Static archive of the old Ogre Addon forums. See for current resources
Topic | Posts | Author | Date |
Caelum for iOS | 1 | engine_pro | 15-03-2015 12:50:25 |
clouds and manual update | 1 | ghiboz | 10-03-2014 22:29:39 |
Build Caelum 0.61 with Ogre 1.8.1 and boost 1.5.2. | 1 | Syg | 11-02-2013 12:34:03 |
Incompatibility to Ogre-1.8.0 | 2 | Emperor2k3 | 11-07-2012 16:11:20 |
Caelum + Terrain. Light trouble. | 2 | drboolean | 14-06-2012 09:42:25 |
Caleum C# | 1 | lare | 02-06-2012 04:28:19 |
Physically correct Moon phases | 3 | Eugene | 22-05-2012 18:20:19 |
Caelum Set Up | 1 | HP2012 | 18-04-2012 19:21:26 |
Really bright setup | 1 | HP2012 | 18-04-2012 19:16:02 |
[SOLVED] Sky disappears on Camera Move | 2 | ronybeck | 01-04-2012 20:04:11 |
64 bit build | 2 | DonnellyHall | 30-03-2012 17:46:57 |
[SOLVED] Caelum Can't find Material? | 5 | insider | 10-01-2012 17:17:42 |
I get a black sky with clouds, instead of a nice blue one | 1 | GreenMan | 18-12-2011 17:48:27 |
Caelum work but there is probleme with mesh | 1 | Furya | 18-12-2011 14:48:40 |
CloudSystem::clear() does not empty vector | 1 | harkathmaker | 26-11-2011 01:37:50 |
[HELP]HDR and the skybox | 1 | al2950 | 13-11-2011 18:05:11 |
Help | 3 | AntonioTux | 28-10-2011 18:54:19 |
can't compile caelum 0.6 on Ogre 1.7.2. | 2 | spe02001 | 09-10-2011 13:24:42 |
control sun position | 2 | rogerdv | 15-07-2011 14:56:08 |
Lets make 0.7 | 2 | m2codeGEN | 07-07-2011 15:59:37 |
Issues with time and location. | 3 | dwmitch | 02-07-2011 23:44:45 |
linux make install error (solution) | 1 | cristianlevrero | 16-06-2011 05:31:35 |
Let there be Rain!? | 1 | Kaylx | 06-06-2011 09:49:12 |
Compiling error using Caelum 0.6 | 2 | bluesleon | 01-06-2011 10:17:51 |
Yaose as editor for Caelum config files? | 2 | Beauty | 12-05-2011 23:24:43 |
8 defects filed against Caelum 0.6, 2 with patches | 3 | DragonM | 12-05-2011 21:33:35 |
Caelum0.6 debug run error | 2 | myard | 06-05-2011 04:29:45 |
sky more pretty | 2 | ghiboz | 14-04-2011 16:06:48 |
FAQ | 1 | tdev | 25-03-2011 10:53:50 |
Caelum 0.6 and new maintainer | 17 | tdev | 22-03-2011 08:50:57 |
CaelumSharp Mogre.Resources.Get_handle() Method not found | 2 | AliAkdurak | 07-03-2011 12:07:39 |
Caelum sky problem with stencil shadows | 1 | scrawl | 20-02-2011 20:23:37 |
[SOLVED] Adding sun -> completely white sky | 2 | scrawl | 20-02-2011 16:01:34 |
caelum explanation on wiki | 3 | nevarim | 04-01-2011 09:25:47 |
last version compatibility | 1 | nevarim | 24-12-2010 13:25:25 |
different sun | 1 | nevarim | 20-12-2010 12:26:13 |
difference betweek skyx and caelum | 4 | nevarim | 20-12-2010 10:49:31 |
More woes with Hydrax and Caelum | 1 | brunobg | 13-12-2010 18:26:28 |
Sun update interval | 2 | Nomad | 10-12-2010 22:12:46 |
caelum totally killed my framerate | 1 | rogerdv | 09-12-2010 13:31:13 |
caelum 0.5 with cegui | 2 | nevarim | 08-12-2010 14:36:35 |
How to load a basic sun? | 2 | Thista | 16-11-2010 15:55:11 |
Compiling CaelumDemo for Ogre 1.7/CEGUI 0.7 | 1 | duststorm | 15-08-2010 03:20:25 |
Caelum sky + compositor problem | 1 | rumi | 30-06-2010 17:06:41 |
Caelum Clouds | 3 | Teknoman117 | 29-06-2010 05:21:25 |
caelum + oFusion | 3 | marc_antoine | 17-06-2010 05:58:59 |
?Bump mapping? | 1 | igorvlassov | 31-05-2010 06:06:20 |
precipitation areas? | 6 | tdev | 29-03-2010 15:37:32 |
Fog reversed | 9 | Jack000 | 05-03-2010 05:50:57 |
Set sun colour | 6 | greennymph | 10-02-2010 11:16:42 |
where to buy a Bobby Hebert Jersey | 1 | Tup4c | 08-02-2010 23:01:57 |
One material not taken by caelum? | 3 | Tup4c | 08-02-2010 10:22:55 |
[SOLVED] Clouds not working | 6 | AlexDW | 02-02-2010 09:30:33 |
shadow in caelunDemo | 1 | hqsChina | 08-12-2009 04:42:04 |
Caelum shadows | 1 | Shimayama | 07-12-2009 11:04:33 |
Device crash on Caelum + Hydrax | 1 | boyamer | 04-11-2009 11:29:13 |
How to set a position for sun ? | 2 | compvis | 26-10-2009 04:18:22 |
Sky goes black when moving camera | 3 | hedphelym | 24-10-2009 21:21:37 |
Need help!! | 1 | boyamer | 16-10-2009 11:01:15 |
Unlit/Grey Terrain | 4 | rhaith | 01-10-2009 15:53:14 |
Need some help with Caelum | 4 | James Proctor | 20-09-2009 23:29:57 |
Problem with caelum pssm+pcf shadows | 1 | lukeneorm | 20-09-2009 09:43:49 |
Caelum 0.5 and Ogre SVN | 2 | Vectrex | 08-09-2009 16:59:24 |
How to temporarily disable caelum | 1 | lukeneorm | 06-09-2009 10:47:15 |
Difference between two initializations of Caelum | 1 | compvis | 31-08-2009 10:09:43 |
[Help] The sun doesn't reflect on the Hydrax and terrain | 4 | compvis | 29-08-2009 10:21:49 |
Problem with addListener to Render Windows | 2 | compvis | 26-08-2009 08:05:26 |
Caelum + HDR + Night = Too Bright! | 2 | al2950 | 22-08-2009 12:46:53 |
Caelum 0.5 | 1 | cdleonard | 09-08-2009 09:15:11 |
[SOLVED?] - Snapping Cloud Textures and Bright-Night Clouds | 5 | Giawa | 01-08-2009 02:20:07 |
Question about haze material | 1 | westpointer | 26-07-2009 16:28:00 |
CaelumLab linker issues | 1 | DSXC | 22-07-2009 07:26:35 |
Link error latest Ogre SVN | 3 | Vectrex | 20-07-2009 17:34:09 |
Caleum and Ogre trunk r1040 | 12 | guru | 12-07-2009 17:33:06 |
Compositor + Caelum Issues | 2 | shadowking97 | 10-07-2009 20:21:16 |
How can make cloud moving ??? | 2 | compvis | 06-07-2009 03:20:57 |
[SOLVED] Caelum + Materials | 3 | raymccooney | 03-07-2009 23:13:07 |
Problem loading caelum script | 6 | Darkeye | 29-06-2009 08:28:12 |
Caelum 0.4 Shaders in GLSL | 4 | Fish | 28-06-2009 21:44:40 |
How to render Cealum with Ogre HDR ?? | 4 | spe02001 | 28-06-2009 11:59:18 |
How to link Cealum to Ogre HDR ?? | 1 | spe02001 | 28-06-2009 08:34:48 |
Sunset (or the lack of it) | 1 | martinglish | 26-06-2009 14:11:00 |
Loading state from scenes | 1 | martinglish | 26-06-2009 14:03:54 |
Understanding caelum time... | 3 | iNuts | 26-06-2009 03:20:44 |
DSM and Caelum | 2 | ahmadi | 25-06-2009 12:14:17 |
Sky colour problem | 4 | martinglish | 18-06-2009 14:15:42 |
Add background mountain image to Caelum. | 1 | ahmadi | 06-06-2009 16:40:57 |
Nothing happening with practical application? | 2 | zorocke | 05-06-2009 15:58:27 |
Caelum 0.4 fps impact ! | 7 | ahmadi | 02-06-2009 14:48:06 |
[Solved] Problem Compiling Caelum v0.4 | 2 | dredogol | 30-05-2009 21:18:02 |
error PRJ0019 compiling CaelumDemo | 6 | hellzakk | 27-05-2009 09:42:56 |
Compiling against Ogre svn trunk (Cthuga 1.7) | 6 | Gohla | 23-05-2009 10:27:49 |
[SOLVED] Compile problem with latest 1.6 branch of ogre | 5 | al2950 | 21-05-2009 11:10:24 |
Caelum Moon Light problem. | 5 | isa | 18-05-2009 06:20:49 |
Sunset | 2 | taxhax | 12-05-2009 01:55:44 |
strange difference in release and debug | 1 | robindegen | 06-05-2009 11:53:08 |
Low OpenGl performance | 3 | elias71 | 04-05-2009 11:57:07 |
pssm and transperancy | 3 | elias71 | 29-04-2009 19:50:53 |
get gregorian time/day from JulianDay bug? | 3 | ndesle | 23-04-2009 15:45:31 |
snow color | 3 | overseb | 23-04-2009 13:41:20 |
[Caelum 0.4] Can't use script | 2 | vimes | 15-04-2009 21:50:20 |
Hydrax + Caelum | 2 | Mandy | 14-04-2009 15:54:47 |
Snow in Caelum | 6 | isa | 13-04-2009 07:41:47 |
LiSPSM / PSSM mapping with caelum | 3 | nargil | 09-04-2009 01:18:13 |
Problem in Fog | 8 | isa | 08-04-2009 09:01:41 |
[SOLVED] Faster than the speed of rain | 4 | DarkHorizon | 08-04-2009 00:25:52 |
Syncing Sky/Sun problem | 3 | xadh00m | 03-04-2009 11:02:25 |
Modify PointStarField & Astronomy | 3 | okasugandi | 02-04-2009 07:25:34 |
FarClipDistance | 3 | nargil | 01-04-2009 13:10:25 |
PointStarfield does not display | 5 | Sep | 01-04-2009 02:53:37 |
Problems getting Caelum setup | 2 | bmp410 | 01-04-2009 01:43:34 |
[Solved] PointStarField and Viewport | 5 | okasugandi | 31-03-2009 07:29:20 |
Non-time based transitions | 5 | Moohasha | 20-03-2009 17:06:26 |
Clouds not working with nearby far plane | 3 | ndesle | 12-03-2009 13:08:50 |
Caelum assertion failed at line 137 in Moon.cpp | 12 | cg76 | 09-03-2009 04:26:31 |
[SOLVED] Two viewports in Two render windows help! | 4 | al2950 | 07-03-2009 19:19:17 |
When night appears problem | 6 | Quorthon3D | 05-03-2009 22:57:07 |
Caelum getGregorianDateTimeFromJulianDay BUGFIX | 5 | stealth977 | 27-02-2009 13:25:33 |
Do Caelum fit to do the sky of cartoon game? | 2 | hangchon18 | 22-02-2009 16:18:50 |
Shader Errors | 5 | hatboyzero | 19-02-2009 04:19:36 |
Some Questions and Problems | 1 | stealth977 | 12-02-2009 09:14:43 |
parsing *.os scripts? | 3 | Captain_Deathbeard | 11-02-2009 23:22:28 |
Caleum and latest Ogre svn | 6 | guru | 10-02-2009 16:01:06 |
Bug Camera?? | 8 | Quorthon3D | 09-02-2009 16:39:52 |
FOG where it should not | 3 | stealth977 | 08-02-2009 11:18:25 |
Crash, even with shutdown(false) | 2 | Dalon | 06-02-2009 17:10:30 |
Particle troubles. | 6 | scratchyrice | 01-02-2009 18:30:23 |
memory leak | 6 | mickey | 30-01-2009 06:15:32 |
Caelum with SH | 4 | xadh00m | 25-01-2009 22:24:29 |
change cloud color and camera/cloud far clip problem | 5 | mickey | 24-01-2009 06:11:40 |
dense cloud over one spot | 2 | mickey | 24-01-2009 04:34:01 |
Question about the clouds | 5 | bdq | 20-01-2009 20:07:47 |
Caelum 0.4 | 14 | cdleonard | 19-01-2009 06:39:16 |
Troubles with fog and alpha | 3 | guru | 17-01-2009 21:48:17 |
A simple question... | 2 | scratchyrice | 15-01-2009 19:42:04 |
Athmospheric Scattering | 5 | guru | 15-01-2009 18:18:28 |
Problems (in linux only?) | 5 | guru | 10-01-2009 14:32:50 |
Recreating Caelum system is impossible! | 10 | ahmadi | 08-01-2009 13:16:27 |
Custom rotation of sky dome coordinates | 3 | atorkhov | 08-01-2009 08:55:38 |
New feature in trunk: Scripting from *.os files | 2 | cdleonard | 06-01-2009 07:05:42 |
[mistake, no bug] getUniversalClock()->setGregorianDateTime | 4 | nargil | 04-01-2009 21:57:51 |
Artifact with Caelum and far clip plane | 21 | khawkins | 02-01-2009 04:37:08 |
Caelum night too dark | 4 | toglia | 23-12-2008 23:28:46 |
Moon phases | 2 | redhead | 23-12-2008 23:00:23 |
caelum HDR | 2 | xadh00m | 15-12-2008 14:13:48 |
Assertion failed | 13 | nath31337 | 12-12-2008 01:46:47 |
First go with Caelum | 2 | Jonan | 27-11-2008 21:32:55 |
Stars No apperaing correctly | 2 | sarmadm | 25-11-2008 07:03:02 |
Bloom compositor vs Caelum. | 1 | ahmadi | 17-11-2008 10:57:17 |
Moving precipitations when camera's moving | 2 | XpLoDWilD | 16-11-2008 17:41:45 |
Caelum - Ogre1.6.0 - MemoryTracker Assert | 7 | Fish | 10-11-2008 02:40:04 |
Depth fighting problem! | 2 | ahmadi | 05-11-2008 11:44:04 |
Linking problems with my project | 3 | Liens | 03-11-2008 14:11:16 |
[SOLVED]CaelumLab and CaelumDemo crash on run [Log posted] | 4 | Liens | 01-11-2008 05:18:21 |
Stars not appearing in DX | 6 | Vectrex | 01-11-2008 02:56:26 |
Caelum and Hydrax | 2 | Caphalor | 30-10-2008 16:04:08 |
[SOLVED] Caelum and Ogre materials | 3 | DarkHorizon | 30-10-2008 14:51:43 |
render scene problem | 2 | bin | 29-10-2008 05:25:17 |
[SOLVED] How does the precipitation system works !? | 6 | XpLoDWilD | 28-10-2008 09:23:09 |
precipitation system problem | 15 | roland_r | 28-10-2008 08:48:13 |
Render order change request | 5 | xadh00m | 27-10-2008 21:58:04 |
About | 2 | cdleonard | 27-10-2008 17:26:32 |