Ogre 1.12 User Survey 2020

Those of you who have been around Ogre for some time might remember that back in 2018, we conducted a survey about our user base. The results of which can be found here.

For the 1.13 development cycle we would like to assess to correctly emphasize the development on the most used features.

So for the next four weeks until the 29th of March, you have the chance to participate and help us to get an impression about our user base, how Ogre is used and share some wishes for the future. Simply follow the link and make your way through the 13 questions. It should not take up much time since most of the questions are simple checkbox or radio button questions.

Link to survey

We want to thank you all upfront for helping us to develop Ogre further and getting some valuable insight information about the people using the engine!

PS: We would be glad if you could spread the word about the survey via all available channels to all potential Ogre users, because: The more participants, the more accurate are the results of course.

Ogre 1.11 User Survey 2019

Those of you who have been around Ogre for some time might remember that back in 2018, we conducted a survey about our user base. The results of which can be found here.

As we have started the 1.12 development cycle we would like to assess to correctly emphasize the development and ideally drop some barely used features that will free resources for more important things.

So for the next four weeks until the 27th of March, you have the chance to participate and help us to get an impression about our user base, how Ogre is used and share some wishes for the future. Simply follow the link and make your way through the 11 questions. It should not take up much time since most of the questions are simple checkbox or radio button questions.

Link to survey

We want to thank you all upfront for helping us to develop Ogre further and getting some valuable insight information about the people using the engine!

PS: We would be glad if you could spread the word about the survey via all available channels to all potential Ogre users, because: The more participants, the more accurate are the results of course.

Ogre 1.10 User Survey Results

During the period of Feb 7. – March 7. we received 117 replies. At the same time the ogre 1.10 Windows SDK alone was downloaded 5161 times. So while the results are significant, they are probably not representative.

The average Ogre application is a Game displaying Overlays and Particles. It was written as a Hobby in C++ and targets Windows 10 using OpenGL.

As you see statistics are lies, so better take a look at the actual numbers yourself.

To spare you reading all the free-form answers though, here is a summary

Most severe drawbacks of Ogre 1.10

  • lack of documentation (8x)
  • Difficult to build/ setup (6x)
  • code quality/ readability (5x)
  • outdated documentation (4x)
  • Performance (4x)
  • Compositor Component (2x)
  • no/ bad scene editor (2x)
  • diverging 1.x and 2.x branches (2x)
  • lack of art/ asset pipeline (2x)
  • Abandoned Plugins (2x)
  • “next-gen” graphics (1x)

Most important future change for Ogre 1.11

  • modern rendering techniques (8x)
  • Keeping code stable (7x)
  • Archive out of date documentation (2x)
  • more support for existing Addons/ Plugins (2x)
  • simplify SCM (2x)
  • C++11 Support (2x)
  • VR & Stereo Rendering (1x)


As you can see some of the requests are contradicting and some are only vague, like “next-gen graphics”.

To others I wrote a short reply here.

To streamline the development process & discussion of Ogre 1.x, we now have the Ogre evolution proposals.
Basically it consists of a structured textual specification similar to the Python PEPs. Click on the link above to learn more.


Ogre 1.10 User Survey 2018

Those of you who have been around Ogre for some time might remember that back in 2011, we conducted a survey about our user base. The results of which can be found here.

As we have started the 1.11 development cycle we would like to assess to correctly emphasize the development and ideally drop some barely used features that will free resources for more important things.

So for the next four weeks until the 7th of March, you have the chance to participate and help us to get an impression about our user base, how Ogre is used and share some wishes for the future. Simply follow the link and make your way through the 11 questions. It should not take up much time since most of the questions are simple checkbox or radio button questions.

Link to survey

We want to thank you all upfront for helping us to develop Ogre further and getting some valuable insight information about the people using the engine!

PS: We would be glad if you could spread the word about the survey via all available channels to all potential Ogre users, because: The more participants, the more accurate are the results of course.