Static archive of the old Ogre Addon forums. See for current resources
Topic | Posts | Author | Date |
Features of Theora Plugin | 2 | rohithzhere | 11-07-2012 08:23:19 |
Video not playing | 1 | nickG | 09-06-2012 13:15:21 |
A little help with TheoraAudioInterface | 1 | aymarfisherman | 03-04-2012 21:06:44 |
Ogre Video Plugin cannot be compiled | 3 | shiraz26 | 23-12-2011 11:53:44 |
Theora Plugin Problem | 12 | shiraz26 | 19-12-2011 15:30:13 |
College Thesis Idea | 1 | Kreso | 17-10-2011 08:52:13 |
College Thesis Idea | 1 | Kreso | 17-10-2011 08:52:08 |
Wiki: API Link ?? | 2 | Abraxas77 | 17-10-2011 02:54:24 |
iOS? | 6 | igorvlassov | 07-07-2011 06:08:35 |
Streaming video from an RTMP server | 6 | someone13 | 25-06-2011 06:03:43 |
I can't find TheoraVideoPlugin release | 4 | maesla | 16-06-2011 14:01:00 |
Could not load dynamic library Plugin_TheoraVideoSystem | 4 | mtkh | 29-03-2011 16:44:00 |
DonĀ“t create ogrevideo.dll | 2 | mal | 09-02-2011 19:18:06 |
TheoraDataSource.h | 2 | rjdgtn | 31-01-2011 12:03:33 |
Theora Looping Problem | 2 | Blader | 22-11-2010 09:24:02 |
Problems Simulating a TV | 5 | maylivios | 08-10-2010 22:05:07 |
some questions | 1 | jonlolo | 27-09-2010 15:25:38 |
June 28th update | 1 | Kreso | 28-08-2010 22:02:38 |
Trouble with PTypes lib | 8 | mboeni | 27-08-2010 23:42:46 |
any one can help me to run the demoplayer ? | 2 | yaxinhoo | 18-08-2010 12:25:41 |
adding sound | 4 | jonlolo | 18-08-2010 02:11:56 |
why demoplayer OgrevideoManager singletonptr return zero | 3 | yaxinhoo | 17-08-2010 16:55:26 |
which glut version is the libtheoraplayer used? | 12 | yaxinhoo | 17-08-2010 07:13:02 |
the error of ogrevideo demoplayer | 2 | yaxinhoo | 17-08-2010 07:07:04 |
Auto-restart problem | 2 | Cougar | 01-08-2010 14:05:36 |
ogrevideo trunk on linux | 7 | nikolajsheller | 30-07-2010 18:36:20 |
How to download files?[solved] | 10 | larnya | 30-07-2010 12:01:11 |
demo player | 10 | jonlolo | 19-07-2010 21:32:26 |
Script problem | 2 | Sushi | 06-07-2010 10:34:02 |
help for begginer | 15 | jonlolo | 01-07-2010 13:41:27 |
user count | 3 | Kreso | 24-06-2010 10:24:31 |
The script cann't work? | 4 | harr999y | 24-06-2010 10:02:53 |
Streaming feature and How to use it | 2 | Sushi | 16-06-2010 11:11:45 |
Creating A Directx Theora Player | 11 | legrignotin | 03-06-2010 17:07:20 |
streaming from webcam | 4 | NazguL86 | 21-05-2010 00:00:23 |
Problem with restarting theoravideoclip after deleting | 4 | zoggie | 18-05-2010 08:08:08 |
TheoraVideoManager hangs on destruction | 2 | Pokemonster | 29-04-2010 08:22:40 |
[Solved] Error creating ogg_video texture! | 5 | yzt | 28-04-2010 09:29:18 |
libTheoraPlayer 1.0RC2 released! | 1 | Kreso | 27-04-2010 13:17:54 |
Some problems getting the plugin to work | 8 | Pokemonster | 16-04-2010 15:13:25 |
Noob reminder: check for malformed resources.cfg, else crash | 11 | Chas | 07-04-2010 20:20:34 |
Problem of Seeking Video in Ogre | 3 | AveryYang | 07-04-2010 03:18:32 |
how do I do this: Ogre::TheoraVideoManager* mgr = Ogre::The | 14 | oskitar | 27-03-2010 18:59:37 |
how to reset or stop playing? (using the plugin) | 4 | oskitar | 24-03-2010 01:40:47 |
Theora playback problem | 10 | okasugandi | 20-03-2010 15:59:45 |
Problem, video freezes | 4 | Seikent | 05-03-2010 20:40:07 |
new Theora Plugin status | 4 | Kreso | 22-02-2010 07:38:58 |
help with pause of video! | 12 | Frank | 02-02-2010 08:40:06 |
The question of Compile | 2 | jxw167 | 21-01-2010 08:28:44 |
new [] / delete mismatch | 4 | cgp1024 | 30-11-2009 17:44:40 |
Unable to compile | 2 | Gemberkoekje | 06-10-2009 13:31:41 |
Download Compiled Plugin | 7 | diogutierre | 03-10-2009 19:28:46 |
Plugin crashes while parsing | 2 | SalamiArmi | 27-09-2009 08:33:12 |
Error running ./configure in linux | 5 | petaboy | 08-09-2009 11:50:10 |
using Theora Video as a TexturePtr | 2 | johny5 | 17-08-2009 15:41:29 |
Video Plugin For Eihort | 2 | ARTAdventures | 01-08-2009 08:10:58 |
Code review | 3 | johny5 | 18-07-2009 18:18:10 |
Problem with the plugin ! Need help | 2 | compvis | 24-06-2009 05:06:49 |
Video Listener | 2 | che1404 | 22-06-2009 09:47:12 |
Runtime error in Demo_Player sample | 2 | che1404 | 16-06-2009 20:58:50 |
Idea: separating the plugin into decoder and wrapper | 3 | Kreso | 21-05-2009 19:50:25 |
Handle multiple videos | 16 | xabila | 02-05-2009 10:07:10 |
TheoraVideoClip and TexturePtr | 10 | xabila | 01-05-2009 15:05:36 |
Update From February version to new one | 3 | xabila | 27-04-2009 11:21:32 |
Python-Ogre Theora performance issues ( precaching ) | 5 | bharling | 15-04-2009 10:01:52 |
where is the API? | 2 | devangnegandhi | 09-04-2009 18:21:16 |
Streaming video on Internet | 3 | secofeixo | 31-03-2009 14:03:24 |
help needed | 2 | devangnegandhi | 18-02-2009 11:26:59 |
Switching videos and not-watching them | 2 | bartiss | 09-02-2009 13:42:16 |
Seek problems | 2 | xabila | 08-02-2009 15:27:30 |
Crash on initVorbisTheoraLayer | 10 | xabila | 07-02-2009 09:17:51 |
API | 2 | xabila | 05-02-2009 08:28:43 |
A Few Bugs | 6 | omniter | 14-01-2009 00:51:07 |
Tracker | 1 | Kreso | 25-12-2008 22:53:58 |
Running video problems | 2 | Five_stars | 25-12-2008 17:41:02 |
Error in Ogre when setting up Theora | 3 | MStar | 17-11-2008 21:14:46 |
Help with setup! | 1 | MStar | 13-11-2008 10:42:41 |
update | 10 | Kreso | 01-11-2008 23:21:55 |
Will this also work in linux and mac | 5 | juliusctw | 31-10-2008 06:16:40 |
Alpha-channel | 4 | Prophet | 24-10-2008 12:52:56 |
Which is the main library? | 1 | akrules | 16-10-2008 02:23:06 |
OpenGL Issue | 5 | Miliardo | 28-09-2008 23:03:23 |
vc++8.0 project file and some ideas | 5 | fakier | 13-09-2008 13:31:58 |
Seeking (multiple videos) | 5 | yoursort | 03-09-2008 22:22:33 |
How to get clip length | 2 | yoursort | 01-09-2008 22:37:52 |
Theora Demo crashes with SIGSEGV | 2 | gero | 31-08-2008 15:50:28 |
need source | 2 | prathap | 27-08-2008 10:20:09 |
2D or 3D? | 5 | Prophet | 25-08-2008 10:43:47 |
Sound playback: integrating sound system | 8 | yoursort | 24-08-2008 17:21:04 |
News | 23 | Kreso | 12-08-2008 01:13:59 |
YUV 4:2:0 | 1 | Kreso | 08-08-2008 18:45:56 |
Hi! | 14 | kungfoomasta | 08-08-2008 17:31:28 |
Frame smoothing | 1 | Kreso | 08-08-2008 12:23:56 |
About the project | 1 | Kreso | 08-08-2008 11:52:11 |
Wiki | 1 | Kreso | 08-08-2008 11:44:53 |