( uint32  flags)

Sets the query flags for this object.

When performing a scene query, this object will be included or excluded according to flags on the object and flags on the query. This is a bitwise value, so only when a bit on these flags is set, will it be included in a query asking for that flag. The meaning of the bits is application-specific.

Definition at line 392 of file OgreMovableObject.h.

virtual void Ogre::MovableObject::setRenderingDistance ( Real  dist)

Sets the distance at which the object is no longer rendered.

Camera::setUseRenderingDistance() needs to be called for this parameter to be used.
distDistance beyond which the object will not be rendered (the default is 0, which means objects are always rendered).

Definition at line 299 of file OgreMovableObject.h.

virtual void Ogre::MovableObject::setRenderingMinPixelSize ( Real  pixelSize)

Sets the minimum pixel size an object needs to be in both screen axes in order to be rendered.

Camera::setUseMinPixelSize() needs to be called for this parameter to be used.
pixelSizeNumber of minimum pixels (the default is 0, which means objects are always rendered).

Definition at line 312 of file OgreMovableObject.h.

virtual void Ogre::MovableObject::setRenderQueueGroup ( uint8  queueID)

Sets the render queue group this entity will be rendered through.

Render queues are grouped to allow you to more tightly control the ordering of rendered objects. If you do not call this method, all Entity objects default to the default queue (RenderQueue::getDefaultQueueGroup), which is fine for most objects. You may want to alter this if you want this entity to always appear in front of other objects, e.g. for a 3D menu system or such.
See RenderQueue for more details.
queueIDEnumerated value of the queue group to use. See the enum RenderQueueGroupID for what kind of values can be used here.

Reimplemented in Ogre::ParticleSystem, and Ogre::Entity.

virtual void Ogre::MovableObject::setRenderQueueGroupAndPriority ( uint8  queueID,
ushort  priority 

Sets the render queue group and group priority this entity will be rendered through.

Render queues are grouped to allow you to more tightly control the ordering of rendered objects. Within a single render group there another type of grouping called priority which allows further control. If you do not call this method, all Entity objects default to the default queue and priority (RenderQueue::getDefaultQueueGroup, RenderQueue::getDefaultRenderablePriority), which is fine for most objects. You may want to alter this if you want this entity to always appear in front of other objects, e.g. for a 3D menu system or such.
See RenderQueue for more details.
queueIDEnumerated value of the queue group to use. See the enum RenderQueueGroupID for what kind of values can be used here.
priorityThe priority within a group to use.

Reimplemented in Ogre::ParticleSystem, and Ogre::Entity.

virtual OGRE_DEPRECATED void Ogre::MovableObject::setUserAny ( const Any anything)
use UserObjectBindings::setUserAny via getUserObjectBindings() instead.

Sets any kind of user value on this object.

This method allows you to associate any user value you like with this MovableObject. This can be a pointer back to one of your own classes for instance.

Definition at line 329 of file OgreMovableObject.h.

virtual void Ogre::MovableObject::setVisibilityFlags ( uint32  flags)

Sets the visibility flags for this object.

As well as a simple true/false value for visibility (as seen in setVisible), you can also set visibility flags which when 'and'ed with the SceneManager's visibility mask can also make an object invisible.

Definition at line 420 of file OgreMovableObject.h.

virtual void Ogre::MovableObject::setVisible ( bool  visible)

Tells this object whether to be visible or not, if it has a renderable component.

An alternative approach of making an object invisible is to detach it from it's SceneNode, or to remove the SceneNode entirely. Detaching a node means that structurally the scene graph changes. Once this change has taken place, the objects / nodes that have been removed have less overhead to the visibility detection pass than simply making the object invisible, so if you do this and leave the objects out of the tree for a long time, it's faster. However, the act of detaching / reattaching nodes is in itself more expensive than setting an object visibility flag, since in the latter case structural changes are not made. Therefore, small or frequent visibility changes are best done using this method; large or more longer term changes are best done by detaching.

Reimplemented in Ogre::Light.

virtual void Ogre::ShadowCaster::updateEdgeListLightFacing ( EdgeData edgeData,
const Vector4 lightPos 

Tells the caster to perform the tasks necessary to update the edge data's light listing.

Can be overridden if the subclass needs to do additional things.

edgeDataThe edge information to update.
lightPos4D vector representing the light, a directional light has w=0.0.
void Ogre::MovablePlane::visitRenderables ( Renderable::Visitor visitor,
bool  debugRenderables = false 

Method to allow a caller to abstractly iterate over the Renderable instances that this MovableObject will add to the render queue when asked, if any.

visitorPointer to a class implementing the Renderable::Visitor interface which will be called back for each Renderable which will be queued. Bear in mind that the state of the Renderable instances may not be finalised depending on when you call this.
debugRenderablesIf false, only regular renderables will be visited (those for normal display). If true, debug renderables will be included too.

Implements Ogre::MovableObject.

Definition at line 86 of file OgreMovablePlane.h.

Member Data Documentation

Real Ogre::Plane::d
bool Ogre::MovableObject::mBeyondFarDistance

Hidden because of distance?

Definition at line 128 of file OgreMovableObject.h.

bool Ogre::MovableObject::mCastShadows

Does this object cast shadows?

Definition at line 150 of file OgreMovableObject.h.

MovableObjectFactory* Ogre::MovableObject::mCreator

Creator of this object (if created by a factory)

Definition at line 112 of file OgreMovableObject.h.

bool Ogre::MovableObject::mDebugDisplay

Is debug display enabled?

Definition at line 121 of file OgreMovableObject.h.

Plane Ogre::MovablePlane::mDerivedPlane

Definition at line 57 of file OgreMovablePlane.h.

bool Ogre::MovablePlane::mDirty

Definition at line 61 of file OgreMovablePlane.h.

Quaternion Ogre::MovablePlane::mLastRotate

Definition at line 59 of file OgreMovablePlane.h.

Vector3 Ogre::MovablePlane::mLastTranslate

Definition at line 58 of file OgreMovablePlane.h.

LightList Ogre::MovableObject::mLightList

List of lights for this object.

Definition at line 158 of file OgreMovableObject.h.

ulong Ogre::MovableObject::mLightListUpdated

The last frame that this light list was updated in.

Definition at line 160 of file OgreMovableObject.h.

uint32 Ogre::MovableObject::mLightMask

the light mask defined for this movable. This will be taken into consideration when deciding which light should affect this movable

Definition at line 163 of file OgreMovableObject.h.

Listener* Ogre::MovableObject::mListener

MovableObject listener - only one allowed (no list) for size & performance reasons. */.

Definition at line 155 of file OgreMovableObject.h.

SceneManager* Ogre::MovableObject::mManager

SceneManager holding this object (if applicable)

Definition at line 114 of file OgreMovableObject.h.

Real Ogre::MovableObject::mMinPixelSize

Definition at line 126 of file OgreMovableObject.h.

String Ogre::MovableObject::mName

Name of this object.

Definition at line 110 of file OgreMovableObject.h.

AxisAlignedBox Ogre::MovablePlane::mNullBB

Definition at line 60 of file OgreMovablePlane.h.

bool Ogre::MovableObject::mParentIsTagPoint

Definition at line 117 of file OgreMovableObject.h.

Node* Ogre::MovableObject::mParentNode

node to which this object is attached

Definition at line 116 of file OgreMovableObject.h.

uint32 Ogre::MovableObject::mQueryFlags

Flags determining whether this object is included / excluded from scene queries.

Definition at line 140 of file OgreMovableObject.h.

bool Ogre::MovableObject::mRenderingDisabled

Does rendering this object disabled by listener?

Definition at line 153 of file OgreMovableObject.h.

uint8 Ogre::MovableObject::mRenderQueueID

The render queue to use when rendering this object.

Definition at line 132 of file OgreMovableObject.h.

bool Ogre::MovableObject::mRenderQueueIDSet

Flags whether the RenderQueue's default should be used.

Definition at line 134 of file OgreMovableObject.h.

ushort Ogre::MovableObject::mRenderQueuePriority

The render queue group to use when rendering this object.

Definition at line 136 of file OgreMovableObject.h.

bool Ogre::MovableObject::mRenderQueuePrioritySet

Flags whether the RenderQueue's default should be used.

Definition at line 138 of file OgreMovableObject.h.

AnimableDictionaryMap Ogre::AnimableObject::msAnimableDictionary

Static map of class name to list of animable value names.

Definition at line 243 of file OgreAnimable.h.

uint32 Ogre::MovableObject::msDefaultQueryFlags

Default query flags.

Definition at line 167 of file OgreMovableObject.h.

uint32 Ogre::MovableObject::msDefaultVisibilityFlags

Default visibility flags.

Definition at line 169 of file OgreMovableObject.h.

String Ogre::MovablePlane::msMovableType

Definition at line 62 of file OgreMovablePlane.h.

Real Ogre::MovableObject::mSquaredUpperDistance

Definition at line 124 of file OgreMovableObject.h.

Real Ogre::MovableObject::mUpperDistance

Upper distance to still render.

Definition at line 123 of file OgreMovableObject.h.

UserObjectBindings Ogre::MovableObject::mUserObjectBindings

User objects binding.

Definition at line 130 of file OgreMovableObject.h.

uint32 Ogre::MovableObject::mVisibilityFlags

Flags determining whether this object is visible (compared to SceneManager mask)

Definition at line 142 of file OgreMovableObject.h.

bool Ogre::MovableObject::mVisible

Is this object visible?

Definition at line 119 of file OgreMovableObject.h.

AxisAlignedBox Ogre::MovableObject::mWorldAABB

Cached world AABB of this object.

Definition at line 144 of file OgreMovableObject.h.

Sphere Ogre::MovableObject::mWorldBoundingSphere

Definition at line 146 of file OgreMovableObject.h.

AxisAlignedBox Ogre::MovableObject::mWorldDarkCapBounds

World space AABB of this object's dark cap.

Definition at line 148 of file OgreMovableObject.h.

Vector3 Ogre::Plane::normal

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: