Here are the latest news from the community and the Ogre ecosystem:
- reviewed the Ogre 1.7 Beginner’s Guide
- Some community members worked on creating C-APIs for Ogre and some addon projects
- ATC showed some first images and clips from their Cricket simulation project
- Maya 2011 x32 native Ogre exporter available thanks to metaldev
- New Rigs of Rods ingame videos posted
- A new Ogre platform called IberOgre with spanish-only articles and tutorials was announced
- Callisto, visualisation and collision checking library released
- New version (0.5) of the virtual world simulation framework MV3D released
- Particle Universe 1.4 released
- Source code of the RPG project Abaddon published
We are also preparing the application for this years Google Summer of Code and actively discussing some good ideas for student projects. More information can be found in the respective forum section. Please join us in there if you have any ideas or comments on the proposals!