OGRE  1.9
Object-Oriented Graphics Rendering Engine
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1 /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------
2 This source file is a part of OGRE
3 (Object-oriented Graphics Rendering Engine)
5 For the latest info, see http://www.ogre3d.org/
7 Copyright (c) 2000-2014 Torus Knot Software Ltd
8 Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
9 of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
10 in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
11 to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
12 copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
13 furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
15 The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
16 all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
25 -------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
26 #ifndef __OgrePrerequisites_H__
27 #define __OgrePrerequisites_H__
29 // Platform-specific stuff
30 #include "OgrePlatform.h"
32 #include <string>
34 // configure memory tracking
38 # else
40 # endif
41 #else
44 # else
46 # endif
47 #endif
49 namespace Ogre {
50  // Define ogre version
51  #define OGRE_VERSION_MAJOR 1
52  #define OGRE_VERSION_MINOR 9
53  #define OGRE_VERSION_PATCH 0
54  #define OGRE_VERSION_SUFFIX ""
55  #define OGRE_VERSION_NAME "Ghadamon"
59  // define the real number values to be used
60  // default to use 'float' unless precompiler option set
65  typedef double Real;
66  #else
70  typedef float Real;
71  #endif
74  # if OGRE_COMP_VER >= 430
75  # define HashMap ::std::tr1::unordered_map
76  # define HashSet ::std::tr1::unordered_set
77  # else
78  # define HashMap ::__gnu_cxx::hash_map
79  # define HashSet ::__gnu_cxx::hash_set
80  # endif
82  # if defined(_LIBCPP_VERSION)
83  # define HashMap ::std::unordered_map
84  # define HashSet ::std::unordered_set
85  # else
86  # define HashMap ::std::tr1::unordered_map
87  # define HashSet ::std::tr1::unordered_set
88  # endif
89  #else
91  # if _MSC_FULL_VER >= 150030729 // VC++ 9.0 SP1+
92  # define HashMap ::std::tr1::unordered_map
93  # define HashSet ::std::tr1::unordered_set
94  # elif OGRE_THREAD_PROVIDER == 1
95  # define HashMap ::boost::unordered_map
96  # define HashSet ::boost::unordered_set
97  # else
98  # define HashMap ::std::unordered_map
99  # define HashSet ::std::unordered_set
100  # endif
101  # else
102  # define HashMap ::std::unordered_map
103  # define HashSet ::std::unordered_set
104  # endif
105  #endif
107  #define OGRE_DEFINE_STATIC_LOCAL(type, name, arguments) \
108  static type& name = *new type arguments
112  typedef unsigned char uchar;
113  typedef unsigned short ushort;
114  typedef unsigned int uint;
115  typedef unsigned long ulong;
117  #if __cplusplus >= 201103L
118  #define register
119  #endif
120 // Pre-declare classes
121 // Allows use of pointers in header files without including individual .h
122 // so decreases dependencies between files
123  class Angle;
124  class Animation;
125  class AnimationState;
126  class AnimationStateSet;
127  class AnimationTrack;
128  class Archive;
129  class ArchiveFactory;
130  class ArchiveManager;
131  class AutoParamDataSource;
132  class AxisAlignedBox;
134  class Billboard;
135  class BillboardChain;
136  class BillboardSet;
137  class Bone;
138  class Camera;
139  class Codec;
140  class ColourValue;
141  class ConfigDialog;
142  template <typename T> class Controller;
143  template <typename T> class ControllerFunction;
144  class ControllerManager;
145  template <typename T> class ControllerValue;
146  class DefaultWorkQueue;
147  class Degree;
148  class DepthBuffer;
149  class DynLib;
150  class DynLibManager;
151  class EdgeData;
152  class EdgeListBuilder;
153  class Entity;
154  class ErrorDialog;
156  class Factory;
157  struct FrameEvent;
158  class FrameListener;
159  class Frustum;
160  class GpuProgram;
161  class GpuProgramManager;
162  class GpuProgramUsage;
163  class HardwareIndexBuffer;
165  class HardwareVertexBuffer;
166  class HardwarePixelBuffer;
168  class HighLevelGpuProgram;
171  class IndexData;
172  class InstanceBatch;
173  class InstanceBatchHW;
174  class InstanceBatchHW_VTF;
175  class InstanceBatchShader;
176  class InstanceBatchVTF;
177  class InstanceManager;
178  class InstancedEntity;
181  class Image;
182  class KeyFrame;
183  class Light;
184  class Log;
185  class LogManager;
186  class LodStrategy;
187  class ManualResourceLoader;
188  class ManualObject;
189  class Material;
190  class MaterialManager;
191  class Math;
192  class Matrix3;
193  class Matrix4;
194  class MemoryManager;
195  class Mesh;
196  class MeshSerializer;
197  class MeshSerializerImpl;
198  class MeshManager;
199  class MovableObject;
200  class MovablePlane;
201  class Node;
202  class NodeAnimationTrack;
203  class NodeKeyFrame;
204  class NumericAnimationTrack;
205  class NumericKeyFrame;
206  class Particle;
207  class ParticleAffector;
209  class ParticleEmitter;
211  class ParticleSystem;
212  class ParticleSystemManager;
215  class ParticleVisualData;
216  class Pass;
217  class PatchMesh;
218  class PixelBox;
219  class Plane;
220  class PlaneBoundedVolume;
221  class Plugin;
222  class PMWorker;
223  class PMInjector;
224  class Pose;
226  class Profile;
227  class Profiler;
228  class Quaternion;
229  class Radian;
230  class Ray;
231  class RaySceneQuery;
232  class RaySceneQueryListener;
233  class Renderable;
234  class RenderPriorityGroup;
235  class RenderQueue;
236  class RenderQueueGroup;
237  class RenderQueueInvocation;
239  class RenderQueueListener;
240  class RenderObjectListener;
241  class RenderSystem;
245  class RenderTarget;
246  class RenderTargetListener;
247  class RenderTexture;
248  class MultiRenderTarget;
249  class RenderWindow;
250  class RenderOperation;
251  class Resource;
253  class ResourceGroupManager;
254  class ResourceManager;
255  class RibbonTrail;
256  class Root;
257  class SceneManager;
259  class SceneNode;
260  class SceneQuery;
261  class SceneQueryListener;
262  class ScriptCompiler;
263  class ScriptCompilerManager;
264  class ScriptLoader;
265  class Serializer;
266  class ShadowCaster;
267  class ShadowRenderable;
268  class ShadowTextureManager;
269  class SimpleRenderable;
270  class SimpleSpline;
271  class Skeleton;
272  class SkeletonInstance;
273  class SkeletonManager;
274  class Sphere;
275  class SphereSceneQuery;
276  class StaticGeometry;
277  class StreamSerialiser;
278  class StringConverter;
279  class StringInterface;
280  class SubEntity;
281  class SubMesh;
282  class TagPoint;
283  class Technique;
284  class TempBlendedBufferInfo;
285  class ExternalTextureSource;
286  class TextureUnitState;
287  class Texture;
288  class TextureManager;
289  class TransformKeyFrame;
290  class Timer;
291  class UserObjectBindings;
292  class Vector2;
293  class Vector3;
294  class Vector4;
295  class Viewport;
296  class VertexAnimationTrack;
297  class VertexBufferBinding;
298  class VertexData;
299  class VertexDeclaration;
300  class VertexMorphKeyFrame;
301  class WireBoundingBox;
302  class WorkQueue;
303  class Compositor;
304  class CompositorManager;
305  class CompositorChain;
306  class CompositorInstance;
307  class CompositorLogic;
308  class CompositionTechnique;
309  class CompositionPass;
310  class CompositionTargetPass;
311  class CustomCompositionPass;
313  template<typename T> class SharedPtr;
323 }
325 /* Include all the standard header *after* all the configuration
326 settings have been made.
327 */
328 #include "OgreStdHeaders.h"
332 namespace Ogre
333 {
335  typedef std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, STLAllocator<char,GeneralAllocPolicy > > _StringBase;
336  typedef std::basic_stringstream<char,std::char_traits<char>,STLAllocator<char,GeneralAllocPolicy > > _StringStreamBase;
338  #define StdStringT(T) std::basic_string<T, std::char_traits<T>, std::allocator<T> >
339  #define CustomMemoryStringT(T) std::basic_string<T, std::char_traits<T>, STLAllocator<T,GeneralAllocPolicy> >
341  template<typename T>
342  bool operator <(const CustomMemoryStringT(T)& l,const StdStringT(T)& o)
343  {
344  return l.compare(0,l.length(),o.c_str(),o.length())<0;
345  }
346  template<typename T>
347  bool operator <(const StdStringT(T)& l,const CustomMemoryStringT(T)& o)
348  {
349  return l.compare(0,l.length(),o.c_str(),o.length())<0;
350  }
351  template<typename T>
352  bool operator <=(const CustomMemoryStringT(T)& l,const StdStringT(T)& o)
353  {
354  return l.compare(0,l.length(),o.c_str(),o.length())<=0;
355  }
356  template<typename T>
357  bool operator <=(const StdStringT(T)& l,const CustomMemoryStringT(T)& o)
358  {
359  return l.compare(0,l.length(),o.c_str(),o.length())<=0;
360  }
361  template<typename T>
362  bool operator >(const CustomMemoryStringT(T)& l,const StdStringT(T)& o)
363  {
364  return l.compare(0,l.length(),o.c_str(),o.length())>0;
365  }
366  template<typename T>
367  bool operator >(const StdStringT(T)& l,const CustomMemoryStringT(T)& o)
368  {
369  return l.compare(0,l.length(),o.c_str(),o.length())>0;
370  }
371  template<typename T>
372  bool operator >=(const CustomMemoryStringT(T)& l,const StdStringT(T)& o)
373  {
374  return l.compare(0,l.length(),o.c_str(),o.length())>=0;
375  }
376  template<typename T>
377  bool operator >=(const StdStringT(T)& l,const CustomMemoryStringT(T)& o)
378  {
379  return l.compare(0,l.length(),o.c_str(),o.length())>=0;
380  }
382  template<typename T>
383  bool operator ==(const CustomMemoryStringT(T)& l,const StdStringT(T)& o)
384  {
385  return l.compare(0,l.length(),o.c_str(),o.length())==0;
386  }
387  template<typename T>
388  bool operator ==(const StdStringT(T)& l,const CustomMemoryStringT(T)& o)
389  {
390  return l.compare(0,l.length(),o.c_str(),o.length())==0;
391  }
393  template<typename T>
394  bool operator !=(const CustomMemoryStringT(T)& l,const StdStringT(T)& o)
395  {
396  return l.compare(0,l.length(),o.c_str(),o.length())!=0;
397  }
398  template<typename T>
399  bool operator !=(const StdStringT(T)& l,const CustomMemoryStringT(T)& o)
400  {
401  return l.compare(0,l.length(),o.c_str(),o.length())!=0;
402  }
404  template<typename T>
405  CustomMemoryStringT(T) operator +=(const CustomMemoryStringT(T)& l,const StdStringT(T)& o)
406  {
407  return CustomMemoryStringT(T)(l)+=o.c_str();
408  }
409  template<typename T>
410  CustomMemoryStringT(T) operator +=(const StdStringT(T)& l,const CustomMemoryStringT(T)& o)
411  {
412  return CustomMemoryStringT(T)(l.c_str())+=o.c_str();
413  }
415  template<typename T>
416  CustomMemoryStringT(T) operator +(const CustomMemoryStringT(T)& l,const StdStringT(T)& o)
417  {
418  return CustomMemoryStringT(T)(l)+=o.c_str();
419  }
421  template<typename T>
422  CustomMemoryStringT(T) operator +(const StdStringT(T)& l,const CustomMemoryStringT(T)& o)
423  {
424  return CustomMemoryStringT(T)(l.c_str())+=o.c_str();
425  }
427  template<typename T>
428  CustomMemoryStringT(T) operator +(const T* l,const CustomMemoryStringT(T)& o)
429  {
430  return CustomMemoryStringT(T)(l)+=o;
431  }
433  #undef StdStringT
434  #undef CustomMemoryStringT
436 #else
437  typedef std::string _StringBase;
438  typedef std::basic_stringstream<char,std::char_traits<char>,std::allocator<char> > _StringStreamBase;
440 #endif
446 }
449 namespace std
450 {
451 #if (OGRE_COMPILER == OGRE_COMPILER_GNUC && OGRE_COMP_VER >= 430) || OGRE_COMPILER == OGRE_COMPILER_CLANG && !defined(STLPORT) && __cplusplus < 201103L
452  namespace tr1
453  {
454 #endif
455  template <> struct hash<Ogre::String>
456  {
457  public :
458  size_t operator()(const Ogre::String &str ) const
459  {
460  size_t _Val = 2166136261U;
461  size_t _First = 0;
462  size_t _Last = str.size();
463  size_t _Stride = 1 + _Last / 10;
465  for(; _First < _Last; _First += _Stride)
466  _Val = 16777619U * _Val ^ (size_t)str[_First];
467  return (_Val);
468  }
469  };
470 #if (OGRE_COMPILER == OGRE_COMPILER_GNUC && OGRE_COMP_VER >= 430) || OGRE_COMPILER == OGRE_COMPILER_CLANG && !defined(STLPORT) && __cplusplus < 201103L
471  }
472 #endif
473 }
474 #endif
476 //for stl container
477 namespace Ogre
478 {
479  template <typename T, typename A = STLAllocator<T, GeneralAllocPolicy> >
480  struct deque
481  {
483  typedef typename std::deque<T, A> type;
484  typedef typename std::deque<T, A>::iterator iterator;
485  typedef typename std::deque<T, A>::const_iterator const_iterator;
486 #else
487  typedef typename std::deque<T> type;
488  typedef typename std::deque<T>::iterator iterator;
489  typedef typename std::deque<T>::const_iterator const_iterator;
490 #endif
491  };
493  template <typename T, typename A = STLAllocator<T, GeneralAllocPolicy> >
494  struct vector
495  {
497  typedef typename std::vector<T, A> type;
498  typedef typename std::vector<T, A>::iterator iterator;
499  typedef typename std::vector<T, A>::const_iterator const_iterator;
500 #else
501  typedef typename std::vector<T> type;
502  typedef typename std::vector<T>::iterator iterator;
503  typedef typename std::vector<T>::const_iterator const_iterator;
504 #endif
505  };
507  template <typename T, typename A = STLAllocator<T, GeneralAllocPolicy> >
508  struct list
509  {
511  typedef typename std::list<T, A> type;
512  typedef typename std::list<T, A>::iterator iterator;
513  typedef typename std::list<T, A>::const_iterator const_iterator;
514 #else
515  typedef typename std::list<T> type;
516  typedef typename std::list<T>::iterator iterator;
517  typedef typename std::list<T>::const_iterator const_iterator;
518 #endif
519  };
521  template <typename T, typename P = std::less<T>, typename A = STLAllocator<T, GeneralAllocPolicy> >
522  struct set
523  {
525  typedef typename std::set<T, P, A> type;
526  typedef typename std::set<T, P, A>::iterator iterator;
527  typedef typename std::set<T, P, A>::const_iterator const_iterator;
528 #else
529  typedef typename std::set<T, P> type;
530  typedef typename std::set<T, P>::iterator iterator;
531  typedef typename std::set<T, P>::const_iterator const_iterator;
532 #endif
533  };
535  template <typename K, typename V, typename P = std::less<K>, typename A = STLAllocator<std::pair<const K, V>, GeneralAllocPolicy> >
536  struct map
537  {
539  typedef typename std::map<K, V, P, A> type;
540  typedef typename std::map<K, V, P, A>::iterator iterator;
541  typedef typename std::map<K, V, P, A>::const_iterator const_iterator;
542 #else
543  typedef typename std::map<K, V, P> type;
544  typedef typename std::map<K, V, P>::iterator iterator;
545  typedef typename std::map<K, V, P>::const_iterator const_iterator;
546 #endif
547  };
549  template <typename K, typename V, typename P = std::less<K>, typename A = STLAllocator<std::pair<const K, V>, GeneralAllocPolicy> >
550  struct multimap
551  {
553  typedef typename std::multimap<K, V, P, A> type;
554  typedef typename std::multimap<K, V, P, A>::iterator iterator;
555  typedef typename std::multimap<K, V, P, A>::const_iterator const_iterator;
556 #else
557  typedef typename std::multimap<K, V, P> type;
558  typedef typename std::multimap<K, V, P>::iterator iterator;
559  typedef typename std::multimap<K, V, P>::const_iterator const_iterator;
560 #endif
561  };
563 } // Ogre
565 #endif // __OgrePrerequisites_H__
Chain of compositor effects applying to one viewport.
Representation of a ray in space, i.e.
Definition: OgreRay.h:46
Manages the target rendering window.
Class encapsulating a set of AnimationState objects.
std::vector< T, A >::iterator iterator
A 'canvas' which can receive the results of a rendering operation.
A viewpoint from which the scene will be rendered.
Definition: OgreCamera.h:86
Specialised KeyFrame which stores absolute vertex positions for a complete buffer, designed to be interpolated with other keys in the same track.
Definition: OgreKeyFrame.h:154
Abstract class that defines a 'codec'.
Definition: OgreCodec.h:56
SharedPtr< GpuProgram > GpuProgramPtr
Implementation of a general purpose request / response style background work queue.
Class defining particle system based special effects.
Class encapsulating a standard 4x4 homogeneous matrix.
Definition: OgreMatrix4.h:78
std::list< T, A >::iterator iterator
float Real
Software floating point type.
Specialised KeyFrame which stores a full transform.
Definition: OgreKeyFrame.h:103
Abstract class defining the interface to be implemented by creators of ParticleEmitter subclasses...
Abstract class defining the interface required to be implemented by classes which provide rendering c...
The root class of the Ogre system.
Definition: OgreRoot.h:71
A key frame in an animation sequence defined by an AnimationTrack.
Definition: OgreKeyFrame.h:56
std::multimap< K, V, P, A > type
std::vector< T, A > type
Records the state of all the vertex buffer bindings required to provide a vertex declaration with the...
std::multimap< K, V, P, A >::iterator iterator
unsigned long ulong
Pre-transforms and batches up meshes for efficient use as static geometry in a scene.
IMPORTANT: Plugins must override default dictionary name! Base class that texture plugins derive from...
Defines a plane in 3D space.
Definition: OgrePlane.h:61
Singleton Class which handles the registering and control of texture plugins.
std::string _StringBase
Generic class for serialising data to / from binary stream-based files.
Abstract interface which classes must implement if they wish to receive events from the scene manager...
A grouping level underneath RenderQueue which groups renderables to be issued at coarsely the same ti...
Structure for recording the use of temporary blend buffers.
Class providing a much simplified interface to generating manual objects with custom geometry...
Class for converting the core Ogre data types to/from Strings.
Injects the output of a request to the mesh in a thread safe way.
bool operator<(SharedPtr< T > const &a, SharedPtr< U > const &b)
Class for loading & managing textures.
This class represents a RenderTarget that renders to a Texture.
Interface for compositor logics, which can be automatically binded to compositors, allowing per-compositor logic (such as attaching a relevant listener) to happen automatically.
Collection of renderables by priority.
Class for serialising mesh data to/from an OGRE .mesh file.
Class representing colour.
Specialised AnimationTrack for dealing with generic animable values.
A frustum represents a pyramid, capped at the near and far end which is used to represent either a vi...
Definition: OgreFrustum.h:85
A class for performing queries on a scene.
Manages the organisation and rendering of a 'scene' i.e.
This is the same technique the old "InstancedGeometry" implementation used (with improvements).
std::basic_stringstream< char, std::char_traits< char >, std::allocator< char > > _StringStreamBase
Specialisation of HardwareBuffer for vertex index buffers, still abstract.
General utility class for building edge lists for geometry.
Defines a program which runs on the GPU such as a vertex or fragment program.
Specialised AnimationTrack for dealing with node transforms.
A pose is a linked set of vertex offsets applying to one set of vertex data.
Definition: OgrePose.h:55
std::map< K, V, P, A >::iterator iterator
Class encapsulates rendering properties of an object.
Definition: OgreMaterial.h:88
SharedPtr< Resource > ResourcePtr
Shared pointer to a Resource.
Defines the behaviour of an automatic renderer configuration dialog.
Wrapper class which identifies a value as the currently default angle type, as defined by Math::setAn...
Definition: OgreMath.h:150
Specialises the SceneQuery class for querying within a sphere.
Simple implementation of MovableObject and Renderable for single-part custom objects.
Abstract class definition of a factory object for ParticleSystemRenderer.
A 3D box aligned with the x/y/z axes.
A 3x3 matrix which can represent rotations around axes.
Definition: OgreMatrix3.h:68
Represents the state of an animation and the weight of its influence.
std::list< T, A > type
Interface describing a manual resource loader.
Definition: OgreResource.h:514
Class representing a Compositor object.
Class representing an approach to rendering this particular Material.
Definition: OgreTechnique.h:53
Class for managing RenderSystemCapabilities database for Ogre.
Strategy for determining level of detail.
This ResourceManager manages high-level vertex and fragment programs.
Object representing one pass or operation in a composition sequence.
Class to manage the available shadow textures which may be shared between many SceneManager instances...
Resource holding data about a dynamic library.
Definition: OgreDynLib.h:84
Class to provide access to common mathematical functions.
Definition: OgreMath.h:191
std::set< T, P, A >::iterator iterator
std::list< T, A >::const_iterator const_iterator
Abstract class defining a movable object in a scene.
Class representing a node in the scene graph.
Definition: OgreSceneNode.h:58
Manager for Dynamic-loading Libraries.
std::multimap< K, V, P, A >::const_iterator const_iterator
_StringStreamBase StringStream
Interface definition for factories of HighLevelGpuProgram.
Class defining a single pass of a Technique (of a Material), i.e.
Definition: OgrePass.h:80
Abstract class defining the interface all renderable objects must implement.
std::set< T, P, A > type
The log manager handles the creation and retrieval of logs for the application.
std::deque< T, A >::const_iterator const_iterator
Implementation of a Quaternion, i.e.
A collection of billboards (faces which are always facing the given direction) with the same (default...
Allows the rendering of a chain of connected billboards.
This class represents a render target that renders to multiple RenderTextures at once.
This is a abstract class that that provides the interface for the query class for hardware occlusion...
Class to hold a linear sequence of RenderQueueInvocation objects.
Class for managing Material settings for Ogre.
Representation of a dynamic light source in the scene.
Definition: OgreLight.h:73
The profiler allows you to measure the performance of your code.
Definition: OgreProfiler.h:280
Class defining the common interface which classes can use to present a reflection-style, self-defining parameter set to callers.
Timer class.
Abstract class defining the interface used by classes which wish to perform script loading to define ...
An abstract class that contains a depth/stencil buffer.
Can either be used as an input or output value.
Alternative listener class for dealing with RaySceneQuery.
SharedPtr< Material > MaterialPtr
This class manages the available ArchiveFactory plugins.
Improved version of ProgressiveMesh.
Utility class which defines the sub-parts of an Entity.
Definition: OgreSubEntity.h:63
Class representing a single particle instance.
Definition: OgreParticle.h:61
Alternative listener class for dealing with IntersectionSceneQuery.
Class defining a generic OGRE plugin.
Definition: OgrePlugin.h:79
Instances of this class 'control' the value of another object in the system.
unsigned char uchar
In order to avoid finger-aches :)
Class which represents the renderable aspects of a set of shadow volume faces.
A sphere primitive, mostly used for bounds checking.
Definition: OgreSphere.h:51
SharedPtr< Skeleton > SkeletonPtr
Defines an instance of a discrete, movable object based on a Mesh.
Definition: OgreEntity.h:82
Internal implementation of Mesh reading / writing for the latest version of the .mesh format...
Abstract interface which classes must implement if they wish to receive events from the render queue...
std::vector< T, A >::const_iterator const_iterator
Standard 2-dimensional vector.
Definition: OgreVector2.h:51
Subclass of BillboardChain which automatically leaves a trail behind one or more Node instances...
Summary class collecting together index data source information.
A 'track' in an animation sequence, i.e.
SharedPtr< Compositor > CompositorPtr
Class representing the invocation of queue groups in a RenderQueue.
Specialised AnimationTrack for dealing with changing vertex position information. ...
This class makes the usage of a vertex and fragment programs (low-level or high-level), with a given set of parameters, explicit.
A tagged point on a skeleton, which can be used to attach entities to on specific other entities...
Definition: OgreTagPoint.h:60
Wrapper class which indicates a given angle value is in Degrees.
Definition: OgreMath.h:98
A interface class defining a listener which can be used to receive notifications of frame events...
Definition of a Plane that may be attached to a node, and the derived details of it retrieved simply...
Manages threaded compilation of scripts.
Utility class providing helper methods for reading / writing structured data held in a DataStream...
std::deque< T, A >::iterator iterator
A interface class defining a listener which can be used to receive notifications of RenderTarget even...
StringStream stringstream
Defines a part of a complete mesh.
Definition: OgreSubMesh.h:62
Abstract class defining the interface to be implemented by particle emitters.
InstanceBatch forms part of the new Instancing system This is an abstract class that must be derived ...
Handles the management of skeleton resources.
Shared pointer implementation used to share pixel buffers.
Standard 3-dimensional vector.
Definition: OgreVector3.h:51
Manages particle systems, particle system scripts (templates) and the available emitter & affector fa...
Class representing an image file.
Definition: OgreImage.h:61
Base composition technique, can be subclassed in plugins.
Specialisation of HardwareBuffer for a pixel buffer.
std::map< K, V, P, A > type
unsigned short ushort
Abstract class representing a loadable resource (e.g.
Definition: OgreResource.h:79
Represents a convex volume bounded by planes.
Abstract factory class, archive codec plugins can register concrete subclasses of this...
Class for displaying the error dialog if Ogre fails badly.
Abstract class defining the interface to be implemented by particle affectors.
Allows the rendering of a wireframe bounding box.
Summary class collecting together vertex source information.
An abstraction of a viewport, i.e.
Definition: OgreViewport.h:57
'New' rendering operation using vertex buffers.
This class declares the format of a set of vertex inputs, which can be issued to the rendering API th...
Subclasses of this class are responsible for performing a function on an input value for a Controller...
Class for managing Compositor settings for Ogre.
Abstract class defining the interface to be implemented by creators of ParticleAffector subclasses...
Wrapper class which indicates a given angle value is in Radians.
Definition: OgreMath.h:47
An instance of a Compositor object for one Viewport.
This class is used to perform Resource operations in a background thread.
This file configures Ogre's memory allocators.
SharedPtr< Mesh > MeshPtr
This singleton class manages the list of resource groups, and notifying the various resource managers...
Class to manage the scene object rendering queue.
Specialises the SceneQuery class for querying within an axis aligned box.
Handles the management of mesh resources.
This class contains the information required to describe the edge connectivity of a given set of vert...
This is the main starting point for the new instancing system.
Defines a generic resource handler.
Specialisation of HardwareBuffer for a vertex buffer.
A very simple spline class which implements the Catmull-Rom class of splines.
Archive-handling class.
Definition: OgreArchive.h:88
A billboard is a primitive which always faces the camera in every frame.
Definition: OgreBillboard.h:67
Struct containing information about a frame event.
Reference-counted shared pointer, used for objects where implicit destruction is required.
singleton class for storing the capabilities of the graphics card.
Enumerates the SceneManager classes available to applications.
_StringBase String
Class for serializing RenderSystemCapabilities to / from a .rendercaps script.
This is the main class for the compiler.
Patch specialisation of Mesh.
Definition: OgrePatchMesh.h:47
Interface for custom composition passes, allowing custom operations (in addition to the quad...
std::map< K, V, P, A >::const_iterator const_iterator
Separate SceneQuery class to query for pairs of objects which are possibly intersecting one another...
4-dimensional homogeneous vector.
Definition: OgreVector4.h:45
SharedPtr< HighLevelGpuProgram > HighLevelGpuProgramPtr
Abstract base class representing a high-level program (a vertex or fragment program).
This class defines the interface that must be implemented by shadow casters.
Resource holding data about 3D mesh.
Definition: OgreMesh.h:93
This optional class allows you to receive per-result callbacks from SceneQuery executions instead of ...
std::set< T, P, A >::const_iterator const_iterator
Specialised KeyFrame which stores any numeric value.
Definition: OgreKeyFrame.h:80
SharedPtr< Texture > TexturePtr
Interface to a general purpose request / response style background work queue.
Definition: OgreWorkQueue.h:70
Abstract class containing any additional data required to be associated with a particle to perform th...
Definition: OgreParticle.h:52
Defines the functionality of a 3D API.
A primitive describing a volume (3D), image (2D) or line (1D) of pixels in memory.
Abstract class representing a Texture resource.
Definition: OgreTexture.h:102
Class representing the state of a single texture unit during a Pass of a Technique, of a Material.
An animation sequence.
Definition: OgreAnimation.h:92
Specialises the SceneQuery class for querying along a ray.
Class representing a general-purpose node an articulated scene graph.
Definition: OgreNode.h:64
A bone in a skeleton.
Definition: OgreBone.h:51
A collection of Bone objects used to animate a skinned mesh.
Definition: OgreSkeleton.h:87
An individual profile that will be processed by the Profiler.
Definition: OgreProfiler.h:104
A SkeletonInstance is a single instance of a Skeleton used by a world object.
This is technique requires true instancing hardware support.
unsigned int uint
Class that provides convenient interface to establish a linkage between custom user application objec...
bool operator==(STLAllocator< T, P > const &, STLAllocator< T2, P > const &)
determine equality, can memory from another allocator be released by this allocator, (ISO C++)
This utility class is used to hold the information used to generate the matrices and other informatio...
bool operator!=(STLAllocator< T, P > const &, STLAllocator< T2, P > const &)
determine equality, can memory from another allocator be released by this allocator, (ISO C++)
SharedPtr< PatchMesh > PatchMeshPtr
Object representing one render to a RenderTarget or Viewport in the Ogre Composition framework...
std::deque< T, A > type
Instancing implementation using vertex texture through Vertex Texture Fetch (VTF) and hardware instan...
Class for managing Controller instances.