Ogre 14.3 released

Ogre 14.3.0 was just released. This release contains some significant bug-fixes and feature additions, which we will discuss in more detail below. We recommend all users of the 14.x branch to update.

For a full overview of the changes, see the changelog.

Table of Contents

3D Gaussian Splatting and VET_HALF support

Ogre 14.3 now comes with an example that shows how to render 3D gaussian splats alongside with normal mesh data.

A point cloud vs the rendering as 3D gaussian splats

To efficiently store the splats they were converted from the original .ply files to native ogre .mesh files which reduced the storage by 10x. See my blog post for the details of the procedure.

To achieve this reduction the new VET_HALFx types were introduced in Ogre, which allow storing vertex attributes using 16bit floating points.

As the most useful VET_HALF3 type is neither supported by D3D9 nor by D3D11, Ogre will transparently pad it to VET_HALF4 on loading. This approach maintains reduced file sizes on these render systems with a slight increase in loading time. It’s worth mentioning that all other rendering systems, such as Metal and Vulkan, do support VET_HALF3.

Mesh Shader Support

Initial mesh shader support has been introduced in Ogre. They are supported on GL3Plus via GL_NV_mesh_shader and on Vulkan via VK_EXT_mesh_shader. Although the loading and processing of these shaders is now supported in the OgreMain component, the rest of the pipeline still needs to be developed in upcoming releases. Specifically, the generation of the meshlet structure, which is essential for the effectiveness of mesh shaders, is not yet available. Storing this structure will likely require an update to the .mesh format, which must be handled carefully to ensure backward compatibility.

Wayland Support on Linux

Thanks to the contributions of “Joakim Haugen”, “benjaminvdh” and the work of yours truly, all OpenGL and the Vulkan RenderSystems can now be compiled on Linux without any X11 dependencies and will use the Wayland display server instead. This is particularly beneficial for running Ogre on embedded devices or through WSL.

If you use OgreBites, this feature is automatically available by setting the environment variable SDL_VIDEODRIVER=wayland to instruct SDL to use Wayland. There is also initial support for OgreBitesQt, but Wayland interoperability with Qt is still under development and not fully functional with Ogre yet.

HighPy module for Python

The new HighPy module enables Ogre to function as a lightweight Python renderer. As the name implies, this module offers a high-level API, allowing users to start using Ogre without the need to read the documentation.

If you want to render a mesh it is just:

import Ogre.HighPy as ohi
ohi.window_create("ohi_world", (800, 600))
ohi.mesh_show("ohi_world", "DamagedHelmet.glb", position=(0, 0, -3))
while ohi.window_draw("ohi_world") != 27: pass

This will load the gltf2 file using the Assimp Plugin and display it using our Filament-based PBR rendering pipeline.

want to add a GUI to that? Add

import Ogre.ImGui as ImGui
ohi.window_use_imgui("ohi_world", ImGui.ShowDemoWindow)

want to display an background image?

ohi.imshow("ohi_world", "image.png")

This will use the secure image-rs rust plugin to load most image formats.

Then there is Physics with the Bullet component and headless EGL rendering on Linux..

Another improvement to the Python bindings is that Ogre now works better with Python threading. Previously we would just hog the GIL preventing any other (python) thread to run. Now you can allow python threads while waiting for vsync by calling Ogre.Root.getSingleton().allowPyThread()

Finally, the Python modules are now part of the official Docs.

Ogre ecosystem roundup #9

After the last ecosystem updates were part of the release announcements, we pick up the tradition of making a dedicated post about what is going on around Ogre.

Table of Contents

Ogre 14.2.6 release

The Ogre 14.2 release got 6th point release which is fully binary compatible with 14.2.0 and fixes many bugs and allows building with recent Vulkan SDK and SWIG releases. It is recommended for all users on 14.2.x to upgrade.

Ogre Meshviewer

Thanks to the contributions by “Guillermo Ojea Quintana” as well as by some polishing of yours truly the ogre-meshviewer 24.06 release brings many useful new features like:

  • A tabletop camera mode with a ground grid similar to blender
  • an open file-dialog and a reloading option
  • picking of the individual meshes in a .scene
  • support of orthographic projection
  • multiple layout improvements in the UI


After about 1 year of development involving multiple contributors, especially with great efforts by “Guillermo Ojea Quintana”, blender2ogre 0.9.0 was released. It brings important additions like:

  • support for blender 4.x
  • import and export is now 10x faster
  • export sky boxes into .scene
  • support for recent OgreMeshUpgrader options like -pack and -optvtxcache
  • support manually specified mesh LOD levels
  • initial support for OgreNext .json materials

Ogre 14 User Survey Results

Between January 20th and February 25th, we gathered 54 responses. Among these, only one person mentioned using the pip package, whereas the ogre-python package was downloaded 3000 times. Although the findings are informative, they may not accurately reflect the broader picture due to these disparities in response patterns.

A notable observation is the duration that users have been working with ogre. The most popular choice, representing over 27% of the total, has been using it for more than 11 years. However, the group with less than 2 years of experience accounts for 42% of the overall user base. This suggests that Ogre continues to attract new users effectively.

Regarding RenderSystems, we observe a considerable decrease in usage for legacy systems (D3D9, GL). This trend allows us to explore new techniques for enhancing performance, which are not compatible with these older APIs. However, considering the absence of RTSS support for Metal, I question whether users understood that the survey was only for Ogre and not Ogre-Next.

As always statistics are lies though, so better take a look at the actual numbers yourself.

Specific replies

Following the #MeanTweets idea I also wrote some short replies to the criticism, that you can read below:


Ogre 14.2 released

Ogre 14.2.0 was just released. This release contains some significant bug-fixes and feature additions, which we will discuss in more detail below. We recommend all users of the 14.x branch to update.

For a full overview of the changes, see the changelog.

Table of Contents

ImGui based ConfigDialog

The ApplicationContext can now display a ImGui based ConfigDialog, when you call runRenderingSettingsDialog().
The advantage of using ImGui is that we can get rid of platform specific toolkits like Xaw, which is necessary on Linux to be Wayland compatible. For the other platforms, this merely unifies the UI.
Furthermore, if you are already using ImGui, you will be able to integrate the Rendering Settings into your existing UI using the DrawRenderingSettings method.

The platform specific getNativeConfigDialog() based Dialogs will be removed in a future release.

Vertex Cache Optimization in MeshUpgrader

MeshUpgrader now accepts the -optvtxcache flag to improve the vertex cache utilization of the given mesh.

This reorders the index buffer of the mesh such that triangles are rendered in order of proximity. If enabled, the MeshUpgrader will print the change of the “average cache miss ratio (ACMR)” metric. It measures the number of cache misses per triangle and thus ranges from 3.0 (all 3 vertices missed) to about 0.5 for a convenient mesh.

Note that the algorithm for this was present since Ogre 1.2, it was just not exposed anywhere unless you explicitly processed your meshes by hand.

If you want to know more about the topic, see here. The algorithm in ogre has quadratic complexity though, but should provide better results.

Cleaned up samples

To integrate the ImGui based ConfigDialog, the SampleBrowser and the Samples were refactored, and now resemble more idiomatic usage of Ogre, such as input filtering using the InputListenerChain and interaction with ApplicationContext. This refactoring also led to the removal of a significant amount of boilerplate code.

Ecosystem Roundup


Thanks to the work of “Guillermo Ojea Quintana” blender2ogre now supports manually specified meshes for LOD levels – in addition to auto generating mesh LOD using Blender or Ogre. See the documentation for details.

Additionally, he did some profiling and we could resolve a rather embarrassing bottleneck resulting in a import and export speed improvement of 10x.


Again thanks to the contributions of “Guillermo Ojea Quintana”, ogre-meshviewer now has nice ImGui based RenderSystem config dialog, wireframe mode, better LOD level inspection and a “Open File” dialog.

Ogre 14 User Survey 2024

Those of you who have been around Ogre for some time might remember that back in 2022, we conducted a survey about our user base. The results of which can be found here.

For the Ogre 14 development cycle we would like to assess to correctly emphasize the development on the most used features.

So for the next four weeks until the 25th of February, you have the chance to participate and help us to get an impression about our user base, how Ogre is used and share some wishes for the future. Simply follow the link and make your way through the 17 questions.

By dedicating 5-10 minutes of your time, you provide immensely valuable feedback in understanding the current situation and needs of the Ogre community. Your support is greatly appreciated.

PS: We would be glad if you could spread the word about the survey via all available channels to all potential Ogre users, because: The more participants, the more accurate are the results of course.