OGRE  1.9
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Ogre::Skeleton Class Reference

A collection of Bone objects used to animate a skinned mesh. More...

#include <OgreSkeleton.h>

+ Inheritance diagram for Ogre::Skeleton:
+ Collaboration diagram for Ogre::Skeleton:

Public Types

typedef vector< ushort >::type BoneHandleMap
 Map to translate bone handle from one skeleton to another skeleton. More...
typedef VectorIterator< BoneListBoneIterator
typedef vector< Bone * >::type BoneList
typedef ConstVectorIterator
< LinkedSkeletonAnimSourceList
typedef vector
< LinkedSkeletonAnimationSource >
enum  LoadingState {
 Enum identifying the loading state of the resource. More...

Public Member Functions

 Skeleton (ResourceManager *creator, const String &name, ResourceHandle handle, const String &group, bool isManual=false, ManualResourceLoader *loader=0)
 Constructor, don't call directly, use SkeletonManager. More...
virtual ~Skeleton ()
virtual void _buildMapBoneByHandle (const Skeleton *source, BoneHandleMap &boneHandleMap) const
 Build the bone handle map to use with Skeleton::_mergeSkeletonAnimations. More...
virtual void _buildMapBoneByName (const Skeleton *source, BoneHandleMap &boneHandleMap) const
 Build the bone handle map to use with Skeleton::_mergeSkeletonAnimations. More...
virtual void _dirtyState ()
 Manually mark the state of this resource as having been changed. More...
virtual void _fireLoadingComplete (bool wasBackgroundLoaded)
 Firing of loading complete event. More...
virtual void _firePreparingComplete (bool wasBackgroundLoaded)
 Firing of preparing complete event. More...
virtual void _fireUnloadingComplete (void)
 Firing of unloading complete event. More...
virtual Animation_getAnimationImpl (const String &name, const LinkedSkeletonAnimationSource **linker=0) const
 Internal accessor for animations (returns null if animation does not exist) More...
virtual void _getBoneMatrices (Matrix4 *pMatrices)
 Populates the passed in array with the bone matrices based on the current position. More...
virtual void _initAnimationState (AnimationStateSet *animSet)
 Initialise an animation set suitable for use with this skeleton. More...
virtual void _mergeSkeletonAnimations (const Skeleton *source, const BoneHandleMap &boneHandleMap, const StringVector &animations=StringVector())
 Merge animations from another Skeleton object into this skeleton. More...
virtual void _notifyManualBonesDirty (void)
 Internal method for marking the manual bones as dirty. More...
virtual void _notifyManualBoneStateChange (Bone *bone)
 Internal method for notifying that a bone is manual. More...
virtual void _notifyOrigin (const String &origin)
 Notify this resource of it's origin. More...
virtual void _refreshAnimationState (AnimationStateSet *animSet)
 Refresh an animation set suitable for use with this skeleton. More...
virtual void _updateTransforms (void)
 Updates all the derived transforms in the skeleton. More...
virtual void addLinkedSkeletonAnimationSource (const String &skelName, Real scale=1.0f)
 Allows you to use the animations from another Skeleton object to animate this skeleton. More...
virtual void addListener (Listener *lis)
 Register a listener on this resource. More...
virtual void changeGroupOwnership (const String &newGroup)
 Change the resource group ownership of a Resource. More...
virtual void copyParametersTo (StringInterface *dest) const
 Method for copying this object's parameters to another object. More...
virtual AnimationcreateAnimation (const String &name, Real length)
 Creates a new Animation object for animating this skeleton. More...
virtual BonecreateBone (void)
 Creates a brand new Bone owned by this Skeleton. More...
virtual BonecreateBone (unsigned short handle)
 Creates a brand new Bone owned by this Skeleton. More...
virtual BonecreateBone (const String &name)
 Creates a brand new Bone owned by this Skeleton. More...
virtual BonecreateBone (const String &name, unsigned short handle)
 Creates a brand new Bone owned by this Skeleton. More...
virtual void escalateLoading ()
 Escalates the loading of a background loaded resource. More...
virtual AnimationgetAnimation (const String &name, const LinkedSkeletonAnimationSource **linker) const
 Returns the named Animation object. More...
virtual AnimationgetAnimation (const String &name) const
 Returns the named Animation object. More...
virtual AnimationgetAnimation (unsigned short index) const
 Gets a single animation by index. More...
virtual SkeletonAnimationBlendMode getBlendMode () const
 Gets the animation blending mode which this skeleton will use. More...
virtual BonegetBone (unsigned short handle) const
 Gets a bone by it's handle. More...
virtual BonegetBone (const String &name) const
 Gets a bone by it's name. More...
virtual BoneIterator getBoneIterator (void)
 Get an iterator over all the bones in the skeleton. More...
virtual ResourceManagergetCreator (void)
 Gets the manager which created this resource. More...
virtual const StringgetGroup (void) const
 Gets the group which this resource is a member of. More...
virtual ResourceHandle getHandle (void) const
getLinkedSkeletonAnimationSourceIterator (void) const
 Get an iterator over the linked skeletons used as animation sources. More...
virtual LoadingState getLoadingState () const
 Returns the current loading state. More...
virtual bool getManualBonesDirty (void) const
 Have manual bones been modified since the skeleton was last updated? More...
virtual const StringgetName (void) const
 Gets resource name. More...
virtual unsigned short getNumAnimations (void) const
 Gets the number of animations on this skeleton. More...
virtual unsigned short getNumBones (void) const
 Returns the number of bones in this skeleton. More...
virtual const StringgetOrigin (void) const
 Get the origin of this resource, e.g. More...
ParamDictionarygetParamDictionary (void)
 Retrieves the parameter dictionary for this class. More...
const ParamDictionarygetParamDictionary (void) const
virtual String getParameter (const String &name) const
 Generic parameter retrieval method. More...
const ParameterListgetParameters (void) const
 Retrieves a list of parameters valid for this object. More...
virtual BonegetRootBone (void) const
 Gets the root bone of the skeleton: deprecated in favour of getRootBoneIterator. More...
virtual BoneIterator getRootBoneIterator (void)
 Get an iterator over the root bones in the skeleton, ie those with no parents. More...
virtual size_t getSize (void) const
 Retrieves info about the size of the resource. More...
virtual size_t getStateCount () const
 Returns the number of times this resource has changed state, which generally means the number of times it has been loaded. More...
virtual bool hasAnimation (const String &name) const
 Returns whether this skeleton contains the named animation. More...
virtual bool hasBone (const String &name) const
 Returns whether this skeleton contains the named bone. More...
virtual bool hasManualBones (void) const
 Are there any manually controlled bones? More...
virtual bool isBackgroundLoaded (void) const
 Returns whether this Resource has been earmarked for background loading. More...
virtual bool isLoaded (void) const
 Returns true if the Resource has been loaded, false otherwise. More...
virtual bool isLoading () const
 Returns whether the resource is currently in the process of background loading. More...
virtual bool isManuallyLoaded (void) const
 Is this resource manually loaded? More...
virtual bool isPrepared (void) const
 Returns true if the Resource has been prepared, false otherwise. More...
virtual bool isReloadable (void) const
 Returns true if the Resource is reloadable, false otherwise. More...
virtual void load (bool backgroundThread=false)
 Loads the resource, if it is not already. More...
void operator delete (void *ptr)
void operator delete (void *ptr, void *)
void operator delete (void *ptr, const char *, int, const char *)
void operator delete[] (void *ptr)
void operator delete[] (void *ptr, const char *, int, const char *)
void * operator new (size_t sz, const char *file, int line, const char *func)
 operator new, with debug line info More...
void * operator new (size_t sz)
void * operator new (size_t sz, void *ptr)
 placement operator new More...
void * operator new[] (size_t sz, const char *file, int line, const char *func)
 array operator new, with debug line info More...
void * operator new[] (size_t sz)
virtual void optimiseAllAnimations (bool preservingIdentityNodeTracks=false)
 Optimise all of this skeleton's animations. More...
virtual void prepare (bool backgroundThread=false)
 Prepares the resource for load, if it is not already. More...
virtual void reload (void)
 Reloads the resource, if it is already loaded. More...
virtual void removeAllLinkedSkeletonAnimationSources (void)
 Remove all links to other skeletons for the purposes of sharing animation. More...
virtual void removeAnimation (const String &name)
 Removes an Animation from this skeleton. More...
virtual void removeListener (Listener *lis)
 Remove a listener on this resource. More...
virtual void reset (bool resetManualBones=false)
 Resets the position and orientation of all bones in this skeleton to their original binding position. More...
virtual void setAnimationState (const AnimationStateSet &animSet)
 Changes the state of the skeleton to reflect the application of the passed in collection of animations. More...
virtual void setBackgroundLoaded (bool bl)
 Tells the resource whether it is background loaded or not. More...
virtual void setBindingPose (void)
 Sets the current position / orientation to be the 'binding pose' i.e. More...
virtual void setBlendMode (SkeletonAnimationBlendMode state)
 Sets the animation blending mode this skeleton will use. More...
virtual bool setParameter (const String &name, const String &value)
 Generic parameter setting method. More...
virtual void setParameterList (const NameValuePairList &paramList)
 Generic multiple parameter setting method. More...
virtual void touch (void)
 'Touches' the resource to indicate it has been used. More...
virtual void unload (void)
 Unloads the resource; this is not permanent, the resource can be reloaded later if required. More...

Static Public Member Functions

static void cleanupDictionary ()
 Cleans up the static 'msDictionary' required to reset Ogre, otherwise the containers are left with invalid pointers, which will lead to a crash as soon as one of the ResourceManager implementers (e.g. More...

Public Attributes


Protected Types

typedef map< String, Animation * >
 Storage of animations, lookup by name. More...
typedef map< String, Bone * >::type BoneListByName
 Lookup by bone name. More...
typedef set< Bone * >::type BoneSet
typedef set< Listener * >::type ListenerList

Protected Member Functions

 Skeleton ()
 Internal constructor for use by SkeletonInstance only. More...
void _dumpContents (const String &filename)
 Debugging method. More...
size_t calculateSize (void) const
 Calculate the size of a resource; this will only be called after 'load'. More...
bool createParamDictionary (const String &className)
 Internal method for creating a parameter dictionary for the class, if it does not already exist. More...
void deriveRootBone (void) const
 Internal method which parses the bones to derive the root bone. More...
void loadImpl (void)
 Internal implementation of the meat of the 'load' action, only called if this resource is not being loaded from a ManualResourceLoader. More...
 OGRE_MUTEX (mListenerListMutex)
virtual void postLoadImpl (void)
 Internal hook to perform actions after the load process, but before the resource has been marked as fully loaded. More...
virtual void postUnloadImpl (void)
 Internal hook to perform actions after the unload process, but before the resource has been marked as fully unloaded. More...
virtual void preLoadImpl (void)
 Internal hook to perform actions before the load process, but after the resource has been marked as 'loading'. More...
virtual void prepareImpl (void)
 Internal implementation of the meat of the 'prepare' action. More...
virtual void preUnloadImpl (void)
 Internal hook to perform actions before the unload process. More...
void unloadImpl (void)
 Internal implementation of the 'unload' action; called regardless of whether this resource is being loaded from a ManualResourceLoader. More...
virtual void unprepareImpl (void)
 Internal function for undoing the 'prepare' action. More...

Protected Attributes

AnimationList mAnimationsList
SkeletonAnimationBlendMode mBlendState
BoneList mBoneList
 Storage of bones, indexed by bone handle. More...
BoneListByName mBoneListByName
 Creator. More...
String mGroup
 The name of the resource group. More...
ResourceHandle mHandle
 Numeric handle for more efficient look up than name. More...
volatile bool mIsBackgroundLoaded
 Is this resource going to be background loaded? Only applicable for multithreaded. More...
bool mIsManual
 Is this file manually loaded? More...
LinkedSkeletonAnimSourceList mLinkedSkeletonAnimSourceList
 List of references to other skeletons to use animations from. More...
ListenerList mListenerList
 Optional manual loader; if provided, data is loaded from here instead of a file. More...
AtomicScalar< LoadingStatemLoadingState
 Is the resource currently loaded? More...
BoneSet mManualBones
 Manual bones. More...
bool mManualBonesDirty
 Manual bones dirty? More...
String mName
 Unique name of the resource. More...
unsigned short mNextAutoHandle
 Bone automatic handles. More...
String mOrigin
 Origin of this resource (e.g. script name) - optional. More...
BoneList mRootBones
 Pointer to root bones (can now have multiple roots) More...
size_t mSize
 The size of the resource in bytes. More...
size_t mStateCount
 State count, the number of times this resource has changed state. More...


class SkeletonInstance

Detailed Description

A collection of Bone objects used to animate a skinned mesh.

Skeletal animation works by having a collection of 'bones' which are actually just joints with a position and orientation, arranged in a tree structure. For example, the wrist joint is a child of the elbow joint, which in turn is a child of the shoulder joint. Rotating the shoulder automatically moves the elbow and wrist as well due to this hierarchy.
So how does this animate a mesh? Well every vertex in a mesh is assigned to one or more bones which affects it's position when the bone is moved. If a vertex is assigned to more than one bone, then weights must be assigned to determine how much each bone affects the vertex (actually a weight of 1.0 is used for single bone assignments). Weighted vertex assignments are especially useful around the joints themselves to avoid 'pinching' of the mesh in this region.
Therefore by moving the skeleton using preset animations, we can animate the mesh. The advantage of using skeletal animation is that you store less animation data, especially as vertex counts increase. In addition, you are able to blend multiple animations together (e.g. walking and looking around, running and shooting) and provide smooth transitions between animations without incurring as much of an overhead as would be involved if you did this on the core vertex data.
Skeleton definitions are loaded from datafiles, namely the .skeleton file format. They are loaded on demand, especially when referenced by a Mesh.

Definition at line 87 of file OgreSkeleton.h.

Member Typedef Documentation

typedef map<String, Animation*>::type Ogre::Skeleton::AnimationList

Storage of animations, lookup by name.

Definition at line 436 of file OgreSkeleton.h.

Map to translate bone handle from one skeleton to another skeleton.

Definition at line 362 of file OgreSkeleton.h.

Definition at line 178 of file OgreSkeleton.h.

typedef map<String, Bone*>::type Ogre::Skeleton::BoneListByName

Lookup by bone name.

Definition at line 420 of file OgreSkeleton.h.

typedef set<Bone*>::type Ogre::Skeleton::BoneSet

Definition at line 428 of file OgreSkeleton.h.

typedef set<Listener*>::type Ogre::Resource::ListenerList

Definition at line 166 of file OgreResource.h.

Member Enumeration Documentation

Enum identifying the loading state of the resource.


Not loaded.


Loading is in progress.


Fully loaded.


Currently unloading.


Fully prepared.


Preparing is in progress.

Definition at line 127 of file OgreResource.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

Ogre::Skeleton::Skeleton ( )

Internal constructor for use by SkeletonInstance only.

Ogre::Skeleton::Skeleton ( ResourceManager creator,
const String name,
ResourceHandle  handle,
const String group,
bool  isManual = false,
ManualResourceLoader loader = 0 

Constructor, don't call directly, use SkeletonManager.

On creation, a Skeleton has a no bones, you should create them and link them together appropriately.
virtual Ogre::Skeleton::~Skeleton ( )

Member Function Documentation

virtual void Ogre::Skeleton::_buildMapBoneByHandle ( const Skeleton source,
BoneHandleMap boneHandleMap 
) const

Build the bone handle map to use with Skeleton::_mergeSkeletonAnimations.

Identically bones are determine by handle.
virtual void Ogre::Skeleton::_buildMapBoneByName ( const Skeleton source,
BoneHandleMap boneHandleMap 
) const

Build the bone handle map to use with Skeleton::_mergeSkeletonAnimations.

Identically bones are determine by name.
virtual void Ogre::Resource::_dirtyState ( )

Manually mark the state of this resource as having been changed.

You only need to call this from outside if you explicitly want derived objects to think this object has changed.
See also
void Ogre::Skeleton::_dumpContents ( const String filename)

Debugging method.

virtual void Ogre::Resource::_fireLoadingComplete ( bool  wasBackgroundLoaded)

Firing of loading complete event.

You should call this from the thread that runs the main frame loop to avoid having to make the receivers of this event thread-safe. If you use Ogre's built in frame loop you don't need to call this yourself.
wasBackgroundLoadedWhether this was a background loaded event
virtual void Ogre::Resource::_firePreparingComplete ( bool  wasBackgroundLoaded)

Firing of preparing complete event.

You should call this from the thread that runs the main frame loop to avoid having to make the receivers of this event thread-safe. If you use Ogre's built in frame loop you don't need to call this yourself.
wasBackgroundLoadedWhether this was a background loaded event
virtual void Ogre::Resource::_fireUnloadingComplete ( void  )

Firing of unloading complete event.

You should call this from the thread that runs the main frame loop to avoid having to make the receivers of this event thread-safe. If you use Ogre's built in frame loop you don't need to call this yourself.
virtual Animation* Ogre::Skeleton::_getAnimationImpl ( const String name,
const LinkedSkeletonAnimationSource **  linker = 0 
) const

Internal accessor for animations (returns null if animation does not exist)

Reimplemented in Ogre::SkeletonInstance.

virtual void Ogre::Skeleton::_getBoneMatrices ( Matrix4 pMatrices)

Populates the passed in array with the bone matrices based on the current position.

Internal use only. The array pointed to by the passed in pointer must be at least as large as the number of bones. Assumes animation has already been updated.
virtual void Ogre::Skeleton::_initAnimationState ( AnimationStateSet animSet)

Initialise an animation set suitable for use with this skeleton.

Only recommended for use inside the engine, not by applications.

Reimplemented in Ogre::SkeletonInstance.

virtual void Ogre::Skeleton::_mergeSkeletonAnimations ( const Skeleton source,
const BoneHandleMap boneHandleMap,
const StringVector animations = StringVector() 

Merge animations from another Skeleton object into this skeleton.

This function allow merge two structures compatible skeletons. The 'compatible' here means identically bones will have same hierarchy, but skeletons are not necessary to have same number of bones (if number bones of source skeleton's more than this skeleton, they will copied as is, except that duplicate names are disallowed; and in the case of bones missing in source skeleton, nothing happen for those bones).
There are also unnecessary to have same binding poses, this function will adjust keyframes of the source skeleton to match this skeleton automatically.
It's useful for exporting skeleton animations separately. i.e. export mesh and 'master' skeleton at the same time, and then other animations will export separately (even if used completely difference binding pose), finally, merge separately exported animations into 'master' skeleton.
sourcePointer to source skeleton. It'll keep unmodified.
boneHandleMapA map to translate identically bone's handle from source skeleton to this skeleton. If mapped bone handle doesn't exists in this skeleton, it'll created. You can populate bone handle map manually, or use predefined functions build bone handle map for you. (
See also
_buildMapBoneByHandle, _buildMapBoneByName)
animationsA list name of animations to merge, if empty, all animations of source skeleton are used to merge. Note that the animation names must not presented in this skeleton, and will NOT pick up animations in linked skeletons (
See also
virtual void Ogre::Skeleton::_notifyManualBonesDirty ( void  )

Internal method for marking the manual bones as dirty.

virtual void Ogre::Skeleton::_notifyManualBoneStateChange ( Bone bone)

Internal method for notifying that a bone is manual.

virtual void Ogre::Resource::_notifyOrigin ( const String origin)

Notify this resource of it's origin.

Definition at line 420 of file OgreResource.h.

virtual void Ogre::Skeleton::_refreshAnimationState ( AnimationStateSet animSet)

Refresh an animation set suitable for use with this skeleton.

Only recommended for use inside the engine, not by applications.

Reimplemented in Ogre::SkeletonInstance.

virtual void Ogre::Skeleton::_updateTransforms ( void  )

Updates all the derived transforms in the skeleton.

virtual void Ogre::Skeleton::addLinkedSkeletonAnimationSource ( const String skelName,
Real  scale = 1.0f 

Allows you to use the animations from another Skeleton object to animate this skeleton.

If you have skeletons of identical structure (that means identically named bones with identical handles, and with the same hierarchy), but slightly different proportions or binding poses, you can re-use animations from one in the other. Because animations are actually stored as changes to bones from their bind positions, it's possible to use the same animation data for different skeletons, provided the skeletal structure matches and the 'deltas' stored in the keyframes apply equally well to the other skeletons bind position (so they must be roughly similar, but don't have to be identical). You can use the 'scale' option to adjust the translation and scale keyframes where there are large differences in size between the skeletons.
This method takes a skeleton name, rather than a more specific animation name, for two reasons; firstly it allows some validation of compatibility of skeletal structure, and secondly skeletons are the unit of loading. Linking a skeleton to another in this way means that the linkee will be prevented from being destroyed until the linker is destroyed.

You cannot set up cyclic relationships, e.g. SkeletonA uses SkeletonB's animations, and SkeletonB uses SkeletonA's animations. This is because it would set up a circular dependency which would prevent proper unloading - make one of the skeletons the 'master' in this case.

skelNameName of the skeleton to link animations from. This skeleton will be loaded immediately if this skeleton is already loaded, otherwise it will be loaded when this skeleton is.
scaleA scale factor to apply to translation and scaling elements of the keyframes in the other skeleton when applying the animations to this one. Compensates for skeleton size differences.

Reimplemented in Ogre::SkeletonInstance.

virtual void Ogre::Resource::addListener ( Listener lis)

Register a listener on this resource.

See also

Reimplemented in Ogre::UnifiedHighLevelGpuProgram.

size_t Ogre::Skeleton::calculateSize ( void  ) const

Calculate the size of a resource; this will only be called after 'load'.

Reimplemented from Ogre::Resource.

virtual void Ogre::Resource::changeGroupOwnership ( const String newGroup)

Change the resource group ownership of a Resource.

This method is generally reserved for internal use, although if you really know what you're doing you can use it to move this resource from one group to another.
newGroupName of the new group
static void Ogre::StringInterface::cleanupDictionary ( )

Cleans up the static 'msDictionary' required to reset Ogre, otherwise the containers are left with invalid pointers, which will lead to a crash as soon as one of the ResourceManager implementers (e.g.

MaterialManager) initializes.

virtual void Ogre::StringInterface::copyParametersTo ( StringInterface dest) const

Method for copying this object's parameters to another object.

This method takes the values of all the object's parameters and tries to set the same values on the destination object. This provides a completely type independent way to copy parameters to other objects. Note that because of the String manipulation involved, this should not be regarded as an efficient process and should be saved for times outside of the rendering loop.
Any unrecognised parameters will be ignored as with setParameter method.
destPointer to object to have it's parameters set the same as this object.

Definition at line 303 of file OgreStringInterface.h.

References Ogre::ParamDictionary::mParamDefs, and Ogre::StringInterface::setParameter().

virtual Animation* Ogre::Skeleton::createAnimation ( const String name,
Real  length 

Creates a new Animation object for animating this skeleton.

nameThe name of this animation
lengthThe length of the animation in seconds

Implements Ogre::AnimationContainer.

Reimplemented in Ogre::SkeletonInstance.

virtual Bone* Ogre::Skeleton::createBone ( void  )

Creates a brand new Bone owned by this Skeleton.

This method creates an unattached new Bone for this skeleton. Unless this is to be a root bone (there may be more than one of these), you must attach it to another Bone in the skeleton using addChild for it to be any use. For this reason you will likely be better off creating child bones using the Bone::createChild method instead, once you have created the root bone.
Note that this method automatically generates a handle for the bone, which you can retrieve using Bone::getHandle. If you wish the new Bone to have a specific handle, use the alternate form of this method which takes a handle as a parameter, although you should note the restrictions.
virtual Bone* Ogre::Skeleton::createBone ( unsigned short  handle)

Creates a brand new Bone owned by this Skeleton.

This method creates an unattached new Bone for this skeleton and assigns it a specific handle. Unless this is to be a root bone (there may be more than one of these), you must attach it to another Bone in the skeleton using addChild for it to be any use. For this reason you will likely be better off creating child bones using the Bone::createChild method instead, once you have created a root bone.
handleThe handle to give to this new bone - must be unique within this skeleton. You should also ensure that all bone handles are eventually contiguous (this is to simplify their compilation into an indexed array of transformation matrices). For this reason it is advised that you use the simpler createBone method which automatically assigns a sequential handle starting from 0.
virtual Bone* Ogre::Skeleton::createBone ( const String name)

Creates a brand new Bone owned by this Skeleton.

This method creates an unattached new Bone for this skeleton and assigns it a specific name.Unless this is to be a root bone (there may be more than one of these), you must attach it to another Bone in the skeleton using addChild for it to be any use. For this reason you will likely be better off creating child bones using the Bone::createChild method instead, once you have created the root bone.
nameThe name to give to this new bone - must be unique within this skeleton. Note that the way OGRE looks up bones is via a numeric handle, so if you name a Bone this way it will be given an automatic sequential handle. The name is just for your convenience, although it is recommended that you only use the handle to retrieve the bone in performance-critical code.
virtual Bone* Ogre::Skeleton::createBone ( const String name,
unsigned short  handle 

Creates a brand new Bone owned by this Skeleton.

This method creates an unattached new Bone for this skeleton and assigns it a specific name and handle. Unless this is to be a root bone (there may be more than one of these), you must attach it to another Bone in the skeleton using addChild for it to be any use. For this reason you will likely be better off creating child bones using the Bone::createChild method instead, once you have created the root bone.
nameThe name to give to this new bone - must be unique within this skeleton.
handleThe handle to give to this new bone - must be unique within this skeleton.
bool Ogre::StringInterface::createParamDictionary ( const String className)

Internal method for creating a parameter dictionary for the class, if it does not already exist.

This method will check to see if a parameter dictionary exist for this class yet, and if not will create one. NB you must supply the name of the class (RTTI is not used or performance).
classNamethe name of the class using the dictionary
true if a new dictionary was created, false if it was already there

Definition at line 186 of file OgreStringInterface.h.


void Ogre::Skeleton::deriveRootBone ( void  ) const

Internal method which parses the bones to derive the root bone.

Must be const because called in getRootBone but mRootBone is mutable since lazy-updated.
virtual void Ogre::Resource::escalateLoading ( )

Escalates the loading of a background loaded resource.

If a resource is set to load in the background, but something needs it before it's been loaded, there could be a problem. If the user of this resource really can't wait, they can escalate the loading which basically pulls the loading into the current thread immediately. If the resource is already being loaded but just hasn't quite finished then this method will simply wait until the background load is complete.

Reimplemented in Ogre::UnifiedHighLevelGpuProgram.

virtual Animation* Ogre::Skeleton::getAnimation ( const String name,
const LinkedSkeletonAnimationSource **  linker 
) const

Returns the named Animation object.

Will pick up animations in linked skeletons (
See also
nameThe name of the animation
linkerOptional pointer to a pointer to the linked skeleton animation where this is coming from.

Reimplemented in Ogre::SkeletonInstance.

virtual Animation* Ogre::Skeleton::getAnimation ( const String name) const

Returns the named Animation object.

Will pick up animations in linked skeletons (
See also
nameThe name of the animation

Implements Ogre::AnimationContainer.

virtual Animation* Ogre::Skeleton::getAnimation ( unsigned short  index) const

Gets a single animation by index.

Will NOT pick up animations in linked skeletons (
See also

Implements Ogre::AnimationContainer.

Reimplemented in Ogre::SkeletonInstance.

virtual SkeletonAnimationBlendMode Ogre::Skeleton::getBlendMode ( ) const

Gets the animation blending mode which this skeleton will use.

virtual Bone* Ogre::Skeleton::getBone ( unsigned short  handle) const

Gets a bone by it's handle.

virtual Bone* Ogre::Skeleton::getBone ( const String name) const

Gets a bone by it's name.

virtual BoneIterator Ogre::Skeleton::getBoneIterator ( void  )

Get an iterator over all the bones in the skeleton.

virtual ResourceManager* Ogre::Resource::getCreator ( void  )

Gets the manager which created this resource.

Definition at line 411 of file OgreResource.h.

virtual const String& Ogre::Resource::getGroup ( void  ) const

Gets the group which this resource is a member of.

Definition at line 399 of file OgreResource.h.

virtual ResourceHandle Ogre::Resource::getHandle ( void  ) const

Reimplemented in Ogre::SkeletonInstance.

Definition at line 317 of file OgreResource.h.

virtual LinkedSkeletonAnimSourceIterator Ogre::Skeleton::getLinkedSkeletonAnimationSourceIterator ( void  ) const

Get an iterator over the linked skeletons used as animation sources.

Reimplemented in Ogre::SkeletonInstance.

virtual LoadingState Ogre::Resource::getLoadingState ( ) const

Returns the current loading state.

Reimplemented in Ogre::UnifiedHighLevelGpuProgram.

Definition at line 348 of file OgreResource.h.

virtual bool Ogre::Skeleton::getManualBonesDirty ( void  ) const

Have manual bones been modified since the skeleton was last updated?

Definition at line 357 of file OgreSkeleton.h.

virtual const String& Ogre::Resource::getName ( void  ) const

Gets resource name.

Reimplemented in Ogre::SkeletonInstance.

Definition at line 312 of file OgreResource.h.

virtual unsigned short Ogre::Skeleton::getNumAnimations ( void  ) const

Gets the number of animations on this skeleton.

Implements Ogre::AnimationContainer.

Reimplemented in Ogre::SkeletonInstance.

virtual unsigned short Ogre::Skeleton::getNumBones ( void  ) const

Returns the number of bones in this skeleton.

virtual const String& Ogre::Resource::getOrigin ( void  ) const

Get the origin of this resource, e.g.

a script file name.

This property will only contain something if the creator of this resource chose to populate it. Script loaders are advised to populate it.

Definition at line 418 of file OgreResource.h.

ParamDictionary* Ogre::StringInterface::getParamDictionary ( void  )

Retrieves the parameter dictionary for this class.

Only valid to call this after createParamDictionary.
Pointer to ParamDictionary shared by all instances of this class which you can add parameters to, retrieve parameters etc.

Definition at line 219 of file OgreStringInterface.h.

const ParamDictionary* Ogre::StringInterface::getParamDictionary ( void  ) const

Definition at line 224 of file OgreStringInterface.h.

virtual String Ogre::StringInterface::getParameter ( const String name) const

Generic parameter retrieval method.

Call this method with the name of a parameter to retrieve a string-format value of the parameter in question. If in doubt, check the parameter definition in the list returned from getParameters for the type of this parameter. If you like you can use StringConverter to convert this string back into a native type.
nameThe name of the parameter to get
String value of parameter, blank if not found

Definition at line 272 of file OgreStringInterface.h.

References Ogre::ParamCommand::doGet(), and Ogre::ParamDictionary::getParamCommand().

const ParameterList& Ogre::StringInterface::getParameters ( void  ) const

Retrieves a list of parameters valid for this object.

A reference to a static list of ParameterDef objects.
virtual Bone* Ogre::Skeleton::getRootBone ( void  ) const

Gets the root bone of the skeleton: deprecated in favour of getRootBoneIterator.

The system derives the root bone the first time you ask for it. The root bone is the only bone in the skeleton which has no parent. The system locates it by taking the first bone in the list and going up the bone tree until there are no more parents, and saves this top bone as the root. If you are building the skeleton manually using createBone then you must ensure there is only one bone which is not a child of another bone, otherwise your skeleton will not work properly. If you use createBone only once, and then use Bone::createChild from then on, then inherently the first bone you create will by default be the root.
virtual BoneIterator Ogre::Skeleton::getRootBoneIterator ( void  )

Get an iterator over the root bones in the skeleton, ie those with no parents.

virtual size_t Ogre::Resource::getSize ( void  ) const

Retrieves info about the size of the resource.

Reimplemented in Ogre::CgProgram, and Ogre::UnifiedHighLevelGpuProgram.

Definition at line 301 of file OgreResource.h.

virtual size_t Ogre::Resource::getStateCount ( ) const

Returns the number of times this resource has changed state, which generally means the number of times it has been loaded.

Objects that build derived data based on the resource can check this value against a copy they kept last time they built this derived data, in order to know whether it needs rebuilding. This is a nice way of monitoring changes without having a tightly-bound callback.

Definition at line 429 of file OgreResource.h.

virtual bool Ogre::Skeleton::hasAnimation ( const String name) const

Returns whether this skeleton contains the named animation.

Implements Ogre::AnimationContainer.

virtual bool Ogre::Skeleton::hasBone ( const String name) const

Returns whether this skeleton contains the named bone.

virtual bool Ogre::Skeleton::hasManualBones ( void  ) const

Are there any manually controlled bones?

Definition at line 359 of file OgreSkeleton.h.

virtual bool Ogre::Resource::isBackgroundLoaded ( void  ) const

Returns whether this Resource has been earmarked for background loading.

This option only makes sense when you have built Ogre with thread support (OGRE_THREAD_SUPPORT). If a resource has been marked for background loading, then it won't load on demand like normal when load() is called. Instead, it will ignore request to load() except if the caller indicates it is the background loader. Any other users of this resource should check isLoaded(), and if that returns false, don't use the resource and come back later.

Reimplemented in Ogre::UnifiedHighLevelGpuProgram.

Definition at line 365 of file OgreResource.h.

virtual bool Ogre::Resource::isLoaded ( void  ) const

Returns true if the Resource has been loaded, false otherwise.

Reimplemented in Ogre::UnifiedHighLevelGpuProgram.

Definition at line 332 of file OgreResource.h.

virtual bool Ogre::Resource::isLoading ( ) const

Returns whether the resource is currently in the process of background loading.

Reimplemented in Ogre::UnifiedHighLevelGpuProgram.

Definition at line 341 of file OgreResource.h.

virtual bool Ogre::Resource::isManuallyLoaded ( void  ) const

Is this resource manually loaded?

Definition at line 289 of file OgreResource.h.

virtual bool Ogre::Resource::isPrepared ( void  ) const

Returns true if the Resource has been prepared, false otherwise.

Definition at line 324 of file OgreResource.h.

virtual bool Ogre::Resource::isReloadable ( void  ) const

Returns true if the Resource is reloadable, false otherwise.

Reimplemented in Ogre::UnifiedHighLevelGpuProgram.

Definition at line 282 of file OgreResource.h.

virtual void Ogre::Resource::load ( bool  backgroundThread = false)

Loads the resource, if it is not already.

If the resource is loaded from a file, loading is automatic. If not, if for example this resource gained it's data from procedural calls rather than loading from a file, then this resource will not reload on it's own.
backgroundThreadIndicates whether the caller of this method is the background resource loading thread.

Reimplemented in Ogre::UnifiedHighLevelGpuProgram.

void Ogre::Skeleton::loadImpl ( void  )

Internal implementation of the meat of the 'load' action, only called if this resource is not being loaded from a ManualResourceLoader.

Implements Ogre::Resource.

Reimplemented in Ogre::SkeletonInstance.

Ogre::Resource::OGRE_MUTEX ( mListenerListMutex  )
template<class Alloc >
void Ogre::AllocatedObject< Alloc >::operator delete ( void *  ptr)

Definition at line 96 of file OgreMemoryAllocatedObject.h.

template<class Alloc >
void Ogre::AllocatedObject< Alloc >::operator delete ( void *  ptr,
void *   

Definition at line 102 of file OgreMemoryAllocatedObject.h.

template<class Alloc >
void Ogre::AllocatedObject< Alloc >::operator delete ( void *  ptr,
const char *  ,
int  ,
const char *   

Definition at line 108 of file OgreMemoryAllocatedObject.h.

template<class Alloc >
void Ogre::AllocatedObject< Alloc >::operator delete[] ( void *  ptr)

Definition at line 113 of file OgreMemoryAllocatedObject.h.

template<class Alloc >
void Ogre::AllocatedObject< Alloc >::operator delete[] ( void *  ptr,
const char *  ,
int  ,
const char *   

Definition at line 119 of file OgreMemoryAllocatedObject.h.

template<class Alloc >
void* Ogre::AllocatedObject< Alloc >::operator new ( size_t  sz,
const char *  file,
int  line,
const char *  func 

operator new, with debug line info

Definition at line 68 of file OgreMemoryAllocatedObject.h.

template<class Alloc >
void* Ogre::AllocatedObject< Alloc >::operator new ( size_t  sz)

Definition at line 73 of file OgreMemoryAllocatedObject.h.

template<class Alloc >
void* Ogre::AllocatedObject< Alloc >::operator new ( size_t  sz,
void *  ptr 

placement operator new

Definition at line 79 of file OgreMemoryAllocatedObject.h.

template<class Alloc >
void* Ogre::AllocatedObject< Alloc >::operator new[] ( size_t  sz,
const char *  file,
int  line,
const char *  func 

array operator new, with debug line info

Definition at line 86 of file OgreMemoryAllocatedObject.h.

template<class Alloc >
void* Ogre::AllocatedObject< Alloc >::operator new[] ( size_t  sz)

Definition at line 91 of file OgreMemoryAllocatedObject.h.

virtual void Ogre::Skeleton::optimiseAllAnimations ( bool  preservingIdentityNodeTracks = false)

Optimise all of this skeleton's animations.

See also
preservingIdentityNodeTracksIf true, don't destroy identity node tracks.
virtual void Ogre::Resource::postLoadImpl ( void  )

Internal hook to perform actions after the load process, but before the resource has been marked as fully loaded.

Mutex will have already been acquired by the loading thread. Also, this call will occur even when using a ManualResourceLoader (when loadImpl is not actually called)

Reimplemented in Ogre::Mesh, Ogre::D3D9Texture, and Ogre::D3D11Texture.

Definition at line 191 of file OgreResource.h.

virtual void Ogre::Resource::postUnloadImpl ( void  )

Internal hook to perform actions after the unload process, but before the resource has been marked as fully unloaded.

Mutex will have already been acquired by the unloading thread.

Definition at line 201 of file OgreResource.h.

virtual void Ogre::Resource::preLoadImpl ( void  )

Internal hook to perform actions before the load process, but after the resource has been marked as 'loading'.

Mutex will have already been acquired by the loading thread. Also, this call will occur even when using a ManualResourceLoader (when loadImpl is not actually called)

Definition at line 184 of file OgreResource.h.

virtual void Ogre::Resource::prepare ( bool  backgroundThread = false)

Prepares the resource for load, if it is not already.

One can call prepare() before load(), but this is not required as load() will call prepare() itself, if needed. When OGRE_THREAD_SUPPORT==1 both load() and prepare() are thread-safe. When OGRE_THREAD_SUPPORT==2 however, only prepare() is thread-safe. The reason for this function is to allow a background thread to do some of the loading work, without requiring the whole render system to be thread-safe. The background thread would call prepare() while the main render loop would later call load(). So long as prepare() remains thread-safe, subclasses can arbitrarily split the work of loading a resource between load() and prepare(). It is best to try and do as much work in prepare(), however, since this will leave less work for the main render thread to do and thus increase FPS.

backgroundThreadWhether this is occurring in a background thread
virtual void Ogre::Resource::prepareImpl ( void  )

Internal implementation of the meat of the 'prepare' action.

Reimplemented in Ogre::Mesh, Ogre::D3D9Texture, Ogre::D3D11Texture, Ogre::Material, Ogre::PatchMesh, Ogre::GLTexture, and Ogre::GL3PlusTexture.

Definition at line 205 of file OgreResource.h.

virtual void Ogre::Resource::preUnloadImpl ( void  )

Internal hook to perform actions before the unload process.

Mutex will have already been acquired by the unloading thread.

Definition at line 196 of file OgreResource.h.

virtual void Ogre::Resource::reload ( void  )

Reloads the resource, if it is already loaded.

Calls unload() and then load() again, if the resource is already loaded. If it is not loaded already, then nothing happens.

Reimplemented in Ogre::UnifiedHighLevelGpuProgram.

virtual void Ogre::Skeleton::removeAllLinkedSkeletonAnimationSources ( void  )

Remove all links to other skeletons for the purposes of sharing animation.

Reimplemented in Ogre::SkeletonInstance.

virtual void Ogre::Skeleton::removeAnimation ( const String name)

Removes an Animation from this skeleton.

Implements Ogre::AnimationContainer.

Reimplemented in Ogre::SkeletonInstance.

virtual void Ogre::Resource::removeListener ( Listener lis)

Remove a listener on this resource.

See also

Reimplemented in Ogre::UnifiedHighLevelGpuProgram.

virtual void Ogre::Skeleton::reset ( bool  resetManualBones = false)

Resets the position and orientation of all bones in this skeleton to their original binding position.

A skeleton is bound to a mesh in a binding pose. Bone positions are then modified from this position during animation. This method returns all the bones to their original position and orientation.
resetManualBonesIf set to true, causes the state of manual bones to be reset too, which is normally not done to allow the manual state to persist even when keyframe animation is applied.
virtual void Ogre::Skeleton::setAnimationState ( const AnimationStateSet animSet)

Changes the state of the skeleton to reflect the application of the passed in collection of animations.

Animating a skeleton involves both interpolating between keyframes of a specific animation, and blending between the animations themselves. Calling this method sets the state of the skeleton so that it reflects the combination of all the passed in animations, at the time index specified for each, using the weights specified. Note that the weights between animations do not have to sum to 1.0, because some animations may affect only subsets of the skeleton. If the weights exceed 1.0 for the same area of the skeleton, the movement will just be exaggerated.
virtual void Ogre::Resource::setBackgroundLoaded ( bool  bl)

Tells the resource whether it is background loaded or not.

See also
Resource::isBackgroundLoaded. Note that calling this only defers the normal on-demand loading behaviour of a resource, it does not actually set up a thread to make sure the resource gets loaded in the background. You should use ResourceBackgroundLoadingQueue to manage the actual loading (which will call this method itself).

Reimplemented in Ogre::UnifiedHighLevelGpuProgram.

Definition at line 375 of file OgreResource.h.

virtual void Ogre::Skeleton::setBindingPose ( void  )

Sets the current position / orientation to be the 'binding pose' i.e.

the layout in which bones were originally bound to a mesh.

virtual void Ogre::Skeleton::setBlendMode ( SkeletonAnimationBlendMode  state)

Sets the animation blending mode this skeleton will use.

virtual bool Ogre::StringInterface::setParameter ( const String name,
const String value 

Generic parameter setting method.

Call this method with the name of a parameter and a string version of the value to set. The implementor will convert the string to a native type internally. If in doubt, check the parameter definition in the list returned from StringInterface::getParameters.
nameThe name of the parameter to set
valueString value. Must be in the right format for the type specified in the parameter definition. See the StringConverter class for more information.
true if set was successful, false otherwise (NB no exceptions thrown - tolerant method)

Referenced by Ogre::StringInterface::copyParametersTo().

virtual void Ogre::StringInterface::setParameterList ( const NameValuePairList paramList)

Generic multiple parameter setting method.

Call this method with a list of name / value pairs to set. The implementor will convert the string to a native type internally. If in doubt, check the parameter definition in the list returned from StringInterface::getParameters.
paramListName/value pair list
virtual void Ogre::Resource::touch ( void  )

'Touches' the resource to indicate it has been used.

Reimplemented in Ogre::Material, Ogre::CgProgram, and Ogre::UnifiedHighLevelGpuProgram.

Referenced by Ogre::Material::touch().

virtual void Ogre::Resource::unload ( void  )

Unloads the resource; this is not permanent, the resource can be reloaded later if required.

Reimplemented in Ogre::UnifiedHighLevelGpuProgram.

void Ogre::Skeleton::unloadImpl ( void  )

Internal implementation of the 'unload' action; called regardless of whether this resource is being loaded from a ManualResourceLoader.

Implements Ogre::Resource.

Reimplemented in Ogre::SkeletonInstance.

virtual void Ogre::Resource::unprepareImpl ( void  )

Internal function for undoing the 'prepare' action.

Called when the load is completed, and when resources are unloaded when they are prepared but not yet loaded.

Reimplemented in Ogre::Mesh, Ogre::D3D9Texture, Ogre::D3D11Texture, Ogre::Material, Ogre::GLTexture, and Ogre::GL3PlusTexture.

Definition at line 210 of file OgreResource.h.

Friends And Related Function Documentation

friend class SkeletonInstance

Definition at line 89 of file OgreSkeleton.h.

Member Data Documentation

AnimationList Ogre::Skeleton::mAnimationsList

Definition at line 437 of file OgreSkeleton.h.

SkeletonAnimationBlendMode Ogre::Skeleton::mBlendState

Definition at line 416 of file OgreSkeleton.h.

BoneList Ogre::Skeleton::mBoneList

Storage of bones, indexed by bone handle.

Definition at line 418 of file OgreSkeleton.h.

BoneListByName Ogre::Skeleton::mBoneListByName

Definition at line 421 of file OgreSkeleton.h.

ResourceManager* Ogre::Resource::mCreator


Definition at line 144 of file OgreResource.h.

String Ogre::Resource::mGroup

The name of the resource group.

Definition at line 148 of file OgreResource.h.

ResourceHandle Ogre::Resource::mHandle

Numeric handle for more efficient look up than name.

Definition at line 150 of file OgreResource.h.

volatile bool Ogre::Resource::mIsBackgroundLoaded

Is this resource going to be background loaded? Only applicable for multithreaded.

Definition at line 154 of file OgreResource.h.

bool Ogre::Resource::mIsManual

Is this file manually loaded?

Definition at line 158 of file OgreResource.h.

LinkedSkeletonAnimSourceList Ogre::Skeleton::mLinkedSkeletonAnimSourceList

List of references to other skeletons to use animations from.

Definition at line 440 of file OgreSkeleton.h.

ListenerList Ogre::Resource::mListenerList

Definition at line 167 of file OgreResource.h.

ManualResourceLoader* Ogre::Resource::mLoader

Optional manual loader; if provided, data is loaded from here instead of a file.

Definition at line 162 of file OgreResource.h.

AtomicScalar<LoadingState> Ogre::Resource::mLoadingState

Is the resource currently loaded?

Definition at line 152 of file OgreResource.h.

BoneSet Ogre::Skeleton::mManualBones

Manual bones.

Definition at line 430 of file OgreSkeleton.h.

bool Ogre::Skeleton::mManualBonesDirty

Manual bones dirty?

Definition at line 432 of file OgreSkeleton.h.

String Ogre::Resource::mName

Unique name of the resource.

Definition at line 146 of file OgreResource.h.

unsigned short Ogre::Skeleton::mNextAutoHandle

Bone automatic handles.

Definition at line 427 of file OgreSkeleton.h.

String Ogre::Resource::mOrigin

Origin of this resource (e.g. script name) - optional.

Definition at line 160 of file OgreResource.h.

BoneList Ogre::Skeleton::mRootBones

Pointer to root bones (can now have multiple roots)

Definition at line 425 of file OgreSkeleton.h.

size_t Ogre::Resource::mSize

The size of the resource in bytes.

Definition at line 156 of file OgreResource.h.

size_t Ogre::Resource::mStateCount

State count, the number of times this resource has changed state.

Definition at line 164 of file OgreResource.h.


Definition at line 82 of file OgreResource.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: