Static archive of the old Ogre Addon forums. See for current resources
Topic | Posts | Author | Date |
Own Wrapper Exception!! | 1 | ownsun | 06-08-2010 10:41:46 |
Poke... OgreDotNet still alive? | 2 | imi | 02-06-2010 12:54:42 |
Help with building OgreDotNet | 1 | GunterD | 23-10-2009 00:07:56 |
Can't OgrePythons Swig files/prj that are upto date be used? | 3 | Lee04 | 19-04-2009 07:15:34 |
Packages available for openSUSE 11 | 1 | mhutch | 04-09-2008 18:53:51 |
OGRE supports .dae format? | 3 | MieconNo | 09-06-2008 11:12:15 |
OgreDotNet Revival | 15 | adjohn | 07-06-2008 06:16:17 |
Beginner to ogredotnet. | 2 | HexDump | 05-03-2008 16:22:26 |
Visual Studio Express Vs Standard Vs Professional | 1 | fletch27502 | 19-02-2008 21:36:32 |
Error "TypeInitializationException" | 1 | Nexam | 30-10-2007 08:45:04 |
Terrain problem | 1 | terrachild | 24-09-2007 13:52:56 |
Where to download Theora c# | 1 | crodude | 28-08-2007 16:55:41 |
OgreBindings.dll not found (pInvoke) | 1 | Tanuva | 17-07-2007 19:45:24 |
problem with RaySceneQuery | 1 | mattm | 26-06-2007 15:39:58 |
a dotSceneManager | 1 | mattm | 20-06-2007 10:42:25 |
Addons in OgreDotNet | 1 | mattm | 06-06-2007 13:09:01 |
I need the "hasEntity" function | 1 | mattm | 04-06-2007 10:15:55 |
Do 1.4 precompiled dll exist? | 1 | mattm | 04-06-2007 10:05:34 |
Where I can download OrgeDotNet and its dependencies source. | 1 | philiptruong | 30-05-2007 06:58:50 |
How to change the color of an entity | 3 | mattm | 29-05-2007 15:44:11 |
Difference between 2005 and VS.NET2005 SP1? | 1 | bug_aonz | 17-05-2007 11:06:07 |
What do these commands? | 1 | mattm | 16-05-2007 13:36:41 |
Fill a Panel of a winform with Ogre3D content | 5 | mattm | 14-05-2007 12:28:39 |
Memory leak problem | 1 | Surge | 18-04-2007 18:51:26 |
Unicode characters in text overlay | 1 | pedrodbs | 02-04-2007 17:49:31 |
Ogre 1.4 | 1 | pin | 24-03-2007 09:15:30 |
C# | 1 | GMS0012 | 17-03-2007 20:50:24 |
Installation Issues | 1 | He Who Is | 17-03-2007 17:08:29 |
Simple Question: Ogre with non objectorientated language | 5 | cajomi | 22-02-2007 10:02:02 |
OGRE.NET support facial animation? | 1 | Robin | 25-01-2007 04:15:28 |
Need help with manually loading a Heightmap | 1 | Denyos | 15-01-2007 22:05:57 |
OgreDotNet AND VS2005 Team Edition (Pro is the same) | 1 | marc_antoine | 29-12-2006 00:35:12 |
Is there anybody out there? | 10 | Dr.Fix | 24-12-2006 16:57:10 |
Ray Query always returning (0,0,0) Vector | 1 | Dr.Fix | 17-12-2006 11:20:27 |
[SOLVED] Load Screen / multiple levels | 2 | azteke | 14-12-2006 20:49:00 |
help open file dialogue | 9 | dicky18 | 14-12-2006 14:45:49 |
Just 5 hours to install & work with OgreDotNet | 4 | _Archic | 12-12-2006 00:30:27 |
which .net Physics Engine to use | 2 | ravenger | 11-12-2006 13:40:35 |
OgreDotNet and XNA | 6 | violationgames | 06-12-2006 01:33:47 |
CEGUI & C# | 3 | redslash | 05-12-2006 14:46:54 |
InputReader update delay | 2 | Al Capique | 21-11-2006 18:10:29 |
Getting ODN Installed | 3 | ravenger | 15-11-2006 12:02:31 |
Ogre 1.2.4 and DOTNET | 1 | necropower | 14-11-2006 13:27:23 |
ogredotnet dependencies, will dotnet framework do? | 1 | gu1tarfreak | 11-11-2006 23:51:19 |
Need help by Physik Engine wrapper | 1 | elementarladung | 09-11-2006 18:17:34 |
MOGRE vs OgreDotNet. | 8 | theMouse | 02-11-2006 20:35:52 |
Cannot find SimpleSpline Class | 2 | aalex675 | 01-11-2006 00:11:09 |
Building ActiveX control : error R6034 (VS2005) | 2 | chenpl | 25-10-2006 07:32:33 |
OgreDotNet 1.2.0/Ogre 1.2.0 Status Versus Mogre/Ogre 1.2.3 | 1 | Greenjacket | 23-10-2006 17:01:58 |
can't find msvcp80d.dll | 2 | sarge | 23-10-2006 03:29:39 |
ManualObject and MeshSerializer | 1 | vandamme | 23-10-2006 01:43:23 |
[demoscene] BGParty2007Invitation by TimeScratchers | 1 | nolver | 17-10-2006 22:01:46 |
OCEAN SHADER | 3 | dwrenne | 15-10-2006 19:49:04 |
Manual material creation | 7 | knight0fw0e | 15-10-2006 12:36:21 |
Problems with Basic Tutorial #3 | 2 | Thellis | 14-10-2006 05:55:33 |
Problems with Basic Tutorial #2 | 3 | Thellis | 14-10-2006 05:39:44 |
SDK1.2.3 & CEGUI 0.5 & C# | 1 | necropower | 12-10-2006 03:08:37 |
Quaternion questions: possible bugs in Slerp and ToAngleAxis | 3 | Greenjacket | 09-10-2006 09:40:25 |
Line3d in Winform | 3 | draxd80 | 05-10-2006 19:19:30 |
Tutorial 3 Help | 3 | terrachild | 04-10-2006 23:57:05 |
Does anyone run ogredotnet on linux? | 1 | hvasoares | 01-10-2006 07:58:34 |
Can Someone Upload Working OgreDotNet ? | 3 | Stefan | 17-09-2006 19:06:07 |
Problems with GetEntity | 1 | Gibo | 15-09-2006 10:33:04 |
Manually loading resources | 2 | Gibo | 13-09-2006 13:57:30 |
What's wrong with Linux compilation | 1 | YvonSteel | 12-09-2006 18:16:27 |
problem with OgreDotNet Basic Tutorial 1? | 2 | bug_aonz | 12-09-2006 14:06:07 |
OgreDotNet build problems | 5 | fruit | 11-09-2006 10:10:20 |
Multi OgreDotNet Windows | 2 | Gibo | 11-09-2006 08:24:39 |
type returned by ResourceGroupManager->listResourceNames | 1 | jams | 09-09-2006 19:37:42 |
Help, application Crashing :( | 2 | Gibo | 08-09-2006 13:22:14 |
Where to get ogre 1.2.0 sdk (compiled) | 5 | bierstuebl | 06-09-2006 10:18:34 |
Gangsta getVelocity not working? | 1 | Vectrex | 01-09-2006 21:55:33 |
Missing Particle Emitter types in OgreDotNet | 2 | Kodachi_Garou | 01-09-2006 11:11:15 |
Problem with SimpleRenderableDirector | 4 | leep | 31-08-2006 16:55:28 |
New User with a SCRIPT question. :) | 1 | theMouse | 30-08-2006 16:55:02 |
Help adding references.. | 1 | [DcM] | 30-08-2006 05:12:16 |
Pixel and Vertex Shaders in OgreDotNet | 1 | Kodachi_Garou | 28-08-2006 10:04:25 |
Does Debug build work? (VS Express) | 2 | meshula | 27-08-2006 20:30:07 |
RenderWindow.Resize | 5 | leep | 27-08-2006 14:34:38 |
[RESOLVED] Using the BSP Scene Manager | 1 | angelchild | 27-08-2006 00:16:03 |
OgreDotNet.EventHandler and Windows Forms | 6 | leep | 26-08-2006 07:30:39 |
Creating a manually loading square? | 1 | Shanira | 25-08-2006 22:05:57 |
Problems getting Stencil Shadows To Work.. | 1 | Gibo | 23-08-2006 11:59:13 |
So close! Entry point error in OgreMain_d.dll | 2 | leep | 22-08-2006 17:14:47 |
Help with Animations | 2 | Gibo | 21-08-2006 17:27:04 |
.NET DragDrop and Keyboard/Mouse Events | 5 | Gamey | 21-08-2006 13:42:01 |
Question about CeGuiDotNet | 3 | Shanira | 21-08-2006 02:19:05 |
Crash when destroying entities | 2 | nolver | 17-08-2006 17:16:40 |
OgreDotNet + GangstaDotNet+ Newton | 5 | oparidae | 16-08-2006 13:29:22 |
Combobox not implement EventListSelectionAccepted? | 1 | LuRenJia | 16-08-2006 11:21:20 |
Black screen | 6 | timoch | 15-08-2006 23:49:35 |
Support for machine with no Hardware Acceleration? | 1 | Gibo | 15-08-2006 16:52:58 |
Windows Form Examples | 3 | Gibo | 14-08-2006 15:07:22 |
Is a bug of CeguiDotNet or OgreDotNet.Cegui? | 6 | LuRenJia | 12-08-2006 17:58:25 |
CeguiDotNet layout loading + event handlers | 2 | timoch | 10-08-2006 22:28:29 |
Having trouble with SDK 1.2.2 in VS2005 C# | 4 | farm | 10-08-2006 00:27:17 |
Blending of Overlays (TextureLayer) | 1 | Korbinian | 09-08-2006 17:35:01 |
Visual C# 2005 express exception error | 5 | AzraelK | 08-08-2006 20:08:03 |
Machinima with ogredotnet | 1 | AzraelK | 08-08-2006 17:00:53 |
Dynamic Textures and Prefabricated planes | 1 | Kodachi_Garou | 07-08-2006 16:10:32 |
How make a manual square? | 2 | pepote | 06-08-2006 21:25:11 |
How do I use OgreNewt with GanstaDotNet | 1 | pepote | 06-08-2006 13:49:36 |
leaks? | 1 | georgemarios | 05-08-2006 16:11:58 |
Using OGRE with Straight C++/CLI | 2 | average | 01-08-2006 17:15:55 |
Help with GetMeshInformation | 3 | cutterslade | 01-08-2006 14:41:00 |
I Can See Through Walls... | 1 | Tufty | 30-07-2006 21:46:49 |
Compile problem | 3 | darken_cz | 27-07-2006 22:23:35 |
Wierd RaySceneQueries ... | 3 | pjcast | 26-07-2006 23:17:06 |
non-event input | 1 | Vectrex | 26-07-2006 22:33:32 |
Need some help | 4 | Black-Byte | 23-07-2006 14:58:57 |
Wrapping OgreNewt physics | 13 | Vectrex | 22-07-2006 09:38:57 |
RaySceneQuery doesn't work.. | 3 | travelan | 20-07-2006 12:04:38 |
Winforms + OgreDotNet With C# and VS 2005 Express | 5 | nickgravelyn | 19-07-2006 17:32:14 |
3DS Max 8 Exporter for Ogre | 5 | Marioko | 18-07-2006 18:15:33 |
Phisics Engine for ODN | 1 | Marioko | 18-07-2006 17:58:30 |
Material ParseScript ? | 6 | travelan | 18-07-2006 14:08:41 |
Basic help about rotation.. | 3 | Marioko | 17-07-2006 22:35:58 |
Problem starting up Ogre. | 13 | zeroflag | 14-07-2006 13:13:27 |
Ogre SDK and Precompiled OgreDotNet dlls | 2 | ChrisEA | 14-07-2006 11:41:57 |
Crash when using GetSceneNode() | 1 | sharkyx | 13-07-2006 17:32:01 |
Checking Out The Demos (Crashes) | 3 | nickgravelyn | 11-07-2006 06:58:02 |
Any way of reading video? | 8 | daedar | 07-07-2006 15:56:24 |
How to use BspSceneManager/OctreeSceneManager in Ogre.Net? | 5 | LuRenJia | 04-07-2006 16:36:59 |
Some error while building | 1 | Sofox | 04-07-2006 16:12:20 |
How to make always rendering render window? | 5 | nolver | 03-07-2006 16:49:51 |
Thanks and some questions | 7 | dylan | 03-07-2006 12:10:44 |
Problems with CeguiDotNet OgreDotNet.Cegui. Help Me Plz | 1 | lovecraft | 03-07-2006 07:13:45 |
When a GOOF for C#? | 1 | pepote | 01-07-2006 14:23:55 |
How to use CEGUI exceptions from C#? | 1 | ZacharyH | 30-06-2006 21:58:42 |
project files | 1 | vgmdev | 29-06-2006 23:12:22 |
why no write a Physic Engine in C#? | 6 | pepote | 29-06-2006 13:20:41 |
[VB.NET] Root Error (System.TypeInitializationException) | 3 | Damic | 28-06-2006 18:50:13 |
DLL problem when tyring to use CEGUI | 1 | ZacharyH | 28-06-2006 17:27:49 |
Preferred way to send a patch | 3 | Kanma | 28-06-2006 09:25:45 |
Grabbing rendered frame | 1 | leha2000 | 27-06-2006 22:29:01 |
Rectangle2D setMaterial crash | 1 | Kodachi_Garou | 27-06-2006 20:26:50 |
Missing OgreDotNet class? ExternalTextureSourceManager | 3 | Kodachi_Garou | 27-06-2006 20:07:32 |
Access violation when running demos | 1 | Zvejk | 27-06-2006 19:45:25 |
GangstaDotNet and ODE | 6 | Kodachi_Garou | 27-06-2006 17:13:32 |
Customizing physics for particle systems | 1 | Kodachi_Garou | 27-06-2006 14:54:29 |
How to find the top nodes in a scene using C# in dotnet | 2 | ZacharyH | 26-06-2006 23:54:55 |
2D Backgrounds code snippet on OgreDotNet | 1 | Kodachi_Garou | 26-06-2006 18:59:48 |
Custom LogListener and ResourceListener | 1 | rosenkro | 25-06-2006 18:25:19 |
[solved] Execption when trying to create EventHandler | 1 | ZacharyH | 22-06-2006 15:49:32 |
Problem with ogreplatform_d.dll not being found VS pro 2k5 | 2 | Eric | 22-06-2006 04:11:10 |
Problem with precompiled DLLs ?? | 3 | karel | 21-06-2006 22:48:02 |
Peformance | 1 | tonyhnz | 20-06-2006 15:32:13 |
How to make terrain collision by using Gangstadotnet? | 1 | liiir1985 | 20-06-2006 11:08:11 |
Constructing meshes on the fly | 3 | Vereor | 19-06-2006 13:24:21 |
I had converted oFusion SceneLoader from c++ to c#! | 10 | LuRenJia | 19-06-2006 09:34:15 |
Problem with CEGUIDotNet WindowEventArgs | 1 | pedrodbs | 16-06-2006 22:48:50 |
HElp me pls (Gangsta) | 1 | szerg | 16-06-2006 18:00:15 |
CeguiDotNet | 3 | humantargetjoe | 16-06-2006 16:31:46 |
Want to be able to load, modify, and save ogre scene | 3 | ZacharyH | 15-06-2006 17:51:31 |
The come back of R6034 | 7 | zebishop | 15-06-2006 00:48:41 |
Error using ChildNodeIteratorWrap | 4 | pjcast | 13-06-2006 01:45:44 |
Weird exceptions | 3 | cutterslade | 13-06-2006 00:20:59 |
ogreNewt or NxOgre | 2 | Vectrex | 12-06-2006 21:33:23 |
Yes, you can allready see what I am going to ask. | 3 | raicuandi | 12-06-2006 20:50:30 |
Converting solution file to VS 2005 | 4 | Kodachi_Garou | 12-06-2006 18:26:46 |
Creating my own Frame and Key Listener class | 22 | humantargetjoe | 12-06-2006 16:16:45 |
Noob questions | 4 | zverj | 12-06-2006 13:00:07 |
question about multiviewport tutorial | 4 | Bahamut | 12-06-2006 10:12:08 |
Retrieve Scrollbar from loaded layout with CEGUI | 3 | cutterslade | 12-06-2006 01:59:04 |
Billboard.Position.set, Billboard.Direction.set: Whaaaaa? | 2 | Sneftel | 11-06-2006 22:47:18 |
How to use GangstaNet? | 2 | liiir1985 | 11-06-2006 14:25:43 |
Please tell me step-by-step what 2 do | 2 | szerg | 11-06-2006 09:03:26 |
OgreDotNet,Gangsta & Terrain Collision | 2 | Syphius | 08-06-2006 20:57:36 |
470 occurrences of Warning C4945 | 3 | humantargetjoe | 07-06-2006 15:29:16 |
Error compiling ogredotnet(using OgreDotNet.Cegui;) | 2 | Eric | 06-06-2006 20:24:30 |
How do you make dynamic textures | 5 | joopi | 04-06-2006 09:43:09 |
dotNets DemoCeguiMenus Crash | 2 | dermont | 03-06-2006 13:48:31 |
Those using VS 2005 pro, we need your help | 36 | rastaman | 02-06-2006 15:57:34 |
Problems using setVelocity in a framelistener | 3 | kintaro | 31-05-2006 22:08:04 |
help me!!!! | 1 | goral | 30-05-2006 13:28:01 |
Terrain Picking (ie. Int. Tut. 3) w/ .NET MouseEvents | 5 | jmonw | 30-05-2006 05:54:40 |
Could not load dynamic library OgrePlatform_d.dll | 6 | Sneftel | 29-05-2006 23:12:30 |
Problem with the Precompiled DLLs | 8 | Nachtwind | 28-05-2006 20:23:42 |
Build problems in Linux - Bindings giving an error | 5 | giardante | 28-05-2006 18:49:33 |
Very confused: build problems (VS2003) | 3 | Scarfman007 | 28-05-2006 12:44:45 |
[NEWBY] Ogre Event handling / Native .Net evt handling | 7 | Olivier | 26-05-2006 21:42:42 |
GangstaNet and Collision Detection | 2 | skroll | 26-05-2006 17:25:37 |
Camera position with reflection enabled[Solved] | 1 | Mwr | 23-05-2006 10:15:27 |
update 2006-05-22 | 7 | rastaman | 23-05-2006 04:11:05 |
[Demo Released] TimeScratchers' Miserae Demo | 5 | nolver | 22-05-2006 12:06:24 |
Which ogre sdk should i use if i want to program in ogre.Net | 2 | jurisekvendov | 22-05-2006 11:12:19 |
It's been a some time... | 3 | Nachtwind | 21-05-2006 20:39:01 |
Problems with Basic Tutorial #1 | 1 | tone | 19-05-2006 16:45:12 |
Problems w/ precompiled dlls(none of those mentioned before) | 13 | rodolfograve | 19-05-2006 15:38:58 |
I am new and want to get OgreDOTNET | 2 | jurisekvendov | 18-05-2006 14:45:18 |
Lighting Problems | 5 | Jin | 16-05-2006 15:09:27 |
[HELP]Problem with Unicode support in CEGUI.NET | 13 | liiir1985 | 16-05-2006 10:13:56 |
Precompiled Dlls Download | 14 | rastaman | 14-05-2006 05:32:13 |
Newbie Question - Elipsoid to Poly Collision - Please help!! | 4 | robpearmain | 13-05-2006 20:06:39 |
Tutorials wanted | 1 | DigitalCyborg | 12-05-2006 21:22:34 |
Update for Ogre v1.2 final | 16 | rastaman | 10-05-2006 06:51:03 |
Can't build ogredotnet | 3 | Mortu | 09-05-2006 19:40:00 |
Creating a proper scene? | 2 | LennardF | 08-05-2006 11:52:41 |
Stepping Aside. | 4 | EagleEye | 08-05-2006 04:22:26 |
Mogre, another .NET wrapper for Ogre | 4 | Bekas | 07-05-2006 00:49:48 |
%ignore CEGUI::WindowManager::loadWindowLayout | 4 | DigitalCyborg | 04-05-2006 06:25:49 |
System.Drawing.Color :/ | 2 | the_cX | 30-04-2006 20:39:23 |
OgreDotNet Intermediate Tutorial 6 (Multiple Viewports) up | 2 | DigitalCyborg | 30-04-2006 00:46:43 |
Intermediate Tutorial 5 for VB.NET & Wiki update!!!! | 7 | LennardF | 29-04-2006 15:38:18 |
Math3D.Vector3 & OgreVector3 | 3 | DigitalCyborg | 28-04-2006 00:29:05 |
OT: New Vermund Website | 1 | EagleEye | 27-04-2006 17:55:30 |
[Unsolved] Converting C# Tutorial to VB.NET [Multiplayer?] | 15 | LennardF | 27-04-2006 08:14:22 |
Facial Animation Demo conversion | 3 | Mwr | 26-04-2006 23:15:17 |
How to load OSM files in OgreDotNet? | 7 | Al Capique | 26-04-2006 19:18:49 |
A 'couple' of questions about Ogre | 3 | LennardF | 26-04-2006 16:56:27 |
OgreDotNet C# Hello World Part 1 posted | 2 | DigitalCyborg | 26-04-2006 06:44:20 |
Help on Compiling OgreDotNet | 14 | LennardF | 25-04-2006 19:39:29 |
update 2006-04-23 | 8 | rastaman | 25-04-2006 00:53:11 |
OgreDotNet C# Intermediate Tutorial 4 posted | 9 | DigitalCyborg | 24-04-2006 03:55:13 |
Casting a MovableObject as a Entity | 5 | Mwr | 23-04-2006 14:54:14 |
Please post contact information here. | 3 | EagleEye | 22-04-2006 21:37:23 |
Where are the native DLLs? | 6 | Passenger | 22-04-2006 21:25:13 |
OgreDotNet C# Intermediate Tutorial 3 posted | 4 | DigitalCyborg | 21-04-2006 03:46:04 |
Any example without ExampleApplication | 2 | pepote | 20-04-2006 20:40:47 |
Build errors with OgreDotNet 1.2 | 7 | Denis Washington | 20-04-2006 19:33:06 |
OgreDotNet C# Intermediate Tutorial 2 posted | 1 | DigitalCyborg | 19-04-2006 05:15:44 |
No assemblies, no demos after ./ | 7 | Passenger | 18-04-2006 22:40:11 |
Use OIS with OgreDotNet? | 1 | pepote | 18-04-2006 22:38:20 |
Basic Tutorials need some love | 10 | Denis Washington | 17-04-2006 19:16:32 |
Tutorial 4 in ODN correction | 2 | pepote | 16-04-2006 23:55:22 |
Odd behavior when adding lots of nodes and entities. | 4 | EagleEye | 16-04-2006 22:28:58 |
Traducción ODN al español - OgreDotNet Spanish Translation | 14 | pepote | 16-04-2006 21:19:06 |
MONO_DEPENDENCY trouble with ./ | 6 | Passenger | 16-04-2006 16:18:34 |
Spammer banned... | 1 | EagleEye | 16-04-2006 15:44:12 |
Third Person Camera troubles | 2 | pepote | 16-04-2006 12:14:51 |
Demos not run | 14 | pepote | 15-04-2006 21:01:09 |
OT: Advanced VB.NET networking... | 1 | EagleEye | 14-04-2006 18:17:02 |
Help with 2 problems: widows form and Camera | 7 | Al Capique | 13-04-2006 19:07:42 |
OGRE v ODN: small difference noticed in Intermed Tutorial 1 | 3 | DigitalCyborg | 10-04-2006 20:23:09 |
STL usage in C# | 4 | DigitalCyborg | 09-04-2006 01:51:08 |
Vb.Net 2005 Eihort Using Iterators | 1 | GregH | 08-04-2006 14:55:53 |
Screenshots thread! | 4 | EagleEye | 08-04-2006 06:24:25 |
Eihort now executing under VS 2005!!! | 4 | GregH | 08-04-2006 05:03:25 |
Ventrilo | 3 | EagleEye | 07-04-2006 18:41:53 |
[SOLVED! by DC] AccessViolationException on full screen app | 6 | ElectricBliss | 07-04-2006 14:49:17 |
Helpful dll extraction batch | 1 | ElectricBliss | 07-04-2006 14:30:09 |
Precompiled DLLs! | 1 | EagleEye | 06-04-2006 06:14:07 |
cvs update 2006-04-05 | 2 | rastaman | 06-04-2006 05:27:23 |
Good way to debug ODN? | 4 | ender81x | 06-04-2006 03:03:34 |
[C++] Ogre + .NET form | 14 | Rodrigue | 05-04-2006 22:16:14 |
new Wiki page | 1 | rastaman | 05-04-2006 22:08:18 |
Real-World List of VSExpress Limitations | 1 | ElectricBliss | 05-04-2006 21:29:31 |
Runtime Error with ListBoxItem | 10 | ender81x | 05-04-2006 20:06:57 |
[Resolved] Missing files for building OgreNet.CeguiRenderer | 4 | Violet | 05-04-2006 16:18:58 |
I just gotta say... | 2 | EagleEye | 05-04-2006 16:07:59 |
[Solved] Plugin_BSPSceneManager.dll not found | 45 | GregH | 05-04-2006 10:26:52 |
Compiling Ogre1.2 with VS2005 issue | 3 | alberts | 04-04-2006 21:36:11 |
Sourceforge Status Page (Re: CVS outages) | 4 | EagleEye | 04-04-2006 20:54:42 |
Wow... | 2 | EagleEye | 04-04-2006 20:19:04 |
Latest .NET 2.0 Dlls | 4 | Killer22 | 04-04-2006 14:19:14 |
Best solution for physics integration? | 6 | tirpluK | 03-04-2006 23:08:12 |
error with GetCustomAttribute and general debugging question | 4 | shaft | 03-04-2006 21:45:13 |
Strange error while Installing OgreDotNet | 13 | gfz12 | 03-04-2006 14:37:26 |
What do you guys think? | 8 | EagleEye | 03-04-2006 07:56:29 |
CeguiDotNet KeyDown event handling problem | 10 | ender81x | 02-04-2006 17:06:31 |
Swing problem?? | 5 | Lee04 | 02-04-2006 16:57:49 |
Wiki page update. | 21 | EagleEye | 31-03-2006 11:00:59 |
Unable to load DLL 'OgreBindings': The specified module... | 18 | ElectricBliss | 30-03-2006 09:15:39 |
New project (yet another material editor) | 23 | vintersorg | 30-03-2006 07:57:24 |
Embedding ogre in gtk-sharp custom widget? | 14 | shaft | 29-03-2006 23:22:54 |
Can't get swig to run, can someone send me the .dlls please? | 12 | AntonyCoder | 27-03-2006 14:54:04 |
Getting started with Ogre.Dot.Net | 3 | AntonyCoder | 26-03-2006 21:32:45 |
MouseEvents and OgreDotNet | 9 | ColeZero | 25-03-2006 18:56:34 |
OgreDotNet v1.2 | 9 | rastaman | 25-03-2006 06:05:29 |
Bug in MovableObject.UserData | 4 | Robert Isele | 22-03-2006 02:49:38 |
axiom is back... | 6 | duff | 21-03-2006 08:56:34 |
CVS will be unavailable for a short period... | 1 | EagleEye | 21-03-2006 07:22:20 |
Visual Studio 2003-2005 Migration Issues | 25 | GregH | 20-03-2006 10:15:04 |
OgreDotNet FTP - or Website download? | 5 | ColeZero | 18-03-2006 14:05:50 |
error from swig | 6 | shaft | 18-03-2006 08:15:04 |
Using the same Ogre in two Forms | 3 | manrash | 16-03-2006 20:45:13 |
What state is OgreDotNet in now | 4 | MindGames | 16-03-2006 09:34:38 |
StackOverflow using ODE.NET | 1 | alberts | 15-03-2006 16:17:10 |
A development tip | 5 | EagleEye | 13-03-2006 23:21:47 |
Update 2006-03-12 | 1 | rastaman | 12-03-2006 23:13:22 |
Cannot download from CVS | 11 | toddhd | 11-03-2006 17:50:14 |
OgreDotNet with VB.Net Issues | 3 | rohan | 09-03-2006 13:02:39 |
StaticGeometry | 2 | rastaman | 08-03-2006 15:36:57 |
Problems inside the dll hell | 3 | Bahamut | 06-03-2006 15:35:29 |
More problems installing OgreDotNet in SUSE 10 | 3 | pepote | 05-03-2006 20:27:41 |
Problems with CEGUI.pc, OgreDotNet and SUSE 10 | 6 | pepote | 04-03-2006 23:31:53 |
Odd and interesting, framerate C# vs C++ | 2 | sarge | 04-03-2006 15:24:01 |
using TextureUnitState | 3 | the_cX | 04-03-2006 05:16:26 |
switching between debug and release version is kinda annoyin | 2 | the_cX | 03-03-2006 20:20:13 |
Dagon support? | 5 | Kerion | 02-03-2006 21:15:24 |
New Wiki page, "Using CEGUI in OgreDotNet" | 14 | EagleEye | 01-03-2006 19:22:05 |
OgreDotNet using VS2005 : error R6034 when running demos | 11 | coconut | 01-03-2006 16:18:50 |
[Solved?] VB.NET Problems creating OgreCEGUIRenderer object | 9 | GregH | 28-02-2006 10:05:39 |
Patch of ExampleApplication.cs for better controls | 2 | Bekas | 27-02-2006 16:04:27 |
update 2006-02-26 | 5 | rastaman | 27-02-2006 02:29:44 |
How to create 2D overlay? | 6 | nolver | 26-02-2006 13:26:33 |
RenderTexture | 4 | nolver | 23-02-2006 18:53:13 |
update 2006-02-22 | 1 | rastaman | 23-02-2006 03:28:29 |
Debugging ODN | 6 | lopemanc | 22-02-2006 17:22:56 |
A Question of Loss | 6 | lopemanc | 20-02-2006 14:47:24 |
Getting keyboard/mouse input (Noob) | 5 | kungfoomasta | 20-02-2006 07:42:39 |
release version | 6 | the_cX | 19-02-2006 21:11:21 |
Missing Files | 4 | Kane | 19-02-2006 14:24:35 |
hi!! | 2 | mysticjovy | 18-02-2006 03:20:19 |
something hotter!!! | 2 | mysticjovy | 18-02-2006 03:15:06 |
ODN moderators/team changes | 3 | EagleEye | 17-02-2006 16:05:19 |
ODN video demo! | 3 | EagleEye | 17-02-2006 05:44:45 |
Latest Ogre Binaries | 6 | lopemanc | 16-02-2006 14:49:55 |
ConfigFile ? | 6 | Lynix | 14-02-2006 23:49:24 |
DotScene and OgreDotNet | 5 | sarge | 14-02-2006 13:31:44 |
How stable / usable is .Net wrapper for Ogre3d? | 6 | hughperkins | 14-02-2006 10:36:28 |
how to solve the exception: typeInitialization | 1 | ehei | 08-02-2006 14:28:50 |
DotNet: Discussion on Scene Loading | 2 | GregH | 06-02-2006 11:01:44 |
initializing ogre without config dialog | 21 | the_cX | 01-02-2006 19:15:31 |
Last night's commit break something? | 7 | Antiarc | 31-01-2006 22:15:45 |
Who wants to appear in a research paper ? | 3 | Rom | 31-01-2006 16:44:36 |
[Help] I'm a little stumped here... | 6 | EagleEye | 31-01-2006 06:26:16 |
[Solved] Vb.Net - Entity.GetAllAnimationStates | 28 | GregH | 27-01-2006 10:13:40 |
[Solved] Problem with nodes and SceneNodes | 3 | Rom | 26-01-2006 11:48:29 |
OT: My game's server has been built! :) | 9 | EagleEye | 25-01-2006 18:25:31 |
[Alt Approach] ResourceManager LocType(s) | 6 | GregH | 25-01-2006 13:21:15 |
Character labels | 2 | Tempest | 23-01-2006 19:30:51 |
VB.Net - A Debugging Gift for Objects | 5 | GregH | 23-01-2006 10:09:51 |
Using PLSM2 with ODN and VB.NET | 1 | EagleEye | 21-01-2006 21:03:13 |
Someone remind me... | 2 | EagleEye | 20-01-2006 09:10:26 |
update 2006-01-18 | 3 | rastaman | 18-01-2006 07:52:04 |
DLL for rendering within MFC/C# | 4 | | 18-01-2006 00:36:58 |
[Answer: Use Octopus] Max 7 Exporter Problems | 10 | GregH | 17-01-2006 07:07:40 |
Cant get anything to run on | 2 | vintersorg | 12-01-2006 21:14:02 |
PLSM prebuild binaries | 5 | Tempest | 10-01-2006 00:57:31 |
.net2.0 | 15 | alphabeta | 09-01-2006 23:49:50 |
[Answer: PLSM2 !] Vb.Net Accessing Terrain after creation. | 4 | GregH | 06-01-2006 10:17:00 |
Terrain Splatting | 2 | Tempest | 02-01-2006 17:58:16 |
VB.Net - Cannot create/cast an OverlayContainer | 4 | GregH | 01-01-2006 02:31:53 |
System.DllNotFoundException | 34 | trevarthan | 29-12-2005 02:37:06 |
12/27 update | 1 | EagleEye | 27-12-2005 08:37:01 |
How could I draw a 3d line? | 6 | alberts | 25-12-2005 18:24:00 |
new member: linux and mono? | 7 | trevarthan | 24-12-2005 22:49:44 |
ODE with ODN | 11 | EagleEye | 22-12-2005 21:13:39 |
Using PLSM with CEGUI | 2 | EagleEye | 22-12-2005 20:42:50 |
OgreNet.Cegui_bindings - Is it necessary? | 6 | EagleEye | 21-12-2005 17:26:10 |
CEGUI, PLSM, Scene Managers, etc... | 1 | EagleEye | 20-12-2005 19:11:28 |
How could I print some text? | 6 | alberts | 15-12-2005 22:48:46 |
What should we do? | 3 | EagleEye | 06-12-2005 21:49:27 |
VB.Net Related Project Issues | 6 | GregH | 06-12-2005 10:17:13 |
How to create several windows inside a WinForm app? | 1 | nolver | 05-12-2005 10:06:59 |
RaySceneQuery | 9 | Tempest | 03-12-2005 20:03:02 |
Manual triangle mesh | 5 | alberts | 03-12-2005 17:56:05 |
3rd person camera system tutorial ported | 8 | alberts | 01-12-2005 22:13:46 |
Updates 11/28/05 | 17 | EagleEye | 28-11-2005 21:15:55 |
Samples | 5 | Shabubu | 24-11-2005 06:18:40 |
SWIG Question | 6 | Shabubu | 22-11-2005 20:40:43 |
Compiling ODN step by step | 16 | alberts | 22-11-2005 18:02:44 |
MouseClicked event | 4 | alberts | 21-11-2005 18:59:50 |
I'm still here... | 1 | EagleEye | 21-11-2005 15:44:13 |
Build question | 2 | canecola | 21-11-2005 03:23:02 |
Problem with SDK 1.0.4 and CVS OgreDotNet | 1 | kallex | 20-11-2005 17:54:22 |
[SOLVED] DataStream | 10 | Sinjaph | 19-11-2005 18:53:03 |
Log dll reference | 4 | alberts | 17-11-2005 23:36:25 |
Next modifications | 11 | Kanma | 15-11-2005 11:01:30 |
A peek in to the life of EagleEye... | 1 | EagleEye | 14-11-2005 20:27:34 |
Compiling ODN for dummys | 8 | Nachtwind | 14-11-2005 12:05:15 |
11/13/05 Commit changes | 1 | EagleEye | 14-11-2005 04:38:47 |
Manual wraps question | 2 | Shabubu | 14-11-2005 04:26:52 |
Physics engine with OgreDotNet | 6 | Tempest | 13-11-2005 17:07:24 |
The next CEGUIDotNet task... | 1 | EagleEye | 13-11-2005 06:58:00 |
11/12/05 Commit change | 7 | EagleEye | 12-11-2005 19:13:15 |
I'm about to abandon SWIG. | 5 | EagleEye | 11-11-2005 21:38:53 |
Imagesets | 4 | Nachtwind | 10-11-2005 12:58:00 |
EventHandler problems | 1 | Shabubu | 10-11-2005 12:05:14 |
Okay, let's get this project back on track. | 14 | EagleEye | 09-11-2005 22:59:43 |
OgreDotNet with Azathoth and 2k5 | 2 | Shabubu | 08-11-2005 19:06:14 |
We may need someone to take over ODN. | 19 | EagleEye | 29-10-2005 17:14:22 |
CeguiDotNet | 3 | Rob Loach | 28-10-2005 19:19:19 |
References? | 3 | xycos | 27-10-2005 08:48:00 |
OgreDotNet Physics question | 1 | alsecz | 27-10-2005 00:06:10 |
.net forms and code generation | 1 | Chris Jones | 26-10-2005 18:42:29 |
OgreNet DemoApp problems | 2 | alsecz | 26-10-2005 12:53:57 |
Wiki Page | 1 | Nachtwind | 26-10-2005 11:10:29 |
TypeInitializationException | 15 | Mafu | 26-10-2005 04:36:42 |
Cel Shading | 2 | Tempest | 26-10-2005 01:49:00 |
CeguiDotNet and Event Handlers | 1 | thelsdj | 24-10-2005 20:25:34 |
A couple issues with Math3D | 1 | thelsdj | 23-10-2005 22:01:45 |
Which OGRE SDK to use? | 4 | xycos | 23-10-2005 07:42:49 |
Trouble loading in terrain.cfg | 3 | Tempest | 22-10-2005 23:03:51 |
Advanced Input | 1 | thelsdj | 21-10-2005 20:38:04 |
Program skeleton without ExampleApplication.h | 2 | Nachtwind | 19-10-2005 16:00:22 |
Trouble with the CVS. | 25 | SIberwulf | 17-10-2005 02:23:11 |
Trouble with OgreBindings | 14 | Tempest | 14-10-2005 02:21:59 |
Rendering in a Picturebox | 6 | Nachtwind | 12-10-2005 16:34:47 |
A little update... | 2 | EagleEye | 11-10-2005 22:47:59 |
General C# question | 4 | Nachtwind | 11-10-2005 15:39:52 |
Ogre/C# newb questions | 2 | roujesky | 10-10-2005 20:48:15 |
A thanks | 3 | Maleficus | 07-10-2005 18:45:56 |
Void Pointers | 1 | mipre100 | 06-10-2005 12:07:49 |
Manual Mesh | 5 | mipre100 | 05-10-2005 14:47:09 |
Terrain functionality not there yet? | 6 | brenk28 | 05-10-2005 04:22:22 |
Game development in C# | 9 | Spanner_Man | 03-10-2005 22:49:40 |
New release of Ogre | 2 | mipre100 | 03-10-2005 10:05:38 |
Building OgreDotNet | 5 | Nachtwind | 02-10-2005 11:07:53 |
OgreDotNet Docs | 3 | d3th_n1gG4 | 02-10-2005 02:23:32 |
Update | 7 | Maleficus | 30-09-2005 18:06:35 |
OT: New Baby | 11 | EagleEye | 29-09-2005 15:04:26 |
DotNet3D Interface Namespace - suggestion | 20 | najak | 28-09-2005 20:36:58 |
This is awesome..... | 1 | Rob Loach | 28-09-2005 17:40:01 |
Math3D and DemoParticleFX directories empty? | 3 | Kanma | 28-09-2005 13:35:07 |
ogre and mono? | 5 | pablo | 27-09-2005 16:05:29 |
Major typemapping changes for ColourValue, and math classes | 2 | Maleficus | 27-09-2005 04:47:21 |
Swig not converting all the files? | 2 | Linenoise | 27-09-2005 03:59:36 |
ParticleFX demo ported by SphericalByte | 3 | Maleficus | 27-09-2005 03:58:02 |
SceneManager in c# ? | 2 | Cyberdigitus | 26-09-2005 09:18:40 |
Obtaining source without CVS? | 3 | wwoelbeling | 24-09-2005 16:26:29 |
Problem with a wiki entry :/ | 7 | Nachtwind | 24-09-2005 11:48:25 |
OgreDotNet and physics | 6 | DavidClifton | 23-09-2005 13:32:23 |
CeguiDotNet update and todo | 1 | Maleficus | 23-09-2005 10:07:49 |
Projects using OgreDotNet | 12 | EagleEye | 22-09-2005 01:25:42 |
Welcome to the OgreDotNet forum | 1 | EagleEye | 22-09-2005 00:52:31 |
OgreDotNet mailing list | 1 | Maleficus | 22-09-2005 00:07:57 |