EXPORT reference object bug.... |
1 |
at2142 |
24-05-2012 08:19:02 |
Ofusion |
3 |
Bertofrog |
09-11-2011 09:40:25 |
Real time shadows |
1 |
Bertofrog |
19-10-2011 17:23:51 |
ShaderFX 3.5 and Ofusion Pro for Max 2012 |
1 |
Evak |
18-08-2011 07:32:23 |
Skinned Dinosaur |
3 |
Bertofrog |
16-08-2011 12:47:11 |
exporting four legged skelton animation |
8 |
toxicmind |
13-04-2011 17:07:14 |
How to uninstall ?? |
3 |
demetrius |
17-02-2011 14:17:35 |
keyframed material animation? |
3 |
MrPixel |
05-12-2010 01:03:19 |
Max 2010/2011 64bit-anyone running this??? |
2 |
lovely2 |
28-11-2010 15:18:24 |
Exclude objects from light calculations |
2 |
Maffew |
02-11-2010 12:09:33 |
problems with simple node animation [SOLVED] |
8 |
MrPixel |
22-10-2010 01:29:39 |
Shader FX to Ogre details |
15 |
MrPixel |
04-10-2010 21:15:53 |
shader development path |
3 |
MrPixel |
21-09-2010 02:16:53 |
测试中文显示 |
2 |
jetmc |
09-09-2010 07:50:44 |
Anyone developed .scene support for Ofusion pro. |
7 |
Evak |
27-08-2010 18:18:53 |
Changing textureunit bitmap extension from script. |
4 |
ahmadi |
24-08-2010 20:48:26 |
Models appear in a glorious mess in Ofusion Viewer? |
3 |
benjamin0624 |
18-08-2010 11:04:23 |
texture lost use ofusion to export model with vray material |
2 |
18-08-2010 09:09:24 |
Exporting animations with negative keyframe values |
2 |
Munki |
06-08-2010 12:19:32 |
oFusion Pro + Max 2010/2011 64bit - Anyone running this? |
2 |
Major |
26-07-2010 08:24:47 |
Obect position ERROR |
2 |
lokicn |
26-05-2010 09:04:56 |
ofusion animation problem... |
2 |
samsamsam |
11-05-2010 07:04:20 |
LODs on rigged object |
4 |
JasonH |
30-04-2010 19:21:13 |
Help!Animation Shaking! |
2 |
punkcure |
18-03-2010 06:23:07 |
multiple biped animations to single skeleton file |
3 |
deshan |
02-03-2010 07:58:50 |
How to make a tunning car like need for speed underground |
1 |
audiotuningshop |
13-02-2010 20:55:56 |
Has OFusion Development and Support been discontinued? |
8 |
Munki |
08-02-2010 10:10:13 |
[Solved]is ofusion free and open source ? |
3 |
samsamsam |
19-01-2010 09:06:31 |
ofusion? |
1 |
yvangkwheng |
07-01-2010 05:16:44 |
Some issue with exported model |
2 |
Joyce123 |
23-12-2009 09:13:48 |
oScene.initialise error |
2 |
deshan |
12-12-2009 07:27:13 |
about ofusion PRO problems!!! |
1 |
oywsky |
11-12-2009 09:10:48 |
Export animations : Rotate, Scale, Move ? |
2 |
compvis |
08-12-2009 06:45:37 |
Exporting Biped as mesh |
2 |
Durayel |
30-11-2009 14:52:27 |
how to export a model with bone ? |
2 |
compvis |
27-11-2009 06:56:46 |
Is there any tutorials for exporting the animation ? |
3 |
compvis |
17-11-2009 03:20:43 |
Max 2010 and OFusionPro Export Position Errors |
2 |
Pork Chop |
12-11-2009 22:45:15 |
discontinued? |
8 |
carlosmorcerf |
15-10-2009 21:21:23 |
Problem when exporting mesh to Ogre |
2 |
ahmadi |
25-09-2009 10:10:10 |
Script for convert oFusion material to standard material max |
4 |
at2142 |
24-09-2009 09:11:43 |
Unable to complie Cg program Example/BumpMapFP |
1 |
lba821103 |
23-09-2009 03:44:32 |
How did I load the *.osm file? |
4 |
lba821103 |
22-09-2009 02:59:39 |
where will the *.osm file location? |
2 |
lba821103 |
21-09-2009 08:49:52 |
Link erro:Cannot analysis file: |
2 |
lba821103 |
21-09-2009 06:17:32 |
Scalling issues. |
2 |
randyMarsh |
12-09-2009 17:37:28 |
oFusion PRO questions? |
4 |
puttime |
08-09-2009 17:02:38 |
osceneloaderdemo link error |
4 |
Starbuck |
27-08-2009 12:02:18 |
Not the same result between Ofusion and Ogre |
4 |
roux |
19-08-2009 08:45:57 |
opacity shader - do anyone of you have one? |
1 |
hedphelym |
17-08-2009 09:36:48 |
about export skeleton animation problem |
1 |
li574000 |
12-08-2009 07:50:38 |
help! oFusion export |
3 |
eduardo777 |
07-08-2009 05:25:59 |
Can't export text object to mest |
3 |
compvis |
28-07-2009 08:06:32 |
Ofusion CE |
3 |
Evak |
02-07-2009 17:07:46 |
vertex animated model dissapears.. |
3 |
marc_antoine |
16-06-2009 21:56:03 |
(Posted in wrong forum, please ignore\delete this one) |
4 |
hedphelym |
15-06-2009 20:25:21 |
Is there a OSM sceneloader for Mogre (Ofusion PRO) |
4 |
Evak |
11-06-2009 21:07:05 |
Collision Detection |
2 |
elieajaltouni |
05-06-2009 16:55:50 |
Problems Exporting Animation from 3dMax using Ofusion |
5 |
elieajaltouni |
29-05-2009 19:42:46 |
[Solved] Hidden entity is visible |
3 |
Cha |
29-05-2009 14:08:44 |
Shaderfx & ofusion |
7 |
itekimasu |
21-05-2009 13:59:47 |
[Help @@"] Ouput osm Model with biped + bone |
3 |
wilsonwing |
19-05-2009 04:03:09 |
how can to access Ofusion Object Properties with max script? |
3 |
at2142 |
13-05-2009 17:55:32 |
6 techniques ! |
3 |
ahmadi |
10-05-2009 13:15:03 |
Ofusion Pro not compatible with Windows 7 [SOLVED] |
6 |
Evak |
04-05-2009 03:13:57 |
Ofusion PRO support Shaderfx 3.0 free?? |
2 |
tom78 |
27-04-2009 09:55:13 |
oFusion problem with xRef |
2 |
ahmadi |
18-04-2009 14:42:35 |
Is Ofusion Shaderfx bridge seamless? |
9 |
Eddieq |
18-04-2009 09:53:06 |
I want to ask something about Ofusion Pro? |
4 |
GhostOfCode |
16-04-2009 09:15:45 |
multi morph export |
4 |
psenough |
15-04-2009 11:25:42 |
Error integrating mesh and skeleton files from 3dsMax |
2 |
juju20 |
09-04-2009 09:42:20 |
A little help on exporting object positions |
7 |
itekimasu |
08-04-2009 19:49:06 |
Will there be support for max 2010 soon? |
20 |
hedphelym |
07-04-2009 08:43:38 |
Error !!! off 3dsmax when active ofusion viewport |
2 |
adorzhang |
31-03-2009 01:40:29 |
oFusion on Max 2009 |
7 |
JoeyBananudo |
29-03-2009 14:19:00 |
[SOLVED]Transparent Material problem |
4 |
marc_antoine |
20-03-2009 21:04:25 |
Ofusion update for new shaderFX features and other things? |
4 |
Evak |
16-03-2009 19:30:30 |
Profiler (Its Urgent) |
1 |
sikandaramin |
16-03-2009 07:35:41 |
Pricing of Pro |
2 |
McSwan |
11-03-2009 11:58:18 |
where is the material system in Ofusion CE1.8 |
4 |
sunrisefe |
10-03-2009 06:40:56 |
what 's the differences between oFusion CE and oFusion pro? |
3 |
sunrisefe |
10-03-2009 06:34:26 |
[SOLVED]Error trying to load an scene |
6 |
mabh |
09-03-2009 19:46:23 |
normalmapping tutorial scene |
2 |
hedphelym |
03-03-2009 10:05:51 |
How to export mesh in .xml format |
2 |
stalker87 |
02-03-2009 11:18:19 |
Alpha on alpha |
4 |
JasonH |
23-02-2009 21:47:23 |
Mesh export and use32bitindexes |
6 |
instbldrjems |
20-02-2009 17:13:12 |
Cannot animate objects |
3 |
Ichtyostega |
19-02-2009 17:48:05 |
Using MaxScript to access Ofusion Object Settings |
2 |
Major |
18-02-2009 05:55:43 |
[SOLVED]Ofusion Material Export Names/Multisubs |
7 |
Major |
18-02-2009 05:27:20 |
What I get is different from what I see(Ofusion Viewport) |
4 |
OBsona |
17-02-2009 19:53:04 |
[50%solved]how get the animated camera from 3ds max in ogre? |
8 |
marc_antoine |
12-02-2009 16:05:49 |
Error Code: 193 - %1 |
2 |
Sovaka |
12-02-2009 02:30:39 |
Where is the website? |
4 |
Brad |
07-02-2009 07:47:46 |
ShaderFX free to individuals and companys of 2 or less |
1 |
Evak |
03-02-2009 21:52:17 |
Am I missing new feature in Pro |
4 |
imtrobin |
03-02-2009 17:53:43 |
Loading error |
7 |
osknoes |
01-02-2009 04:29:44 |
How can i do my game editor import e export .osm files ? |
2 |
Felipe |
28-01-2009 20:52:36 |
max 2008 Latest Ofusion CE error code 127 |
4 |
Munki |
25-01-2009 17:44:01 |
Question about vertex animation exporting |
2 |
alexgis |
23-01-2009 01:19:48 |
Exporting hierarchical (linked) animations |
6 |
instbldrjems |
21-01-2009 22:29:54 |
OSM and cross platform support Mac, Linux |
3 |
Evak |
21-01-2009 18:22:54 |
Creating a target light in Ogre |
4 |
Evak |
21-01-2009 18:18:58 |
ofusion display 3ds Max model problem |
8 |
haibo19981984 |
21-01-2009 08:33:02 |
how to export particle system from MAX ? |
2 |
compvis |
19-01-2009 06:23:50 |
ShaderFX 3.09 is out |
5 |
Evak |
15-01-2009 22:32:08 |
export morph animation error in Pro |
5 |
li574000 |
14-01-2009 08:41:01 |
Shadow problem, Lighting, alpha |
4 |
Ameno |
13-01-2009 16:48:47 |
not desired quality of export |
4 |
razi |
11-01-2009 20:10:02 |
export, coordinate error !!! |
9 |
aitang0501 |
05-01-2009 09:32:23 |
sceneloader for shoggoth? |
2 |
Evak |
04-01-2009 02:39:23 |
.OSM and Particles |
5 |
Evak |
29-12-2008 17:36:00 |
sth wrong with the setup |
2 |
sunny |
24-12-2008 01:57:36 |
Skybox disappear when camera attached to another SceneNode?? |
4 |
guk_guk41 |
19-12-2008 23:34:38 |
Can shaders interfere with each other? |
7 |
jchmack |
19-12-2008 06:12:07 |
Manual from Website not working... |
3 |
Fox |
18-12-2008 21:21:54 |
FlowED OSM editor + .scene loading (converts .Scene to OSM) |
6 |
Evak |
15-12-2008 23:32:45 |
commercial use |
2 |
dkx187 |
13-12-2008 16:18:29 |
really works Ofusion 1.86 CE? |
8 |
Hadez |
12-12-2008 15:10:01 |
.material file loading problem! |
2 |
pumpkin_zch2u |
12-12-2008 12:36:05 |
How to purchase oFusion Pro version for a foreigner |
2 |
april_gj |
12-12-2008 08:04:52 |
Texture opacity, strange problem |
3 |
Ameno |
09-12-2008 19:16:18 |
[SOLVED] vertex animations work, but rot & trans don't? |
5 |
marc_antoine |
03-12-2008 16:30:46 |
shadow_receiver_vertex_program_ref not exists in oFusion!? |
13 |
ahmadi |
02-12-2008 20:51:53 |
Normal map vs texture shadowing. |
5 |
at2142 |
02-12-2008 12:50:18 |
using asembly shaders |
5 |
at2142 |
30-11-2008 08:20:09 |
Ogre::ItemIdentityException problem |
2 |
westpointer |
26-11-2008 12:43:01 |
Global animation list |
9 |
hedphelym |
25-11-2008 10:01:00 |
stereo rendering and modeling units |
6 |
MrPixel |
25-11-2008 07:35:50 |
Shader Shadow Suport,Please Help ME. |
4 |
at2142 |
22-11-2008 18:15:34 |
osm file not loading + preventing the rest from loading |
10 |
sjaakiejj |
19-11-2008 13:15:30 |
8 |
astrologo |
17-11-2008 17:24:13 |
No light on terrain? |
2 |
geniephics |
17-11-2008 12:06:06 |
Preserving entities with auto scene manager creation |
4 |
MrPixel |
16-11-2008 22:14:14 |
Parsing .osm* scene in program |
5 |
looko |
14-11-2008 16:10:43 |
oFusion window not loading in 3dsmax 2008 64bit |
5 |
Jackson3113 |
10-11-2008 07:59:40 |
CgFX, HLSL -how to use w. Ofusion? (Mental Mill) no shaderfx |
5 |
hedphelym |
09-11-2008 13:58:52 |
[Solved] Possible to remove the big logo in viewport? |
4 |
hedphelym |
07-11-2008 13:49:48 |
Which version shaderFX support ofusion pro? |
3 |
hangchon18 |
07-11-2008 07:09:24 |
Ofusion and shoggoth |
11 |
Evak |
06-11-2008 17:14:35 |
problem in assign shader in ofusion |
2 |
at2142 |
05-11-2008 09:49:44 |
Bump and Specular |
3 |
fgcity |
02-11-2008 20:56:03 |
shaderFX -> oFusion -> Ogre and educational oFusion ed |
18 |
Kim2 |
31-10-2008 14:35:38 |
Problem with oFusion !!! |
4 |
compvis |
30-10-2008 07:10:00 |
xml to 3ds - 3ds to xml // i'm Willing to pay! $$$ |
5 |
elrodo |
29-10-2008 16:15:12 |
oFusion Animation problem |
4 |
yupps |
23-10-2008 21:46:36 |
Animations not exporting properly |
4 |
jchmack |
22-10-2008 18:20:07 |
New CE version? |
2 |
Evak |
17-10-2008 23:26:46 |
PLSM2 Integration |
1 |
thepolo |
15-10-2008 11:47:59 |
Billboard set |
12 |
imtrobin |
15-10-2008 05:21:37 |
HELP.Problem in convert HLSL languege to CG Programing |
2 |
at2142 |
09-10-2008 12:21:51 |
Animation Properties offset |
2 |
imtrobin |
08-10-2008 12:01:11 |
Modern games modelling is need. |
5 |
ahmadi |
07-10-2008 07:17:44 |
Ofusion and PuppetShop Rig Deformation |
4 |
Ameno |
06-10-2008 16:08:02 |
How to register Ofusion ? |
2 |
njw1985 |
06-10-2008 08:30:56 |
Some basic shaders |
3 |
Kim2 |
01-10-2008 21:43:41 |
UVW mapping and Ofusion |
4 |
Raskriall |
30-09-2008 22:41:02 |
Ofusion export - Texture inversed - Ogre Viewer |
5 |
Ameno |
30-09-2008 16:54:26 |
Faces not getting rendered |
3 |
NoodlesOnMyBack |
26-09-2008 00:01:23 |
Ofusion export 3Ds Max model problem |
5 |
seac |
24-09-2008 11:37:06 |
saving modified scenes |
2 |
MrPixel |
23-09-2008 23:31:08 |
How to import back again to max? |
3 |
SpAiK |
23-09-2008 10:20:29 |
help! I have many error ~! |
2 |
zitaosoft |
20-09-2008 21:46:17 |
Combine mesh and export (art setup) |
5 |
imtrobin |
20-09-2008 13:14:54 |
Problem with vertexTextureBlend example |
6 |
westpointer |
20-09-2008 08:10:58 |
problem with exporting animation |
2 |
cpyer |
19-09-2008 08:56:30 |
Problem with the Ocean example |
11 |
westpointer |
10-09-2008 16:26:52 |
Units are transform on export (SOLVED) |
11 |
feanor91 |
05-09-2008 07:11:22 |
Is Ofusion support "Skin Morph"(Max9) |
3 |
spe02001 |
04-09-2008 08:41:12 |
exporting a lot of animations. |
6 |
peyman |
03-09-2008 10:15:13 |
Problem when reopening a scene |
4 |
feanor91 |
29-08-2008 08:28:07 |
Export additional info |
3 |
Prophet |
27-08-2008 21:52:47 |
Generating a normal map for a turbosmoothed surface. |
2 |
jchmack |
27-08-2008 06:06:57 |
Problem with node animation |
5 |
Prophet |
26-08-2008 00:08:09 |
beginning |
28 |
samsamsam |
24-08-2008 18:19:40 |
how to purchase ofusion |
7 |
li574000 |
22-08-2008 08:10:53 |
Problems with the pro 1.9.34 version |
2 |
Gormio |
21-08-2008 10:51:20 |
About shaderFX in 3dsmax9 |
2 |
jwkfreedom |
18-08-2008 12:58:52 |
About directx shaderFX support |
3 |
jwkfreedom |
15-08-2008 07:55:39 |
I cann't load .FX file in DirectXShader in 3DMax9 material E |
2 |
jwkfreedom |
14-08-2008 04:29:21 |
Lack of information about oFusion and Pro version |
13 |
ethan |
09-08-2008 03:18:39 |
Major scale issues |
7 |
Baddcog |
09-08-2008 03:13:10 |
oFusion material breaks the max Standard material |
4 |
frannie |
08-08-2008 07:47:28 |
Something Important About purchase an oFusion Pro license |
6 |
jwkfreedom |
08-08-2008 03:24:16 |
Could CE version provide the corrent tangent information? |
5 |
frannie |
07-08-2008 16:31:49 |
Shadows doesn't work |
2 |
samsaga2 |
07-08-2008 16:05:08 |
oFusion Pro and MAX 2009 |
4 |
instbldrjems |
01-08-2008 19:22:09 |
I lose the position information when I export a single mesh! |
3 |
lmas19820607 |
31-07-2008 08:25:46 |
oFusion Pro - What is extra |
7 |
limmil |
28-07-2008 11:30:42 |
oScene loader- Camera Problem |
8 |
sk |
18-07-2008 19:03:52 |
Searching Knowledge Base |
2 |
imtrobin |
17-07-2008 06:04:57 |
Problems with grouping object |
3 |
feanor91 |
16-07-2008 17:20:12 |
Issues with multiple materials |
3 |
Baddcog |
06-07-2008 19:39:24 |
How to export an animated CAT rig |
4 |
TheCreator |
01-07-2008 20:22:44 |
oFusion + ShaderFX + Collada? |
9 |
01-07-2008 09:02:29 |
problem with morph animation |
6 |
marcoslm |
26-06-2008 14:08:57 |
Viewport Exception |
3 |
javierpc |
23-06-2008 15:51:16 |
Shared vertex buffer |
3 |
Zigmar |
23-06-2008 13:30:33 |
[SOLVED]2min10sec~2min17sec in oFusion official :box trick: |
5 |
wilsonwing |
23-06-2008 11:20:00 |
Exporting shaders |
3 |
neamo |
11-06-2008 01:01:17 |
Texture atlas and tiling UV's (help fixing Artifacts) |
5 |
Evak |
02-06-2008 22:14:25 |
[solved..moreless]problems with ofusion+ogre + linux |
7 |
marc_antoine |
31-05-2008 18:29:00 |
Help: error loading DLL |
4 |
28-05-2008 15:22:02 |
Bump mapping problem ! |
2 |
ahmadi |
26-05-2008 16:49:19 |
ofusion - max 6 |
2 |
alebal |
26-05-2008 01:42:46 |
Strange filtering problem |
4 |
jimanjr |
24-05-2008 11:48:18 |
exporting with oFusion |
7 |
TomDizzle |
21-05-2008 06:42:11 |
How to build .anim? |
4 |
yayaigo |
19-05-2008 11:39:34 |
Is there any problem with OSM loader? |
2 |
shaill |
18-05-2008 14:36:49 |
oFusion/ColladaMax conflict |
4 |
TomDizzle |
17-05-2008 23:38:16 |
Example shader scene request. |
3 |
Evak |
17-05-2008 17:30:48 |
using Shaders , help is need? |
2 |
ahmadi |
17-05-2008 08:20:58 |
How can i pass some data with 3dsmax objects? |
6 |
ahmadi |
17-05-2008 08:16:53 |
Does Ofusion implement Octree or any splitting method for.. |
4 |
hbd760112 |
07-05-2008 06:11:55 |
oScene loader demo application |
11 |
antarctica2007 |
04-05-2008 01:29:10 |
Can't change omni light distance |
5 |
imtrobin |
28-04-2008 04:29:09 |
Skin modifier - OFusion Viewport problem |
10 |
Ameno |
25-04-2008 18:04:14 |
ShaderFX bridge and light decay settings question. |
5 |
Evak |
24-04-2008 19:49:05 |
Problem with multi/sub object and... |
7 |
Ameno |
23-04-2008 21:38:27 |
Problem with vertex colors |
13 |
r33ko |
17-04-2008 16:39:51 |
Interpolation of animation data |
3 |
imtrobin |
17-04-2008 12:16:01 |
examples on the website ? |
3 |
murderv |
15-04-2008 23:50:05 |
Lod problem with 3dsmax |
2 |
Julezz |
15-04-2008 01:36:59 |
morph exports |
3 |
murderv |
14-04-2008 19:47:57 |
Eporting per material material file? |
8 |
10-04-2008 21:17:21 |
Exporting shapes |
5 |
Gormio |
10-04-2008 13:53:06 |
material export |
4 |
murderv |
09-04-2008 14:56:09 |
Cloning problems and viewport not updating properly |
2 |
zhanzhao |
07-04-2008 14:59:13 |
which value of 3dmax is light_power? |
2 |
interfoz |
03-04-2008 09:32:00 |
3dsmax 2009 released today |
3 |
Evak |
02-04-2008 17:30:13 |
Help! oFusion Export vertex number is diffent from OgreExpor |
2 |
xifeng4487 |
02-04-2008 03:39:22 |
Exporting world space meshes |
3 |
Romz |
01-04-2008 00:14:43 |
Helpers export problem |
2 |
mimiriq |
31-03-2008 12:28:40 |
oFusion and Omni (Shadows problem) |
14 |
javierpc |
30-03-2008 23:13:03 |
character orientation problem |
6 |
Fumé |
30-03-2008 17:55:17 |
Ofusion advice |
2 |
limunpai |
30-03-2008 06:37:00 |
Linker Error for Scene Loader Demo |
3 |
limunpai |
30-03-2008 06:34:22 |
Camera target animation doesn't export |
3 |
Gormio |
26-03-2008 13:28:19 |
Texture rotation setting |
2 |
Gormio |
26-03-2008 11:42:46 |
can't export texture_unit in material |
2 |
njw1985 |
26-03-2008 08:23:24 |
Object Property empty line detection. |
3 |
syedhs |
25-03-2008 11:11:42 |
[SOLVED:Cause-OgreMax conflict] Everything messed up ! |
10 |
javierpc |
21-03-2008 18:28:28 |
About scaling very large Model to my wish size in OGRE |
5 |
CPP_User |
21-03-2008 03:43:35 |
What UV map channels are exported? |
5 |
Gormio |
20-03-2008 08:01:49 |
I can't uninstall it! |
5 |
Lykaios |
19-03-2008 01:32:43 |
Objects turn black with shader variation (oFusion/ShaderFX) |
12 |
18-03-2008 16:36:19 |
error on ofusion CE exporter |
3 |
murderv |
18-03-2008 13:31:29 |
Having LOD for my object? |
4 |
tlc |
18-03-2008 07:19:22 |
Single Mesh / Multiple Mesh files for 1 Entity |
6 |
tlc |
17-03-2008 07:38:09 |
Transparency issues |
3 |
Odog87 |
13-03-2008 15:38:27 |
3dsmax 9 x64 |
3 |
murderv |
12-03-2008 10:52:00 |
oFusion CE Geometry |
4 |
Drogy |
12-03-2008 09:25:16 |
Pixel and Vertex shader problems |
5 |
Raskriall |
11-03-2008 21:02:31 |
Lightmap Question |
19 |
dbrock |
11-03-2008 19:02:56 |
Help Me, I'm going crazy... |
5 |
sithh |
10-03-2008 14:52:36 |
How do you make a skybox material in Ofusion?. |
7 |
Evak |
08-03-2008 21:26:37 |
[Request]Extra texture units in Ofusion materials.[DONE] |
3 |
Evak |
07-03-2008 19:47:16 |
please help! |
4 |
orkununlu |
06-03-2008 08:29:31 |
Shadowmap in oFusion? |
2 |
SimFirehawk |
02-03-2008 19:39:40 |
Vertex colour as colour component in a material pass |
4 |
Gormio |
29-02-2008 13:09:47 |
Export setting questions |
9 |
wilsonwing |
28-02-2008 10:37:12 |
Camera FOV exports incorrectly |
9 |
Gormio |
27-02-2008 15:10:22 |
.material problem |
9 |
orkununlu |
27-02-2008 12:23:21 |
scene looks different in max viewport and ogre window |
2 |
pubzoner |
26-02-2008 02:21:23 |
oFusion and Ogre shaders problems |
2 |
bogas |
21-02-2008 14:59:18 |
I need a HowTo :-S |
2 |
albgra |
19-02-2008 23:10:23 |
Loading dlls ERROR (oFusion Hotfix No.310) |
2 |
hammerbchen |
18-02-2008 06:01:20 |
Missing hand bones upon export |
3 |
dbrock |
13-02-2008 05:00:00 |
Problem using ofusion-loader in compositor-demo |
5 |
mhebel |
11-02-2008 23:18:43 |
problem loading scenes in oFusion |
5 |
setasohjirosan |
11-02-2008 17:48:01 |
How do I buy (or trial) oFusion Pro? |
2 |
mr_burns |
07-02-2008 20:24:32 |
Exporting User-Defined Mesh Data in Max 9 & oFusion1.8.6 |
6 |
mr_burns |
07-02-2008 04:30:38 |
Max 9, oFusion, Skin Animation Problem |
3 |
mr_burns |
05-02-2008 03:52:12 |
Where is the "oFusion Mode"---the ShaderFX--oFusio |
12 |
hammerbchen |
01-02-2008 02:15:33 |
Shoggoth Suport |
2 |
Odog87 |
31-01-2008 14:46:48 |
OSMScene.h and OSMScene.cpp source files |
8 |
mr_burns |
31-01-2008 02:51:33 |
Ofusion Pro support for New Tangent Flags in Shoggoth |
2 |
jingjie |
28-01-2008 08:41:32 |
normal map problem.. max 9 |
15 |
GavraNxyz |
26-01-2008 12:37:54 |
Maxscript oFusion_TextureUnit() |
2 |
dobbyns |
22-01-2008 18:12:15 |
weapon placeholder export |
5 |
jchmack |
19-01-2008 20:52:36 |
[solved]about the dx display in max viewport |
3 |
frannie |
18-01-2008 02:52:31 |
[SOLVED]ogreopcode and ofusion scene |
11 |
bens1404 |
17-01-2008 00:25:58 |
Model appears black or not atall |
2 |
Elpoet |
14-01-2008 20:06:33 |
Max 2008? |
5 |
Fafhrd |
10-01-2008 11:37:07 |
Double shadows problem. [SOLVED] |
7 |
Evak |
09-01-2008 03:17:01 |
Help - Stack overflow when loading an OSM file |
3 |
azrialelf |
08-01-2008 13:52:31 |
creating an oFusion callback |
2 |
yuriythebest |
01-01-2008 13:52:57 |
Latest oFusion scene loader, where? |
6 |
grizzley90 |
27-12-2007 01:41:28 |
oFusion for max 9 x64? |
5 |
yuriythebest |
23-12-2007 15:45:09 |
Terrains, Masks and blends |
6 |
RanBK |
21-12-2007 16:11:34 |
can't run ofusion in max 9 |
2 |
dolemite |
20-12-2007 20:06:40 |
setting a property in multiple oFusion materials |
4 |
ahpook |
18-12-2007 12:09:27 |
tutorial videos |
1 |
winder |
17-12-2007 00:24:09 |
dds file |
2 |
sueds |
12-12-2007 18:12:21 |
Cell shading for Ofusion |
6 |
Raskriall |
11-12-2007 01:29:07 |
oFusion Player? |
2 |
Bartek |
10-12-2007 22:47:28 |
how to export a rigged hand mesh with MAX9 & ofusion |
7 |
snstr |
09-12-2007 14:57:19 |
A good looking scene please? |
1 |
smernesto |
08-12-2007 05:19:05 |
can I use ofusion with python ogre |
12 |
sueds |
07-12-2007 18:27:06 |
oFusion-ShaderFX bridge |
11 |
charcoal |
07-12-2007 00:18:49 |
Transparent texture |
4 |
E.Kiver |
06-12-2007 18:32:20 |
light_*_array ? |
2 |
jingjie |
06-12-2007 07:21:35 |
Shaders |
3 |
parse |
04-12-2007 19:47:12 |
Texture shadows not appearing in scene. |
5 |
Julezz |
04-12-2007 02:48:25 |
oFusion Loader problems |
8 |
winder |
01-12-2007 17:04:59 |
Animation Blending Problem with Ofusion. |
2 |
yhleung |
25-11-2007 15:29:40 |
the car body's position change if move |
3 |
r1cky17 |
25-11-2007 06:34:10 |
Tangent vector |
5 |
DeTan |
23-11-2007 14:28:13 |
"oFusion viewport" ghosted out |
3 |
23-11-2007 02:14:56 |
Some limits of CE Version (about oExporter) |
9 |
isaachung2 |
22-11-2007 07:13:20 |
oFusion licensing? |
3 |
GameProducer |
20-11-2007 09:00:26 |
setting up Ofusion material/technique/pass via maxscript |
4 |
ilyh76 |
20-11-2007 01:44:57 |
Problems blending skeletal animations |
2 |
jchmack |
17-11-2007 13:53:24 |
surface_*_colour |
4 |
DeTan |
14-11-2007 15:07:27 |
[Request]Binary osm file format? |
6 |
kevinlan |
13-11-2007 08:19:40 |
Loop attribute always True in animations |
5 |
ekt |
13-11-2007 00:28:37 |
Unable to compile Cg program |
3 |
Mars |
09-11-2007 04:19:28 |
including custom data in with the export? |
6 |
compound |
08-11-2007 16:16:45 |
Cel Shading - Convert GLSL to CG |
2 |
ReinaldoEumesmo4002 |
08-11-2007 10:37:05 |
Ofusion Nissan example not working |
5 |
chile |
05-11-2007 22:10:43 |
Materials and Model designers/exporter needed. |
1 |
whimsica |
04-11-2007 21:54:42 |
Skinning and morphing problem |
6 |
AlKatar |
04-11-2007 18:05:21 |
image gone in some position [SOLVED] |
7 |
r1cky17 |
04-11-2007 09:24:24 |
Export specular colour vertex buffer |
3 |
Gormio |
30-10-2007 14:20:04 |
change overlay? |
2 |
r1cky17 |
30-10-2007 11:38:53 |
[SOLVED] problem with execution |
5 |
r1cky17 |
30-10-2007 06:06:17 |
Rotation problem |
2 |
storiman |
29-10-2007 22:41:09 |
Users shaders and oFusion |
3 |
manowar |
29-10-2007 12:21:17 |
The Batch Interface Methods |
2 |
yhleung |
28-10-2007 14:35:11 |
noob cant get exported scenes to show geo in ogre |
2 |
gooopa |
27-10-2007 10:54:39 |
Translate and Scale Animation? |
3 |
Bartek |
26-10-2007 17:50:54 |
Object Properties - Mesh Filename |
3 |
Colbey |
25-10-2007 11:45:59 |
Multi-Texture with seperate Diffuse and Opacity maps. |
2 |
Tenshi |
24-10-2007 17:44:18 |
Scene Loader Shadow technique and shadow color help |
10 |
Evak |
23-10-2007 03:20:49 |
Helper objects as bones in a character |
5 |
Bartek |
22-10-2007 22:56:24 |
Weird noisy shading error [SOLVED] |
3 |
Evak |
22-10-2007 05:11:07 |
Transparent glass doesnt see some objects - Ofusion |
4 |
keifer |
21-10-2007 20:47:31 |
Skinned Meshes Disappearing |
12 |
Murcho |
19-10-2007 06:21:37 |
A question about oFusion |
2 |
luoli83 |
18-10-2007 16:30:41 |
[solved]strange rotation information |
3 |
frannie |
18-10-2007 09:45:55 |
Does oFusion require the MeshUpgrade? |
3 |
18-10-2007 02:54:58 |
connect vehicle and the osm file? [SOLVED] |
4 |
r1cky17 |
12-10-2007 13:15:20 |
Animated texture problem. |
5 |
psih*** |
12-10-2007 11:09:34 |
Update selection error |
3 |
madstork91 |
11-10-2007 02:39:46 |
set follow camera? [SOLVED] |
3 |
r1cky17 |
09-10-2007 09:05:24 |
[SOLVED] load image file? |
3 |
r1cky17 |
06-10-2007 04:17:44 |
Set/Get the Ogre_Material properties using MaxScript[Solved] |
2 |
Raymond_nana |
04-10-2007 11:08:01 |
Naming convention for the texture and mesh file. |
3 |
shimayee |
04-10-2007 09:25:09 |
Using shaders with light attenuation with Ofusion [SOLVED] |
9 |
Evak |
04-10-2007 06:40:14 |
External Animation File/Animation Group Name : only in Pro? |
2 |
denpo |
03-10-2007 22:55:14 |
Probleme mit Osceneloader Demo |
2 |
mark001 |
03-10-2007 05:30:46 |
Help wth 2 lights. [SOLVED] |
9 |
Evak |
02-10-2007 00:55:21 |
Export 2 meshes (character and weapon) |
6 |
beastlord |
01-10-2007 10:15:47 |
Colour write option not working in CE 1.8.6 |
2 |
ilyh76 |
29-09-2007 18:11:20 |
Animation key problems in Max when oFusion is in Direct3D |
2 |
29-09-2007 02:21:01 |
Ofusion site down? |
2 |
Kamazy |
28-09-2007 14:33:04 |
Cegui Mesh Viewer "OGRE EXCEPTION (7InternationalErrorE |
6 |
chris.wilson08 |
26-09-2007 05:32:34 |
oFusion Logo |
9 |
Odog87 |
25-09-2007 16:25:57 |
[SOLVED] change scene? |
20 |
r1cky17 |
25-09-2007 06:06:59 |
Problem load .osm file |
21 |
Allfreeware |
24-09-2007 22:29:41 |
strange culling |
8 |
katzenjoghurt |
24-09-2007 11:34:23 |
Assertion failed - Help? [noob] |
4 |
azrialelf |
22-09-2007 21:11:50 |
somthing wrong with the scene exported by oFusion |
3 |
iShan |
18-09-2007 04:23:16 |
object hierarchy |
3 |
p6000 |
15-09-2007 16:17:40 |
Does oFussion support Offset mapping? |
6 |
HexDump |
11-09-2007 11:48:43 |
Any news on the 2.0 Pro version? |
3 |
ilyh76 |
11-09-2007 09:26:36 |
dotscenemanager |
5 |
p6000 |
11-09-2007 00:34:00 |
transprencies in ofusion? |
3 |
HexDump |
08-09-2007 16:17:32 |
Why does the Torus from Tut5 look so different after import? |
9 |
katzenjoghurt |
07-09-2007 21:24:02 |
x scene manager, .pk6? |
2 |
p6000 |
07-09-2007 09:01:45 |
normal mapping issues (NOOB) |
15 |
Odog87 |
06-09-2007 18:59:06 |
carrara 6 to directx through ofusion to ogre3d |
2 |
whimsica |
06-09-2007 03:33:24 |
multiple parts character[solved] |
1 |
ilyh76 |
06-09-2007 03:13:16 |
Issue with export to external animation files |
2 |
ilyh76 |
05-09-2007 03:08:26 |
Loading Dlls" oMaterial.dlt ... " error for 3dsma |
5 |
cxwogre |
05-09-2007 00:58:13 |
Alpha problem: black borders |
3 |
Alfier the Wise |
31-08-2007 11:26:10 |
1.8.6 (last version) maxscript error |
4 |
HexDump |
30-08-2007 22:53:42 |
Videos offline |
2 |
HexDump |
30-08-2007 21:57:37 |
normalmapping with lightmapping |
4 |
valtovar |
30-08-2007 14:24:51 |
any easy way to import submaterials into ogre? |
4 |
jaxx0rr |
29-08-2007 15:23:40 |
oFusion not loading in max ::Fixed:: |
1 |
Odog87 |
28-08-2007 18:28:40 |
ColladaMax.dle failed to intialize - oFusion Pro problem? |
5 |
27-08-2007 00:22:05 |
combining meshes with ofusion (solved) |
3 |
duindain |
22-08-2007 07:45:53 |
How To Export A Biped Animation Using OFusion Exporter |
3 |
amrdnlm |
21-08-2007 05:33:51 |
why a bake map texture mesh have three lines UV? |
2 |
towpb |
19-08-2007 20:10:23 |
Max viewport is not as the same as the ofusion one.... |
2 |
Kronick |
17-08-2007 23:23:22 |
Pivot Point : bad alignment / position |
9 |
athkast |
16-08-2007 17:09:04 |
oFusion 3ds max exporter problem - scene rotated |
2 |
imLex |
16-08-2007 13:47:05 |
material instances |
3 |
manowar |
16-08-2007 09:54:14 |
reattach node makes it invisible |
3 |
aida |
15-08-2007 15:53:24 |
New Ofusion Export really slow to export? |
5 |
Colbey |
15-08-2007 10:08:16 |
2 lights |
4 |
parse |
15-08-2007 02:44:58 |
Night lightmapped-scene |
8 |
syedhs |
14-08-2007 08:57:37 |
Changing pivot position does not affect the exported mesh |
2 |
Thunder0ne |
12-08-2007 11:30:06 |
Can't open the Object Properties dialog... |
6 |
disanti |
12-08-2007 03:51:51 |
enity position when exporting from 3DSmax [SOLVED] |
6 |
aida |
10-08-2007 09:11:48 |
Animating different parts of one mesh |
2 |
mcarney |
06-08-2007 20:29:18 |
proper exporting in ofusion |
2 |
dolemite |
06-08-2007 19:32:07 |
New CE 1.8.6 version with Morph and Vertex animation enabled |
21 |
Lioric |
06-08-2007 18:01:17 |
I would like to make something like... |
5 |
Technogenius |
05-08-2007 15:12:20 |
Problem with meshes not being found in Sub Folders [SOLVED] |
8 |
Evak |
04-08-2007 23:31:55 |
Huge world axis gizmo in the view :( |
4 |
swahn_kung |
03-08-2007 19:44:47 |
how money can i obtain the full function of ofusion? |
2 |
greetzyl |
02-08-2007 16:01:28 |
Trying to purchase oFusion (yes another one :) |
3 |
Mavab |
31-07-2007 14:50:05 |
Max Script |
3 |
rchadwick |
31-07-2007 14:47:37 |
Could'n visualize model correctly in oFusion |
5 |
beppes |
27-07-2007 10:53:55 |
Animation problem |
2 |
charcoal |
26-07-2007 02:34:47 |
How to deal with 3ds model's texture? |
2 |
qiaqia333 |
25-07-2007 07:28:35 |
3ds model's aabb box is wrong |
2 |
huaner |
25-07-2007 01:37:28 |
Static Geometry settings in Ofusion? [SOLVED] |
11 |
Evak |
23-07-2007 00:51:32 |
Shiny normalmap shader shouldn't be shiny |
70 |
20-07-2007 02:19:04 |
Must version Ofusion be match with version Ogre |
6 |
huaner |
19-07-2007 02:58:45 |
serious mesh compiling smoothing errors [confirmed] |
12 |
Evak |
18-07-2007 22:59:42 |
oFusion material map channel is 0+ but UVW map channel is 1+ |
3 |
18-07-2007 21:02:48 |
Adding lightmap to normalmapped material |
7 |
18-07-2007 03:08:02 |
Material appearance changes after converting to oFusion |
3 |
17-07-2007 23:29:46 |
Problem with bounding boxes not matching geometry |
8 |
17-07-2007 21:45:44 |
How do I setup texture of the sky? |
7 |
kevinlan |
16-07-2007 10:58:40 |
Physique/skin problem |
3 |
hunt |
16-07-2007 07:14:58 |
Materials using shaders and multiple UV coordinates? |
3 |
Evak |
16-07-2007 04:12:02 |
Tangent vectors and UVs |
9 |
disanti |
15-07-2007 08:54:52 |
How to get Pro? |
3 |
Jekteir |
15-07-2007 01:42:34 |
How to merge texture?Or let oFusion include the texture info |
4 |
I'child |
13-07-2007 18:05:10 |
strange errors in Ofusions Ogre Log |
2 |
Evak |
13-07-2007 17:37:44 |
Lightmap compression |
14 |
syedhs |
13-07-2007 12:43:44 |
some differences in oFusion? |
2 |
greetzyl |
13-07-2007 03:52:38 |
Entities rotated once scene is loaded into Ogre App |
3 |
tnaseem |
11-07-2007 20:54:18 |
merge animations (rotation) problem with biped |
2 |
sladi |
10-07-2007 15:41:26 |
Regarding the oFusion License |
4 |
RedEyeCoder |
06-07-2007 04:31:11 |
wrong Place of Light |
15 |
flower85 |
05-07-2007 13:33:05 |
error when run .. |
1 |
flower85 |
05-07-2007 13:26:07 |
recompiled OSM viewer |
6 |
Nelis |
04-07-2007 16:32:20 |
[solved] ugly gouraud and phong shading |
3 |
<~Creatine~> |
04-07-2007 09:24:17 |
Missing Ofusion tutorial video |
1 |
syedhs |
04-07-2007 07:12:51 |
Can I export expressions a constraints? |
3 |
sladi |
03-07-2007 22:15:28 |
My HLSL Shader Parameters not showing in Ofusion? [FIXED] |
8 |
Evak |
02-07-2007 22:45:20 |
Problem exporting OSM file from DXF file. |
8 |
willjm |
02-07-2007 19:43:33 |
Old one:How to merge mesh? |
2 |
I'child |
02-07-2007 19:15:55 |
How to export a mesh with the texture? |
3 |
I'child |
01-07-2007 00:08:48 |
Different behavior in different versions of Max |
2 |
ebol |
30-06-2007 23:39:35 |
import an ogre scene |
2 |
mattm |
28-06-2007 14:53:14 |
How to display and export Vertex alpha in Ofusion/Ogre |
16 |
Evak |
27-06-2007 22:00:31 |
Quick question about scattering several objects about... |
4 |
disanti |
27-06-2007 01:18:01 |
Scaling a character |
8 |
sladi |
26-06-2007 22:53:35 |
[solved(hair part)]Hair-Transparency with TGA-Alpha Mask |
12 |
Khorram |
25-06-2007 16:38:24 |
What does OSM stand for? |
3 |
Gamok |
21-06-2007 19:13:45 |
Difference between PRO and CE exporter that causes problems |
13 |
hakanpersson |
19-06-2007 17:48:51 |
serializing a scene |
4 |
jtai |
19-06-2007 13:51:46 |
cg.dll fx-shader ? |
3 |
halfknight |
19-06-2007 08:41:59 |
Cropping/Placement from Max is ignored |
3 |
hakanpersson |
18-06-2007 18:24:42 |
object scrip and max startup problems |
5 |
sladi |
17-06-2007 16:35:09 |
New Version? |
2 |
rluck |
13-06-2007 18:41:17 |
blending of skinning and morphing animations |
5 |
Gat |
13-06-2007 17:09:19 |
Loading from a zip file |
7 |
rluck |
12-06-2007 21:57:11 |
Light reflection |
1 |
Acidnitrix |
12-06-2007 18:41:06 |
Lighting interior and exterior |
2 |
Odog87 |
11-06-2007 19:53:56 |
Additive stencil shadows and shader materials |
3 |
Evak |
09-06-2007 08:04:29 |
[solved]Rendermonkey exporter for Non-Programmers? |
7 |
Khorram |
08-06-2007 13:37:45 |
why i cant set the fog property in the scene menu option? |
6 |
dupleg |
07-06-2007 19:34:38 |
mipmapping problems |
2 |
Paulov |
07-06-2007 13:56:13 |
Beginner-Problems oFusion |
7 |
Khorram |
05-06-2007 18:26:32 |
Lightmap on trees |
6 |
syedhs |
05-06-2007 06:41:51 |
Materials not exported |
8 |
vexd |
04-06-2007 16:08:55 |
OSM and Scene Creation |
2 |
rluck |
04-06-2007 00:58:23 |
error when exporting |
3 |
jchmack |
03-06-2007 13:46:20 |
How can I set textures opacity from 100 to 0 like this gif |
1 |
jojomi |
01-06-2007 02:22:00 |
XRef'd object materials not showing in oFusion viewport? |
2 |
Jusas |
31-05-2007 11:18:44 |
nomal mapping, parallax mapping & specular mapping. |
9 |
Paulov |
30-05-2007 23:04:34 |
rules to create a skinboned |
2 |
mako |
29-05-2007 14:15:30 |
Why Modifiers's animation can't work in Ofusion? |
6 |
jojomi |
29-05-2007 08:14:47 |
Multiple animations in 3ds max |
12 |
jchmack |
29-05-2007 00:47:37 |
Unable to start Ofusion PRO(solved) |
5 |
hakanpersson |
28-05-2007 15:19:12 |
LOD generation failing when using XRefs |
2 |
Jusas |
28-05-2007 11:12:04 |
Manual LOD creation, possible? |
9 |
Jusas |
28-05-2007 08:34:28 |
Normal mapping only works inside 3DS Max viewport... |
3 |
gamekill |
25-05-2007 16:44:29 |
Creating oFusion_TextureUnit with a custom MaxScript |
2 |
viper |
25-05-2007 16:40:31 |
ati render monkey and ofusion matrix |
2 |
speedwago |
25-05-2007 11:51:56 |
loaded .osm, but scene is empty |
7 |
sacer_carabus |
24-05-2007 21:17:54 |
2 Qs:how to limit ocean dist/how to ignore plane ang. light? |
3 |
gamekill |
24-05-2007 14:23:05 |
Error beginning frame : ... |
5 |
jams |
23-05-2007 17:50:33 |
I want to export skeleton |
8 |
mako |
23-05-2007 13:45:19 |
textures not applying corectly |
4 |
jchmack |
22-05-2007 06:43:11 |
Problem with OSM loader: I can't load OSM file |
2 |
beppes |
21-05-2007 10:29:28 |
How to compress .tga file? |
2 |
Mars |
19-05-2007 08:36:09 |
Ofusion for Eihort |
11 |
daves |
18-05-2007 14:30:24 |
keyframe animation problem |
2 |
ilyh76 |
17-05-2007 23:34:30 |
Values incorrect when exporting a box |
9 |
Rak'kar |
16-05-2007 19:23:05 |
Biped animation displacement. |
12 |
redace |
16-05-2007 13:23:36 |
How can I paint multi terrain textures like this screenshot? |
47 |
gamekill |
16-05-2007 09:29:32 |
problem reading .osm file |
3 |
ghiboz |
16-05-2007 00:28:50 |
Textures show weird. |
6 |
Paulov |
15-05-2007 19:54:35 |
Problems opening a couple of the Example Scenes |
17 |
Pendulum |
14-05-2007 07:16:43 |
Ofusion Pro V1.862 install problem? |
2 |
waster |
11-05-2007 09:17:53 |
[solved]orthographic camera support? |
3 |
kevinlan |
11-05-2007 04:03:46 |
Transparency and alpha blending newbie |
7 |
ultramedia |
10-05-2007 15:06:02 |
material problem |
2 |
jonathanxdoe |
10-05-2007 14:19:26 |
Animating with ofusion |
2 |
Soulhalo |
10-05-2007 12:44:36 |
Exporting splines from Ofusion, (odd box array bug!(SOLVED) |
3 |
Evak |
09-05-2007 19:21:49 |
Problem with two-sided materials |
2 |
jwatte |
09-05-2007 06:00:04 |
Skinweight problems with Max and ofusion |
5 |
hakanpersson |
08-05-2007 16:09:49 |
wireframe view mode |
2 |
Gamok |
05-05-2007 10:51:54 |
Draw order, get mesh to draw in front of everything.[SOLVED] |
11 |
Evak |
05-05-2007 05:14:57 |
sample using osm file |
2 |
ghiboz |
04-05-2007 07:17:01 |
osm file |
4 |
ghiboz |
02-05-2007 12:16:55 |
Nissan 350 Z example doesn't work on Max 9 |
2 |
jwatte |
01-05-2007 22:48:25 |
Bounding boxes |
2 |
loon |
01-05-2007 16:04:35 |
Corrupted .material output |
3 |
Rak'kar |
30-04-2007 23:00:58 |
problem disappearing mesh when i Add the skin modifier |
16 |
hinzabo |
30-04-2007 12:18:49 |
Error in instalation |
5 |
sanfir |
28-04-2007 20:35:43 |
repeatable crush on certain machines |
2 |
ilyh76 |
28-04-2007 05:01:50 |
bounding box dinnt move why? |
3 |
yxt-YouXiaoTing |
27-04-2007 10:29:39 |
Individual object animation control? |
4 |
kevinlan |
27-04-2007 09:34:34 |
some qu. about flip order and use mesh or poly |
3 |
yxt-YouXiaoTing |
27-04-2007 03:46:27 |
Global tangent vectors do not work, assertion when loading |
6 |
Rak'kar |
26-04-2007 20:49:47 |
How do you tell what version of ofusion you are using? |
3 |
daves |
25-04-2007 15:45:33 |
Assertion Occurs During Serialization of OFusion Meshes |
2 |
daves |
25-04-2007 14:52:59 |
problem with key optimizer |
7 |
peyman |
25-04-2007 09:59:39 |
Orientation is off in the scene. |
3 |
Quark |
24-04-2007 13:39:43 |
Vertices with no bone assigned |
2 |
bleubleu |
24-04-2007 08:03:38 |
a maxscript about oFusionpass |
6 |
source1117 |
24-04-2007 04:28:51 |
why i can'nt add the image in this forum |
4 |
yxt-YouXiaoTing |
23-04-2007 03:29:03 |
the position problem |
4 |
yxt-YouXiaoTing |
23-04-2007 03:22:53 |
A few questions |
2 |
Aquilus |
21-04-2007 14:03:10 |
Objects disappear after link to Biped bones. |
7 |
kevinlan |
20-04-2007 09:28:16 |
Bug in oFusion display of bounding box |
8 |
jwatte |
18-04-2007 19:13:44 |
exporting cat animations |
4 |
peyman |
18-04-2007 11:13:35 |
Mysteriosity in transparent materials? |
5 |
jwatte |
18-04-2007 07:22:24 |
Misplaced bones/object? |
2 |
broli |
16-04-2007 22:03:05 |
Bounding Boxs, Skeletons and Meshs. |
1 |
Munki |
13-04-2007 12:44:24 |
If you have Bounding box and lighting problems... |
38 |
mrfalken |
12-04-2007 10:46:43 |
why the object in the ofusion view cannt variet by the light |
3 |
yxt-YouXiaoTing |
12-04-2007 04:16:12 |
Lights affecting the wrong faces... |
5 |
mrfalken |
10-04-2007 10:45:31 |
oSceneLoader |
3 |
hinzabo |
09-04-2007 23:49:14 |
[SOLVED] Loading texture set |
3 |
Yaga-Shura |
07-04-2007 08:51:04 |
a very newbie problem |
1 |
taribo |
07-04-2007 04:28:21 |
[SOLVED] World Geometry in Ofusion |
25 |
syedhs |
06-04-2007 12:09:11 |
a max script about resetXForm |
3 |
LuRenJia |
05-04-2007 20:04:52 |
error with positioning & Bounding boxes on skinned objec |
1 |
stuwhit |
05-04-2007 16:19:58 |
Flats objects in viewport and in Ogre |
2 |
mrfalken |
04-04-2007 13:38:00 |
new ofusion unexpected error |
2 |
iversons |
04-04-2007 10:16:47 |
Please add support for X64 Max 9 soon!!! |
1 |
gamekill |
04-04-2007 06:37:49 |
problem of disappearing object |
9 |
hinzabo |
03-04-2007 23:00:47 |
Problem with manual bone animation |
2 |
Odog87 |
03-04-2007 15:22:20 |
[SOLVED] Models are Black regardless of Material |
3 |
Axon |
03-04-2007 05:41:47 |
Lights don't work... |
5 |
mrfalken |
02-04-2007 09:49:09 |
buy the pro version |
7 |
stephenmax |
28-03-2007 08:52:10 |
What's happened to the "Blend" pass cfg option? |
2 |
Axon |
28-03-2007 08:43:44 |
oFusion dont likes mirrored objects??? |
3 |
3Diabolos |
28-03-2007 01:43:32 |
AABB bug when exporting objects in v1.6 => loading in Eih |
3 |
Lyve |
27-03-2007 19:17:17 |
[SOLVED]max crashs when change opacity in auto key mode |
5 |
kevinlan |
27-03-2007 04:10:55 |
animation |
9 |
hinzabo |
26-03-2007 21:44:23 |
texture problem |
8 |
hinzabo |
26-03-2007 00:37:02 |
Mogre + oFusion |
8 |
Eldritch |
25-03-2007 11:06:44 |
skeletal animation question |
5 |
mangoo |
24-03-2007 23:26:33 |
Some meshes dissapear at certain camera angles! |
2 |
Paulov |
24-03-2007 15:44:45 |
How can meshes be loaded and unloaded? [solved] |
6 |
Paulov |
24-03-2007 15:36:28 |
Support for v.1.6 PRO |
1 |
CrashTheuniversE |
23-03-2007 10:45:04 |
Unhandled exception exporting animation with version 1.8 |
8 |
Night Elf |
22-03-2007 20:26:07 |
keyframe animation question |
4 |
mangoo |
22-03-2007 12:43:23 |
Feature request: input negative digit |
2 |
gr8tact |
22-03-2007 11:56:25 |
Support vertex ( or Pose ) animations? |
2 |
Dail.Lee |
22-03-2007 06:12:33 |
Problems exporting a mesh with biped animation |
8 |
Ridhan |
18-03-2007 19:23:54 |
Scaling Problem with Env Map Sphere |
2 |
MatrixNAN |
18-03-2007 06:39:30 |
problems upgrading to newer ofusion |
7 |
jchmack |
17-03-2007 13:51:02 |
Coordinate problem when i export |
4 |
hinzabo |
17-03-2007 13:41:10 |
adding animations to existing meshes |
2 |
jchmack |
17-03-2007 12:54:12 |
Far attenuation spotlight nearly black |
2 |
Rak'kar |
16-03-2007 05:15:08 |
animation oFusion |
8 |
hinzabo |
15-03-2007 21:04:30 |
Undesired draw-order in ofusion viewport |
4 |
Ciron |
13-03-2007 05:52:19 |
Can't see skinned object in Max oFusion pane |
6 |
jwatte |
12-03-2007 01:58:55 |
problem with texture |
3 |
hinzabo |
11-03-2007 15:16:40 |
not seeing my objects in ogre |
6 |
mrm83 |
10-03-2007 05:19:49 |
Problems with lighting and animation. |
2 |
Gucman |
08-03-2007 10:10:13 |
How to set constant, linear, quadratic |
13 |
Rak'kar |
08-03-2007 02:53:59 |
Disabling Axis Rotations of oFusion exporter? |
2 |
Jules Robichaud Gagnon |
07-03-2007 17:09:09 |
compile problem |
6 |
mullen |
06-03-2007 00:49:59 |
Exported mesh doesn't overlap its OgreNewt Collision Box |
4 |
ncazanav |
03-03-2007 15:22:31 |
Baked UVW problem |
10 |
caceres |
02-03-2007 20:44:25 |
Problem with Child node |
2 |
™Cadue™ |
02-03-2007 18:25:20 |
broken video link |
1 |
wingnet |
01-03-2007 08:18:05 |
scaling problem... |
14 |
gr8tact |
01-03-2007 03:58:28 |
1.8 Terrain manager support |
4 |
Tubez |
27-02-2007 19:17:36 |
New CE 1.8 version with Max9 support |
20 |
Lioric |
27-02-2007 01:39:27 |
glsl and hlsl shaders |
5 |
ZeRaW |
25-02-2007 21:19:37 |
SceneNode not found |
4 |
WoutervD |
24-02-2007 13:50:41 |
Cameras Rotations and Animation Problems |
5 |
Colbey |
22-02-2007 15:37:06 |
strange animation.... |
1 |
gr8tact |
22-02-2007 11:37:14 |
How can we share generic animations between models ? |
6 |
adonf |
21-02-2007 12:17:53 |
Commercial license? |
2 |
Bagheera |
17-02-2007 13:16:22 |
max9 to max8 to ofusion 1.6, no skeleton file |
4 |
johnny wonder |
16-02-2007 18:35:11 |
Instances V2 + schematic nodes |
4 |
broli |
16-02-2007 00:08:20 |
oSceneLoader with Eihort? |
13 |
kintaro |
15-02-2007 15:44:40 |
oFusion and Rotations |
3 |
jtackabury |
14-02-2007 06:20:27 |
Bug: Light value changes not immediately reflected |
3 |
Rak'kar |
11-02-2007 20:55:56 |
Subentity export problem |
2 |
a__et_ |
11-02-2007 20:40:39 |
Red Green / Blue Arrows in oFusion |
4 |
jchmack |
10-02-2007 10:42:22 |
combining meshes. |
2 |
jchmack |
09-02-2007 11:53:17 |
Bone Animation Not Showing in Ogre |
6 |
mcarney |
07-02-2007 16:31:08 |
Problem with shadow |
6 |
kintaro |
06-02-2007 14:59:20 |
Lightmap used for blend |
2 |
™Cadue™ |
06-02-2007 13:26:39 |
Intergrate with particle system? |
11 |
kevinlan |
06-02-2007 09:03:32 |
How to orient objects correctly in oFusion to use in Ogre ? |
5 |
Windfall |
04-02-2007 01:22:52 |
Linker error! |
2 |
™Cadue™ |
02-02-2007 15:24:57 |
Grouping Animations |
3 |
Colbey |
02-02-2007 12:56:44 |
Scale animation and Key Optimizer |
3 |
Colbey |
01-02-2007 10:15:14 |
Feature request: Direct .material file support |
25 |
Rak'kar |
31-01-2007 18:55:54 |
.material export corruption |
9 |
Rak'kar |
31-01-2007 18:32:39 |
Multy SubObject problem |
5 |
H3d |
31-01-2007 17:34:21 |
Deduplicating node names for multiple scene loads |
3 |
Rak'kar |
31-01-2007 03:01:53 |
Error when selecting between two shaders for material. |
3 |
Rak'kar |
30-01-2007 21:44:54 |
How to export an object into .mesh file?? |
2 |
condeagustin |
30-01-2007 18:54:10 |
Strange problem with texture [solved] |
3 |
kintaro |
29-01-2007 19:53:23 |
Bug: max_lights not exported to .material |
4 |
Rak'kar |
28-01-2007 09:37:54 |
Bug: Tiling -> Scale Evaulate inversion |
2 |
Rak'kar |
28-01-2007 06:51:42 |
CE Version limitiations? |
2 |
Rak'kar |
27-01-2007 19:26:41 |
Billboards |
4 |
Rak'kar |
27-01-2007 19:24:34 |
StaticGeometry and forests. |
3 |
Jules Robichaud Gagnon |
27-01-2007 19:18:40 |
Vertex animation with CE version |
2 |
daedar |
27-01-2007 15:45:22 |
Technique pass always "alpha_rejection greater 128" |
5 |
Rak'kar |
26-01-2007 23:55:00 |
*Showstopper* Shader properties not saved/copied |
6 |
Rak'kar |
26-01-2007 23:33:15 |
xRef |
6 |
Rak'kar |
26-01-2007 20:06:56 |
sceneLoader compiling problems in release mode [solved] |
3 |
kintaro |
26-01-2007 15:40:50 |
Bug: Using groups results in double entities |
9 |
Rak'kar |
25-01-2007 23:29:53 |
Light brightness inverted in game |
6 |
Rak'kar |
25-01-2007 22:10:29 |
Who to email for registration |
4 |
Rak'kar |
22-01-2007 19:44:15 |
Inheritance of the OSMScene-class of the Scene Loader |
2 |
ocrim74 |
21-01-2007 18:43:03 |
Pivot Troubles |
2 |
maxwave |
19-01-2007 13:56:38 |
help me, I wants applying the motion capture(used BVH) |
2 |
young |
19-01-2007 05:02:08 |
modelling with planes |
4 |
Paulov |
18-01-2007 21:33:19 |
lighting help |
9 |
kneeride |
18-01-2007 11:09:04 |
combining objects into a single mesh |
3 |
jchmack |
13-01-2007 10:49:28 |
Things to improve |
2 |
Paulov |
12-01-2007 10:48:48 |
IK helpers use |
5 |
Gat |
12-01-2007 10:13:32 |
deformable vertex type in Physique modifier |
7 |
gr8tact |
12-01-2007 08:42:14 |
export scene scale |
4 |
telbooze |
12-01-2007 05:18:28 |
Next version? |
3 |
technik |
11-01-2007 15:17:32 |
Need Help - MAJOR NOOBIE! |
3 |
Flap-Jack |
09-01-2007 20:34:13 |
3ds + heightmap? |
4 |
kneeride |
09-01-2007 15:51:18 |
[solved] Problems with Example Loading Bar with oFusion |
8 |
kintaro |
09-01-2007 15:48:30 |
ofusion texture problem |
7 |
starbright |
09-01-2007 00:43:37 |
Formato .osm |
5 |
smernesto |
08-01-2007 04:08:58 |
Exporting standard unskinned biped |
2 |
JeDi |
06-01-2007 16:41:26 |
Bones |
3 |
H3d |
06-01-2007 15:01:09 |
vertex animations...HELP!! |
3 |
marc_antoine |
05-01-2007 18:25:21 |
How to smooth a previously animated mesh? |
4 |
Hansel |
04-01-2007 10:34:31 |
[solved]problems with CAD data |
1 |
Paulov |
03-01-2007 22:08:53 |
Problems with the first Tutorial in the oFusion Help file |
2 |
Heiner |
31-12-2006 17:53:54 |
biped or non-biped? |
5 |
kneeride |
30-12-2006 04:05:33 |
Not seeing all oFusion dialogs/windows in Max 7 |
3 |
RobSegal |
29-12-2006 05:47:04 |
OSM to DotScene(Octree) Converter 0.2 |
2 |
sharkyx |
29-12-2006 00:26:27 |
Error importing |
2 |
Lee04 |
27-12-2006 17:36:49 |
oFusion Video Tutorials |
5 |
AdamtehGreat |
27-12-2006 14:40:10 |
exported objects are not in the scene |
5 |
ahmedismaiel |
27-12-2006 10:19:07 |
Problem in 3dsmax 5.1 sp1 |
4 |
sakis |
27-12-2006 10:12:27 |
Exporting a rigged mesh |
2 |
Grom |
26-12-2006 15:21:37 |
o'Fusion Loader o'Headache |
7 |
clutch43 |
26-12-2006 11:56:47 |
World coordinate can't be set to .mesh file? |
5 |
zerlina |
22-12-2006 17:22:12 |
RT reflecting cars |
3 |
Paulov |
21-12-2006 10:28:33 |
"reflecting" windows in buildings |
17 |
Paulov |
21-12-2006 10:24:51 |
Problem with normals, I think |
5 |
18-12-2006 16:37:29 |
Lets Talk Money |
2 |
independentCreations |
18-12-2006 02:12:38 |
Impoting FX file into Ofusion and max |
5 |
Lee04 |
17-12-2006 13:46:58 |
Individual skeletal animation files |
1 |
aeyr |
14-12-2006 02:50:57 |
Exception when exporting object instances |
5 |
ergo |
13-12-2006 21:32:48 |
Elements + Bones problem |
2 |
kanney.chan |
13-12-2006 16:14:07 |
[bug] Shaders parameters values and regional settings |
8 |
sebarnolds |
11-12-2006 13:25:29 |
OSM culling and occlusion |
4 |
Evak |
09-12-2006 17:36:49 |
Exported mesh bounds has incorrect z values |
27 |
aeyr |
09-12-2006 03:39:09 |
Am I doing something wrong? (animations) |
2 |
Vvictor |
07-12-2006 03:07:14 |
Wrong orientation of objects |
4 |
Heiner |
06-12-2006 16:17:05 |
Newbie! Fmod with Ofusion |
3 |
alexnode |
05-12-2006 23:24:49 |
Beginner question about after exporting... |
4 |
Cliffius |
02-12-2006 17:14:39 |
Texture animation not working in oFusion view |
6 |
pixl |
29-11-2006 23:04:03 |
export problem with textures |
3 |
Paulov |
29-11-2006 22:59:43 |
[SOLVED] Error in generated meshes |
4 |
chan |
28-11-2006 21:28:54 |
Terrain advice |
2 |
kneeride |
27-11-2006 03:20:51 |
Mesh Normals |
18 |
Chris |
23-11-2006 20:14:32 |
Rendering order problem |
4 |
Al Capique |
23-11-2006 16:19:10 |
Converting Architectural Materials to oFusion Materials |
3 |
denef |
23-11-2006 13:21:51 |
problems importing vrml in 3ds |
4 |
taribo |
22-11-2006 23:32:15 |
CreateSkinBoneList() |
10 |
_Archic |
22-11-2006 20:25:31 |
An error has occurred and the application will now close |
3 |
kneeride |
22-11-2006 03:35:47 |
error when try to complie the DEmo_oSceneLoader |
2 |
pigboy_th |
21-11-2006 03:32:08 |
General purpose shader library |
6 |
Paulov |
20-11-2006 17:48:13 |
buyng the pro version |
5 |
marchelo |
17-11-2006 14:04:08 |
Render To Texture |
3 |
ar_fasih |
16-11-2006 08:38:12 |
Multi/Sub-object material - how to export to Ogre |
2 |
Windfall |
15-11-2006 18:42:33 |
export morph animation |
5 |
marchelo |
15-11-2006 15:31:14 |
Linker error for oFusion loader |
2 |
Mobius |
14-11-2006 22:06:46 |
Problems compiling oFusion |
8 |
Mobius |
14-11-2006 19:29:58 |
Exporting guid |
4 |
LostedInDreams |
14-11-2006 02:38:57 |
Exporter problem |
5 |
josericardo_jr |
13-11-2006 09:49:11 |
1.6 CE version gives error when installing |
4 |
Paulov |
12-11-2006 19:13:15 |
peas |
4 |
yuriythebest |
12-11-2006 15:17:44 |
I'm new so don't shoot me |
7 |
Duggz |
12-11-2006 09:59:25 |
OFusion Users Guide |
5 |
davesh |
11-11-2006 01:54:36 |
env_map spherical |
4 |
davesh |
10-11-2006 18:16:20 |
Animation export |
3 |
iversons |
10-11-2006 16:58:06 |
Cel (Toon) Shading help |
3 |
Marioko |
10-11-2006 16:18:09 |
vrml ofusion porting |
2 |
taribo |
10-11-2006 14:21:10 |
Max9? |
14 |
Logan |
10-11-2006 14:00:13 |
Problems in ofusion viewport and when exporting |
7 |
denef |
09-11-2006 14:09:59 |
New CE version |
1 |
Lioric |
09-11-2006 00:55:15 |
wrong skinning preview |
3 |
yuriythebest |
07-11-2006 16:02:25 |
Why the position of mesh is different with max object's? |
12 |
LuRenJia |
07-11-2006 15:28:59 |
cannot export some modeling data |
2 |
gr8tact |
07-11-2006 03:25:02 |
Very basic material tutorial? |
5 |
Madrayken |
06-11-2006 08:47:57 |
Problems with hardware shading |
2 |
Glew |
04-11-2006 18:48:50 |
Alpha problems |
3 |
sykirm |
02-11-2006 22:29:26 |
oFusion looses sky dome material |
2 |
artm |
02-11-2006 13:25:48 |
navigation in the oFusion view is difficult |
5 |
artm |
02-11-2006 13:20:53 |
lights appear at wrong places in scene |
3 |
artm |
02-11-2006 13:12:44 |
oFusion/3DS forgets where i like to save my exports |
5 |
artm |
02-11-2006 13:03:02 |
Importing materials |
4 |
oldfox |
01-11-2006 18:43:48 |
about MaxScript Exporter ( OGRE Toolbar ) |
5 |
papus |
01-11-2006 12:34:17 |
Does oFusion support exporting to share a skeleton with ... |
4 |
gr8tact |
31-10-2006 07:05:55 |
gave up on normals map tutorial |
38 |
yuriythebest |
30-10-2006 21:39:38 |
I have problems with textures |
5 |
adg |
30-10-2006 17:12:15 |
material crashes ogre[SOLVED] |
2 |
yuriythebest |
28-10-2006 16:35:16 |
oSceneLoaderLib : about scenemanager and scene settings |
3 |
sebarnolds |
27-10-2006 15:34:16 |
U/V tiling : error when evaluate + PRO/CE changelog ? |
3 |
sebarnolds |
27-10-2006 13:39:02 |
Texture shadows not shown in oFusion viewport (stencil are) |
5 |
sebarnolds |
27-10-2006 13:08:29 |
oFusion - with GOOF or Yake? |
5 |
Genie |
27-10-2006 11:57:10 |
lightmaping buildings _ _ _ |
7 |
Paulov |
26-10-2006 15:42:20 |
crazy geometry problems SOLVED and some things to improve. |
4 |
Paulov |
26-10-2006 10:56:26 |
oFusion for max 9? |
3 |
Rockin |
25-10-2006 23:05:51 |
When will be aviable oFusion for max9 ? |
2 |
vilgeits |
24-10-2006 12:48:37 |
How to batch fliping any inverted polygons after Reset XForm |
3 |
LuRenJia |
22-10-2006 17:23:40 |
Monkey shaders in max error |
9 |
rubenhonders |
22-10-2006 12:15:45 |
no v/p-shaders in max |
3 |
StefanH |
21-10-2006 10:55:57 |
Skeleton animation default pose definition |
3 |
Thunder0ne |
20-10-2006 10:33:40 |
help materials required for tuts-i cant find them!? |
2 |
n3XusSLO |
18-10-2006 20:20:26 |
Problems to export |
4 |
RedZaC |
18-10-2006 14:13:54 |
Coordinate Translations |
3 |
wspnut |
17-10-2006 02:52:27 |
OSM_viewer error |
16 |
rubenhonders |
15-10-2006 13:38:19 |
yet another multi texture topic |
2 |
Nudel |
14-10-2006 18:10:23 |
Problems exporting biped |
4 |
technik |
13-10-2006 16:41:18 |
Specular and bump script/material? |
2 |
Chris |
12-10-2006 14:28:11 |
2d in 3D hud |
3 |
Evak |
12-10-2006 05:56:31 |
Viewport Gibberish |
3 |
wspnut |
12-10-2006 05:43:20 |
Exporting multiple Max objects as single game entity? |
10 |
Pendulum |
11-10-2006 19:46:56 |
oSceneLoader - problems with shadows |
5 |
ebol |
11-10-2006 18:42:57 |
export stoped keyframe section |
3 |
whwu |
10-10-2006 10:00:42 |
Textures are not working on the Terrain |
4 |
hoffhoff |
10-10-2006 02:37:24 |
Bump mapping with multi lights |
5 |
ebol |
09-10-2006 13:38:10 |
No Omni |
2 |
terrachild |
09-10-2006 13:05:00 |
corrupt installer file |
2 |
Jelle Husson |
09-10-2006 08:59:32 |
oscene loader with /MDd in VC++ .NET 2003 |
7 |
tulio |
06-10-2006 21:23:53 |
.NET |
3 |
terrachild |
06-10-2006 05:07:56 |
attachToBone relative position and orientation |
3 |
Thunder0ne |
05-10-2006 13:34:33 |
setFarClipDistance dont work on my oFusion scene. |
2 |
ahmadi |
05-10-2006 05:49:14 |
just downloaded the current version |
5 |
whimsica |
05-10-2006 00:26:01 |
[Feature request] OFusion dont support Blend to Blend ! |
3 |
ahmadi |
04-10-2006 09:36:33 |
LOD - problems with LOD reduction value |
7 |
blackhound70 |
03-10-2006 00:22:46 |
help file corrupt |
2 |
blackhound70 |
02-10-2006 22:47:21 |
Exporting lines |
2 |
CaseyB |
02-10-2006 19:45:51 |
facial animation |
9 |
simgra |
01-10-2006 00:16:17 |
World geometry loading |
9 |
peter86 |
30-09-2006 16:44:50 |
Reproducable crash on Vertex Program Properties Editor dlg |
4 |
Davedub |
29-09-2006 20:20:02 |
Can't inicialize ERROR 126 |
2 |
Celldweller |
29-09-2006 12:25:07 |
Exporting a simple mesh |
3 |
hoffhoff |
28-09-2006 21:34:32 |
Screen black after exporting |
4 |
hafizawang |
28-09-2006 18:25:00 |
Render to texture problem. |
5 |
ahmadi |
28-09-2006 09:09:55 |
oFusion Viewport Disabled |
5 |
CaseyB |
27-09-2006 17:38:28 |
Bone problem |
3 |
josericardo_jr |
25-09-2006 16:12:44 |
Ofusion web page down - whats up? |
4 |
palrb |
25-09-2006 10:05:48 |
3DS Max Importer . |
2 |
ahmadi |
24-09-2006 11:09:56 |
Texture Problem in OFusion. |
3 |
ar_fasih |
22-09-2006 11:20:58 |
Cant view door animation in the Ofusion viewport?? |
2 |
arps |
22-09-2006 03:30:15 |
Animations mutating themselves |
1 |
HagNasty |
22-09-2006 02:11:53 |
Transparency problem |
5 |
bask |
21-09-2006 15:40:36 |
Animated Mesh Deforms (explodes) in oFusion Viewport |
2 |
taco |
20-09-2006 21:07:18 |
oFusion for gmax |
4 |
Anonymous |
20-09-2006 08:57:30 |
oFusion viewport affects 3ds Max's rotation? |
12 |
Pendulum |
20-09-2006 02:07:33 |
Grouping, assembly and duplication of relatively complex obj |
11 |
blackhound70 |
19-09-2006 14:49:17 |
Transparency and shadows.... |
3 |
blackhound70 |
18-09-2006 19:03:11 |
oFusion site: temporarily down or gone? |
3 |
Davedub |
18-09-2006 17:45:29 |
LOD, how to use it. |
3 |
Evak |
16-09-2006 17:52:20 |
how to use ofusion and collision with camera? |
2 |
arash |
15-09-2006 22:43:09 |
Multitexturing with ofusion - I need help |
3 |
adg |
15-09-2006 15:25:48 |
Error: error while using oFusion with 3DMax8 |
3 |
Indie |
15-09-2006 08:03:00 |
OSM + Animation Issue |
6 |
Markness |
15-09-2006 01:59:20 |
Export models with scale factor? |
3 |
pnyx |
12-09-2006 12:24:15 |
Instances and rotation |
7 |
MattyBoy |
12-09-2006 07:48:29 |
Compiling the release version crashes in OSMScene.h O_o |
3 |
txikomb |
11-09-2006 23:05:05 |
Problem with Export Static Geometry Groups |
2 |
roysai |
09-09-2006 20:04:23 |
Strange Artifacts On Exported Materials |
8 |
agoratim |
09-09-2006 17:00:30 |
Unable to export to.mesh |
5 |
exodus |
07-09-2006 20:23:28 |
Problem with "Using Render Monkey Shaders" Tutor. |
3 |
Danny |
07-09-2006 14:53:18 |
exporting object by itself |
7 |
whimsica |
07-09-2006 02:32:57 |
Parameters incorrecly exported |
4 |
Night Elf |
06-09-2006 18:09:13 |
About tutorial 4... |
3 |
ahmadi |
06-09-2006 12:21:27 |
OSM Loader |
3 |
iversons |
06-09-2006 12:12:46 |
Paging Landscape with oFusion? |
2 |
daedar |
06-09-2006 11:53:58 |
Update material dont work here [Has been solved]. |
4 |
ahmadi |
05-09-2006 20:06:47 |
Update for ofusion Tutorial wanted |
9 |
guk_guk41 |
05-09-2006 17:21:14 |
Previous version? |
2 |
samsaga2 |
05-09-2006 15:54:35 |
Snow mountain modelling ... |
9 |
ahmadi |
03-09-2006 19:41:03 |
Problem with terrain texture |
3 |
guyke |
02-09-2006 15:58:27 |
Transparency problem(s) |
8 |
blackhound70 |
01-09-2006 19:46:45 |
Problem with naming conventions |
3 |
guyke |
01-09-2006 19:02:30 |
Viewing in OFusion viewport shows objects scaled??? |
2 |
shriyam |
30-08-2006 21:55:45 |
transparency question |
3 |
yuriythebest |
30-08-2006 15:38:56 |
Problem with the Example Scenes? |
3 |
hangchon18 |
30-08-2006 03:37:48 |
Ofusion and my model don't get along. |
13 |
HagNasty |
29-08-2006 20:08:46 |
Material Library |
3 |
CaseyB |
29-08-2006 18:01:57 |
struggling with shader examples |
4 |
mkh42 |
28-08-2006 18:46:13 |
Creating OSM files in other apps |
4 |
kojack |
27-08-2006 09:12:35 |
New Hotfix |
12 |
Lioric |
25-08-2006 22:08:27 |
Problem with ocean example |
7 |
mkh42 |
25-08-2006 18:01:38 |
Problem with oFusion and Exterior_close scene manager |
6 |
daedar |
25-08-2006 14:09:49 |
Animating character skeleton and texture |
8 |
shriyam |
24-08-2006 19:57:57 |
Why I can not see the shader program options? |
7 |
surfirst |
24-08-2006 16:12:02 |
oFusion install problem - Max8 |
3 |
Valrus |
24-08-2006 07:05:31 |
Export Half Life Model |
2 |
josericardo_jr |
24-08-2006 04:43:34 |
oFusion difficulty in animating character model |
1 |
shriyam |
24-08-2006 01:28:08 |
OFusion don't export mesh position ! |
3 |
ahmadi |
24-08-2006 01:01:40 |
Shadow problem. |
10 |
ahmadi |
23-08-2006 19:30:13 |
Vertex animations |
4 |
txikomb |
23-08-2006 17:37:03 |
Bounding Box Problems |
2 |
nazworkshop |
23-08-2006 10:57:09 |
Stupid question related to the o_scene Demo... ¬_¬ |
6 |
txikomb |
22-08-2006 21:50:01 |
oFusion Tutorial crash |
14 |
CaseyB |
22-08-2006 17:23:13 |
Ofusion uninstall problem |
7 |
w1n5t0n |
22-08-2006 16:13:09 |
oFusion and mesh size |
3 |
daedar |
22-08-2006 15:04:22 |
Vertex buffer size does not agree with vertex declaration! |
5 |
flexinfo |
22-08-2006 14:07:18 |
The Ambient and 3DMAX standrad material problem |
8 |
Rick |
21-08-2006 14:38:11 |
ofusion- the next step |
3 |
yuriythebest |
20-08-2006 16:08:52 |
Custom Normals? |
3 |
pnyx |
20-08-2006 09:18:45 |
Ogre Logo messed up in new version. |
6 |
Max.Power |
19-08-2006 02:08:53 |
lightSpecularColor |
2 |
yuriythebest |
18-08-2006 16:07:49 |
osceneloader problem [SOLVED] |
3 |
yuriythebest |
17-08-2006 12:55:33 |
multitexturing with multiple UV sets? |
2 |
sazlin |
17-08-2006 00:58:10 |
normal maps and alpha? |
2 |
AlexP |
15-08-2006 19:45:05 |
Problem with Pixel Shader |
9 |
Marioko |
14-08-2006 19:54:50 |
help me (some texture dose not mapping) |
2 |
ylnagra |
14-08-2006 05:25:10 |
About Pose Export in the new version |
3 |
ma3se |
11-08-2006 09:54:24 |
Problem with bone attached to biped |
5 |
11-08-2006 06:07:07 |
.Mesh Files Don't Display Upon Export |
7 |
Novian |
10-08-2006 02:21:43 |
Object size and positionning. |
7 |
blackhound70 |
09-08-2006 20:18:08 |
Viewport lock up |
9 |
blackhound70 |
09-08-2006 20:11:07 |
Anybody have bones pro? will it export with ofusion |
2 |
whimsica |
09-08-2006 01:15:28 |
Animation problems in oFusion |
3 |
vital_render |
08-08-2006 13:21:37 |
rigid bodies (like robot's) animation |
2 |
Celldweller |
08-08-2006 12:26:45 |
Submeshes |
5 |
Evak |
07-08-2006 20:44:14 |
Problems Loading Materials with .osm File |
3 |
Ohndei |
07-08-2006 19:29:52 |
linked bone export problem |
6 |
klaizard |
07-08-2006 09:24:12 |
3dstudio 8 error when follow ofusion tutorial 1 |
3 |
speedwago |
06-08-2006 17:41:27 |
Material Pass Alpha Blend Problem in new version of oFusion |
3 |
mybios |
06-08-2006 14:12:40 |
DirecX9 rendering issue |
8 |
Evak |
04-08-2006 20:27:24 |
Problem: Near Clip Planes Issue? |
6 |
spike |
03-08-2006 04:41:59 |
Object not displayed |
4 |
Xavier |
02-08-2006 04:16:33 |
oFusion doesn't render the volume light made in 3d MAX |
3 |
vital_render |
01-08-2006 21:29:02 |
Problems exporting large scene |
5 |
gerds |
01-08-2006 08:49:36 |
New Version (Details for upgrading from previous) |
10 |
Lioric |
01-08-2006 02:26:17 |
New Version - SMax8 |
3 |
Adler |
31-07-2006 19:58:49 |
Morph animation |
2 |
manowar |
31-07-2006 13:33:54 |
Lights problem |
7 |
blinkseb |
30-07-2006 02:06:03 |
New version problem |
6 |
Chris |
29-07-2006 18:58:30 |
New version |
22 |
Lioric |
29-07-2006 04:02:41 |
Mesh export problem |
5 |
professor420 |
28-07-2006 09:32:05 |
Problem with animation - entity |
2 |
yoda |
28-07-2006 09:03:49 |
i could not use ofussion ocean scene in ogre. |
2 |
myofusion |
27-07-2006 04:59:57 |
Tag node/dummy node with skeleton files |
2 |
Evak |
26-07-2006 18:33:11 |
mesh that deforms with the animation [Solved] |
9 |
Celldweller |
26-07-2006 14:04:34 |
sword exports separately from character |
6 |
hike1 |
25-07-2006 17:42:07 |
Visual Studio 2005 and Importing |
4 |
irishstu |
25-07-2006 15:01:35 |
Material LOD works in viewports not in my app |
3 |
Evak |
24-07-2006 23:23:43 |
animation problems??[solved] |
3 |
Celldweller |
24-07-2006 19:52:18 |
"Caught exception in GetSkinVertexData()" |
2 |
nazworkshop |
24-07-2006 04:29:09 |
Material Limitations |
2 |
oatz |
23-07-2006 18:23:07 |
Any good reference docs of material script editing ? |
2 |
wharl |
22-07-2006 16:57:26 |
Simple animation |
4 |
blinkseb |
21-07-2006 13:22:19 |
How to export Alpha_dynamic object in osm? |
5 |
wharl |
21-07-2006 12:19:31 |
Crash with stencil shadows in Dagon application |
2 |
nedelman |
21-07-2006 07:36:50 |
Multi-sub . . .missing somethign |
3 |
oatz |
21-07-2006 01:31:50 |
Execution bug - access violation |
3 |
yoda |
20-07-2006 10:30:11 |
To load several animations in one file.osm |
4 |
wharl |
20-07-2006 10:14:16 |
Help needed for a newbie (transparency and texture anim) |
7 |
blackhound70 |
19-07-2006 19:53:22 |
I need help |
4 |
adg |
19-07-2006 16:12:08 |
Ogre ViewWindow crashes |
9 |
cloud |
19-07-2006 15:21:47 |
Running oFusion on a machine as a non-administrator? |
9 |
sazlin |
14-07-2006 18:46:21 |
Performance problem with scene oFusion exported |
7 |
LuRenJia |
12-07-2006 16:04:35 |
Importing from .mesh to 3ds max + Tutorial help |
8 |
Zas |
12-07-2006 13:05:34 |
a newbie wants to make an architectural virtual tour... |
3 |
k2k |
11-07-2006 04:38:12 |
animated character's weight |
6 |
klaizard |
11-07-2006 03:35:32 |
Setqueryflags in oFusion |
4 |
kintaro |
10-07-2006 21:15:55 |
Decals [Solved] |
7 |
Rockin |
10-07-2006 16:36:25 |
Mesh export - flip Y and Z axis ? |
7 |
Varity |
09-07-2006 02:48:20 |
Totally Lost with Animation Exporting |
5 |
guitarlover |
08-07-2006 08:53:45 |
oFusion Crippled my Whole Neighbourhood. |
3 |
Max.Power |
07-07-2006 23:48:20 |
Textures Not Working |
3 |
Kuri |
06-07-2006 11:09:32 |
different kind of transparencys |
2 |
Nudel |
04-07-2006 22:43:48 |
rendermonkey to ofusion help plz |
8 |
Mike_H |
01-07-2006 19:53:40 |
oFusion and Dagon |
10 |
samsaga2 |
30-06-2006 20:14:53 |
Importing animations list. HOW ???? |
7 |
Ioann |
30-06-2006 14:11:02 |
Converting Architectual Lighting and Materials |
5 |
Dklimchuk |
29-06-2006 09:20:26 |
Number of multi/sub-object slot support? |
2 |
ghostlake |
27-06-2006 04:15:31 |
Child linked object export is not valid |
3 |
maxwave |
26-06-2006 23:03:38 |
normal mapping meshes with hard edges |
2 |
Evak |
26-06-2006 21:24:07 |
Financed Ogre and Ofusion projects? |
1 |
Logan |
26-06-2006 16:56:26 |
how to join O fusion team ? |
2 |
Lauvernier |
26-06-2006 16:25:11 |
import .mesh to 3ds max and use oFusion |
4 |
cycheng |
26-06-2006 07:12:43 |
Light placeholder toggle for Ofusion viewport |
5 |
Evak |
22-06-2006 18:39:18 |
Lightmaps & Multi-map Sub-Object...again prolly |
4 |
Layre |
22-06-2006 15:07:37 |
mesh selections to multiple ogre submeshes/subentities |
3 |
a__et_ |
22-06-2006 12:37:38 |
A good tutorial for UV mapping (?) |
3 |
blackhound70 |
22-06-2006 03:47:40 |
Problem with tutorial videos |
3 |
alejandro |
22-06-2006 02:04:07 |
Animated Character Problems |
11 |
Wrathchild |
21-06-2006 03:52:02 |
Visual C++ express |
9 |
Logan |
21-06-2006 01:36:54 |
skeleton exporting problem |
3 |
corefans |
20-06-2006 16:31:20 |
ST_EXTERIOR_REAL_FAR wiht oSceneLoaderDemo [Solved] |
3 |
kintaro |
20-06-2006 16:31:08 |
Grouping objects and resetXForm |
10 |
Layre |
20-06-2006 02:10:15 |
Noob question: error when trying to use load library[SOLVED] |
6 |
pidmaster |
19-06-2006 23:06:09 |
texturing with vertex colors |
4 |
markuss |
18-06-2006 12:45:51 |
Opacity - Some objects are missing. |
3 |
Nudel |
18-06-2006 09:21:49 |
Multiple Materials |
7 |
Layre |
17-06-2006 03:04:24 |
General questions looking for an answer |
2 |
Paulov |
16-06-2006 15:09:15 |
Deforming animations |
2 |
agoratim |
15-06-2006 03:16:15 |
Help me, i can't get bone/skin working |
6 |
corefans |
14-06-2006 17:32:15 |
Material naming with attached meshes (Multi/Sub-object) |
5 |
theatrus |
13-06-2006 08:47:47 |
Dupe material names |
6 |
Evak |
13-06-2006 00:30:02 |
Fooling around with the tool |
4 |
Logan |
12-06-2006 17:58:44 |
pivot settings and scene XML "rotation" tag |
1 |
Thunder0ne |
10-06-2006 22:14:17 |
i have some probles to build oscene loader demo |
2 |
1ch82 |
10-06-2006 12:21:17 |
HotFixes |
4 |
ricardo_arango |
09-06-2006 22:30:03 |
Problem with physic when load new scene |
1 |
kintaro |
09-06-2006 18:51:24 |
How I can make a complete scene with global illumination |
8 |
Danny |
09-06-2006 15:04:59 |
Next update? |
14 |
DaCracker |
08-06-2006 07:43:53 |
textures with alpha fail when shadows are active |
1 |
Paulov |
06-06-2006 20:50:44 |
Improvement request: Remove animation from list in export |
2 |
index_fdv |
05-06-2006 21:30:46 |
Ofusion different view modes? |
5 |
Colbey |
05-06-2006 17:05:00 |
Streched meshes |
5 |
chan |
05-06-2006 14:58:22 |
ProVersion ?? |
4 |
Alienforce |
04-06-2006 23:52:52 |
Hardware skinning in Ogre View |
5 |
pasman |
03-06-2006 19:26:30 |
oFusion dont show the ogre SceneManager |
8 |
irado |
03-06-2006 03:39:23 |
some textures display dark, nearly black [SOLVED] [REOPENED] |
7 |
Paulov |
02-06-2006 23:37:20 |
bug: script error on removing lods |
3 |
Vectrex |
02-06-2006 11:38:20 |
Anim_texture feature |
3 |
ElricDog |
01-06-2006 16:28:26 |
get more money in the games |
5 |
sandy168798 |
01-06-2006 05:34:13 |
Texture Modulative shadows? Fog? |
20 |
Chris |
01-06-2006 01:38:22 |
3dmax 7 mapping problems |
12 |
rubenhonders |
31-05-2006 18:58:06 |
Scene wont load |
3 |
Nudel |
31-05-2006 15:10:47 |
Overexposed lighting? |
9 |
Chris |
31-05-2006 12:45:40 |
Problems when loading a new scene |
2 |
kintaro |
30-05-2006 20:56:52 |
How to get rid of this alpha problem? |
2 |
Chris |
30-05-2006 15:21:14 |
Xref Objects |
2 |
martijntijn |
30-05-2006 13:48:57 |
Two sided polygons? |
7 |
Chris |
30-05-2006 13:40:42 |
Exporter error |
3 |
Hell656 |
27-05-2006 21:10:05 |
Changing the reflection in the Ocean sample max file(SOLVED) |
3 |
Evak |
26-05-2006 19:08:27 |
Problem with Render to Texture |
2 |
Hansel |
26-05-2006 16:48:55 |
render super problems are killing me [SOLVED] |
9 |
Paulov |
25-05-2006 12:45:50 |
Disappearing model with skin applied. |
3 |
MrColossal |
24-05-2006 21:29:59 |
Exporting from SMD ( Half Life ) |
2 |
josericardo_jr |
23-05-2006 17:11:34 |
how to? |
3 |
bravery |
23-05-2006 14:25:40 |
Problem compiling ofusion scene loader sample |
7 |
Aldebarande |
22-05-2006 00:08:29 |
Mesh LOD |
3 |
Rockin |
21-05-2006 20:44:44 |
SpecBump shaders, not working with oFusion [SOLVED] |
20 |
Foxer |
21-05-2006 18:49:45 |
Cant get it to work help?(solved) |
4 |
travis |
20-05-2006 13:57:17 |
object animation names |
4 |
ChrisC |
19-05-2006 05:00:40 |
instance problems as well |
6 |
gerds |
17-05-2006 09:39:03 |
Questions: Skeletal howto, normalmapping on skinned? |
5 |
Chosker |
17-05-2006 04:05:52 |
Bug putting a new material file [SOLVED] |
3 |
kintaro |
16-05-2006 21:28:38 |
Crash bug and various suggestions |
6 |
Vectrex |
16-05-2006 12:10:40 |
anyone having reoccuring instance problems |
20 |
Evak |
15-05-2006 06:35:13 |
ogre / ofusion creating textures - falloff settings |
2 |
dragonfly_ofusion |
13-05-2006 08:52:48 |
Max User-defined properties |
18 |
ChrisC |
12-05-2006 08:01:40 |
Quick question about reflections in the ocean example |
3 |
Evak |
11-05-2006 18:57:16 |
just installed ofusion - how do i set it up |
5 |
dragonfly_ofusion |
10-05-2006 16:44:05 |
How to export multiple animations into one .skeleton file? |
2 |
lance |
10-05-2006 14:12:28 |
Mesh/Character Animation Problems...MAX models...Need help |
2 |
amowatt |
09-05-2006 18:58:27 |
No animation in my oFusion exported meshes! |
6 |
herber89ttt |
09-05-2006 17:53:07 |
activating light attenuation causes specularity prob |
2 |
dupleg |
09-05-2006 11:32:12 |
cubemap material 3dsmax -noob |
3 |
dhymers |
09-05-2006 00:40:35 |
oFusion display Problem |
6 |
bravery |
06-05-2006 18:43:39 |
Lightmapping woes |
2 |
Martins1 |
06-05-2006 10:18:38 |
Issue when loading .mesh/.material created with oFusion |
5 |
idamien |
05-05-2006 21:12:35 |
About RenderMonkey Shaders integration.... |
3 |
Aldebarande |
05-05-2006 19:03:53 |
Problem to export skinned character |
5 |
manowar |
04-05-2006 16:14:00 |
Max Pivot Point and Links |
4 |
tsky |
04-05-2006 10:48:21 |
Very little script for convert from osm to scene file format |
1 |
samsaga2 |
02-05-2006 08:16:24 |
Does OSM support animation |
2 |
maxxoros |
29-04-2006 08:39:04 |
Dubious code failing Smaller type check /RTCc |
1 |
imtrobin |
28-04-2006 20:49:12 |
Max 8 Service Pack 3 released |
2 |
Evak |
28-04-2006 18:28:42 |
Loading screen when loading an OSM |
3 |
maxxoros |
28-04-2006 05:58:56 |
3DSMax Problem when i import a model it say multiplie Sel... |
4 |
wolfmanfx |
26-04-2006 22:40:15 |
Plz HotFix or Quikhack PLSM2... |
6 |
wolfmanfx |
26-04-2006 21:09:00 |
Heightmap postion |
2 |
maxxoros |
26-04-2006 06:16:27 |
Load, Unload an OSM scene. |
2 |
maxxoros |
26-04-2006 05:53:06 |
GameObjects ? |
4 |
Alienforce |
25-04-2006 15:18:20 |
OSM Exporter for Maya |
12 |
maxxoros |
25-04-2006 12:40:18 |
The background color and lightcolor (ambient) can not loaded |
4 |
maxxoros |
25-04-2006 12:29:45 |
Anyone got pre-compiled 3dssceneexporter |
1 |
odie_dog |
25-04-2006 07:29:47 |
Light Attenuation |
5 |
BergBoy |
24-04-2006 03:42:16 |
Questions about Vertex Color, Textures and Vertex Alpha |
10 |
GenericBum |
24-04-2006 02:45:12 |
Request: New modifier |
4 |
BlasterN |
23-04-2006 14:54:17 |
Help exporting character |
2 |
c.y.p.h.e.r |
23-04-2006 02:51:58 |
Creating an FPS Map |
7 |
rubasurex |
23-04-2006 01:44:32 |
Visibility track |
3 |
Evak |
20-04-2006 17:46:14 |
I cannot separate Animation during export.. |
3 |
wolfmanfx |
19-04-2006 18:36:51 |
#define TIXML_USE_STL won't compile, without doesn't look r. |
2 |
AntonyCoder |
19-04-2006 12:20:03 |
shader system not active? |
8 |
jchmack |
18-04-2006 23:00:47 |
Black screen on load a osm file with terrain.cfg |
9 |
kintaro |
18-04-2006 21:51:22 |
Terrain loading shows nothing... |
4 |
wolfmanfx |
18-04-2006 16:50:05 |
Corruption of mesh in oFusion viewport in 3ds 8 |
5 |
AshMcConnell |
17-04-2006 12:48:13 |
Feature Request Move and Resize Object in Fusion Viewport |
4 |
wolfmanfx |
17-04-2006 12:10:02 |
More than 4 passes? |
3 |
Knives |
16-04-2006 22:58:14 |
Ogre viewport option not displaying in 3dsmax 8 |
6 |
Therion |
16-04-2006 21:55:33 |
*noob* multitexturing a complex building |
15 |
simple |
16-04-2006 17:14:45 |
Not sure what I am doing wrong |
7 |
Steve.Dev |
16-04-2006 09:27:17 |
OSM to DotScene(Octree) Converter 0.1 |
20 |
sharkyx |
16-04-2006 03:52:31 |
Dagon build problem with corona scene |
7 |
imtrobin |
15-04-2006 12:46:30 |
missing videos from ofusion website |
4 |
freeschwag |
15-04-2006 02:24:42 |
LightList: iterating (a sample code needed) |
2 |
14-04-2006 13:48:36 |
max8 crash when opening ogre viewport |
8 |
rovar |
14-04-2006 07:40:22 |
RenderMonkey and SpecularBump map tutorial added |
16 |
Lioric |
14-04-2006 02:15:29 |
why the textureunit did not support the 'modulate_x2' mode? |
2 |
corefans |
13-04-2006 09:07:29 |
Finaly got the Scene loader Working, BUT only 97.3%! |
5 |
Evak |
13-04-2006 01:27:53 |
Cool |
2 |
Logan |
12-04-2006 18:08:08 |
Any Ofusion news soon? |
21 |
Lee04 |
12-04-2006 15:50:12 |
Export Coordinates Problem |
8 |
l0die |
11-04-2006 18:42:27 |
Pixel Shader Error |
5 |
l0die |
11-04-2006 18:23:08 |
Exporting .mesh objects |
3 |
Evak |
11-04-2006 07:30:04 |
Fps counter ? |
5 |
BenO |
10-04-2006 18:08:01 |
exporting a material for each object. |
9 |
efkoj |
10-04-2006 00:58:40 |
Facial Animation |
5 |
BlasterN |
09-04-2006 21:10:29 |
Exporting w/ fusion |
15 |
hizdudeness |
07-04-2006 19:14:07 |
The basics of opacity map? And texture modulative problem? |
6 |
Chris |
06-04-2006 20:26:19 |
renderOneFrame() in OSM Callback |
5 |
celic |
06-04-2006 15:07:28 |
Vertex colors |
4 |
Logan |
06-04-2006 11:54:41 |
Loading .OSM Files dynamically at run time |
2 |
blackcaprice |
05-04-2006 11:41:20 |
Loading .OSM Files dynamically at run time |
3 |
blackcaprice |
05-04-2006 11:40:05 |
Amateur questions about bump spec and sky :) |
19 |
isatche |
05-04-2006 03:45:39 |
some problems i encounterd (bugs?) |
7 |
efkoj |
04-04-2006 00:29:22 |
(Request) basic realtime render stuff like Billboards |
3 |
Evak |
03-04-2006 04:16:23 |
Confusing export transformations |
10 |
Digitalghost |
03-04-2006 01:30:24 |
Example Shader to render the complete scene in texture? |
3 |
wolfmanfx |
02-04-2006 21:52:41 |
Anywere except putfile.com for tutorial movies? |
5 |
ahmadi |
02-04-2006 14:16:24 |
Tips section |
3 |
c.y.p.h.e.r |
01-04-2006 23:38:36 |
Unresolved external symbols when linking. |
14 |
AntonyCoder |
01-04-2006 21:11:27 |
Animation in tutorials 2 and 3 not exported? |
14 |
imtrobin |
01-04-2006 16:36:27 |
How to install oFusion? |
5 |
31-03-2006 22:01:12 |
Problems with animation |
3 |
pixl |
31-03-2006 14:10:34 |
Mesh entities? |
4 |
bennyx |
31-03-2006 14:03:51 |
How can i import a heightmap to oFusion? |
10 |
wolfmanfx |
31-03-2006 12:11:02 |
Do ofusion support "pose animation"? |
3 |
ngd3v |
31-03-2006 06:20:11 |
.osm XML Schema |
4 |
dan |
30-03-2006 18:30:07 |
3dsmax objects seem displaced on viewport and exported .mesh |
4 |
ikiepu |
30-03-2006 15:54:11 |
scalling problem. |
6 |
ahmadi |
29-03-2006 20:21:44 |
Question from Ofusion author? |
6 |
ahmadi |
29-03-2006 01:50:09 |
Shaders and textures... |
5 |
bennyx |
28-03-2006 18:07:25 |
Feature Request: Collision Export |
15 |
pixl |
28-03-2006 15:33:27 |
Specular Bump Mapping |
3 |
Zach Griffin |
28-03-2006 13:17:52 |
Problems loading .osm ("You have not created a camera y |
1 |
Nowec |
28-03-2006 12:28:33 |
Fixed scale issues with demo based applications |
1 |
Lioric |
28-03-2006 00:41:31 |
SceneLoader Lib updated for Dagon |
4 |
Lioric |
28-03-2006 00:32:34 |
When come the Dev. edtion? |
3 |
wolfmanfx |
27-03-2006 09:30:35 |
Exporting Shaders? |
6 |
me_go_fast |
26-03-2006 18:58:24 |
Accessing to each material/mesh after loading... |
4 |
ahmadi |
26-03-2006 15:07:00 |
How can i export a scene that have not any light? |
11 |
ahmadi |
24-03-2006 20:06:51 |
Thank you for oFusion, its very nice!!! |
2 |
ahmadi |
24-03-2006 19:56:12 |
[SOLVED] *.hlsl and *.fx files? |
3 |
bennyx |
24-03-2006 18:57:49 |
Is there a chat room for OFusion ? |
3 |
ahmadi |
24-03-2006 16:22:34 |
After runnig i have a empty scene!! [Solved] |
10 |
ahmadi |
24-03-2006 13:28:41 |
Instances and meshes |
11 |
Naicigam |
23-03-2006 15:12:19 |
OFusion can work with PreBuilded models in 3DSMax? [Solved] |
3 |
ahmadi |
22-03-2006 11:29:50 |
Opacity - Animation |
8 |
blinkseb |
22-03-2006 10:17:42 |
error has occured in application |
4 |
irado |
21-03-2006 23:39:12 |
Exporting Splines as camera tracks |
2 |
regres2 |
21-03-2006 20:01:39 |
shadows? |
12 |
merch |
21-03-2006 05:19:42 |
External : (Skeletal Only)? |
5 |
christianboutin.com |
21-03-2006 01:52:32 |
oSceneLoaderLib for Dagon |
3 |
Nowec |
20-03-2006 21:30:41 |
Exporting animation bug (Modifier Stack error) |
2 |
sanfir |
20-03-2006 19:37:03 |
Physique animation export problem |
3 |
christianboutin.com |
19-03-2006 20:36:50 |
Cannot assign to read-only variable: ogreMaterial |
3 |
christianboutin.com |
19-03-2006 17:24:50 |
first step help |
5 |
is01sjjj |
19-03-2006 10:56:13 |
Problems with Ofusion & max 8 [solved] |
3 |
BlasterN |
18-03-2006 14:05:45 |
Problem with animation blending -> feature request |
4 |
mikachu |
17-03-2006 15:50:17 |
*noob* Animation Question |
4 |
JohnShields |
17-03-2006 13:34:11 |
Bones and meshes |
6 |
Ju |
17-03-2006 00:33:53 |
Blend Modes |
3 |
Evak |
16-03-2006 23:52:33 |
persistent crash hard reset bug? |
3 |
Evak |
16-03-2006 18:36:20 |
Persistent crash when accessing material editor |
14 |
Ajare |
15-03-2006 22:57:18 |
Lots of exported problems with huge scene |
14 |
gerds |
15-03-2006 08:55:41 |
having trouble multitexturing with multiple UV's (SOLVED) |
6 |
Evak |
15-03-2006 08:20:17 |
inverted shadows on close geometry |
5 |
NHunter |
14-03-2006 15:19:01 |
render crazy and instable |
6 |
vegetal |
13-03-2006 18:15:01 |
Transparency? |
3 |
me_go_fast |
12-03-2006 19:07:17 |
problem in exporter !? |
3 |
ngd3v |
12-03-2006 16:17:44 |
Shader list empty? |
2 |
cobra8472 |
12-03-2006 09:21:17 |
While using scene:exterior close - missing CEGUI arrow |
4 |
Genie |
11-03-2006 18:25:04 |
OSMSceneCallbacks method |
9 |
NHunter |
11-03-2006 17:34:47 |
Hunting for a relief shader to use |
2 |
Logan |
09-03-2006 22:09:18 |
Resource group |
2 |
JeDi |
09-03-2006 19:10:33 |
Copy textures |
4 |
JeDi |
09-03-2006 18:35:31 |
Light Attenuation |
5 |
thelegacy |
09-03-2006 14:38:53 |
Cubic texture and fog |
3 |
Kanma |
07-03-2006 15:26:00 |
Feature Request: XML source file |
3 |
tsky |
07-03-2006 14:00:28 |
createRayQuery question |
4 |
Genie |
07-03-2006 13:10:00 |
N00b alert! - few q |
15 |
Genie |
06-03-2006 17:11:30 |
Export Bug using Ofusion Ogrematerial 3DSMax8 SP2+powBoolean |
9 |
Lee04 |
05-03-2006 11:19:11 |
[Solved]Newbie question - oSceneLoader Demo with Dagon |
13 |
Bapt |
05-03-2006 01:14:22 |
oSceneLoaderLib: Assertion on pRep |
3 |
Nowec |
04-03-2006 23:59:52 |
Static geometry |
4 |
Nowec |
04-03-2006 23:55:03 |
problems with alpha channel |
6 |
vegetal |
03-03-2006 14:22:42 |
some questions |
2 |
ealis2001 |
03-03-2006 14:11:21 |
oFusion and Dagon ? |
6 |
macdarwin |
03-03-2006 13:18:35 |
New Version 02032006 |
11 |
Lioric |
03-03-2006 00:22:59 |
How does oFusion support interior scene exportation? |
2 |
surfirst |
02-03-2006 16:40:41 |
material lod index |
1 |
franticnick |
02-03-2006 10:25:44 |
Environment Map Question |
5 |
Zach Griffin |
28-02-2006 14:18:36 |
[FIXED] Vertex colour problem |
8 |
kojack |
28-02-2006 05:45:05 |
Newbie? Question, lights go throught models [SOLVED] |
6 |
DragoN1982 |
27-02-2006 22:35:17 |
Map Channel / Texturing in Ogre |
4 |
ncazanav |
26-02-2006 21:10:34 |
Exporter Dialog |
4 |
efkoj |
26-02-2006 12:25:21 |
Blender version? |
2 |
ZephyrXero |
26-02-2006 01:28:16 |
Error when intializing shadows |
2 |
cobra8472 |
25-02-2006 20:48:16 |
Transparent matierals solid colors |
7 |
krazyscotsman |
24-02-2006 19:52:07 |
Destroying the scene. |
2 |
Darkness |
22-02-2006 19:51:50 |
How can I define points? |
17 |
mikachu |
22-02-2006 17:22:48 |
Normalisation cubemap |
6 |
IN_human |
22-02-2006 09:51:35 |
Crash with OpenGL viewport |
1 |
mikachu |
21-02-2006 23:18:50 |
Max5.1 sp1 problem |
5 |
Denis |
20-02-2006 22:06:11 |
Strange Rendering errors. |
3 |
cobra8472 |
20-02-2006 00:55:53 |
feature request : Morph targets export |
3 |
Dr_Amr |
19-02-2006 21:42:35 |
duplicated content in OSM export file when grouping objects |
2 |
ergo |
19-02-2006 10:25:37 |
my project. really stuck! |
2 |
Bilbob |
18-02-2006 20:05:26 |
Z as up vector |
14 |
ahmedismaiel |
18-02-2006 17:08:08 |
OpenGL shaders support? |
7 |
pez |
18-02-2006 16:41:46 |
oFusion tutorial problem with applying shader |
5 |
Bilbob |
18-02-2006 10:15:43 |
getting a .skeleton file for the mesh from max7 |
2 |
Bilbob |
18-02-2006 09:19:07 |
Very idiot question.. |
8 |
Crashy |
17-02-2006 15:16:43 |
Ogre Viewport Crashes |
3 |
Rockin |
17-02-2006 11:28:32 |
Yake oFusion support |
1 |
Vectrex |
17-02-2006 07:37:27 |
Incorect LIGHTMAP blending |
10 |
NeoPain |
16-02-2006 23:19:24 |
Installing |
3 |
goodtim |
16-02-2006 18:01:27 |
Texture Atlas and Lighting Map |
12 |
nikki |
16-02-2006 17:00:05 |
Questions... Questions |
2 |
Logan |
16-02-2006 15:14:28 |
[FIXED] Linked child object at wrong position in viewport |
4 |
Kanma |
16-02-2006 10:16:10 |
What if... |
3 |
NeoPain |
15-02-2006 16:59:38 |
[Bug] Crash on Ogre Material discard |
5 |
Horizon |
14-02-2006 13:33:35 |
3D volume texture support and per-pixel displacment shader |
3 |
Lee04 |
14-02-2006 12:31:01 |
Loader/Exporter customization possible? |
8 |
vintersorg |
14-02-2006 11:52:36 |
Physique animation?? |
12 |
MrX_ua |
14-02-2006 03:09:22 |
[help] Problem with shader from ocean demo. |
3 |
13-02-2006 23:59:17 |
[FIXED] Link problem |
3 |
borous |
13-02-2006 21:39:06 |
Animation export problem |
3 |
borous |
13-02-2006 19:58:43 |
Ogre Material in MentalRay |
2 |
Rockin |
13-02-2006 18:03:15 |
[FIXED] Strange oFusion viewport results |
6 |
13-02-2006 16:29:22 |
[FIXED] Error exporting mesh |
4 |
kandhalt |
13-02-2006 11:31:01 |
[MOVED] Where can i find shader used to generate the flare? |
3 |
pixl |
12-02-2006 19:45:22 |
New Update 12022006 |
9 |
Lioric |
12-02-2006 19:04:15 |
Loading OSM scenes into our projects.... |
4 |
Darkness |
11-02-2006 17:54:42 |
[FIXED] Character Studio Repositioning/Scaling problem |
4 |
culboji |
11-02-2006 15:16:23 |
No plugins for Max5.1? |
2 |
xgomez |
11-02-2006 12:42:12 |
[FIXED] Exporting problems |
5 |
Tyn |
11-02-2006 00:35:02 |
objects positioning |
14 |
ahmedismaiel |
10-02-2006 22:53:42 |
Scene scale |
2 |
kojack |
10-02-2006 18:31:04 |
[FIXED] Exporting materials |
8 |
Tyn |
10-02-2006 12:54:14 |
OSM_Viewer |
29 |
09-02-2006 23:39:40 |
OSM is optimized for...? |
2 |
Xavier |
09-02-2006 19:15:20 |
Congratulations! |
16 |
jacmoe |
09-02-2006 17:32:02 |
[Help] Sub-objects modes not showing |
2 |
09-02-2006 17:30:56 |
What is oFusion? |
1 |
09-02-2006 13:47:57 |