by spacegaier | Nov 23, 2014 | Game Highlight, News
Long time no post, but that certainly doesn’t mean that there is nothing going on. In fact there are multiple new entries queued up, so stay tuned. Here comes the first:

The guys over at the “ManicNorth” studio asked us to spread the word about there current Ogre3D based project called “Seasoned Tactics” and of course we happily oblige. It is a turn-based tactics arena game where players take control of the four seasons to battle for control of a tiled board. They are currently seeking support for their new creation trough Steam Greenlight as well as through their ongoing Kickstarter campaign.
Information about the artwork and mechanics of the game can be found on their website / blog. (more…)
by spacegaier | May 31, 2013 | Game Highlight, News
Hey Ogre3D community,
many of you might already have seen that promising project in our forums, but nonetheless we think it deserves an extra spot here as well.
Void Destroyer – a space simulation with real time strategy elements (inspired by the classics). Manage planets and build space stations, setup trade routes, build ships and command them to defend yourself from attacking pirates and aliens. Play with a mouse or joystick. Take command of your ship directly or let the ship crew do the work for you while you manage the battle from the tactical screen.
Today the game was launched on Steam Greenlight and a Kickstarter campaign was started to fund the game art. So have a look and give it a try, and if you like it and want to help, consider backing the project.
All the links you need:
by spacegaier | Sep 2, 2012 | Game Highlight, News
Hi Ogre3D community,
many of you might already have heard of the new Ogre3D-powered game “Salvation Prophecy”. It definitely deserves a mention here in our news blog and the fact that it has just been entered into Steam Greenlight makes for a perfect moment to share some additional information about it that the creator Sean Lindskog was kind enough to provide:
Game Overview
Salvation Prophecy is a military space epic. Human, mutant, and robotic factions are at war for galactic domination. Battles rage as space fleets collide, and planet invasions clash against fortified enemy colonies. Yet the greatest danger is the impending annihilation foretold by an apocalyptic prophecy. You must seek out the mysteries of distant alien worlds, and master ancient powers to withstand the coming storm.
by spacegaier | Aug 27, 2012 | Game Highlight, News
Hi Ogre3D community,

we are happy to be able to introduce to you another commercial Ogre3D project, this time by the independent micro studio BitFlip.
BitFlip Studios
The studio is based in Berkeley, California and almost two years old. The team has released a number of iOS games, as well as having played supporting roles in yet to be released AAA games. Formerly, members of the team worked on the Bioshock & X-Com series at 2K Marin, as well as Hellgate: London & Mythos with Flagship Studios.
Minion Master
Their newest creation is a digital board game called Minion Master. It combines elements of tabletop gaming, turn based and real-time strategy, and collectible card building games and has now officially gone into beta beginning of this month. The game is also now available for pre-order and players who do so will get instant access to the game’s exclusive, closed private beta.
The BitFlip Games team will also be at the Penny Arcade Expo (PAX) in Seattle, WA from August 31st to September 2nd to unveil Minion Master to consumers for the first time. Players who visit the BitFlip Games booth will be able to jump onto one of six stations hosting multiplayer Minion Master matches.
by spacegaier | Mar 12, 2012 | Game Highlight, News
Some days ago the guys from the MetalheadSoftware released some preview footage from their upcoming game featuring Ogre as the rendering engine:
BigFly Baseball
“We are developing a fast, light-hearted, atmospheric, and accessible baseball game. It mixes a unique cartoon art style with a simulation that is true to the sport.”
– Co-Founder, Metalhead Software Inc.
The game is driven by a custom made game engine (MetalTech) consisting of Ogre, bullet, Lua, FMOD and CEGUI. They are using 3dsMax for art&animation and OgreMax to export it all (in addition to a great many custom 3dsMax scripts as they told us). The team only consists of three guys, 2 IT guys and 1 artist. Nonetheless they managed to deliver a game that already looks great and fun in this stage of development and they obviously put in a lot of effort into the details like the stadium surroundings (Statue of Liberty, Air Force fly-by, …) and the cheering crowds (find more technical details about their implementation in the showcase thread).
BTW: MetalheadSoftware is currently in the process of striking a deal with a major 3rd party publisher. Best of luck with that!
by spacegaier | Jul 11, 2011 | Game Highlight, News
Many of you might already heard of the fantastic game Joost van Dongen released some weeks ago: Proun. We of course have too and it definitely deserve a mention here…
The whole game was created by Joost van Dongen, except for the sound effects and the music production, which were done by Arno Landsbergen on the basis of Joost’s own compositions. In “normal” life he is the lead programmer at Ronimo Games, an indie game developer known for Swords & Soldiers (PS3/Wii/PC/Mac/iPhone/iPad), De Blob (PC) and Awesomenauts (PS3/Xbox360).
A lot of insight information mainly regarding the development history and artistic aspects of his creation, were already spread via his blog, which we highly recommend if you are interested in some details. But here are some additional more technical corner points he kindly shared with us:
- created in C++ using Visual Studio 2005
- shaders coded in Cg using Context
- levels in 3dsmax using a combination of the old Maxscript 3dsmax Ogre exporter and own exporters and plugins
- textures were created in Photoshop
- lightmaps were baked using Vray
- ODE was used for collision detection
- Irrklang provided the sound foundations
- highscores are realized with the help of RakNet
The game can directly be purchased via the game’s website on a “pay-what-you-want”-basis.